Evil Awe-Inspiring

Vol 2 Chapter 138: [Turn your hands into clouds, cover your hands with rain]


Jessica V. Alba threw the newspaper out of her hands, and then she took a hard breath, stood up in her robe, and walked barefoot on the soft carpet, then jumped to the window I opened the curtains ...

A snoring sound, as the curtains opened, the bright sunlight from the outside came in, and fell on her pretty face.

The depression in Jessica V. Alba's eyes was difficult to hide, and she couldn't help but glance at the newspaper that was thrown to the ground by her—the entertainment edition.

There is no doubt that the past six months has indeed been a period of bad luck for her. As the most promising newcomer ever recognized by all film critics, it is recognized as the "sweetheart" of the new American generation. She never wanted to be a vase that only fooled around by showing off. But ambition also comes with a little luck. Poor Jessica, obviously, lacked a little bit of luck.

In the first half of the year, "Fantastic Four 2" is a comic-based movie, and it is still a sequel ... Naturally, there can be no infiltration, it is nothing more than a typical Hollywood commercial special effects blockbuster. Although the box office is still not satisfactory, it is rated as garbage by almost all film critics ... or close to garbage.

And he originally had great expectations for the film. As a result, the film was ridiculed by the film critics for acting, not even a vase ...

After that, it seemed that luck was even worse, and the film was also awarded the Golden Strawberry Award (a special evaluation of ridiculous films). Later, it seemed that his star journey was a little unclear, and a new film that was filmed was delayed because of investment problems. After experiencing the bad reputation of the Fantastic Four before, Jessica intends to redeem her reputation. The script requirements for the new film have reached a critical level ...

"I want to be an actress, not a vase!" This phrase used to be Jessica's slogan, but now it has become a super joke.

"People" magazine did not put itself on the cover once this year ... Once they were their darlings! Even the ranking of the sexiest and most beautiful women this year is twelve behind the ranking of last year!

And now ...

Jessica walked to the mirror. I glanced at my black hair just the other day. Blackening your hair to add a bit of mystery to the east will undoubtedly make you look more **** ... This is all a suggestion of your own image consultant, but ...

The newspaper actually rated her new hairstyle as one of the five worst stars of the month!

The acting skills were ridiculed by film critics, and now it seems that I can't even take a vase? ? ?

And my agent suggested yesterday that he be a guest in a recently popular TV soap opera? !!

Damn it! I am a movie actor! It's a big screen! !! Do you have to go back and star in those cheap TV shows? ? ? This is simply a shame! (In the United States, the general view is that the status of film is much higher than that of TV series. Film practitioners also have a transcendental status in the face of TV practitioners. Many celebrities who rely on TV are unwilling to enter the film industry. I'll make another TV. I think it's a kind of regression and degeneration.)

But what if you do n’t shoot? I have n’t had any new materials for several months, and now even those gossip newspapers are reluctant to publish them for themselves. Although the agent was a bit annoying, he had to deny it. He was right.

"Exposure! If you want to maintain popularity, you must maintain exposure in front of the public!"

Maybe he's right, but Jessica still feels that as an already well-known film actor, running back to play a TV series is a kind of depraved behavior. I haven't seen Jennifer Aniston since she became popular in "Friends" and she would never play any more TV series. Even if one movie is worse than the other, he would not go back to star in any TV series.

However, the broker made arrangements. He claimed that as long as he was willing to go to the soap opera to make a guest appearance, he could arrange himself to "GHT" show. (A very famous talk show in the United States, which is very good for your own exposure.

Well, maybe this is the only way, there is no suitable movie to make now ... even I don't even have a movie in my hand.

It seems that overnight, once the most beautiful doll in Hollywood, the most wanted baby in Hollywood who was selected by male fans, the most beautiful American sweetheart ... Jessica Alba suddenly became nobody's attention. ?

indeed. She is a beauty, and she is also a big beauty. However, a 27-year-old beauty, once "the most promising newcomer", has not been able to mix the true front line at the age of 27 ...

