Evil Awe-Inspiring

Vol 2 Chapter 145: [Stalemate]

"According to the information I have read, in general, the more hostages the culprits hijack, the longer the confrontation will take ... So I hope that you don't expect us to be here for two or three hours to be rescued. We! Or hope that after two or three hours, the outside hijacking will end ... According to my guess, I am afraid that the deadlock outside will last for two days, and it is not unexpected! And, the hostages ... Well, their identities are all Too sensitive! It can be said that those people outside, whatever they do, have been paid attention by the media all over the world, so the police are unlikely to dare to take tough measures, so the situation will be deadlocked for a long time ... We ... "He glanced at us and whispered," Now we have a dozen people here, and some of them are injured. We are here, no drugs, no food ... The most terrible thing is no water! If there is no food Yes, we can still insist, but if there is no water, I am afraid that one day we will all lose our energy because of dehydration! And when we When there is no strength, will the gangsters attack us? This one is not sure. And the injured man, who is still bleeding and needs treatment ... I do n’t know if he can survive another day, but outside In the case of a stalemate for a day ... even longer, it is very possible! "

"So, do you have any good ideas?" I looked at Old Bruce.

Although he is just an actor, he is not the invincible hero in the movie. But in this case. He calmly stood up and stepped forward, still giving everyone a lot of psychological reliance ... Those heroic and wise heroic images he created, and now giving everyone a lot of psychological comfort.

"We're going to collect some food." Old Bruce looked at me and then slowly said, "Okay. Then I will start the task now, if everyone has no opinion."

Seeing no one talking, he nodded and looked at me: "Young man ..."

"My name is Chen Yang." I smiled.

"Okay, Chen!" Old Bruce called me by my first name after the Western habit (first name and last name): "Chen, this security lounge, except for our current room, you see inside Is there the door for you? There is a room in there, a dressing room. It is probably the place where the security guards change uniforms every day at work. I need you and this lady now, as well as several other ladies, you Let ’s go to that room together. I do n’t care what method you use. Try to open all the cabinets! Pry open or smash open. Always I want you to search every cabinet carefully! Those are the security guards here. Wardrobe, there may be some personal items inside, try our best to find what we need ... food, water. Medicine ... Anything is fine! Even just a piece of bread, even just a band-aid! "

"OK." I nodded and accepted his request.

"Okay. Men in other places, let's arrange it here again. Look, there are two cabinets next to me. I need two people to come with me and move those two cabinets over the front door! Guys, Our life depends on this door! So we need to strengthen it and strengthen it again! "With a sip from the old Bruce, the other two men reluctantly stood up and cheered up.

I winked at Lei Xiaohu. Let him guard outside, and I, Yang Wei, and Jessica, plus the female companion of Old Bruce, walked to the locker room inside. And another lady was looking after the injured waiter. Although this lady's clothes are luxurious, in this case, everyone has basically dropped the status level. It seems that she is still very humanitarian.

The locker's door was locked, and I pushed it hard twice without pushing it back. I took a few steps back, and flew to kick the door open. Fortunately, this is a simple lock.

The dressing room inside was not large, only about twenty green squares, and the ground was a bit wet. There are no windows in this room, and there are four rows of metal lockers inside.

The room is small and the end can be seen at a glance. There is really nothing to search for except these cabinets. The only hope is to open these cabinets and see what can be found.

I twisted the handles of the front cabinets, and as expected, all the cabinets were locked. I sighed and was about to find a tool to smash ... Well, Lei Xiaohu still has a fire axe in his hand.

"No need." Yang Wei called me, and then she took off a brooch from her evening dress chest, and handed me the tip of the pin: "Will you unlock?"

I shook my head, but I never did it.

At this time, there was no talking, and the old blues companion suddenly said, "I can try."

We all looked at her. The girl shrugged her shoulders: "Oh, when I was at home, I secretly opened my father's wine cabinet and stole his drink. What's wrong? Don't look at me like this, I'm twenty I'm two years old and I'm legally old to drink. "

I smiled and said, "Don't get me wrong, it's up to you, miss."

