Evil Awe-Inspiring

Vol 2 Chapter 174: 【Matter of principle】

The Rothschild family, this name may be strange to most ordinary people. Because in the age of mass media, people's eyes may only focus on obvious names like "Rockefeller" or "Morgan Family".

But in fact, beyond the sight of all people, this legendary family name is the terrible giant that has controlled the lifeline of the planet for nearly two centuries!

Needless to say, just two examples are enough to illustrate the fright of this family:

First ... in the nineteenth century, there were six great powers in Europe! They are the British Empire, Prussia (later German), the Austro-Hungarian Empire, France, Russia ... and ... the Rothschild family! The Rothschild family also has a prominent nickname, the "Sixth Empire."

Second ... In the United States before World War II in the twentieth century, there was a classic phrase to describe the United States at that time: "The Democratic Party belongs to the Morgan family and the Republican Party belongs to the Rockefeller family ..." In fact, there should be a sentence after this sentence "And Rockefeller and Morgan belong to Rothschild!"

The problem is that the truth that few people know is: In the beginning, Rockefeller was supported by the Rothschilds, and then the Rockefellers gradually became winged and disobedient. Rothschild The German family then picked up the Morgan family to restrict Rockefeller! !! From the very beginning, these two world-famous families that are familiar to the public are actually spokespersons made by Rothschild!

Rothschild, a glorious and almost terrible family! But it has always been hidden on the back of this world ...

And at the same time ... they are also Jews! From the founding movement of Israel to the supportive attitude of the US government for Israel for decades ... everything has traces of this family's participation!

If it is the most powerful family in the United States or in the world, then it is definitely not Rockefeller or Morgan. As for the Kennedy family, it is even more sloppy, and the side branch under the side branch.

(Author's note: I don't say much about the background of the Rothschild family, lest someone say that I make up the word count. You can check the relevant information by yourself. I will also post something in the public version of this book. .)

Although I'm still not sure if the young man in front of him is a member of the Rothschild family, at least in front of such a man who seems to be full of family style, it is absolutely necessary to maintain a little respect!

And two minutes later, my guess got the answer!

"Oh, Martin, you are really kidding ... but you spend money faster than you make money." This is a random joke by Li Wenjing.

The Martin smiled slightly: "Yes, in fact, I am afraid that I am the 'Rothschild' who has the biggest difference between the ability to make money and the rate of spending money. You see, in order to run this club. For almost a year I have been Put money in it. "

My heart moved! Sure enough, he is indeed a member of the Rothschild family!

This name, which is still unfamiliar to the people, is actually famous in the high circle! But they, who control the media, chose to not expose themselves to any media!

The party soon began. Some of the most beautiful supermodels in Hollywood that got special invitations, many of them are fashion darlings who often appear on the covers of fashion magazines, and some Hollywood actresses, and some like party life Celebrities ... These are the parties that George Clooney has tonight.

In fact, according to George Clooney's career, he is not a front-line superstar, but he is a natural social master and a party organization expert.

Obviously, tonight in this place, the big names in Hollywood have become the focus of being chased by the beauty and supermodels. Within half an hour, I saw that George had come to me in the arms of a beautiful woman. He still had a cigar in his hand, looking at me alone, and could not help frowning, then laughed: "Hey dear Chen, what's the matter with you tonight? I have never seen you so lonely ... Oh, let me Think about it, why didn't Jessica be with you tonight? Um ... yes, and the beautiful Miss Yang around you? "

He does not mean that.

George's last sentence made me and Li Wenjing, who were not far away, at the same time, their faces were slightly changed. George said a few more words, and then suddenly patted his head, as if remembering something, left with the two beauties laughing and laughing, and then saw his conductor move out of an old record player and put a section on the previous one. The classic music popular in Hollywood in the 1920s and 1930s led two beautiful women to start dancing in the middle of the hall.

With this man in the lead, many handsome guys and beautiful women next to them also joined the crowd to reflect on the classic dance steps of the last world Hollywood.

It seemed that I was sitting on the sofa around me, Li Wenjing, and Martin.

Li Wenjing and I were a little embarrassed, especially when George mentioned Yang Wei just now. Martin looked at us with a smile, but then he said, "Okay, my two gentlemen, you are dull enough tonight. If you go on like this, you will let the girls around you. Very disappointed. Especially you, Chen, do you know how many girls are secretly looking at you in the past few minutes? "

At this time, a man dressed in a waiter came over and whispered a few words in Martin's ear, Martin nodded, and smiled sorry for us: "Lose a companion."

As he left, the atmosphere between Li Wenjing and me suddenly became awkward.

The two of us sat for a while, couldn't help but go to the wine glass in front of the face at the same time, and then glanced at each other's behavior, and then we put down the wine glass at the same time ... Such an awkward gesture. In the end, we both laughed at the same time.

"Chen Yang ... I didn't expect that we would meet in such a situation one day." In the end, it was a family member. Li Wenjing first returned to normal. He shrugged his shoulders and looked at me: "Tell me. You and Yang Wei What the **** is going on? I remember that you should be with Qiao Qiao, aren't you? "There was a bit of anger in his eyes, and I saw that.

Is there anything in this world that can provoke men's anger more than the questioning of love rivals?

I looked at him, and although I was a little upset, I still made a calm expression on my face: "Sorry, I don't have the habit of explaining personal feelings to others."

Li Wenjing, who has always been a handsome man in my impression, has finally revealed his edge! He leaned back slightly, playing with a crystal goblet in his hand, and squinting at me at the same time: "Chen Yang, I remember when we first met, I still liked you very much. But I also admit that I didn't expect that in just two or three years, you could climb to where you are now ... I really didn't think about it. Even when I first saw Jojo with you, I knew that my first fiancee loved you. But I never thought that my second fiancee would be taken away by you. "

I didn't speak.

