Alice Letasha grabbed Henry Jane's shoulders, trying to make him look into her eyes, trying to make him understand that none of this had anything to do with him.

With a sad gaze, she seemed to be staring at a more ridiculous madman. The gaze was so hot that it hurt people, shining like a new star, and cold like the Milky Way, she almost begged;

"Wake up, let me interrupt your self-movation. I really can't bear to see you blaming yourself like this. What did you do wrong to allow you to suffer like this?"

Henry Jane pushed her away, covered his face and turned away, tears sliding down the gaps between his fingertips, he sobbed and cried;

"If I could do better, maybe! Maybe……"

Alice Letasha turned around angrily and waved her arms, as if she wanted to sever ties with something, or as if she wanted to wave away invisible thoughts.

Her heart seemed to be screaming, it's not your fault, why can't you understand! Why are you doing this, taking all the wrong things on yourself. Why can't you be free? Why do you still use these excuses to restrain yourself? Why can't you let go of your heart and let it feel at ease!

She didn't dare to look at his pitiful eyes, and couldn't bear to look at his remorseful face. The heroic spirit turned into grief and regret.

Alice Letasha turned her back, her eyes filled with burning anger. She interrupted the ridiculous possibility and angrily said;

"What can you stop? To prevent the Caitlin from being sunk? Can you stop Julian Martinster from getting bitten through his arm by that strange thing? Oh my God! Why can't you think calmly when this comes up? You weren't even with him at the time."

Behind him, came Henry Jane's vehemently defensive explanation;

"But if I cared more about him, he wouldn't disappear."

Alice Letasha took a deep breath. She was so angry that she had to try her best to calm down. She looked for some patterns with her eyes and tried to stay rational so as not to say anything full of slander. She just tried her best to be tactful;

"How do you save someone who can't resist temptation twice, or you wish you were on the ship when the dragon came towards you, and you think you can really save Captain Harrison Hank, and Wasn't he crushed to death on the spot among Caitlin's wreckage?"

Henry Jane was speechless for a while. She was right. Even if he was on the ship, he could not stop the dragon from sinking the Caitlin. He could not do anything at all. He was a waste who could not do anything. A thing that cannot be put on the table.

Alice Letasha stared at the lines one after another, watching closely, but those little things gradually began to rotate, as if the lines of the entire room had collapsed, chasing each other, spinning and playing.

She was dizzy and didn't know what she was talking about. The words were already louder than her brain was spinning. She turned her head and grabbed Henry Jane, shook his body, and asked endless questions;

"What can you do? Even if a wise king is aboard the Caitlin, he can't stop the destruction of fate! Wake up, could it be that if I helped you once, you would also beautify me like you beautified them after I encountered an accident, and secretly blame yourself for your inaction?"

Henry Jane yelled in collapse;

"No, I want to do something, I want to help!"

He hates Alice Letasha now. Nothing she says is right, everything she says is wrong, she doesn't understand anything!

Alice Letasha was pushed away again, so she sneered and said tightly Staring closely at Henry Jane, who still refused to accept the truth and was extremely grieved by this, he took a few steps back, sat down, and stretched out his hands to cover his eyes. All the spinning lines immediately dissipated in front of his eyes.

"Maybe you can do something trivial. For example, when Sailor Laxa Marlowe goes to save Captain Harrison Hank, you should jump in even if you will be drowned or burned to death. You can bet your fate to see if he will come back to save you."

He hated Alice Letasha like this, hated her for talking about those kind and good people like this, hated her for slandering others like this even though she didn't know anything, hated her for why she said these words to him, it hurt him. His heart aches so much.

He hates his own powerlessness, hates the giant dragon that takes away everything and the sea monster lurking in the sea. He hates the gods who are unwilling to lend a helping hand, hates those people who look on with cold eyes, but he hates himself even more for clearly being The worst one survived this shipwreck

"Maybe you should leave me alone and let me fend for myself, or maybe you want my life, so take it now and I will never bargain with you."

Alice Letasha was furious, but she was unable to argue with him. She had a splitting headache and could only continue to cover her eyes, at least she would not feel dizzy anymore;

"I don’t want to ask for anything from you, I just hope you can understand that you don’t owe anything, you are free, you can start everything from scratch, don’t suffer and regret because of other people’s choices, and you don’t owe me anything, You owe me nothing."

She emphasized again that he was free and he owed nothing. He didn't owe her, nor did he owe those who chose their own destiny and ended up. Perhaps his only mistake was that he should not have boarded the ship. , on the contrary, he should resent those people.

He should resent why fate let him witness tenderness and then take it away, why it gave him candy and then snatched it away to smash and trample it.

He should blame those people for their hypocrisy and their pretentiousness. Although they pretend to be strong, they are actually fragile. It's strange that they don't care about anyone at all, but they still put on disguises and deceive others, but they fail to deceive themselves.

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