Yang Wei immediately gave her the brooch.

"Don't call my lady, please call me Monica." She smiled very sweetly, and had brown hair, a good figure, and a very beautiful lady. No wonder Old Bruce would like her so much.

Sure enough, this little girl named Monica was very interested. She quickly opened three cabinets, and then Yang Wei and I immediately started looking through the cabinet contents.

Since Jessica's accident tonight, she has been a bit unwilling to escape. She escaped from the chaos just now, and until now, she seemed to be very scared, without saying a word. When Yang Wei and I had started to turn the cabinet, Jessica was still standing aside in a daze.

Seeing her not moving, Yang Wei walked over and patted her gently. She seemed to react, and looked at Yang Wei and said, "What's wrong?"

"Check it out! There are a lot of cabinets here, we have to try to find out what we need ... I know you are scared right now ?? Every one is scared, including me! But we have to overcome the fear in our hearts! At least We are relatively safe now, much luckier than those in the hall! So please don't be dazed, concentrate and work hard! If you want to live, it is best to temporarily put away your fear. "

Yang Wei's tone was firm. The blankness in Jessica's eyes disappeared a little, looked at Yang Wei for a while, and whispered, "I know." Then she quickly passed by Yang Wei's side. Start to inspect the third cabinet.

There were a total of twelve lockers in the entire locker room. After we checked them one by one, it took more than half an hour.

There are really many things in these cabinets: clothes left by the security guards, personal belongings. There are some private photos on the mirror in the cabinet, and there are men's perfumes and shavers. There are leather shoes ... but there is no weapon.

I sighed and knew that it was impossible to find weapons from these private lockers.

Fortunately, we have other places to discover, we found a small amount of food ...

In the second locker, we found a small bag of biscuits and a half of a sandwich that was obviously sipped but later wrapped in plastic wrap. In addition, a bottle of about 600 milliliters of ground milk was found in the No. 6 locker.

Finally, a temporary first aid kit was finally found in the No. 9 locker. It contained a bottle of alcohol **** and a pack of bandages.

It was Yang Wei who found the first-aid kit. She immediately gave it to Monica and asked her to go out and give it to the old Bruce to rescue the wounded.

"Six hundred milliliters of milk, and a small bag of biscuits, plus half a sandwich ... these are not enough for twelve people to eat." I sighed: "Unfortunately, the food is not important, even ordinary people are not too hungry for two days Relationship. But water will not work ... if a person does not drink water for a day, I am afraid they cannot support it. "

Yang Wei suddenly smiled. She glanced at me and said, "Well, if it's just water, I have a way."

She raised her hand and pointed to the ceiling ...

My eyes lit up immediately!

It was a fire alarm head on the ceiling! !! !!

"I saw it outside just now. There are two kinds of sprinklers in the two rooms here ... in fact, every room has it! Our drinking water seems to be more than enough, so don't worry at all." Yang smiled: "Just to Think of a way to get some containers to hold the water. We can now open the sprinkler in a room to spray water, and then leave a room and use it when needed. "

We went out immediately and discussed with the old Bruce. He looked at Yang Wei with a little admiration: "Miss, your idea is great, let's use a spray head now! The wounds of the wounded need to be cleaned, and we ... Everyone is also very tired and thirsty. Now we need to take a break to replenish the water and leave a sprinkler when we need it. "We discussed it and decided to use the sprinkler in the locker room ... because once the sprinkler is turned on, It can't be closed (unless the water in this pipe is flowing), and after being sprayed with water, the room can't be treated.

We gathered everything we could find in our hands, and even turned out the glass lampshade of the floor lamp and turned it over, just as a container for water.

The ladies stayed outside. The old Bruce and Lei Xiaohu and I walked into the locker room inside. I climbed to a cabinet and took out a lighter that was just coming from another man. I hit the flames and grilled for a few seconds under the sprinkler ... Immediately, after the heat was sensed, the sprinkler slammed and sprinkled a splash ...

