Of course, no one would have thought of this problem, but since it didn't happen from the results, there must be a reason for it.

Unfortunately, Chevalier Louis did not understand this, he asked;

"What is it? Land or gold coins and jewelry? If you want to eradicate this disaster, it is worth sacrificing some wealth and land."

Alice Letasha did not answer, because it was really inappropriate to explain this issue in her capacity.

Indeed, using gold coins and gems in exchange would not be a problem for the Danterian Kingdom, which is named after gems, but they There is no need at all. Because they have the protection of Mother Earth, why waste the wealth of the earth and compromise with others.

Furthermore, in the Imperial City of Leled, even after they obtained the rich land, they did not propose the exchange formula again, and They used the same method as the Christian Imperial City to deal with the Sborosei Great Blight.

Finally, there was the Zakshitz Imperial City. Their witches always had a lot of gold coins, but in the end they did not choose to fight with Bligh. The Queen of the Sid Empire reached a deal.

Holy Orphan Alov spoke up again. This seemed to be the first time that he was fully involved in their chat. I wonder if it was because he saw the great plague in Sborose. It appeared right in front of my eyes and I was touched by it

"No, not at all. What she wants is to eliminate all beliefs in the world. She proposed that everyone's kingdom should be dedicated to the Pope and believers with divine power. She wanted to behead these people on the spot and asked the people to destroy all the temples and churches themselves."

Louis' eyes suddenly widened in surprise;

"Oh my gosh, that’s a crazy request!"

Indeed, this is too crazy.

At that time, the king of the Christian Imperial City had a very good relationship with the queen of the Brehid Empire. Everyone believed that the Vincent family would definitely support this decision and become the king. Clear all obstacles and take action to this end.

But no one expected that it was just the opposite. When Queen Spectre Strom proposed this matter, only the Vincent family refused in public, and even those present The elders of the church, who looked desperate, were all shocked. They looked at their world enemy in disbelief, deeply doubting whether their heads had finally been repaired by the gods.

Alice Letasha nodded lightly, Acknowledging the words of Holy Orb Alof, he continued;

"Of course we refused. Faith cannot be eradicated. When she becomes the king of the world that day, it may be possible to realize this childish dream."

This is exactly what the Vincent family thought at the time. It was not that they did not approve of the formula developed by the Brehid Empire to deal with the blood epidemic, but it was done out of the childish thinking of Queen Specter Schtrom. She should not extend her ideals to the whole world.

This decision is completely beyond her ability, and Vincent has no obligation to wipe others' butts.

Of course Vincent understands what she is going through, but if To really abolish the extermination of faith, what is needed is not to sit on the throne and give orders. You must know that when the Brehid Empire issued a decree to hang those holy saints, there were still many fleeing to other countries, and they could not even stop or recover them. Arrive.

Even after saying this, Knight Louis still refused to give up and continued to ask;

"Isn't there anyone in the empire who spreads the formula to the outside world? I mean that's a great thing, doesn't anyone do it?"

Anthony, the ship's doctor, answered his doubts generously;

"It seems that the Queen will behead them and their families, and kill all those who try to pry into the secrets in the name of driving out the heretics."

But speaking of this, it seems like what the Vincent family has been doing all along.

Saint Alof snorted coldly, his eyes full of disdain, and mocked in his old voice;

"Even if someone takes it out, the church will not allow anyone to accept the devil's gift. The epidemic is a test from God. Only those with weak faith will doubt the power of the holy blessing and choose a so-called formula."

James Bert saw that the topic seemed to be going in a wrong direction, so he immediately came out to smooth things over;

"Why are we talking about these old things again? Things are different now, right?"

What he was talking about was, of course, the joint construction of the Victoria. The current situation was different from the past, and the deep hatred had been resolved. It was precisely because they decided to move forward together that they built this great Victoria.

Anthony, the ship's doctor, couldn't help but feel He sighed and sighed;

"There has been no plague for many years, and even the Christian Imperial City has enjoyed peace for a long time. Even in the Blessed Empire, probably no one except the royal family doctor knows the full contents of the formula."

Alice Letasha is also helpless. The current situation does not allow them to choose, especially since she has seen the conditions of all the ship's doctors. Only Anthony has found some clues. It is better not to tell the other ship's doctors about this matter until Bolesla. It's better to make a decision after Germany wakes up.

"The current situation can only be like this, let Mr. Alof give priority to consecrating all the ship's doctors, but don't tell them the truth yet,"

Alice Letasha roughly thought about several situations where problems might arise, such as Some of the ship's doctors were stupid and insisted on telling the story about the epidemic to cause panic.

Or some of them were afraid of death and did not dare to treat patients, turning them into useless decorations.

In any case, the epidemic matter eventually They will not be able to hide it, but at least there must be a plan to deal with this matter. Now Boleslade is their biggest savior. As long as he can wake up safely, there is no fear that he will not be able to control the situation even if someone makes a big mouth.

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