Evil Awe-Inspiring

Vol 2 Chapter 142: [The Great Robbery] (3)

I have understood that it seems that these gangsters are not all of the same group, but divided into two groups to cooperate. One group was naturally three whites, and the other group were those headed by Ramuch.

I was thinking, Yang Wei had pulled me a bit, and I felt she was scratching gently in my palm, and then I reacted that she was writing!

"Differentiation." Yang Wei wrote these two words in my hand, then glanced at the three white people with his eyes.

Lamuch's men acted very efficiently. They broke the cables in the elevator with a grenade without hesitation. At the same time, they also broke the cables ... Then they completely closed the elevator door. died.

"The fire passage has been blocked." After one of his men came to report, the three white men, especially Jack, became even more ugly.

He suddenly gave Ramuch an angry look: "What the **** do you want to do! You blocked the way out, how can we evacuate here!"

"Dear, use your brain!" Ramucci smiled slightly and pointed at the rooftop with a muzzle: "There is also a helipad above."

"Helicopter? Where are we going to get a helicopter !!" Jack asked.

"They." Ramuch pointed to the two hundred hostages present: "If all these people die here, tomorrow, the American film industry will completely collapse! At least thirty years back! The film economy collapses ... … Do you think the government will allow this to happen? Similarly, we don't need to find a way to open these explosion-proof glass cabinets by ourselves. Because we have these hostages! "Lamuch smiled confidently, and then he walked to Jack I patted him around: "Okay, now. Those who take you, go to the rooftop and guard the door. I don't want to let the police commandos attack from the rooftop."

Jack stared at Lamuch with a dead stare: "You're a lunatic! Hell!"

He was a little reconciled, but yelled and rushed out, and his two men followed.

"Well, I need a friend's help now." After Lamuch waited for Jack to leave, he walked over with a smile, looked at everyone, and laughed: "Mr. Will Sneck. I think I need your help . "

After a question, I noticed that a middle-aged white man squatting behind me changed his face suddenly, and then the muscles on his face were twisted. I saw him even shaking.

"Mr. Vill Schnecker." Ramucci casually took a photo from his arms. I glanced at it, then glanced through the crowd, and set my eyes on the white man behind me.

"Oh, Mr. Snake." He raised his hand and the two militants had rushed up. Left and right, the middle-aged white man behind me got up.

"Mr. Wierfschnecker, chief consultant of the Security Electronics Experts Group. I think these exhibits are here tonight ... Well. Do you have a password for how to open these **** explosion-proof glass?"

"I ... no." Sneek's eyes were a little nervous, and he seemed to want to justify, and he was about to say something, but Lamucci looked with a smile, and suddenly raised his gun and slammed ...

During Snake's scream, his left thigh had been penetrated by a bullet, and he was suddenly stunned. The muscles on his face were shaking, hissing and yelling, "Hell! I really don't know ... Ah!"

boom! !!

Another shot! Ramuch shot without hesitation and penetrated his other leg! !!

Sneek had slumped on the ground, blood had soaked in his pants flowing on the ground, his body was shaking, and real fear was showing in his eyes.

"Mr. Snake," Ramuch said slowly. "Look, I have mercy on you. Now you're just bleeding. I hit your thigh. But if I shoot on your knees, then you I'll be in a wheelchair all my life ... Now, I hope you think about it and answer again, because my patience is limited. "

"I ..." Sneek froze. "I really don't know ..." Seeing Ramuch's gun raised again, Sneek screamed in fear: "Wait!"

Then he gritted his teeth: "There are two sets of passwords! These cabinets can withstand one ton of TBTB explosives frontal blasting! Only two groups and two groups of passwords are combined to open these cabinets! I am only a site supervisor, I cannot Knowing all the passwords ... I beg you ... "He was breathing, cold sweat and snot coming out of his face, and gritted his teeth:" I really only know one group! I can't open these cabinets ... according to, according to plan, At 10 o'clock tonight. I can open them with another set of passwords from the remote supervisor, plus I know ... "

Having said that, he looked at the muzzle in front of him, and had broken down a bit: "Please, don't kill me ... I really have said everything I know! I ... I have a wife, and six Year-old daughter ... please. "

Lamuch smiled. He bent down and said softly: "Okay, look, if you cooperate earlier, it's good." Then he raised his chin and said to the man who assembled the computer just now: "Take our Mr. Snake down, clean him up and bandage the wound, and then ask him to say a code he knows."

He shrugged and looked at Snake: "You see, I didn't expect to get all the passwords from you at all. As long as you say one of the groups you know, it's all right. Do you understand?"


Two minutes later, I found out that the two female gangsters who had just gone out came back. After they reported, they played a game directly in front of the huge computer screen. Soon, the screen flickered and countless windows appeared ... "

From the perspective, I can see that, obviously, these people even control all the security camera probes on this floor!

I started to figure it out quickly ...

The fire escape was blocked. The elevator was blown up ... and here is a large building on the 62nd floor

The surrounding glass of the building is toughened!

Simply put, unless someone blows through the ceiling here, it will already be an independent fortress! !!

I kept squatting in the crowd and observed around:

It seems that there are a total of nineteen gangsters on this floor, three of whom are white Jacks, but they have left the hall and stood at the place leading to the rooftop. In addition, sixteen are all from Ramucci. I just went out with four people and I don't know what to do.

And now there are twelve gangsters in the hall, including the leader Ramucci.

Under normal circumstances, there are six entrances in the lobby, one of which is the main elevator, which has been blocked. The other five entrance and exit doors all lead to the outer corridor. There are other rooms, lounges, smoking rooms, offices, toilets, kitchens, etc. in the outer corridor ...

Lamuch and his two men looked at the computer screen next to them, and the other nine gangsters surrounded us with more than two hundred people. They had pistols, submachine guns, and each wore a dagger ...

Dagger ... Damn it. I thought of this and couldn't help sighing. Because attending such an occasion tonight, there are security checks. So I carry the dagger I carry with me tonight.

Now facing so many gangsters ... the only weapon on me ... I'm afraid there is only one lighter. The only person around me who can help me is Lei Xiaohu. His skill is really good, and I'm comparable. But ... we have no weapons!

No matter how hard you work, you can't stop the bullets. I still understand this truth!

No, I need someone to help!

I took a deep breath and looked around. All of these guests were frustrated and frightened. Many ladies were crying incessantly, and some ladies leaned against men's arms and wept in tears. There are also people who are reluctant to comfort the female companions around them, but the voices are quiet.

"Hi ..." I whispered, "Little tiger."

Lei Xiaohu squatted on the ground, his face was a little depressed, and when he heard me shouting, he suddenly refreshed: "What to do, uncle?"

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh when I come there?" I saw that door? "

That is the door on our left, which is closest to us ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and it looks like twenty meters. In this direction, there are only two gangsters, one of whom is still a woman.

"Are you sure you can kill one of them?" I spoke very quietly, and I still spoke Chinese.

Lei Xiaohu clasped his head with his hands, his eyes flickered, and he looked at the two guys not far away. He thought for a moment and nodded: "No problem. I deal with women, you deal with men."

The female gangster was closer to him.

I nodded and glanced at Yang Wei. Yang Wei's eyes were calm. She nodded gently at me: "Before making some confusion."

"Um." I took a deep breath, then switched to English, and touched a white man in front of me gently: "Hey! Sir."

The man froze and glanced back at me. He probably didn't expect that at this time, someone would talk to him.

"Sir, we can't sit still now!" I lowered my voice, and only a few people around me could hear: "On the left door, there are only two people. We rushed over, and we were 50% sure we could rush out ..."

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