Evil Awe-Inspiring

Vol 2 Chapter 168: [No compromise! 】

When I came out of Gao Qi's manor, my body was blown by the evening wind, and I couldn't help feeling a chill. Then I realized that all the clothes inside me were soaked with sweat.

The humiliation and anger inside me is hard to describe at this moment!

A man, a person like me! Was actually being forced by a gun to perform a "reality show" in the public eye? !!

This is simply a great stimulus to my self-esteem! My fists clenched, and my nails almost pierced my palms, bleeding.

He walked in front of the car and the hammer stood there. His face was also very unsightly. Obviously, he was also very unhappy when he was taken outside to wait for me.

I ripped off the suit on my body, and then tore up the village shirt on my body, threw it on the ground, pulled the car door and got into the driver's seat. The hammer sat next to me, and he felt the dangerous smell of my emotions, dare not say a word.

I started the car, shifted gears, and hit the throttle to the bottom! Then the car rushed out like a whirlwind!

The gate of the manor was already open. When my car rushed out, I wiped it on the iron door and made a sharp noise, but I didn't realize it. I stepped on the accelerator all the way, and the car was speeding. Life-like acceleration!

The excellent performance of Mercedes allows the car to speed up to 200 kilometers per hour in a very short time! The hammer sat next to me, watching the pointer on the dashboard beating, and his face was a little pale ...

The street lights ahead, the trees on both sides flew towards us, and then quickly backed away. At this extreme speed, I almost vented all the anger in my chest to the car. Until twenty minutes later, a sharp siren came from behind me. A police car quickly caught up from behind and turned on the lights. Signaled me to stop.

I just calmed down a bit, slowed down gloomily, and opened the window at the same time.

The evening breeze came in, so that my hot head was awake slightly.

I parked the car by the side of the road and the police car leaned back and parked behind my car. I saw two policemen getting out of the car from the rear view mirror and came over very carefully. The policeman in the front had a flashlight in his hand and the policeman in the back pressed his holster on the waist—a typical American police style.

"Sir, you should know that you were driving just now ?!" The policeman walked to my window with a bit of stiff tone: "Please show me your credentials."

I took a deep breath and was preparing to dig up the documents. The police's flashlight flashed on my face, and then shot twice in the car ... Suddenly, he froze and looked at me. With a smile on his face, "Oh, you are Chen."

I stumbled. Then I remembered that I am now a super celebrity in the United States.

The policeman immediately reconciled a lot: "Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, your behavior has violated the law just now, so I need to issue a ticket to you ... meanwhile ..." He thought about it, and then smiled mysteriously: " Forget it, there is no simultaneous. "

This is probably the benefit of celebrities.

My attitude was calm. I didn't say much. I took his ticket and smiled at him: "Sorry, I was thinking about the problem just now, so I was a little lost."

"I hope you pay attention to your safety." The policeman smiled at me. "My son is also your admirer. I'm waiting to see your new movie."

After a pause, he looked around, then took something out of his arms and handed it to me: "Hey, if you can, can you sign me a name? Look, if you get your signature, my This autograph book is full. "

I took a look at it, and sure enough, this booklet was signed densely, I don't know how many names, all Hollywood stars!

Looking at me with a little surprise, the policeman blinked at me: "Look, this is Hollywood, and all the people who live here are stars. These stars usually have the habit of driving, so my job will be It became very interesting. "

I signed him off immediately and said goodbye to the police who were very kind to me.

Because of the last incident, the Luoshanji police and I have a very good relationship.

I was overcome by this incident, and my emotions calmed down a lot. After restarting the car, instead of driving sharply, I identified the direction and turned around towards my own place of residence.

At this time, the hammer opened his mouth carefully: "Five brother, what's wrong with you tonight? Is that old mafia man trying to deal with us?" Then, the hammer's face showed a murderous look: "I took someone to take his house draw!"

I didn't say anything. I drove the corner of my mouth just a minute after I drove out the car and laughed, "Don't talk dizzy, hammer. This is America, not Vancouver."

After calming myself down again, I temporarily suppressed the anger in my heart, and I began to carefully calculate ...

Judging from the strength comparison between the two sides, there is no doubt that I am at an absolute disadvantage! The most legendary Gambino family in the United States and even the world's mafia! This organization is definitely not what I can do now ... In fact, tonight, Gao Qi dared to take such a humiliation against me. Obviously, it also objectively illustrates the comparison of our strength.

From the strength, we are almost more than one grade worse!

If I was just a "Five Lords of Vancouver", then even in high status, I could not even look at me!

And if it's not because I'm a well-known celebrity and celebrity in the United States, then he can simply solve me with a single shot tonight!

The reason why he didn't move me tonight is definitely not because I am the leader of the big circle-or that the identity of the leader of the big circle, in the eyes of the Godfather of the Gambino family, really does not have much weight, The allies of Upper Solin, and the allies of the clover family, are afraid that the old guy Gao Qi will not worry about it.

In a word, tonight, I am afraid that I am the king of the underworld in the United States!

Although Solin is also a Canadian underworld leader, Canada is still far behind than the United States. Even Solin is worse than Gauchi, I'm afraid a grade!

In this case, what should I use to compete with Gao Qi? What are you going to fight with him?

The disparity of strength makes me a little frustrated, but also faintly more angry.

However, I still restrained myself rationally. After all, I have only been in North America for more than two years. The Gambino family has been developing for more than half a century! I'm not arrogant enough to think that my two or three years of hard work can overtake a deep-rooted legendary family.

So, what can I rely on?

Fortunately, just under my fury, the policeman who just issued me a ticket just reminded me! My biggest reliance is my fame!

Yes, fame!

Maybe my current strength is much worse than Gao Qi, but my fame is definitely at least a hundred times greater than him! The state like me is almost always shrouded in the spotlight of most of the media in the United States. Such a strong exposure rate has almost all the details around me highlighted! In this case, anyone who wants to deal with me must also be prepared to be exposed by the mass media!

Do mafia godfathers like Gao Qi want to be exposed?

of course not! It is safer for a leader of the dark to live in the dark. This is a reason Gucci would not understand.

Thinking about this, I seemed to find a glimmer of hope, and then I shook my head hard and whispered to myself, "I need to talk to someone now."


That night, I had no rest overnight, and Yang Wei and I talked on the phone almost overnight. Yang Wei also felt a little tricky about the threat of Robert Gauchi.

"This is a very special question." Yang Wei sighed. "Well, we don't have many effective ways in this matter ... Well, you originally met the giants you should meet in Hollywood. .The last hostage incident ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You also laid your own network. The problem is, it ’s Gao Qi, this cannibalizing tiger, you have never met. In this case, he took the initiative Come and provoke us ... um ... Chen Yang ... "Yang Wei considered for a while and pointed out carefully:" I have to say, this time you are a little rash. Gao Qi this guy is not easy to mess with. Although I did not He has dealt with directly, but my uncle has met him. This person is very dangerous. Hey, in fact, in this case, you can choose to compromise temporarily. Even if you give some benefits to him, it may not be anything Bad thing. No one will laugh at you because you compromised the Gambinos. We are not his opponents yet. "

I was sitting on the sofa, the phone was next to me, and I had turned into a speakerphone. I held the cigarette in one hand, looked at the ceiling, and said in a deep voice: "Yang Wei, this time, I can say that you are wrong It's up! "

"I was wrong?" Yang Wei was surprised on the phone. I said with certainty: "Well, you are wrong! The reason I refuse to compromise with Gao Qi is not that I am not willing to give up some benefits ... but I can feel that the purpose of this guy is not preparation at all 'Share' with me! "


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