Evil Awe-Inspiring

Vol 2 Chapter 166: [Threat at dinner] (below)

(Note that the plan has changed, and the old man called in the evening, so it will not be updated tonight. I cancelled other things just this afternoon. I was suffocated with two chapters in front of the computer. This adds up to four chapters updated today. )

However, this absurd idea I quickly put away.

stuffy! Not ordinary stuffy!

This guy seems to be very gentle in every move, but he doesn't give you the chance to hesitate ... he doesn't give you the opportunity to talk!

Immediately after putting down the napkin, he immediately picked up a red wooden box next to it and ignited a cigar from it. At the same time, with his other hand, he gently took out the old white Ronning pistol. , Placed on the table, and gently capped.

Then Gao Qi looked up at me ...

"Well, my friend. I said that I'm a person who doesn't like to waste time. And the reason why I invited you is clear. I think that you must have been careful at dinner just now. Think about it. Now, let me know your answer. "Gao Qi still spoke in a tepid tone, accompanied by his hoarse voice.

I was still in silence, as if nothing had happened, and slowly whispered to himself: "I want to give you benefits, you can't refuse me ..."

He slowly spoke out the adapted movie lines, and then a sharp edge appeared on the face of the godfather of the Gambino family! He stared at me, one hand on the cigar box and one hand on the Bai Langning pistol. Then he pushed both hands at the same time ...


The cigar box and the pistol were pushed not far in front of me at the same time.

Gao Qi's eyes were stunned: "My left hand is friendship and my right hand is a bullet. Now, my friend, make your choice. "

I felt my palms sweat.

Really! I have met many underworld-level underworld figures, whether it is Solin, Mr. Yang Er, or Yaye. Never gave me this almost suffocating sense of oppression!

Although he has always been calm and gentle, he has been pressing your momentum tightly all the time! That is the coercion of an ancient family!

stuffy! It's really boring! In the past, even when I faced Old Solin, I could calmly express his words and impress him with words. But in the face of this guy, I suddenly felt like I couldn't start! As if I don't have any gaps to break through ... everything is airtight!

Looking at the cigar box in front of me and the white Ronning pistol, I couldn't reach out my hand!

Choose a cigar? Then I must give in to the mafia godfather in front of me. Then he gave up part of the business with both hands ... I was summoned by him like this. For a dinner, under his threat, he didn't even dare to put one, obediently?

...... My forehead is faintly beating!

Choose a pistol?

Hey ... not friends, that's the enemy!

However, do I have the right to turn my face with Gao Qi? Do I have the strength to challenge him?

Obviously, I didn't! Although I am pretty good now. But fundamentally, I am shallow. Although the big circle has a good reputation, it still has no influence in the United States. In the United States, more of these traditional family sites! In front of Gao Qi, he is not an ordinary gangster boss, he is the "godfather"! Be the true "Godfather!" Behind him stood a family with brilliant legendary colors! At the same time, he can affect all mafia families in the United States!

At this time, with me, Chen Yang, can I shock him positively?

I'm afraid that once I choose a gun, I may not be able to get out of the door tonight!

"Everything is quiet!" I reminded myself.

Under emotional stress, I couldn't help changing my sitting position. Because I once heard that the periodontal tooth said that when people are unable to control themselves, such as emotions or tension or excitement, it is helpful to change their posture slightly.

I sat upright with my legs close together and took a deep breath. Instead of rushing to answer Gao Qi's question, I took out the cigarette from my arms, stuck it in my mouth, reached out and took the silver candlestick in front of me, lit the cigarette with the fire on the candle.

Uh ...

Between the smoke, Gao Qi's face was under the candlelight, and the shadow was vacillating on his face.

Suddenly a strange thought came to my mind ...

I'm nervous. And he may not be as calm as his face!

Then I laughed.

Under Gao Qi's gaze, I deliberately reached out my hand slowly, and then slowly pressed my palm against the Bronning pistol in front ... but did not immediately get it back: just so pressed Up!