"I have always appreciated you." Li Wenjing raised his chin slightly: "You are an excellent person ... and I still think so. But I have to say that you are not suitable for Yang Wei at all. No, I should say You and her are not suitable. Do you understand what I mean? "

I sneered and said nothing.

"I didn't say this out of boring jealousy." Li Wenjing sighed suddenly. His voice was a little sincere, although still somewhat hostile: "You and she are not from the same world, and you will eventually find it difficult to get together. And ... Yang Wei is a too clever woman who she needs. It ’s a man who can let her show her talents! And you do n’t have this ability! She is too clever and too powerful. So sometimes, although sometimes she does n’t notice it, she is involuntarily used to everything. They all take a stance of manipulation. And you ... Chen Yang, I have studied your development trajectory in the big circle, and you are also a strong wrist character. You are not used to making compromises, and you do not like to take orders from others ... The relationship between you and Yang Wei is very difficult. "

"What on earth are you trying to say?" I looked at Li Wenjing and frowned.

"What I want to say is ... Yang Wei needs a platform that allows her to perform as much as possible." Li Wenjing seemed to laugh at himself, and then he raised his glass and gestured to me. I didn't want to be too unkind. He also touched the wine glass lightly. Then Li Wenjing said quietly, "The family I was born was destined to bear a responsibility in my life. The education and training I received since I was a child was prepared for me to inherit the family business in the future. Even my Recreational activities, such as card games, horse riding, tennis, music, wine tasting, etc ... These are all trained for future social activities. Everything is about the future interests of the family. This life, It may look beautiful to outsiders, but if you go through it yourself, you will feel really boring. "

I took a sip of wine, and although I didn't know why Li Wenjing said this to me, I didn't interrupt him and let him talk.

"I took one degree after another, and then started to take over some of the family's careers and do simple things. These are all training processes. But for me, these are boring and even annoying to me." Li Wenjing shrugged his shoulders, and a complex expression appeared on his face: "Did you know? I originally hated riding horses. Because I was scared of being near any big animal from a young age. But the person responsible for training me told me For the future of my family's career in Europe, and to deal with European nobles who love horseback riding, I must learn and master the sport! And once, in order to overcome my fear of horses, they actually locked me in the stable. Let me sleep with the horse all night! "

My heart moved, looking at Li Wenjing's expression, there was no trace of forgery. Just don't understand what he said to me?

"When I met Yang Wei, we were all relatively young. In fact, a girl like Yang Wei was in her family. Since childhood, she has been cultivated as a chess piece for future marriage. But Yang Wei It is a strange number! Do you understand what I mean? When the etiquette teacher, dance teacher, and taught her flower arrangement, art, literature, painting, music, etc., this girl has learned to resist since childhood! On the contrary, she showed a rare talent for business! Ever since I first met her, I have been completely fascinated by her! Do you know why? "Li Wenjing said the answer herself before I spoke: "Because I and her were forcibly indoctrinated by the family to receive the arranged education. The difference is that I did not resist and became a product produced on the family line ... although I asked myself to be superior to other products Many. But she is completely different! She rebelled and succeeded in rebellion !! She did not go according to the original arrangements made for her by the family, and other daughters of the Yang family Different. She has become a business genius, a policy expert! This made me admire her! I also deeply envious of her. "

Li Wenjing squinted his eyes, as if recalling: "You know when I first met her. She asked me what was my greatest interest since I was a kid, how did I answer it? I told her that I had loved football since I was a kid. However, the almost barbaric sports that rely on strong physical collisions are not in line with our identity. So although I like them very much, people in the family strictly forbid me to engage in that sport! In the end, I was successful Turned around. After Yang Wei listened to my answer at that time, he looked at me with an almost compassionate look. That kind of look was really exciting. Because I always asked myself very well! I do n’t think such a The girl has the right to despise me, and then I ask her the same question ... I asked her: What was your greatest interest since childhood, and she replied: play with others in the palm of your hand! "

Having said that, Li Wenjing looked at me and said with a smile: "Now, you see, she really has been doing this! It can be said that my love for her is a kind of mixed with compassion for the same disease ... but for her A kind of admiration and admiration for the success of the resistance, a kind of admiration for looking up. It is because of such feelings that I have been for so many years. I have never been interested in other women. Even an excellent girl like Jojo, I There will be no thoughts. "

Having said that, Li Wenjing glanced at me: "And you, ruined it all." He was smiling with a bitter smile.

I was silent, but Li Wenjing shook his head: "I'm really annoyed at you now. But I won't avenge you or curse you like that narrow-minded person. That kind of thing doesn't make sense. My only What I want to say to you is: treat her well, at least before you break up. Otherwise, I will use all my strength to avenge you. "

This time I was really surprised.

Does this Li Wenjing have such an open mind?

I noticed my strange expression, Li Wenjing said nothing, then he stood up and seemed to be going away. I couldn't help but stop him: "Please wait."

He looked at me, I thought about it, and then said to him very seriously: "Li Wenjing, in fact, I have always been very good to you, maybe this is very plausible. But at least until then, I have been very grateful to you , Because you have always appreciated me, and you have tried to help me several times-then, fortunately, I have not received your help before, otherwise I do n’t really know how to face you now. What I want to say is, in Before I had a relationship with Yang Wei, I always thought that we could be friends. Of course, it is impossible now. I don't think that we can become friends in a relationship like ours now. That would be too hypocritical. "

Then I stared at him: "I talked to Yang Wei, and you know, I have had some trouble recently. I also know that Yang Wei went to find you, right? She tried to ask you to come and help I. I also know that you will appear in Luoshanji today, and you have agreed to her request, haven't you? "

"... Yes." Li Wen nodded.

