Seeing that the situation was stable, Alice Letasha breathed a sigh of relief. After everyone left, she stopped Doctor Anthony and asked;

"Mr. Anthony, is it convenient for you?"

She wanted to ask the question that she had been in a trance recently. Anthony's ship's doctor also stopped and looked at Alice Letasha with some confusion, as if he was surprised that she would stop him;

"What are your instructions?"

Alice Letasha watched everyone go out without leaving a trace, including Henry Jane. She temporarily arranged for Knight James Burt to look after him for a while, and then she said;

"I have some questions for you."

Anthony, the ship's doctor, looked puzzled;

"What is it?"

Alice Letasha hesitated for a moment, as if she didn't know how to say it, but after thinking about it she still asked;

"Are there any genetic diseases in Vincent’s family history?"

She asked the question from here, because now she could only think that this might be some kind of family hereditary disease, maybe an eye disease or something.

Doctor Anthony became even more confused, tilted his head and thought;

"Why do you ask?"

There was no reason for this. He wondered why Alice Letasha asked like this.

Alice Letasha gritted her teeth, as if she had made up her mind, and finally asked;

"For example, you hear a sound, or something flashes before your eyes, or you feel dizzy or dizzy."

Anthony, the ship's doctor, suddenly smiled with unknown meaning. He narrowed his eyes and asked with a smile;

"Are you feeling unwell?"

"No, no, no, I'm fine. I'm just curious. People often say that Vincent is crazy. I want to know if this kind of madness is really hereditary."

Alice Letasha hurriedly denied it. She felt that the last thing she should ask about this question was to ask Anthony. His unexplained smile made her hair stand on end. She always felt that something was not right.

He was still smiling, Just the Word;

"You don’t have to worry about this. The bloodline of the Vincent family is very healthy and excellent. I have served there for many years and have been in contact with your parents and ancestors for a long time, and I have never found any hereditary diseases. Trust me, they are all normal, none of them are crazy."

Alice. Letasha never knew how to answer, because when Doctor Anthony said this, he emphasized a few words very hard: blood, service, normal, and the last two words, madman.

Doctor Anthony smiled. Seeing her dazed on the spot, her expression suddenly turned worried, and she said;

"Maybe you should relax, you look like you haven't had a rest in a long time."

Alice Letasha smiled and found a reason that was not far-fetched and echoed;

"I have some insomnia, and as you know, recent events have made it difficult to sleep."

Then Anthony, the ship's doctor, suggested;

"I can prescribe some tranquilizers for you to help you sleep."

Alice Letasha nodded. She seemed to think this was a good idea, but she was worried that there wouldn't be enough medicine in the future and it would be inappropriate to waste it on her. Halfway through her words, she hurriedly added another sentence.

"That's great, but are there still plenty of medicines?"

Anthony ship's doctor showed a look that said,"You need more," but he quickly said with a smile;

"You seem to need it more than others. If you always have insomnia, you will not grow taller."

Alice Letasha's face turned dark immediately. It turns out that insomnia really makes people grow taller, but even if Dr. Anthony really prescribed medicine, she didn't dare to take it, so she didn't shirk the problem anymore;

"Then please ask Mr. Anthony to prescribe a sleep aid for me. I also want to grow taller."

Anthony's doctor suddenly laughed loudly. He shook his head helplessly. His eyes full of sneer seemed to have a sharp edge hidden behind his back, as if he had already seen through Alice Letasha.

"Ahaha, you don’t have to worry about this, you will grow taller, you will grow taller."

As he said this, he made a gesture of invitation.

After the Holy Ordinator took care of everything, Alice Letasha let them go on their own, and she left with Henry Jane and James Bert.

Sara was ordered to stay and guard the ship's doctor, and the older knight Ahendri was chosen to guard the sick Boleslade ship's doctor. Louis, who seemed to be more innocent, was asked to accompany Alof to avoid causing any trouble..

They then went to see Mrs. Red and Mr. Alcock Arrow, the representative of the Chamber of Commerce, and informed them of the situation. But Mrs. Red was also helpless. She was indeed just like Dr. Anthony did. She almost didn’t understand the formula at all. , but gave a hint.

The reason why there was no agreement earlier is because the ability of the formula to treat the Great Sboroth Blight is limited, and even worse than the ability of the Holy Ordinary. This is entirely due to It varies from person to person.

The only advantage it has is that it can very effectively delay the onset of the disease. When healthy people enter the most serious stage, as long as their body functions are not completely damaged, they can heal themselves with time and survive. For the masses, there is at least a half chance that they will not be infected again.

This cannot be achieved by relying on the power of faith. They cannot cure or delay those serious diseases. It is a pity that if the two can be matched, Sibo must have The threat of the Rosette plague will definitely weaken a lot, and maybe not so many people will die in the first place.

Alice Letasha asked some more questions.

Madam Red said that it would be difficult to convince everyone to go to Asili, and the nobles had already Some people are planning to find a way to leave the Victoria. Some of them have already noticed the situation of the Great Sbrosee Disease, but they have not spread it yet because they are worried that someone will compete with them for the chance to escape.

Alcock Arrow He also said that members of the chamber of commerce and some businessmen were very anxious. They were worried that their goods would not be delivered to the shore on time, and they were even more worried about the rotting of some of the food, so they kept asking around for information about the sailing direction.

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