However, the man smiled helplessly and said;

"Miss, with all due respect, you shouldn't think about this until you are completely awake. There is no one named Henry Jane among us. I don't know how you know us, but it is not difficult to guess that the thing may be a shadow."

Immediately next to him, another crew member who tried hard to crack open the coconut and drank it all in one gulp came over and said;

"Yes, there is no one with this name on the Caitlin. In fact, when you regain your memory for a while, you will find that there is no such person at all, but you don't need to worry too much, this is normal."

Alice Letasha's face was very ugly. A bad thought appeared in her mind, so she asked doubtfully;

"But if someone dies, everyone will forget about that person, right?"

The first crew member shook his head to clear up her confusion;

"This is not the case, although we will be bewitched by the phantom on the ship, so that this phenomenon occurs. In fact, we can resurrect those who have died when we are bewitched by the phantom on the ship. But the thing is, when we're away from the coast and on land, that disorienting effect quickly wears off, so we still remember those who have sadly passed away."

And the crew member holding most of the coconut also said;

"Needless to say, I think you should take a nap, which is good for your memory. The longer you stay on land, the faster your memory will recover."

Alice Letasha found a tree to rest under a tree with hesitation, but before she could sit down, someone spoke to her;

"If I were you I wouldn't sit there."

Alice Letasha looked at the man with a confused face. He seemed to be a member of the Caitlin. He was lying on a stone with his hands on his head and looking at the sky.

The man closed his eyes and looked like he was enjoying himself. Came on vacation, he smiled;

"Sometimes people have to learn to look up. Not all dangers are in front of you."

So Alice Litasha raised her head and looked up, and vaguely saw the shadow of a coconut tree directly above her, so she chose to leave the camp holding the palm leaves, looking for a flat place that would not be too crowded.

"If it were me, I wouldn't go out alone at night. This is a miracle island, and who knows what dangers there may be. But in fact we have an obligation to prevent you from leaving here, unless you can bring out the wine, otherwise I will call someone."

The man still had his eyes closed and his tone was relaxed. Alice Letasha thought for a moment and spit out a name.

"Laxa Malo?"

Hearing this, the man suddenly sat up from the stone and looked at Alice Letasha with a puzzled expression;

"You know me?"

He thought briefly for a moment, and soon solved the problem by himself. With a look of sudden realization, he pointed at Alice Letasha and said;

"I bet Captain Harrison Hank didn't say anything good about me. Did he say I was an alcoholic again? I knew it. I just mentioned the word"wine" and you guessed who I was."

Alice Letasha shook her head;

"Captain Harrison Hank didn't tell me that it was Henry Jane, but when the Caitlin sank, it was you who jumped into the sea of ​​fire to save Captain Harrison Hank, right? It seems you succeeded."

After hearing this, Laksa Marlow jumped off the stone platform and circled around Alice Letasha, looking up and down with a very surprised expression;

"Wait, are you a prophet or a witch or something? Who is Henry Jane? Oh, I remember! Looking at your appearance, height, hair color, and this too small and cute face, you are the cold-blooded, ruthless and crazy Vincent they say."

Alice Letasha was speechless;

"Who said that to me? I'm not crazy yet."

Laksa Marlow laughed, as if she didn't care about the lunatic, made a gesture of please to the stone platform, and ran away without saying a word, patting her butt.

The next day, Alice Letasha After waking up, Captain Harrison Hank gathered together the survivors who had successfully disembarked from the Victoria and issued an order.

Alice Letasha also went to watch, and he asked everyone to They have to follow these former survivors to collect food and fresh water, and carefully describe the types of food that can be eaten on this island so far.

There are two ways to obtain water, one is spring water and lake, and the other is coconut and berry juice. , here there are black berries, purple berries and even a dark blue berry, but only red berries and green berries are poisonous.

Green berries will be paralyzed if eaten, and if you eat too much, you will Stopping the heartbeat will lead to immediate death, but green berries also need to be collected. There are roughly two uses, medicinal and for catching prey.

Although there are many ways to obtain water, everyone is clearly prohibited from going to the lake to get water. Harrison Hank The captain made the most important point, whether it is a lake or the sea, as long as there is a lot of water, you must not go near it. If you want to survive on this miraculous island, you must first learn to respect all water sources.

Someone asked , but no reasonable answer has been obtained. As long as it is about survival, it is beyond doubt. A former survivor who escaped from the Victoria said;

"Don't ask, just do it, and if you want to survive on this island, it's best not to have too many whys."

Most of the people had divided their tasks and followed the survivors of the Caitlin into the forest. Only a few representatives who disembarked this time were not assigned tasks. Captain Harrison Hank called them one by one, and Ellie Silk Letasha didn't know why.

There were only four representatives of this landing, she, Susan, Knight Farien Sid, and Knight Bansfather. The others stayed on the ship.

Yesterday was too much Confusion, Alice. Letasha didn't have time to say more to them, and everyone seemed to be in confusion, so it was difficult for her to ask what happened after she fell into the sea.

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