Don't forget, this is Hollywood! The most important thing here is the handsome guy! !! There are tens of thousands of young 18-year-old beauties and handsome guys holding star dreams from all over the world! !!

And myself, already 27 years old! !!

While Jessica was sighing, she was about to pick up the phone and call her agent, saying that she was willing to accept a guest appearance on the low-cost soap opera. She suddenly saw another news from the newspaper scattered on the floor.

"Billy Mountain Film Company is a different owner, and the mysterious Orientals inject new capital."

Below is a photo, apparently taken by a reporter at the door of the company. In the photo, a young man with an oriental face showed a handsome charming smile at the camera and waved his hands casually. Even though he was wearing sunglasses, Jessica could see at a glance that this man seemed to be the mysterious Oriental who met at the dinner of Mr. Solin of Canada half a year ago, and at the time watching Solin respected him It looks like this guy is very exciting.

It was completely instinctual, and Jessica swept through the following news text, and such a sentence caught her attention:

The company announced that a new film may be filmed in the near future, and there is currently no announcement of the script creation. However, news has announced that the film may have Colin Fearel and Kenu Reeves joining, and more news that John Depp is also on the candidate list. "

There is no doubt that these are the names of three front-line male stars who are currently popular in Hollywood, so that these three names can immediately attract a lot of attention ... and what made Jessica notice ... this news did not mention it Information about any new actress.

"Perhaps ..." She thought for a moment, her seductive lips gently pulling a charming arc ...

I think I really have a natural ability to act ... or to be a liar.

Becoming a Billy Hills film company was almost unsuccessful ... I even felt that the company's decision-making level was almost encouraging me to welcome such an alien guy. Although they look at me, they probably think of me as an idiot. Everyone now knows that Billy Mountain Pictures has rotten, this time. There are also people who take over this company, either the super masters who have been playing in the movie industry, or idiots!

And I look. It's not like any expert in film industry.

I did not disclose any plans such as injecting new capital, but immediately requested that the company's board of directors be convened, and then offered to buy all the shares in the hands of other directors.

Not a part, it's all!

I want to completely control this company!

And these shareholders, seeing that I have such a "Kaizi innocent head" are willing to pay for the mess. I want it.

Everyone knows that these shares in their hands are now "theoretically" worthwhile. But once the company goes bankrupt, the shares in their hands are even worse than paper! Now it seems that the company's bankruptcy is certain!

The negotiations were very smooth. We almost signed the shares of most shareholders on the spot, and the price was ridiculously low ... At this time, it was equivalent to a boring rotten ship, and everyone rushed to leave the rotten ship. Where else would someone come and talk to me about the price?

Six million dollars. I bought back all the land shares. This price is still considered too high by Yang Wei. She thinks that if I be more aggressive, I can reduce the cost to less than 3 million.

The lawyer is responsible for completing the legal procedures, signing all the contracts, and letting the shareholders and directors of those companies get out of business. I immediately convened a meeting of the company's internal management and then announced that I would inject 1,000 yuan into the company. Ten thousand US dollars are used to repay part of the company's debt.

This announcement is like a shot of a stimulant, which has let the morale of the company, which has already been low and decadent, decadent, and it has a little vitality!

Especially those employees in the company!

You know, in Hollywood, the world ’s centralized film industry, although this is the world ’s largest film production base, it is also the place to gather film professionals from all over the world! !! Although walking around in Hollywood, the people you meet may not be actors or screenwriters, or photographers, etc ... Anyway, basically it seems that the people here have something to do with the movie ...

The competition has reached almost horror! !! There are dozens or even hundreds of people grabbing a job in film industry at any time! !!

And the company's ability to not go bankrupt has also made these people temporarily keep their jobs! Otherwise, once the company goes bankrupt, they will all be unemployed. I am afraid that starting tomorrow, we will go to the studios of several large companies to find those temporary work-mix meals.