"Huh, it's really embarrassing ..." I rubbed my temples lightly as if laughing at myself, and then looked at Li Wenjing with a smile and smiled casually: "You and I now love the same woman, the relationship has changed from a friend to I ’m a love enemy. In this case, I almost accepted a huge help from you ... Of course, it was lucky to be 'almost'. "

Li Wenjing frowned, as if thinking something: "You ... Are you?"

"Yes!" I nodded. Talking to smart people is to save energy. I mean Li Wenjing should have understood. But in order to avoid trouble, I said it very clearly!

I stood up, facing Li Wenjing, and slowly said, "I am a very principled person. There are certain things that I absolutely cannot accept! Even under any circumstances! So, I think that in In our current relationship, I don't think I can accept any help from you ... even if it is a little bit. So, Li Wenjing, I now want to tell you clearly: I do n’t know how Yang Wei was before What I said to you, I do n’t know what Yang Wei asked you to help me specifically what to do, but I do n’t know how you promised her ... But now, I want to say to you personally: I ’m sorry, all this It ’s all cancelled! I ’m sorry to let you come to Luoshanji, but I really do n’t need you to do anything for me, and I definitely do n’t want to accept any help from you. I think, smart you, It should be understandable, right? "

Li Wenjing froze, he stared at me for a long time, then suddenly laughed: "Do you mean, your unilateral request to lift Yang Wei's request to me? Can I understand this?"

"Yes!" I answered him quite simply.

"Chen Yang ..." Li Wenjing frowned. "Do you know how much trouble you are causing this time? The Gambino family is not easy to mess with, you need help now."

"But it definitely won't come from you." I added, rejecting him resolutely.

Li Wenjing stared at me for a while: "Does Yang Wei know?"

"It doesn't matter if you know it or not." I said lightly: "This is my business. I think I have at least the power to decide my own business. And, there are some things that women don't understand."

Li Wenjing didn't say much. Throw me a complicated look and then leave.

I sat back on the sofa again and suddenly felt relieved.

I admit that Yang Wei was right when arguing with me today.

Therefore, I can go to the Gambino family to fight without thinking.

However, whether to accept Li Wenjing's help is another matter!

Big deal I quit Hollywood! Big deal I don't make this money anymore! !! However, accepting help from my love rival, if I do, then I am not me!

In fact, some of my words are correct today.

Some things are men's things, and women will never understand!

I thought of this, and couldn't help but laugh at myself and said to myself, "Fuck, I'm good-natured, but also uphold the principles! Hey, she makes sense, I can listen. But the problem of principles , Still have to hold it. "

I swallowed my neck and swallowed the wine in the glass in front of me, looked around, and suddenly felt that nothing was going on. And I met Li Wenjing here tonight, and accidentally solved a stone in my heart that had been suppressed for a day, and suddenly felt a lot easier, so I was ready to leave.

Just then, one hand behind me held my shoulder. I looked sideways, and Martin didn't know when he came back.

He still smiled like a hospitable host: "Hey, Chen, what's wrong, are you going to leave so early?"

Then the man named Rothschild suddenly showed a strange smile. He looked around: "Lee? Did he leave first? Is there any misunderstanding between you?"

"No." I shook my head. It is really not a misunderstanding, but a contradiction in the light.

"Well, it's just the two of us right now. How about we talk about topics that are of mutual interest to each other?" Martin smiled, and he took out a small bottle from behind him: "Look, this is my treasure Bottle of gin, don't look down on it, but it tastes great! "

My ghost gave a poor answer: "Like the Rothschild family?"

Martin smiled mysteriously, he shook his head: "No, no, my family's low-key is our tradition. But I am an alternative, my elders have said it before, I am afraid it is more than two hundred years, One of the most alternative Rothschilds. Because I like to be with these Hollywood stars all day, I am also the closest to the media spotlight. "

He poured wine for me, and then said unintentionally, "Right, I heard that you seem to be having some trouble recently ..."

Chapter 175 [Everything Needed]

Martin seemed to just say so casually, but I paid attention. A person like him cannot say anything and do nothing for nothing.

I nodded calmly: "You're right, I have some conflicts with the Gambino family."

Martin whistled, and to be honest, he really didn't look like the Jews in my impression, because he was easy-going and not serious at all. "Chen, you are amazing. You only came to Hollywood for a few months and became the first red star in the United States, and then provoked the first family of the underworld ... I don't know if I should compliment you or something Now. "

He was teasing me, and his tone was relaxed, as if it were a chat between friends. I don't know for what purpose this member of the Rothschild family will be so intimate with me, but at least I know it: he will not treat this attitude to anyone, that is, he has a purpose.

"My luck has always been bad." I said casually.

Martin sat closer to me, and I could even smell the cologne on his body. This guy thought about it, and then seemed to sigh, saying, "Actually, I have heard about your business. After all, Hollywood is In such a big place, a little bit of news will soon spread across the city. And ... Stephen also mentioned you to me. He thinks you are a good guy. "

Looking at such a person as my age. To say that I am a "lady" in this old-fashioned tone, although it feels weird, but in his capacity, he is indeed qualified to speak in this tone.

I thought about it and decided to show off with him!

"Martin." I looked at him, trying to use the most sincere tone possible. "If you want to say something. Just say it. I am willing to listen to friends now."

Martin smiled, and he smiled, with a slight demise of raising his hand: "You went to Stephen, it is indeed a very good way. In Hollywood, no one can not give Spielberg a face. But you have n’t thought about it, Stephen ca n’t protect you all the time. This film is shot for up to half a year, plus hairstyle and release, up to a year. The Gambino family may not bother you during this time. But after this And Stephen has no obligation to help you all the time. Although he admires you and thinks that Hollywood owes you a favor. But the reward is over, and no one has an obligation to offend the Gambino family for you. "

I didn't speak, just watching him quietly, waiting for his next. [Paradise kiss hand fight]

Martin looked at me with a mysterious smile, and whispered, "Or ... you didn't plan to stay in Hollywood for a long time at all? Are you planning to leave after finishing this ticket?"

