She has always been very courageous, but she didn't notice Laxa Marlow following her secretly.

Alice Letasha stared at the sea level and thought carefully about what happened during this period. She then thought about why Captain Harrison Hank did not let them approach the coast and what the so-called danger was.

The shadows had obviously been driven away by the predators from the deep sea, and the sea monsters also left after feasting. She observed for a long time and found nothing unusual in the sea. The Victoria was still docked not far from the shore. It's just that its huge body prevents the water from completely retreating over the bow.

Even more bizarre are the regulations. If the ocean is really dangerous, why are lakes close to islands prohibited? If water must be respected, why can water from streams be used for drinking?

Alice Letasha closed her eyes, and the fishy smell of sea water hit her face. She suddenly thought that she was among the sea monsters. All the sea monsters had no interest in her. Instead, she started singing. Those sea monsters Only then noticed her.

In other words, maybe what Captain Harrison Hank is worried about is not that those sea monsters will attack them if they get close to the coast, but what they are worried about is that someone will sing to the sea.

But this is still very strange. There were so many sea monsters around her in the sea at that time. Even if she opened her mouth, not many sea monsters gathered around her. The singing could not attract too many sea monsters. In other words, only those shadows could attract that day. A deeply shocking scene.

And although those sea monsters were chasing her behind her that day, there was no real harm. In fact, Alice Letasha didn't know what those sea monsters would do to her. Those things moved extremely fast in the sea. , it is not something she can avoid if she wants to escape.

Alice Letasha decided to leave so firmly because she was almost exhausted. If she continued to stay anywhere, she would undoubtedly drown.

After thinking about multiple possibilities, Alice Letasha was still confused by the ban on approaching the coast. She turned her head and looked in the direction of the camp in the distance and made a decision.

She opened her mouth, took a deep breath, thought about the words she had composed privately with Jepson Lorena, and tentatively sang a cappella to the sea;

"The gentle petals bloom for you, the day and night in the sky flow for you, the stars twinkle and turn into mottled spots in your eyes, please make a sweet vow."

Laksa Maro heard the sound and moved. He looked panicked and immediately rushed out and yelled;

"Shut up, are you crazy? Stop singing!"

Alice Letasha was so frightened that she almost fell off the rock and fell into the sea. She turned back to look at the man, and saw his face clearly in front of the moonlight, and realized that it was Laksa Malo. , was also surprised, but quickly calmed down;

"Laxa Malo? This is really bad for your heart. You really scare me to death."

Laksa Marlow stepped forward and wanted to pull the person off the rock, furious;

"You're the one who wants to scare me to death. Didn't Captain Harrison Hank tell you not to go near the coast? And you also sneaked out of the camp. We should have mentioned that it is forbidden to leave the camp at night. You broke two taboos!"

Alice Letasha tilted her head, thought for a moment, and suddenly smiled;

"Okay, so why are you here? Let me guess, you secretly made a drink fermented from berries. You wanted to drink it secretly, so you left the camp while the moon was dark."

Laksa Marlow couldn't help but raise her voice and spoke righteously;

"What? I don't!"

Alice Letasha smiled. She didn't believe it at all. She stared into Laksa Marlow's eyes and tried;

"I'm guessing it's the blue berries, or maybe you added purple berries. Eh? You didn’t also add black berries, oh? Judging from your expression, did you also add green berries that have a paralyzing effect?"

Laksa Marlow stepped back step by step until Alice Letasha mentioned green berries. He finally couldn't hold himself any longer and glared at the person in front of him fiercely. He simply took off his shoes and picked a rock to sit on. ;

"Damn it, why are you so sure? I obviously hid it well, why didn't you guess that I left because I saw you."

Alice Letasha looked proud of victory;

"Because I know you're a heavy drinker, that's how Henry Jane describes you, but you don't really add green berries."

Laksa Marlow sighed;

"I only added a little bit, and it didn't have much of a paralyzing effect after fermentation, so it wouldn't be very dangerous."

Alice Letasha saw him sitting down leisurely and said suddenly;

"Did Captain Harrison Hank lie? In fact, there is not much danger close to the coast. Those shadows will not land, and those sea monsters do not eat people, otherwise you would not be sitting here with me."

Laksa Marlow glanced at Alice Letasha in surprise;

"It’s true that those shadows won’t land, but why do you think those sea monsters don’t eat people?"

Alice Letasha answered her opinion truthfully;

"I was in a group of sea monsters before. If I hadn't sang to them, they wouldn't have even looked at me. Do you think that thing can eat people? I do not believe."

Laksa Maro immediately exclaimed when he heard this, with a look of disbelief on his face;

"What, how dare you sing to those things back then! God, they all said you were crazy, but today I believe it. Are you a good swimmer? How did you escape?"

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