This is the almost cruel competition under the halo of the super developed Hollywood film industry!

Then, Yang Wei and I had a secret talk with the bank's representative.

Yang Wei's strategy is simple: "Do as much as possible with the lowest cost possible!"

Originally it seemed to me that since the company had a few appointments in it, it wouldn't matter if I paid for the company to pay off the loan owed to the bank directly. The loan owed to the bank is about $ 20 million. These are the debts the company has owed over the years.

And Yang Wei, but refused to pay more.

The start of negotiations with the bank was at an impasse. The banks insisted that they either pay off all their debts. Or, declare liquidation! The company was declared bankrupt, the bank took over the company, and then the company was sold and replaced with cash to offset the debt.

"No, we want to pay back 20 million US dollars now ... that's Tianfang Yetan." Yang Wei refused very simply.

Just when the bank representative was about to give up, Yang Wei coldly offered his own offer: "Ten ten million, we will repay up to ten million US dollars first. And for the remaining debt, we are willing to propose a reasonable repayment with the bank. The date of the loan ... everything is done in the normal way. "

"But you are not without money!" Apparently the bank's representative also did a thorough investigation: "According to the information we have, Mr. Chen, and Ms. Yang. The two forces behind them will not care about the ten million U.S. dollars! You are well funded. "

"Then there is no reason to force us to pay it back immediately." Yang Wei did not relax.

"Because Billy Mountain's reputation has been reduced to the lowest level! Of course, if it is other customers, we are willing to continue to lend. Anyway, if we have money to make, why are we not willing to?" The representative of the bank is obviously a proficient in negotiation, He shrugged: "We are willing to continue to lend to our guests ... but the problem now is that our evaluation team compared with Lishan's assessment that this company is currently dangerous! We don't want to get stuck in the mire! We only I want to get out of here as soon as possible. This can't blame us, but it's caused by Billy Mountain's poor bank credit over the years! ",,

"But we only have 10 million in our hands." Yang Wei looked at him. Then suddenly smiled: "Now all the debts are 20 million dollars in total ... Sir, we might as well make a very simple comparison ... Or, you accept our 10 million repayment. And the remaining one thousand Wan, repay in installments according to the normal loan procedure. Or, you refuse us. Two months later, the company goes bankrupt and you sell the company. "She looked very confident:" But you might as well calculate ... if you reject us 'S proposal, insisting that the company be bankrupt ... Then, according to Billy Hill's current situation, even if you take it out for sale. How much can you sell back? "

... "The bank representative was speechless.

"I can answer your question, because I did a very detailed calculation and came up with a very reasonable number, about six million dollars." Yang Wei's face was full of confidence, at this moment she was like a real A strong woman who is well-planned looks at each other: "You see, either you accept our 10 million dollar repayment plan! Or ... you take the company and only get six million. Such a simple math problem, Elementary school students will count. "



After sending away the bank representative, Yang Wei made a triumphant smile to me.

"We don't lack ten million." I shrugged. "Why not just pay off the debt? The money owed to the bank is not a good thing."

Yang Wei looked at me with a smile, then she took the paper cup on the table and brought me the coffee. I saw a slight mockery on her face: "Chen Yang, you are wrong, we are not short of this 10 million ... we are missing more, 100 million, 200 million!"

I sat in a chair, and she went around behind me, and put her hands lightly on my shoulders, and the person stood behind me, and then she whispered in my ear: "Chen Yang, I know you I have made a lot of money in the past six months. But how many assets do you have now? Count the cash flow in your company, plus your current fixed assets, plus your current house, that villa, all your assets. There are only 100 million in total, right? "She seemed to smile:" A hundred million dollars, in Hollywood, the cost of making a B-rated movie is far more than this number! You are wrong, we are not not Lack of money ... but very, very little money !!! "

She came to me, holding her finger and laughing, "Look, we are new people, we have to enter this circle, we have to have a relationship with the media, we have to do propaganda, we have a party. These They all need to throw out large sums of dollars! Newspapers, magazines, media, television, radio, as well as those harsh film critics, industry associations ... These will grow up and eat our large sums Budgeted !!! We are so scarce !!! "

I could not help but a slight redness on my face. Indeed, maybe I've been a bit ecstatic recently, right?

