Alice Litasha thinks it is very possible. Only in this way does everything make sense. Why do the people they say suddenly go crazy and then burn the mangrove oil? It must be because mangrove oil can stop the plague, so He felt that only by destroying the mangrove oil could he die with everyone else.

The bonfire has never been extinguished since their arrival, and even for a hundred days, new flocs will be added to burn every once in a while. But in fact, she has never seen any of the potential dangers, that is, some wild animals, going out to collect them. Most people who are looking for food and water are injured during hunting.

Therefore, it is abnormal to waste a large amount of mangroves in such a situation that is not very dangerous, unless they are always in danger, so they need to do this. This is why Captain Harrison Hank must conceal the truth.

If they want to return to the Victoria, they will indeed need a very large number of mangroves, but not because they need to avoid shadows and sea monsters, but because they need to save the survivors on the Victoria.

Pope Waldo and others stayed on the Victoria. Without the shadow, the role of the Holy Ordinator could be used very effectively, so they did not rush to board the Victoria, because the survivors on the Victoria would also begin to recover their memories..

If they get the news that Captain Finniss is still alive, then it makes sense for their current behavior, because they feel that Captain Finniss will solve the problems on the Victoria for them, tell the truth to the survivors on the Victoria, and Take action.

In other words, in their eyes, it is impossible for the Victoria to leave because they need to wait for rescue.

"sky! If you are not a Vincent, we must drive you out as a lunatic. You have done enough ridiculous things. It is you who spread that crazy theory everywhere and made the Victoria a mess. Those shadows are the reason. Take advantage of the opportunity."

Alice Letasha blinked her eyes, a little in disbelief, because these words were not said by the Susan warrior, but by the Farian West knight.

Alice Letasha felt that she had better pretend to be crazy immediately, because No matter what the truth is, they must blame all the bad things on her. Maybe Pope Waldo will clarify it for her out of his position, but the problem is that Pope Waldo is still on the Victoria.

Now she has no choice, any Explanation in the face of slander is the most shameless sophistry. She has no way to prove that she has not done these things because everyone has the same voice. In the face of interests, the truth is not important at all. The best scapegoat is best to die , it is not difficult to imagine that if they want Pope Waldo to shut up, then they only need to leave her on the island in the name of exile at the last moment, or simply take the opportunity to kill her, so that Pope Waldo will have nothing to say.

Alice Letasha decided to leave the camp, but people would not let her go easily, so she had to do something to threaten everyone before she would be kicked out directly, so she immediately pointed at herself with a surprised look on her face. , he yelled as he spoke, and rushed directly to the center of the camp, brandishing a dagger, deliberately staggering and even falling to the ground and struggling to get up, causing everyone to look at him, and he kept shouting;

"What, is it me? NO, I have not! If so, I will definitely remember it, I know, I know! You are all lying, you are all liars! No, no, I must still be on the Victoria. These are hallucinations, the influence of shadows. You are all fake, they are all fake!"

Susan Soldier and others followed closely behind. When she picked up the burning sticks from the campfire and threw them towards the temporary shelter built by everyone, she immediately caused the survivors on the Caitlin to become nervous and rushed to put out the flames. , curse;

"Damn it, what are you going to do!"

When Soldier Susan saw this, she immediately fanned the flames and screamed loudly;

"She's crazy, she's crazy!"

As expected, Captain Harrison Hank rushed over with his people, and Knight Bansfather Bate scolded him as soon as he appeared;

"Stop Alice Letasha, this is not the Victoria, this is land!"

It was not surprising that Bansfather and Knight Bette were also present. Alice Letasha was even more convinced that they had planned everything long ago, and immediately performed harder with more dedication;

"No, you're lying, that doesn't make sense, our memories are completely different!"

Captain Harrison Hank looked unkind and looked at the three of them angrily. He didn't even need to ask about the ins and outs, he acted like he knew everything;

"I told you not to irritate her, why are you talking to her? I knew it would be like this!"

Alice Letasha just made a brief observation, and then immediately continued to go crazy, covering her head to show that she was in complete confusion;

"No, no, you haven’t changed. You are not shadows. What are you?"

Caspar Colin seemed a little nervous. He tried to step forward, but he seemed timid, as if he was afraid of the knife in her hand. He hesitated for a moment, and finally said cautiously;

"Hey, calm down, we are who we are, this is land, neither the sea monster nor the shadow can come up, can you put the knife down first?"

Alice Letasha felt that his appearance was a little funny. He was not as heroic and confident as Henry Jane said, but it was not funny. She could only hold it in and suddenly took a few steps forward in his direction. , everyone was so frightened that they immediately retreated, and some survivors immediately complained;

"Why can't we get this lunatic out?"

Captain Harrison Hank immediately stepped forward and tried to calm her down;

"Alice Letasha, please calm down, can we help you? Put down the knife and calm down. I can explain whatever you want to know."

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