I turned out that the glass lampshade in Old Bruce's hand was rinsed under water first, then filled it with water and handed it to him, then suddenly remembered something, took out a box of cigarettes from his clothes pocket and threw it out of the room, sigh "Fuck! Fortunately, if you get wet, you can't pump."

Then I called Lei Xiaohu, and the two of us washed our bodies under the sprinkler on the ceiling ... we just drilled the ventilation duct. There was also an explosion, the whole body was black and gray.

Lei Xiaohu took off his coat just like me. We drenched for a while before we washed our bodies clean. Lei Xiaohu even poured water into his nose and mouth with both hands, and then sneezed violently, flushing the ash in his mouth.

Finally, we took turns to open the mouth to drink water under the sprinkler for a while ... After ten minutes, the water in the sprinkler gradually dried up.

We walked out of the room, and both of them were soaked, but much better than the black charcoal just now.

Old Bruce stood at the window, he opened the curtains and looked down ...

"Did you hear that?" He smiled bitterly.

Everyone closed their mouths and listened carefully ...

Faint. As if you can hear the murmur of police cars humming outside ...

Everyone came to the window and looked down, but they didn't know how many police cars were parked below. Anyway, the entire street nearby was blocked by police ... I don't know how many police came.

"It seems that the gangsters inside have begun to negotiate with the police." Yang Wei slowly said.

Everyone was silent, Old Bruce sighed: "I hope this thing ends soon."

Ten minutes passed, during which time there was a sound of banging against the door. Although there was no movement for only about half a minute, the people inside were still scared enough.

Everyone knew that there was no weapon in the hands of the people inside. If those gangsters with guns broke in, then everyone would have no choice but to fight.

It's already over ten in the evening. We simply divided the food first.

Yang Wei, Jessica, Monica, and another lady who escaped, the four of them shared the packet of cookies.

And the other seven of us shared the bite sandwich ... Damn it, I probably got less than half an ounce.

The injured waiter was treated as injured. He drank a small bottle of milk.

After a while, we found out that police helicopters started to circle around the building back and forth ... and two helicopters circled far away, probably what media or TV shooting news Land it.

Suddenly someone remembered a note. We found a piece of A4 paper from a table in the room, and then wrote a large letter "S" on it with a pen, and stuck this paper to the window glass.

This move immediately gave everyone a lot of hope, including the old Bruce, everyone seemed very excited, but Yang Wei calmly, seems to have nothing to reflect.

She sighed and smiled at me in Chinese: "The glass of this building is reflective, and it is still brown with sun protection. When you look from the outside, the glass's eyes are dark ... and it's still dark At night, a small piece of A4 paper is impossible to see on a helicopter that is hundreds of meters away. So it is just a consolation in everyone's heart, I am afraid it will not have any effect. "

When she spoke to me in Chinese, she obviously didn't want to hurt everyone's morale. And here, I can only understand Chinese, Yang Wei, and Lei Xiaohu.

Little Tiger shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

I found that Yang Wei's face was not very good-looking, his face was faintly flushed, and his complexion was not very good. I couldn't help but sit beside her and said gently, "What's wrong with you? Is it uncomfortable? Did you just get hurt?"

After that, I looked her up and down, and saw the toes from her head all the time. I didn't notice any injuries on her body, so I was slightly relieved, and reached out and touched her forehead again, and found that the temperature was normal. .

Yang Wei was slightly embarrassed by me, but then she looked for a moment, shook her head, and avoided my hand: "I'm not injured, you don't have to worry."

However, I clearly feel that when she speaks, her breath is a little different from that on normal days.

"You ... are you really okay?" I still have some doubts.

Suddenly Yang Wei blushed and whispered, "You ... you don't rely on me so close ..." The breath was a little more hastily.

I feel like this ... um, is she shy?

When everyone was preparing for a break, suddenly, I heard a person screaming with excitement: "Hey! Look what I found !!!"

This is the lady whose name I don't know. Just now she proposed to write the letter S on A4 paper and paste it on the window. Afterwards, she was flipping through the table with some boredom.

With her yelling, everyone looked at her, but saw that she actually took out a small laptop from the pump! !! !!

