He also knows that one day he will pay the price for his never-ending greed, but every time he stops, there will be an inexplicable emptiness and fear.

He got a lot of gold, but he was afraid of the eyes of others. He ate the fragrant meat and wine, but he couldn't feel full. He was always frowning and couldn't figure out what was missing from this already perfect life.

Only in every transaction, every negotiation, every time he obtains huge profits through deception or sincerity, can he feel the joy from the bottom of his heart filling his entire life. It seems that he was born for this moment in his life, so he accumulates wealth endlessly and uncontrollably.

The same goes for other businessmen. Every drop of their wealth is earned through hard work and they are hard to part with. They always want more. Even if they die, they will choose to embrace all they have accumulated in this life. Bit by bit, we are heading towards destruction together.

Fortunately, Alcock Arrow has already seen through this, so he donates some charity money to the church every year. Although it is still difficult to give up every time, he still convinces himself that this is a deal with the gods, hoping that His soul should also receive some kindness after death.

And my stingy and stingy behavior seems to have gradually improved due to this, and my greed seems to have faith and become pious. Although his character is still not generous, he gradually becomes decent and happy.

Alcock Arrow had actually thought about this issue, but he finally discovered that people like them who worked hard on their own had seen too much suffering. They traveled around and accumulated everything they saw deep in their hearts.

Although they don’t show it on the surface or they are secretly glad that they don’t have such a tragic experience, in the final analysis, the crazy accumulation of wealth is actually due to the fear buried in their hearts, the fear that they will also encounter those horrific experiences, and the fear that they will have no way to escape. The suffering of that situation.

Everyone saw that even Mr. Alcock Arrow, the representative of the trading company, agreed with this view, and they had to recognize this reality that seemed very absurd in their eyes.

Seeing everyone looking at each other, Alice Letasha immediately struck while the iron was hot and put forward another unique point of view;

"I don't think buying out all control of food and fresh water is a good thing."

Under the surprised gazes of everyone, Mr. Fabian Fell timidly raised his hand and whispered the great doubt in his heart;

"Why do you say that?"

Everyone just thought about it for a moment, and someone suddenly realized it. Before Alice Letasha could explain, Reifand Jonathan also participated seriously and expressed his speculation;

"This undoubtedly confirms the situation of the Victoria. Someone will definitely discover and publicize this, and the nobles and businessmen will not let us decide their lives. Essentially, we still have to prevent them from leaving the Victoria, because no matter what the situation is, the terrible situation of the Victoria will be exposed."

Speaking of this, he seemed to suddenly think of another way. His eyes suddenly fell on Farian Sid and Bansfather Bet, and he opened his mouth, as if he was about to propose another idea he thought of. There is a way.

Knight Fariancide understood it clearly. He immediately knew what Lefander Jonathan wanted to say. Whenever members of the royal family encountered something, they would think of them first. It is not difficult to guess that he wanted to say something. It was about using force to solve the problem, so he immediately interrupted;

"We cannot use violence to rob or seize food. Our numbers cannot absolutely suppress a group of crazy thugs. If we want to seize resources, the businessmen will definitely join forces with the nobles to incite the masses to seize control of the Victoria. At that time all the truth will be revealed."

Hearing this, everyone fell silent for a moment, each thinking in his mind.

Since this won't work, and that won't work, do they really want to give away such important resources?

Fortunately, dealing with this kind of problem requires intrigue. Mrs. Hong was very good at weighing the pros and cons, and she quickly made a new suggestion;

"Rather, it's up to Captain Finniss to decide which goods we should buy. After all, he has the most experience. We only need to master the most important resources, and we can collect part of the others. For the remaining goods, we can incite the nobles to snap up the remaining supplies to achieve balance."

Pope Waldo didn't care about this, he just sat there. Mr. Fabian Fell was timid, but full of curiosity. Sister Faustina felt that these things had nothing to do with her, anyway, she was a You can't get out a penny.

As for everyone else, they all thought this proposal was very good, so everyone turned their attention to Captain Finniss, waiting for his speech.

Captain Finniss seemed a little nervous, and he wiped the sweat from his forehead. Zhu, immediately began to list the most important materials and tell everyone the reasons;

"In a long-term voyage, the most important thing is fresh water, followed by gin, lemons and fruits. We have to prevent scurvy and malaria, so fruits and vegetables such as gin and lemons are particularly important."

Mrs. Hong seemed to suddenly breathe a sigh of relief when she heard this. She thought she needed something, but it turned out that these were resources that were not difficult to purchase.

Vegetables and fruits are relatively perishable materials, and wealthy merchants and nobles also I am more willing to buy things with a longer shelf life. On the contrary, these seemingly inconspicuous things are actually the most important for a long voyage.

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