In just one year, I made a profit of 100 million US dollars. A guy like me who started from scratch is a legend. But such a huge success also made my mind a little bit hot.

"Moreover, the problem is, I don't plan to let you invest your entire worth for this company." Yang Wei's eyes were full of the kind of wisdom and calm she used to: "This company will become our seal Banknote machine ... But this is just a tool to make money. Not your real career! Not your real foundation! So here I make a calculation that your most reasonable way is to invest up to 30 million dollars here! At most this can only be the case! Your funds should be used in more reasonable places. Not here. Thirty million in Hollywood, you can't do much, you may not even be able to make a splash ?? If you If you want to be bigger here! This money is not enough. "

"So what's your plan?" My eyes brightened, and I understood Yang Wei's intentions faintly.

"Second-class smart people make money for themselves with first-rate money ... first-class smart people make money for themselves with other people's money!" Yang smiled happily: "My idea is simple. You can't let the bank run away and continue to treat them with We are tied together! I just plan to pay them back ten million, and they will agree. The benefits of having the bank tied to us are twofold. "Yang Wei quickly said of her plan:" First, we It's an outsider, we have no foundation here. After swallowing this company, we only retain all employees of the company's middle and lower levels, so as to maintain the company's operating capabilities. However, the upper-level characters of the company, those shareholders, they all left In other words, we have lost our network and connections in Hollywood! When we are in trouble. No one can help us! When we meet unfriendly opponents ... You know, this is Hollywood There are countless large and small movie companies! At any time, competitors will give us some tricks or trouble ... At this time, we need someone to help us ... Bank, is the best helper! "

"Maybe Chen Yang, you will never know how powerful the bank is !!!! But I can tell you that in the capitalist world, banks represent the operation of capital! All companies have relationships with banks, all companies! All !! Banks are more than just a financial institution ... their hands, behind them, themselves are a huge network of relationships that you can't imagine! And, if nothing else, the bank will never be Winner! I've heard a saying in the United States: If you want to succeed, then you just need to stay with the bank forever. Of course, some people say that the bank is a group of vampires, but have to admit that They have tremendous energy in their hands. "

Yang Wei has definitely given me a lesson! Maybe I thought I was very smart before, I am proud that I can collect smuggling business and unify underworld, but for this orthodox, mainstream, commercial and political wrist, I really want to be modest in front of Yang Wei Lowered his head to learn.

You see, I offered them ten million yuan, but in fact, they have achieved unexpected gains. Because if the company goes bankrupt as planned, the bank gets less. These people only admit money! In the West, never expect a bank to talk to you! And the ten million I threw out is also a bait! Let them taste a little bit of sweetness, and then, they will see our development gradually on track, and at the same time, they will also expect us to repay the remaining 10 million loans ... At this time, if anyone and We fight against banks! If anyone wants to bring us down ... then the banks will worry that once we fall down, they will not be able to repay the remaining ten million loans ... So, at the critical time, when we encounter difficulties At that time, the bank will help us! These help is not tightly lend us! Many officials, governments, and institutions, many big companies ... they all have to sell bank faces! !! !! "

I nodded and sighed: "That makes sense!"

"This is only the first aspect of what I said. What about the second aspect ... I said just now that we are still short of money. So when the company is on track, I will not only repay the bank loan, I plan to further Additional loans to the bank! Further financing! We are like a quagmire. I want the bank to sink deeper and deeper into our quagmire! The more loans they give us, the more they will value us in the future! Because we fell. Their loans will be lost! So they will **** us with all their strength ... and at the same time, use the bank money to make money for us, why not? "

After saying this, Yang Wei looked at me and smiled slightly: "Dear, this is the rules of the capitalist world. You must learn these as soon as possible ... Then,‘ play ’two here!”