I was surprised! This guy actually guessed all my previous plans!

Then he stopped looking at me and murmured to himself: "But even then, you can't escape the Gambino family. If they really want to trouble you ... hehe, you invested in this house The film company, it cost a lot of money. And you go, the film company ca n’t take it. Even then, even if you plan to sell the film company. The old man of Gao Qi can give you some problems. In this place in Hollywood, people People are very realistic, and no one will spare no effort to help you. It is my concern that after the end of this movie, Stephen ’s umbrella is missing. Do n’t worry about taking your money out of here. gone!"

I am silent.

Indeed, the film is currently calculated to earn around $ 300 million, deducting the benefit of $ 100 million to Spielberg's DreamWorks site. I did get nearly 200 million dollars. But then? I have invested a lot of money in this film company! And the movie company still owes a bank loan! I want to go then. I'm sure to sell the movie company because I can't carry this baggage all the time ... But if the Gambino family really wants to engage me, they can do some small moves.

For example, at the film company, some unscrupulous attacks, such as shootings, or some malicious underworld methods, made people's hearts frightened. Who else would dare to take over this company?

And this company did n’t take the shot, I did n’t have the protection umbrella, and I could only put it in Hollywood ... Unless I was willing to apply for bankruptcy myself!

I have invested tens of millions in this company before and after, and I have to repay the bank loan. In the end, I am afraid I will not make much money.

If that's the case, all my efforts are in vain. Also wasted a year. At the same time, he erected himself an enemy such as the Gambino family.

More than gain ... more than gain ...

These thoughts circulated in my mind, and then I saw Martin smiled and laughed, and I couldn't help but whispered: "Is the ... Rothschild family also interested in the film company's business?" I looked at him: "But, as far as I know, the Rothschilds always seem to only operate banks and financial institutions?"

Martin smiled, mysteriously, and then pointed to the hall: "Do you think this place is also a financial institution?"

I am silent.

Indeed, this place is run by Martin!

"It's fair to say that in the last century, our family did run the business of financial institutions. But you see, there are a lot of industries that make money now. And as I said just now, the elders in the family think that I am probably 200 years old One of the most different Rothschilds in the family. For me, I'm interested in all the businesses that make money. "

He smiled very cunningly, a cunning characteristic of a Jewish businessman.

Suddenly there was a hint of hope in my heart ... maybe, what happened tonight is also an opportunity for me? Maybe?

"Martin, let's just say, what do you want?"

Martin didn't answer my question directly, he just looked around deliberately, and George looked at the two beauties still twisting their butts, and looked enjoyed. I have to say that this **** is really attractive. And he looks a lot like Clark Gippen in the 1950s and 1960s.

"Have you seen George? He is my personal friend and I was inspired by his involvement in the film industry. I like to try new things, and this club has made a lot of friends in the film industry for me. Being alone Standing next to a gold mine, all my friends are earning money in the gold mine, but they don't care about it ... There is no such person in the world. "Martin whispered deliberately," Chen, your deeds let me I ’m surprised, you can say that you have created a Hollywood miracle. You have a special experience ... but you do n’t think that if you just make a fortune here, you will leave. For such a miracle that God has given you, this Opportunity ... Is it too wasteful? You now have an unparalleled reputation and the goodwill of most Hollywood celebrities. Have an adulthood. When you ascend, you can always call a group of big-name stars to work for you. I've studied the history of Hollywood, and no newcomer has ever got such a good foundation for you-your foundation is so enviable! "

"It's also jealous." I added it appropriately. Deliberately: "So Gao Qi can't wait to get me out of the game."

But at the same time, Martin's words had to make me tempted.

Indeed, as he said, if I have such a foundation and can continue to mix in Hollywood, then it will not be difficult for me to become a new movie tycoon. But I also have my difficulties ... I am a gangster after all, and my main energy cannot be focused on the film industry. This is a world of media. Once the media no longer owes me humanity, I will expose my underworld background, so can I still mix?

At that time, they will be the first to come to trouble me. In fact, they want to trouble me now. They definitely know my background, but this situation is so popular that they can only be cautious.

"You make sense, but I have my difficulties." I answered straightforwardly, "I can't continue to develop in Hollywood. My background ... well, and now, the Gambino family will not sit by and watch me. Bigger. "

Martin took a sip of the cigar, and then a smoky smoke came out of his mouth ...

"Indeed, the leader of the Canadian circle, the smuggling oligarch on the West Coast, the partner of Sorin, and the friends of the Clover family ... I am afraid that these will not make the Gambino family scruples ..." Martin smiled slightly, his eyes revealed There is a glimmer of glory: "So, what if you add a new identity? For example ... a friend of the Rothschild family? Can Gao Qi ignore this identity?"

I throbbed!

"The Rothschild family once had many friends, and as our friends, they all achieved brilliant achievements that are difficult to describe ... for example, Bismarck, the prime minister of Germany, such as Morgan, such as ... Rockefeller!" Martin downplayed the same tone, with the power of indescribable temptations: "Although these friends have a record of betraying us in the end, it is undeniable that friends of the Rothschild family, this identity is enough to help you resist the great Most are in trouble. "

I swallowed vigorously and swallowed ... In fact, my mouth was dry, my mouth was dry, and there was nothing to swallow, so I took the bottle and poured myself some wine, swallowed it, and watched Martin: "What exactly do you want ?!"

"I want a profitable business." Martin answered me with a smile.

