Laxa Malo laughed and took the lead in attacking;

"Unfortunately I'm not a gentleman."

The two swords collided, Alice Letasha's eyes were sharp, and with a sharp thrust, the two separated again;

"Unfortunately, neither am I."

This time, Alice Letasha took the lead in attacking. She was extremely fast. Laksa Marlow was startled by the cold light that hit her face. She had no time to retreat and had to raise her head to hide. As a result, she tripped on her feet. The sand sank, and he fell directly onto his back into the sea water. Even Alice Letasha was stunned when she saw this, and then burst into laughter;

"Aha, my God, it seems that your drinking capacity is really bad. Do you want me to give you a hand?"

Laksa Marlow's face was hot, and she slapped away Alice Letasha's outstretched hand, rolled away, pinned Alice Letasha's legs, and tripped her into the sea water. Silitasha was unprepared, she just felt like the world was spinning. She took a mouthful of sea sand, took a few sips of sea water, wiped a handful of wet hair, and said angrily;

"You are cheating."

Laksa Maro crawled out of the sea, twisting her soaked clothes angrily;

"It's your carelessness."

Alice Letasha also climbed up from the sea;

"Okay, okay, I think it’s a tie this time. You tell me why Captain Harrison Hank concealed the truth, and I’ll tell you where those two guys are."

Laksa Marlowe twisted her trouser legs angrily;

"You speak first."

Alice Letasha tilted her head;


Laksa Malo said;

"It's not safe outside the camp, and I'm afraid something might happen to them if I go back too late."

Alice Letasha just said"oh" and started to twist her clothes;

"You don't have to worry about this, I hid them in the camp, I'm done, now it's your turn."

Laxa Marlow was very puzzled. He looked at Alice Letasha and asked;

"Why on earth do you think we're lying to you?"

Alice Letasha smiled;

"Unfortunately, I'm well-versed in the lingo of this scam, and maybe he's right, but at least the order and truth are reversed, which makes that part sound more favorable. People like to hear what they want to hear, so under this kind of scam, they will subconsciously think in a more favorable logic."

Laksa Marlow had to sigh when she heard this, because Alice Letasha was right, they did mess up the order, so they didn't lie, they just made things develop in a more powerful direction.

"Well, I can only tell you what I know."

So, Laxa Marlow briefly told Alice Letasha some things after the sinking of the Caitlin.

Although he didn't know how Alice Letasha knew, he did go back to save Harry. Captain Sen. Hank, it was an extremely thrilling encounter, but he still succeeded.

But no one came to help them, so they used driftwood as a boat and oars, and rowed aimlessly for three days. They thought they would definitely die, so they stopped struggling. Later, Caspar Colin came to find them and rescued them.

Alice Letasha asked them if they had seen what sank the Victoria. Yes, because Henry Jane told her that he was Meriviathan.

Laxsa Marlowe shook her head and did not argue with her in depth that Henry Jane was not on the Caitlin at all. Instead, she told Alice Leta Sana is a huge ancient whale species that has never been seen before. If you insist on calling them Leviathan, then it is indeed correct. In ancient mythology, this kind of giant whale that can only be said to exist in legends is indeed He is called the incarnation of Leviathan in sailing legends.

Of course, there are many such legends. For example, the Kraken is actually a type of Leviathan. However, there are too many legends about the ocean, and they are all kinds of strange. From his point of view, It was an ancient species of whale, similar to narwhals, pilot whales, and bell whales, except that it was older and rarer. This was the first time they had seen it. After the shipwreck of the Caitlin, they reached a windless sea and could only rely on They paddled forward, but there were many sea monster-like things wandering around the ship. They rescued many people at that time. Captain Harrison Hank guessed that the smell of blood attracted these guys.

But later they discovered , that thing is not a sea monster, but a shadow. There are countless shadows in the sea. In fact, many of the people they rescued are shadows.

Alice Letasha asked him about the shadows. They were not on the Caitlin. Did you notice it when you were there? Why did you say that you were unprepared as if it was the first time you saw it?

Laksa Marlow looked ugly and answered for her. It was indeed not the first time they encountered those things, but they had all forgotten that in All the crazy people on the Caitlin were eaten by those shadows, and they didn't remember it at all.

Captain Harrison Hank was the first to discover that the records in the voyage diary were messy, so he issued an order to return, but soon everyone Forgot, but thought that they often lost their way and therefore always had to turn around and head back towards the Asili sea area.

Therefore, they had been repeating the process of returning to Asili and turning around for a long time until they forgot The speed is getting faster and faster, and they have completely entered Asili. They don't know how long they have been on the Caitlin. Even now, they can't figure out this problem, but they can speculate through other information and find that they probably They wandered at sea for half a year.

They gradually regained their memories after landing. Those shadows were afraid of the land and would not go ashore. Their bewitching effect would disappear with the passage of time. But they did not understand this at first and were still in the coastal area. Setting up camp, hoping to see passing ships and call for help, they began to have people disappearing very obviously.

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