I was stunned, immediately. Everyone reacted! Yang Wei also had a bright eye! !!

"Why didn't you find this just now!" I blurted: "Don't you come into this room first, haven't you searched the table?"

Old Bruce blushed slightly, explaining: "We searched just now but found nothing."

The lady said with a smile: "Look, it's no wonder we didn't find it ... there are two layers of this pumping! There is a push-pull interlayer ... This design is actually very common, but it was just not found in a hurry. Oh, You see, there is also a wireless network card here !!! This computer can log on to the network! "

Everyone cheered when the laptop turned on.

After all, it was Yang Wei's smallest heart, she reminded: "Pay attention to the power ... Did you find the charger? It seems that there is only such a computer?"

indeed. The lady searched for a while and looked up helplessly: "No charger ... Well, maybe the staff here forgot it here after work. But. Well, the power display above is still fifty minutes! It should be enough for us Contacted the police! "

Everyone seemed to see hope! Suddenly everyone's face was cheered up! And Monica and Jessica are crying with joy!

The lady who controlled the computer immediately logged on to the network and called the police. She operated for a while and said, "Okay! I have not only logged into the network alarm system of the Luoshanji Police Station. I also spoke to a friend who was online. , Told her our situation, and asked her to call the police immediately! "

"Did you tell them the location of our room?" Old Bruce's eyes flashed.

"Say!" The lady looked excited!

After a few minutes. Suddenly, when we were still crowded in front of the computer desk, I immediately felt a strong light coming out of the window! Then he heard the roar of the propeller, a helicopter approached the building in the slightest, and the strong light was hitting our floor window!

Immediately, everyone started screaming, then rushed to the window and shouted desperately to the outside. The helicopter has a police mark on it. After confirming our position far away, the plane circled. flew away.

Everyone was very excited, and some even shouted, "Okay! The police will definitely come to our rescue first!"

Even my complexion was a little lighter, but I looked back at Yang Wei, but she still sat there without moving, there was no joy in her complexion, but she was still very serious.

"What happened to you?" I walked over and looked at Yang Wei.

"I'm afraid ... it's difficult." Yang Wei smiled bitterly: "Even if the police knew we were here, how could they save us?"

... since uh ... "I was speechless.

Yang slightly lowered his voice and spoke to me in Chinese:

"I said before that we were hiding here. Although temporarily safe, it was equivalent to tying ourselves to death! Even if the police knew that we were here and had not been caught by the gangsters, what could they do? Now the gangsters have six The eleventh to sixty-sixth floors are blocked, all elevators and all exits are blocked! The police can't break through at all ... if the police can break through to save us, unless they solve all the gangsters ... then, Does it make sense to us? There are so many hostages in the hands of the gangsters. Could the police break through? Look ... this is a dead knot! "

I nodded ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After thinking about it, I said, "Maybe ... there is a way ... Don't forget, this is the top floor. The police may first land on the rooftop, and then send special police officers from upstairs. Hanging steel cables from the outside of the building, then breaking the toughened glass windows of our room and hanging us out from here! "

Yang Wei reluctantly rubbed his temples, shook his head, and resolutely denied my vision: "This is simply impossible!"

She glanced at those excited people, her voice was a bit low: "Chen Yang, you know we are on the top floor, don't the gangsters know? In theory, if the police can land from the top rooftop, it will not only break The glass of our room saves us ... in theory, they can attack any room on this floor from the rooftop ?? It also includes the hall where the gangster is located !! Do you think that the gangster may allow the police to land on the rooftop of the building? Do n’t forget, just before we ran out, the three white gangsters, the one named Jack, was ordered to guard the rooftop! The gangsters had hostages in their hands, which made the police dare not act lightly! This is very simple ... even the most idiot gangster will ask the police to step back and vacate a quarantine zone! At the same time threaten the police and prevent police helicopters and any police officers from landing on the rooftop ... Otherwise, if the police dare to land on the rooftop I immediately started to take hostages! "Yang Wei glanced at me:" If so ... the police may fall from the sky ? The hostages, is not an ordinary citizen! These people inside, a casual, all mass media darling ah! "

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