"Everyone knows that the movie industry is very profitable, even more profitable than drugs." Martin's expression at this time was already a bit of a stern momentum: "And I am interested in all profitable businesses ... you Look, now the financial market is very stable, there is no place to go for large amounts of hot money in the world, and we have a large amount of idle funds in the banks owned by our Rothschild family ... God, let these money lie in the bank to sleep, it is simply It is a waste and crime! "He exaggeratedly smiled:" And I am very interested in you. I said that you have the innate miracle and advantage that no one will get for another 300 years! No newcomer who has just entered Hollywood can have a foundation like yours! It would be a pity to throw away such a foundation only once! So I hope to get you this opportunity to make money! "

I looked at him: "I still don't understand ... if the Rothschilds want to invest in films, you can buy a film company. Or ... find Spielberg, who is also Jewish."

"It's different." Martin shook his head, then he looked at me and smiled sincerely: "You don't seem to know about a family like ours ... you see. Although I have the last name Rothschild, but I ’m not only a Rothschild in the family! The family values ​​tradition and low-key, and always likes to focus on business. It does n’t pay much attention to other industries ... I am an alternative. But I have no way Convincing the family to enter the film industry ... As for the acquisition of a film company ... Which one do you think I can acquire? Warner? Paramount? Fox? That requires tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of funds! I am frank Tell you: I do n’t have that much influence on the family. But apart from those giant companies, I do n’t look down on them. I do n’t want to buy a new film company, and then The industry starts from scratch. That is too wasteful of time! What I need is efficiency! In short, it is to spend the least capital in the shortest time. At the same time, it can also make movies Industry to make achievements ...... and make money! "

I laughed.

This Martin is very frank, really a wonderful person.

Hmm ... Spend the least amount of capital in the most time. Make the most money ...

nonsense! Which businessman in the world does not want to do this? !!

But think about it ... I have to admit that it seems that the current film company of mine really meets this condition! !!

"Dear Chen, I know that your energy will not be focused on the film industry. But you cannot waste the gift that God gave you. So, we may wish to cooperate." Martin stated his conditions: "I am willing to invest in the purchase A part of your film company. Then this company will be owned by you and me! What I get is a profitable business. According to my estimation, if this film company can continue to develop. Within five years, it can be at least Not as much as Stephen ’s Dreamworks. Of course, we are focused on film production. And you do n’t need to spend too much energy to run this company, let ’s find experts to do these jobs ... well, find a few Managers, a few experts who serve as the company and management, and we can use this company to make a lot of money for us. "

What else do I want to say. Martin has stopped me: "I know what you want to say ... Are you worried about your underworld background? Or are you worried or the media will trouble you? Dig your bottom? Block the company's development? Believe me. Maybe for you These are difficult, but for Rothschild, these are not the problems. "He even smiled at me like a joke:" If you still have concerns, I can even call the federal investigation now Secretary, let him personally promise that he will not bother you again. "

Although he is joking ... but I believe that this is not a joke! For the Rothschilds ... it's easy to do! !!

If I do n’t feel right now, then I am a fool! !!

What can I worry about? The worst and worst ending: I worked with him, but he grew bigger in the company, and eventually embezzled my shares, and took the company as his own ... It doesn't matter to me. I didn't intend to keep this company in the first place. The company gave it to him. I do not care!

And, looking at Martin, he didn't seem to plan to do that ... After all, this company was up by me. At least in the short term, he can't do without me. The company needs my fame, my popularity, my charm to attract Hollywood talent! These are what Martin values ​​most!

Even if he leaves me in the future and squeezes me out ... I'm not thinking about it anyway, as long as I make enough money, the company will give it to him.

Bottom line: for this transaction, we each take what we need!

Martin looked at me and slowly said, "I'm willing to invest in 50% of your company's shares, so that the company will belong to us ... and at the same time, I can give you a small gift ... That is: this company will enjoy the treatment of the Rothschild family peripheral companies. You will win the friendship of all the banks and financial institutions of the Rothschild family, and your name will be specially marked on our customer list The last "R" letter! When you need a loan ... you will find that this treatment will bring you countless conveniences! "

"The deal!" I said without hesitation.

Instead, Martin froze for a moment. He looked at me: "You don't have to think about it? Or, calculate the specific number?"

This time it was my turn to laugh, I looked at him, squinted: "Martin ... I know very well, you know too well. Without your help, then I will leave after finishing this movie in my hand. Hollywood. This company will be a **** to me at that time, and it can be thrown away at any time! But now, your joining makes this company a baby again ... This is equivalent to falling from the sky Pie. I'm not a greedy person-anyway, the pie comes by accident anyway, and I won't go for the big and small pie. "

Martin stared at me for a while before sighing: "I really don't know if you have the courage ... or recklessness. However, I like your frankness. I like to make friends with frank people."

When coming out of this club. I also felt like I was dreaming.

Overnight, I just walked around casually, and my troubles were all resolved in one click! ?

I actually have a relationship with the legendary family of Rothschild!

Maybe someone will say I'm too reckless. So easy to agree to others' requests. But only I understand: I have no choice!

Either I am ready to leave and leave here. Either I can make a bet, anyway, even if I made the wrong bet, I did not lose much.

Sometimes it's that simple.

I drove all the way back to my apartment, only to find the lights in the living room turned on after entering the door. Yang Wei sat there, staring blankly at the ceiling.

I coughed. Close the door and come in, Yang Wei also looked at me. Both of us were a little speechless.

Finally, after almost a minute, Yang Wei said, "Li Wenjing just called me. He told me ..."

"Yes, that's right." I said calmly to Yang Wei, "I have already told Li Wenjing, no matter what you asked him to help before, now it is cancelled. Because I don't want to get from him in this way. To help. "

Yang Wei was silent, but she did not react unexpectedly, and she seemed very calm.

"I understand." Yang Wei thought down. Looking up: "Maybe I didn't think about this. Maybe I really don't know you guys."

