The happy atmosphere at this moment gave everyone a brief relief from the long anxiety. With these good news one after another, they all relaxed, and it seemed that what they had to face next was just an ordinary journey.

Alice Letasha did not try to break this short-term peace. She felt that it was good for everyone to take a breath, and there was no need for her to jump out and disturb the scenery at this time.

The matter was quickly finalized, and they have decided to announce the course in the near future and head to the Asiri Holy Land in the form of a public tour. During this period, the theater troupe will perform all-day performances for everyone.

The merchants' goods will be sold directly on the ship at their own discretion, while the buyers will be purchased and settled by representatives and nobles.

Alice Letasha had already thought about letting reporter Lorena write the content of the report, and Madam Red had also thought about how to encourage the powerful people to take over the food. They once again assigned their respective responsibilities and left one after another.

The next day, there was a publicity report about the route. Reporter Lorena said that we had not really lost our way, and Captain Finnis was just planning for surprises on the journey.

What we have to admit is that the storm was not planned. This is indeed a tragic tragedy.

Fortunately, Captain Finniss had a better solution to this problem. Rather than heading to the Brehid Empire as the next stop or taking the long journey to the Imperial City of Zacchis, Captain Finniss and the representatives finally decided After discussion, it was decided to go to Asili to dock for consolidation.

And today, we are about to go to the most historically valuable mythical place in the old world. If we are lucky, we may witness hundreds or even thousands of whales accompanying the Victoria on both sides. Not only that, we might even find the little-known site of White Sands Palace, witness the great palace that actually sunk at the bottom of the sea, and drive over it.

I believe everyone is looking forward to seeing this pure land that no one has ever entered. We still don’t know what surprises there will be along the way, but this is undoubtedly an unexpected adventure story that is exciting to look forward to.

In order to prevent everyone from being bored during this waiting period, twelve representatives decided after discussion that the Marisa Troupe from the Mermaid Opera House in Christian Palace will bring us a free full-day performance, performing" On the Holy Land" is an unparalleled legend.

On the next journey, Captain Finnis will take everyone to the Asili Sea, the holy land of whales. We will also witness the greatest sailing miracle in our lives on the next journey.

Twelve Representatives People have heard a lot of gossip on the ship, so Lorena is here to clear up the confusion.

Our fresh water is provided by the Breshid Empire process, which can convert seawater into fresh water. As long as the sea does not dry up, we will not worry about drinking water, so there is no need to panic because of worries about water sources.

Most of our food comes from the sea, so it is even less likely that there will be a food shortage. As long as you cast a net, the plump sea fish will jump into the net. If anyone says that we are facing a shortage of food, then this must be the case. A lie.

As for someone spreading the news that there is a terrible curse on the ship, Pope Waldo will distribute consecrated items to everyone free of charge. I hope everyone can feel at ease, not listen to rumors, and use their own discernment to identify those shameless lies.

Mrs. Hong was also wooing the powerful people behind her back, but her rhetoric was much more complicated. But in the end, many people still dubiously invested money to buy the merchants' goods.

I don’t know if this series of arrangements has had a good effect. In fact, there are not as many merchants planning to sell goods as expected. Most of them are goods that are not easy to store for a long time, and this part is reasonable. It was divided and acquired by twelve representatives.

Whether it is the water supply system or the source of food on the ship, these are all completely true. As long as these people ask the sailors a little bit, or take a sneak peek, they will find that the anxiety about food and water sources is completely groundless.

Therefore, Mrs. Red and Mr. Alcock Arrow, the representative of the trading company, calmed them down very smoothly, and the dignitaries who wanted to escape from the Victoria immediately turned their backs and no longer wanted to escape from the Victoria.

Captain Fennis also called Henry Jane away to check over and over again the details of what he had experienced. He tried to find out the changes and directions of the currents from Henry Jane's narrative, so as to confirm Asili's position more quickly.

Alice Letasha was quite relieved about this. They had just had a bad time before, so sending him out for a few days would prevent them from being speechless every time they met. What's more, for Henry Jane, who still has expectations for the survivors of the Caitlin, going to Asiri is also a good thing.

Almost everyone was busy, but she seemed to be the only one who had nothing to do. Everything was developing for the better, and she had nothing to do. She stared at the sea in a daze all day long, only occasionally checking to see if Boleslade's ship's doctor had woken up.

However, she only went once and stopped going because Pope Waldo's people cooperated very well with the knights and took good care of the place. Almost all the holy priests were busy consecrating people. wish. If the Boleslade ship's doctor wakes up, they will know immediately that there is no need for Alice Letasha to go to help.

As for reporter Lorena, she has been questioned by people since she published her latest report. She has also greatly satisfied her inner desire to become a celebrity. It can be said that she answers all questions and is very busy every day.

Calm daily life seems to have been restored. People gradually forgot the previous storm, Raphael's death, and the hanged Kos in the singing and dancing. The emotions of suspicion and panic have completely dissipated, turning into concerns about going to Asili. Desire and expectation.

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