At this moment, the smile on Yang Wei's face was like a demon with a small tail behind him.

"So. What's our next plan?" I asked.

Yang Wei thought for a while: "Almost, although the bank did not reply to us today, they will definitely accept our request. So the bank's clearance. It is temporarily over. The next few days, we need to go Meet the big-name celebrity agents in our hands and talk about it. "

"Do you really want to make a movie?" I was a little excited: "Colin Farrell, Keno Reeves ... Oh, and John Depp. He is one of my favorite actors."

"But you'd better be prepared. I guess they are willing to admit that the movie is only about 0.1% of the chance for us to make a film." Yang smiled and poured me a bucket of cold water.

"Oh? Don't we have a movie in our hands?"

"The film appointment is not a panacea." Yang Wei shook his head: "I never expected to really rely on the film appointment to let these big names run to make a film for us ... if we did that, it would be offended by several powerful enemies Ask John Depp to make a movie for two million dollars? Hell, his current pay is at least 20 million dollars plus a share! Even if he is willing, his agent is not willing! The agents are all It depends on the income of its actors! If John Depp has less income, it means that his agent has less income ... his agent will hate us! And in Hollywood, a big-name agent may sign There are a lot of big-name stars! If we offend a big-name agent, it means that we will always say goodbye to all the big-name actors under this agent! It is worth the price to do this kind of thing. "

"Then what are you going to do?"

Next. Yang Wei probably explained to me the rules of the appointment. Even if you sign a contract, you can still breach the contract. Of course, you must pay a certain amount of default. Generally, the default amount is about ten times the contract amount.

In fact, there are some big-name actors who become famous, they will pay to buy back the films they signed before becoming famous! Better to pay liquidated damages!

"It's very simple ... my dear." Yang Wei couldn't help laughing, and she smiled a little oddly: "I've seen the video of our film with Colin Farrell, and it's written very clearly. "Nude" in the movie. "She looked weird:" Look, it was years ago! At that time Colin Farrell was still an unknown kid. This kind of contract was signed in order to have a movie to shoot. But now? Do you think he's still willing to do **** in the movies he makes? Unless you pay a hefty price! "

I nodded.

"So, my plan doesn't expect those big names to actually fulfill the contract and make a movie for us. I just want to use these as chips and ask them to negotiate. They can pay a certain amount of default to buy back their contract. "Yang Wei said.

I thought about it seriously: "In this case ... how much money do we get?"

Yang Wei quickly pulled out a book and opened it. For a moment, he laughed: "Colin Farrell was the least. When he signed the contract, he was paid 150,000 US dollars. Even if it was ten times, it was only one hundred. It's only half a million. But John Depp and Keno Reeves are unlucky. John Depp's contract is two million dollars a play. And he has to pay liquidated damages and double ten times according to the agreement. That is two Ten million dollars in compensation. The most unlucky is Keno Reeves ... he signed three films at that time, six million dollars, and ten times more ... "

She glanced at me and smiled slyly.

I whistled: "Sixty million? My God. I feel like I'm extortion."

But after thinking about it seriously, I sighed and looked at Yang Wei: "Okay, Yang Wei. Don't play with me! I'm not a fool! Extortion in this way, in Hollywood? Do this to the most popular celebrity star Extortion? Is this possible? They will definitely resist, and they will fight for a long time! They will obediently pay us tens of millions of dollars? Even a superstar, it will not hurt such a large sum of money. And, this What ’s the difference from what you just said to offend them? We ca n’t do this, we certainly ca n’t. ”

Yang Wei looked at me with a satisfied look in his eyes and smiled: "It's really good that you can think like this."