"You really don't understand." I said very directly, but then I also looked into her eyes, and then slowly said: "Yes, I want to tell you ... despite you slapped me today, I still Thank you, because you stopped me from doing something very stupid. At least, I admit that I was wrong. "

"So it's not stupid to refuse Li Wenjing's help?" Yang Wei still couldn't help asking.

I came over and stood in front of her ground, and I looked down at her. It seems that since I met Yang Wei, I have never spoken to her in such a solemn and polite tone ...

I told her: "You have to keep in mind ... Men are sometimes simple, but sometimes they are complicated! In our world, there are things that are right and wrong are wrong ... but sometimes, There is no difference between right and wrong, and the most important thing is the principle! "Then I added:" I really want to make money and hope to grow myself. But, provided that I don't do something I don't want to do for this What to do! Otherwise, I would rather do nothing. "

Yang Wei's complexion was a bit complicated. She thought about it, sighed, lowered her head, and then looked up at me when she raised her head again: "So ... now, are we OK?"

I thought about it: "Not yet."

Yang Wei's face was a bit ugly.

My heart was a little soft, but I continued: "I never beat a woman. I respect all the women around me. However, I don't have the habit of being beaten by women. Maybe you can say that I did something stupid. But I just want to tell you: any man doesn't like the feeling of being controlled by his own woman. Yang Wei, maybe you didn't understand these principles before, but I hope you can understand them from now on. "

I got closer, and reached up and raised her chin slightly. Yang Wei was a bit surprised by the toughness I showed, and seemed to want to dodge, but I gently pinched her chin, and then lowered my body, in her Kissed her on the lips, and then I stood up, looked at her, and whispered, "I love you very much, and now it is the same ... but I love you, does not mean that I like to listen to you."

I pointed to my temple: "I have my own way of thinking and doing things."

I let go of Yang Wei, and then turned upstairs to sleep.

"Have a good rest, tomorrow is another day."

Chapter 176 [Doctor's Answer]

Although I seemed to be very cool when facing Yang Wei in the following, when I returned to the room, I threw myself into the bed and couldn't sleep.

Whether this matter is right or wrong is simply unclear. And now that it's dawn, I don't have any drowsiness, and my depression still doesn't subside ...

Although, I went out at night and met Martin in that club, a magical opportunity to solve my biggest trouble at present.

But after returning, facing Yang Wei, there was still a knot in his heart.

At such times ...

Suddenly my heart moved. At this time, I seem to need to talk to someone about my depression.


I smiled bitterly, jumped out of bed and took out my mobile phone, hesitated for a while, and dialed a number.

When I was holding the phone, I glanced casually at the wall ... Well, it's early morning, but in China, it's the evening.

The phone rang for a long time before it was connected, and then a dry voice came from the microphone: "Have something to say, don't delay me watching Naruto."

I don't know why, just like that, I seemed to see the old man standing in front of me alive, wearing a doctor's white gown, and holding a picture of studying hard to read.

And, it's amazing. I feel better in a moment.

"Wood, it's me."

"Know." Wood's voice at the other end remained the same: "It's okay, you won't find me, say it. Broken? Bankrupt? Or terminally ill?"

"......... ※ ¥ ……% # ¥%" I couldn't help but swear a few words, after finishing the swearing. I laughed, my heart was depressed, and I lost a few points, and then I whispered, "Wood, have you been doing well recently?"

"Eat, drink, and sleep, Azer soaked an 18-year-old little beauty. Jojo was held upstairs in their mansion, and the princess was waiting for the rescue of the knight ... as for the other ..." The wood was slightly After thinking for a moment, he slowly said, "Jenny is going to have a concert, she is going to have a parent meeting ... Damn, who says that I am old-fashioned, actually wants me to be her parent."

The smile on my face was three more points.

Suddenly, I miss everything in China, my friends, and the carefree days with them ... and now I am abroad. Although it looks like a mixed scenery, in fact, every moment is a tightrope! The Gambino family, Rothschild, Thorin, shamrock ... Hell, when in the country, where are these annoying things!

"Wood, I'm having some trouble and I'm very upset."

"Did you not know what to wear for the Oscars?" Wood joked.

There was a movement in my heart ... There would not be so many words in the wood on weekdays. Today, on the phone, it sounds like he speaks more fluently than before. Did he change anything? But listening to his tone, even if it is a change, it should be a good change.

"No kidding, I'm really in trouble." I smiled bitterly.

"... Say it." Muzi said helplessly.

I thought about it and said, "I have an opponent now. They have ten times more people than me, ten times more money than me, ten times more power than me, and an official background one hundred times more than me. And ... They have caused me a great humiliation, and I swear that I must recover it. "

The wood did not speak.

I continued: "Just last night, I was a little emotional and ready to go play with them ..."

"Then you're dead." Wood interjected very directly.

"... Yes." I admit that the other party is much stronger than me. If I really fight, I'm afraid it will be a dead end. Fortunately, I didn't. Later, one thing changed my mind. "

"A woman ... well, or a woman of mine, she strongly opposed me doing this, and quarreled with me in order to stop me, and in the end she slapped me and scolded me pause."


"We quarreled a lot ... I knew she was for me, but after all, I was a man ... I ..."

"You can't hold your face." The wood bluntly said the problem.

"... but she's too powerful! I'm a man. I don't like being led by my own woman, and I don't like being controlled by a woman ..."

Before I complained, the wood interrupted me: "Did she control you before?"

"..." I froze for a moment.

Yang Wei ... Does she control me? Maybe not……

I developed in Vancouver and cooperated with the Yang family, including coming to Luoshanji to open a film company. In these, I had the help of Yang Wei ... Of course, she served as my military officer many times. However, she never really took her strength above me.

"No." I sighed. "But this time ... I worry about ..."