At the same time, I quietly watched Gao Qi's face. Sure enough, when my hand touched the handle of the gun, the muscles in the corners of his face flashed, and there was a flash of haze in his eyes, and a hesitant hesitant!

"Mr. Gao Qi." I finally found a gap that he showed, and I felt a lot more confident. My hand was not only pressed on the wheel, but even the fingers were knocked rhythmically on the table. Then I laughed and said, "I'm curious, really curious ... if, I mean if ... if I choose this gun, what will be the result of waiting for me?"

Gao Qi pursed his lips and looked at me, no emotions on his face.

I laughed to myself, and then said as if to myself: "Well, maybe I don't have to walk out of the door of the room, and I will be shot and killed by several people carrying the charge wheel? Then my blood Will the carpet here be dyed red? Or be painted on the wall as paint? Or ... will you send someone to tie me to this chair and beat me to death with a big hammer? Um ... Or, use Pull out my ten nails one by one with tweezers and record my grieving? "

My tone was gentle, as if groaning slowly.

Gao Qi looked at me, and then he smiled briefly: "Chen, you're really joking ... You know, it's not the" Carpen era "now, no one will do it again-you said too Exaggerated! "

He said "Capone" is also a very famous mafia godfather in history, known for cruel and **** violence, known as the King of Terror in Chicago. The assault wheel killed people, using blood as paint, using a hammer to beat the tied people to death, removing all the nails of people, recording the screams of the other party ... These are the most famous and widely known in the Carpenter era. Spreading terror means. These have also created the mafia's horrific and stigma.

I deliberately held the cigarette in one hand, and continued to press on the gun with one hand, looked at Gao Qi with an eyelid, and said softly in a very slow tone: "Then, I am curious, what means will you use to threaten me? Or maybe ... why do you think I am a person who is afraid of threats ?! "

Gao Qi couldn't help changing his sitting position ... he was nervous! My eyes cleared and my face was as calm as possible.

"Chen!" His face had been veiled gloomily: "I know you are a proud young man. Oh, it is normal for young people to be proud, not to mention you are doing a good job. You see, I don't It ’s not that I do n’t know you. On the contrary, I have spent a lot of time researching your information. You are the leader of the Canadian circle, you control the power of one underworld. At the same time, you have maintained friendship with Thorin, and, from now on, It seems that the clover family has a close relationship with you too ... oh, by the way, I also admire the genius idea shown in your smuggling business. "

In a few words, he shook my bottom out. I'm not surprised at this. With his power, it's easy to find out who I am.

But the meaning revealed in his words is not good!

His subtext is actually: I know you are a person with a background, you are the leader of the big circle, the smuggling boss, you have Solin and the Yang family as friends ... But I know all of this, but I don't take it into account!

That's what it means!

"Interesting." My mouth touched slightly and looked at Gao Qi indifferently. "Before I came here, I always paid enough respect to the great Gambino family! But this respect and Does n’t mean I can tolerate other men ’s threats to me ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Mr. Gao Qi, now, I just want to understand this, what method would you use to deal with me? Well, all the methods in the Carpen era are outdated Now, now! "

I decided to bet on it!

I'm gambling, bet Gauchi didn't dare to do me here!

I am not an ordinary person now, let alone a grassroots people! A grassroots person will be killed if killed, and it will not be a problem to cover it up! But who am I now? I'm a popular celebrity across the United States! Is the "Chen" in the minds of countless Fans! !! I've been on the front page or cover of almost every top American newspaper and magazine! !! I am a veteran of a Hollywood film company and have maintained close relationships with many Hollywood celebrities! I also just invested in a movie worth hundreds of millions of dollars! !!

If a person like me disappears suddenly ... hum, no matter who wants to move me now, I'm afraid to think twice!

"What means?" Gao Qi suddenly showed a somewhat complicated smile, a little weird: "Chen, okay. You are an excellent young man, so I plan to give you a little more time to consider ... and how much time to consider It's up to you. As for the means ... Look, this is my restaurant, so I won't make it bloody. "

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