I can't help but feel a little frustrated: "But this is what. What should I do? These few pieces are about to meet, but our trump card! If it doesn't work ... (..."

"No, you must use it." Yang smiled. "It just needs to be skilled. We can talk to their agent. When the legality of the contract cannot be denied, the other agent's agent is the only one. The way is to discuss with us to find a way to cancel these contracts. And we ca n’t let the Lions open their mouths and really ask them for a full liquidation penalty! Our plan is to prefer less. Even according to the contract amount, one point You do n’t need much money, sell them the contract. In this way, you can at least have some relationship with them and win their favor ... Make two more super big name friends, and it ’s not bad for our newcomers like Hollywood. At the same time, we can make the most of this thing to do ... "

I suddenly smiled, and before Yang Wei said it, I said, "Talk to them, and everyone to cooperate. Do some speculation? Good note, they want to return to their film appointment, we want to return to the cost, but also Get a hype ... a few super big names join us for a hype! "

"Yes, this company is actually very good. All the operating departments are complete. Although the sparrows are small, the five internal organs are well-established. In fact, they originally had their own filming plans, but the later the company became more mixed. The worse, there is no more money to invest in making movies. Even now, the company has stock scripts bought in the year, budget teams, and everything. As long as we have the funds, we can start making a movie at any time! " Yang smiled: "Of course, we don't care about making movies, we just use this movie company to make money ... and at the same time ..."

Yang Wei said here, she looked at me and said quietly: "Just five, with your career development, do you always use our family's casino to launder money? That means you have kept your lifeblood in me Uncle's hands! Now you and my uncle are allies, you are a cooperative relationship ... But if the situation changes someday ... what do you do? You need to have new channels for money laundering! And the movie is a Very good method! You know, there are seven big names in Hollywood, and one of them has an Italian mafia background! "

Yang Wei said these words, I couldn't help but feel a little moved, looked at her deeply, some do not know what to say.

This is a real rejection of her own family's stand, and she is thinking about it for me!

My heart trembled, and there was no doubt that I read something from Yang Wei's eyes that made me feel heavy! I sighed subconsciously, trying to keep my eyes off. Fortunately, Yang Wei didn't want to make me embarrassed. She quickly adjusted her emotions ... This is really a wise woman. She is extremely intelligent, but she thinks for me instead of embarrassing me.

"Okay, let's think of a way first." Yang smiled. "Now I have to think about what way to get the headlines of the last entertainment media in the shortest time! Well, now our company There are n’t too many gimmicks here, but I think the media seems very interested in you, a mysterious investor from the East ... Well, I need a gimmick ... a gimmick ... hmmm ... gimmick ... ''

She looked at me as if thinking about how to extract the value of use from me, smiling.

I have long been used to Yang Wei's frequent smile. Generally, when she laughs like this, someone is going to be accounted for by her.

Just then, my cell phone in my jacket pocket suddenly rang ...

The phone was a strange number, but it was clear that it was a local number.

Ok? I do n’t remember any friends in my area ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After answering, I just said "", and then I heard the voice of a soft woman from the other side: "Hi-hello, yes Mr. Chen? Oh, I do n’t know if you still remember my friend? I ’m Jessica Alba. I saw the newspaper before I knew you were in Hollywood, and I do n’t know if you are interested to come out and have a coffee with an old friend. What about? "

I froze for a moment, but after all, the other party is an outstanding beauty, and men are naturally impressed with beauty, so it took me only a second to remember who she was.

"Oh, it's you, Jess." I smiled. "I'm glad to receive your call, um, when did you say ... now?" I looked at my watch and looked up at Yang Wei. , I covered my phone.


"Jessica Fiorba. The Hollywood actress I met at Sorin's dinner." I shrugged. "She invited me to coffee."

Yang Wei suddenly squeezed his eyes at me, and lowered his voice and laughed, "Look,‘ gimmick ’is here.”

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