"Is she a very clever woman, so clever as to make you feel ashamed?" The sentence of wood once again struck my weakness!

"Yes, she is too clever. It seems that there are no problems she can't figure out. There are no problems she can't solve. Even before she helped me with a lot of suggestions ... I ... I suddenly closed my mouth , I had a thought that surprised me!

It turns out ... I've been upset with Yang Wei deep down!

Nothing else, just because her ability is too strong! She is too smart! Anyone in front of her will be seen through by her!

However, most men in this world do not like women who are too smart and powerful!

I, as a somewhat masculine man, certainly won't like women who are too powerful!

But the contradiction is that after a series of things and misunderstandings, I just fell in love with Yang Wei ... This caused a contradiction. Although this contradiction has been covered before, but now, suddenly a chance broke out ...

The root of the problem is not that she has taken some drastic measures to stop me this time ... but that I have always disliked her being too clever.

Stand on a normal person's point of view. I am afraid that 99% of men all over the world like the kind and gentle woman who treats her own birds. Of course, smart and sensible girls like men.

But Yang Wei ... she is really smart!

Although some people like strong women, I am not a "queen control".

After listening to my head no longer talking, Wood suddenly snickered twice: "What are you afraid of? Isn't it afraid that when you and that woman in the future, she will wear a leather outfit and hold a leather whip to pump you, then pumping Order you to call her queen? "

"..." I yelled: "Wood, you better watch less **** videos!"

Wooden smiled, and then his voice became serious: "Listen to you, she should be a very powerful woman. Well, indeed, a woman who is too smart can make men feel uncomfortable or even scared. Because such a woman is difficult for you Baiyibaishun, it ’s hard to treat your little bird to others. Even when you are in the mood, she wo n’t look at you with worshiping eyes beside you, so that your inner vanity can be satisfied—well, but in the world Most men like these. "

I sighed, and then couldn't help but start to talk about the relationship between me and Yang Wei ... from the first time we met. Distress for the first time, then talk all the way down. Everything, every experience ...

Talking, I suddenly couldn't help but feel a little tenderness ... This woman, I and she have experienced so many things together, she helped me so much, and paid so much for me. We were born and died together ...

How long I talked, even I forgot myself, but after that, there was no sound on the phone.

"Wood ... wood?" I yelled suspiciously.

"Huh? Oh, you're finished." Then the sound of wood sounded again.

"You ... Are you listening ?,


"But I seem to hear the sound of turning the pages of the book ... Did you just watch" Naruto "when I was talking just now !!! Damn!"

Mucha said disdainfully, "No ... even if you watch it? The eyes are used to read the comics, and the ears are used to listen to you."

"I rely on ※ …… ¥% …… ¥ ※ …… ¥ # ◎◎"

"Okay." Wood smiled, and then said in a weird tone: "Little five ... you are lost on the road of love ..."

"..." I gritted my teeth. "And you said you didn't read the comics ... this is Kafka's line!"

Ignoring my accusations, Mu Tiao suddenly laughed and said, "You said so much ... I am very sorry for the girl you called Yang Wei."


"She did a lot to help you, right? You spared no effort and thought, but in exchange for the suspicion of the beloved man, she was worried about the ingenuity she showed ... ... I think she's pathetic. "


"Also, I ask you, she has been so dedicated to helping you. Has she ever had a hint of selfishness? Is there any intention for herself?"

"No." My voice sounded weak even to me.

"That's it," Mu said rudely. "She slapped you to save your life. But you're wrinkled with small face problems here."

Why do you think it's my fault as you listen? "

"But ... she has one more thing that makes it really hard for me to accept it." I sighed and told Yang Wei to ask Li Wenjing to help me, and then briefly explained the relationship between the three of us.

The tone of the wood was a little softer this time: "It's no wonder you're angry. No man is willing to accept help from a love rival. This Yang Wei thing is not done properly. But ... I have another problem."


"Have she ever had another lover?"

"……Maybe not."

"So, has she ever had another man before?"

"Should not."

"Have she had any emotional experiences before?"

I thought about it, thinking back to the words I had talked to Yang Weiye once, it seemed from Yang Wei's words that she had been disdainful of other men around her since she was a child ...

"It doesn't seem to be."

Speaking of which, I was suddenly startled ... It turned out that I was actually Yang Wei's first love? !!

"Understand?" Muzi said with a smile: "She didn't do it on purpose, it was a mistake, or an inexperienced performance. She hasn't been in love, she hasn't had any emotional experience, so she doesn't She is good at dealing with this kind of problem ... Although she is very smart. But being smart is not omnipotent. There are always areas in which she is not good. I think your woman is a bit stupid when facing emotional problems. "

I took a deep breath, thought for a long time, and said to the phone: "Thank you ... wood, I'm hung up."

"Wait ... next time you get some of your autographed photos, that girl has always wanted ..."

I hung up the phone, walked around the room a few times, and couldn't help but open the door and went downstairs.

Yang Wei's bedroom was downstairs, but I just went down the stairs and saw the lights in the living room. Yang Wei didn't go back to the room to sleep, she was lying on the sofa. He curled up into a ball, but fell asleep here.

I walked lightly and stood on the sofa, watching Yang Wei quietly. Her eyes were tightly closed, and her eyelashes occasionally twitched slightly in her sleep. Breathing is well-balanced, gentle, and calm. As for in his sleep, his brow frowned softly, and it seemed to be a little sad.

I looked at her for a while, then turned to find a blanket and gently covered her. Then she bent down and looked at her so quietly for a long time. Her skin was delicate and radiant, her eyelashes fluttered, and Yang Wei, who fell asleep, looked pitiful and pitiful, a little bit more provocative than the posture of a strong woman who had everything under her control during the day. Charismatic charm of man.

After looking at it for a while, I finally reached out, one hand gently inserted under her neck, and one hand copied under her knees, and then with a firm arm, Yang Wei hugged it horizontally.

Yang Wei was agitated in his sleep, but didn't wake up immediately, but slightly stretched out his arm and caught my neck, his head was crooked on my shoulder.

I hugged her and returned to Yang Wei's room, opened the door, and I put her gently on the bed. Then I sat down, sat next to the bed, looked at Yang Wei, and suddenly murmured, "Oh, after falling asleep, I'm gentle like a cat ... If you use yours during the day, How gentle is a man? Men do n’t like women who are too strong. With your cleverness, you wo n’t understand this. ”

After saying that, I smiled, and stood up to leave, but as soon as I turned around, I felt my hand was pulled, turned around and looked, Yang Wei was lying on the bed, already awake, in the darkness, She looked at me with big eyes, her eyes shining. It turned out she was awake, just holding my hand, as if she didn't want me to leave, a pitiful look of perseverance and begging appeared in her eyes.

I turned around and sat down again, stroking her messy hair gently with one hand, and said softly, "Sleep."

Yang Wei closed her eyes, then she opened it again and said in a low voice: "I ... I know, I shouldn't do those things for you. I ... Oh, I also know that sometimes, I am afraid Someday it will scare you away. But do men really dislike women being too smart? "

I smiled. [Paradise kiss hand fight]

A flash of redness suddenly appeared on Yang Weixue's white cheek, and then she gently said with a trembling voice: "Then ... I can become a bit stupid later. I heard ... When a woman has a man, she will It will become a bit stupid. "

It's rare that Yang Wei would reveal the tenderness of this little daughter. It is rare. I couldn't help but sway in my heart, could not help but bow my head and kissed her cherry lips, whispering: "No. I like you very much In this way, I should thank you. Without your ingenuity, I would not be able to achieve today's climate. "

After a pause, I said softly: "But then. Sometimes you don't forget ... You are not only my military division and think tank ... At the same time, you are also my woman. Remember? Military division think tank needs Smart, and women need more gentleness. "

Yang Wei's eyes flashed a sly smile, pouting a smile, and nodded: "You can rest assured, I remember."

One day the sadness seemed to fade away. When I walked out of Yang Wei's room, I couldn't help but relax.

Well, thanks to that guy in wood. It seems that people are like this. When you are depressed, it is the best choice to find a friend to dispatch.

But remembering the unusual performance of wood today ... well, how do you say? Mu Zi's character now seems to be a lot more cheerful, and he has a lot more words than before ... Is there really any reason to change him?


Because tossing all night before. The next day I slept until two in the afternoon before waking up-well, it's nice to be the boss myself. As long as there are no major issues, I can go to the company at any time of the day.

I got up with Yang Wei at 2 in the afternoon, and after having a "breakfast", I drove to the company.

At breakfast, I told Yang Wei about my cooperation with Martin Rothschild last night. Yang Wei listened carefully to all the processes I said. She thought about it and said, "I don't think it's okay. The Rothschild family has always had a good reputation, at least they have no tradition of betraying their allies. And this family The purpose is to make money. Not to mention ... "

Yang Wei and I looked at each other and said at the same time, "Not to mention that even the worst plan is just to return to the result we had expected before. We have nothing to harm our husband."

Although Martin was an alternative Rothschild, he also inherited the low-key tradition of the Rothschild family.

After two or three days of preparation, including counting the current assets of the company-this process has saved a lot of time, because I also just bought this movie company not long ago. The asset statistics work has just been completed. For a few months of company operation, some additional statistics are sufficient.

On the third day, Martin came to my company with several assistants, and we signed the cooperation agreement very low-key.

Later, some professional questions were left to lawyers to complete. We opened champagne in the office.

According to the final agreement, the Rothschild family invested 30 million US dollars to buy 50% of our company's shares. And I continue to be chairman of the company. If the company goes public in the future, the shares listed will be shared equally between us. This is fair.

Subsequently, the Rothschild family began to fully intervene in the company's business. Martin brought a group of professionals from their family into the company, and placed them in several departments to truly manage the company together.

However, Charlie will not continue to be the general manager of the company. To be honest, he is better at public relations, so I gave him the media contact and public relations work. And the new company, Martin actually supernaturally recruited a vice president from Warner.

I'm not familiar with this person's name, but Martin convinced me in one sentence:

"It was that time that he was able to stand up for discussion, and when others were not optimistic, he decided to pay for the Harry Potter movie rights. And now you see it."


And I finally realized what Martin told me at the time, a small gift for me ...

My name is on the VIP list of all Rothschild financial institutions in the world! And the therapist I get: I am at any time, anywhere, under any circumstances! I can get an emergency payment from any bank financial institution under the Rothschild family! The amount is $ 50 million ... The repayment period is half a year ... and it is ... the lowest interest! !!

I know how significant this treatment is!

In other words, ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Whenever I encounter any difficulties in the future, I can always receive a financial support from the Rothschild family! Businessmen know that at a critical moment, a life-saving fund for your turnover can often bring you back to life! !!

The original Billy Mountain Film Company's brand was removed, and the new brand was replaced with a more sophisticated production. Although the name of the company on the brand has not changed, it is still "Billy Mountain Film Production Company".

But the only subtle change is the small upper sign in the upper left corner of the front of the line: a circle, a capital R letter.

This small mark indicates that this company belongs to the industry outside the Rothschild family and enjoys all the protection of the industry outside the Rothschild family!

"From today, even if President Meiyuan wants to find this company's trouble, he must weigh it. As for the Gambino family ..." Martin said lightly: "No one can stop the Rothschild family's profitable business, Otherwise it is the enemy of the family. "

I noticed that Martin's tone when referring to the Gambino family was like talking about a reptile lying on the ground.

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