Evil Awe-Inspiring

Vol 3 Chapter 7: [Stabbing]

"Stop him! Stop him !!!!!!"

Someone finally reacted this time! The two men closest to me rushed over quickly! But the guy pushing the cake cart also accelerated towards me. I snorted, grabbed Yan Di with one hand, and caught Jojo with the other, pulling both women behind me.

Just then, I heard a harmony from the crowd: "Bold thief!"

Then he saw the master screaming out of the crowd, he flew out, and people were in the air, like a hawk beating a rabbit! I didn't see how he moved, as if a bounced leg ...

boom! A figure flew horizontally and smashed heavily on a dining table next to it. The dining table was smashed and the food on it was spilled.

After the cart man was kicked out by one of his masters, he struggled twice on the ground and suddenly pulled out a small tube from his arms! Across the distance, just press me!

I was subconscious at the time and immediately felt bad! That tube is clearly a miniature pistol!

I had no time to pull Yan Di to the side, and I heard a bang! My heart was tight at the time, but I heard a clear voice behind me. It turned out that a tall champagne tower behind me was hit by a bullet, and the bullet broke the glass cup. It just shattered!

Fortunately, after this guy fell to the ground, the marksmanship was not allowed!

At this point my men had rushed in front of him, first kicked off the metal pipe in his hand, and then two people held him. I shouted, "Catch! Stay alive!"

At this time, two of my men ran over to push the cake car away, and suddenly I felt uneasy, suddenly amplifying my voice and shouting, "Everyone is lying down !!!"

I tossed the wood and Azer next to me at once, and then I turned Yan Di and Jojo to the ground. Because I was too hard, I finally hugged Yan Di, and they rolled to the ground with a bone and rolled off the table.

An explosion sound was heard in my ear ... Boom! !!

With the cake crumbs flying around, various cheeses, cheeses, candies, etc. splashed out, accompanied by the horrified screams that broke out in the crowd, the scene was suddenly chaotic!

Suddenly there was an explosion at the wedding, and the crowd fled around like a frightened duck. Then I stood up from the ground, and saw both Aze and Tuanmu also looked up. Both were a little embarrassed, but fortunately they were not injured. Qiao Qiao was also blank, and I quickly looked at Yan Di next to him. Her eyes were closed, but she seemed to faint. I was taken aback and quickly checked her, but saw a wound on her back! Blood flows. Suddenly reddish white wedding dress!

I was buzzing in my head at that time, so scared that my legs were soft and indifferent, all I knew was desperately covering her wound with my hands.

Yin Hong's blood flowed from my fingers and she was already soaked in the wedding dress. I pressed her wound firmly and pushed Yan Di gently, exclaiming: "Yan Di ..."

To my horror, I couldn't help shaking my voice, but Yan Di closed her eyes tightly ...

And when I had no God, I heard the wood shouting at me: "Let's go! I'm coming!"

The wood rushed over and sat beside me, then I suddenly remembered: wood is a doctor! !! The wood didn't care too much, and immediately pulled the wedding dress on Yan Di's back with a hard hand. With a bang, the wedding dress broke, exposing the skin on the back, with a wound on it, about an inch long. Then she let out a sigh of relief and pushed me hard: "Rest assured, it's okay, she was just scratched by the shrapnel, not the point, only minor injuries."

I just came back to my mind, just now I saw the bride fall beside me, the white wedding dress stained with blood, scared me silly. As soon as I reacted, I suddenly had a violent murderous spirit in my heart! !!

Asshole! I encountered such a thing at my wedding! !!

I took off my dress and covered Yan Di, and then said to the wood, "You take care of her!" There were two other men running away, and I shouted and stood beside Yan Di. I Already channeled!

At this time, the scene was a mess. Although I was in a hurry, I immediately understood the situation.

There was obviously a bomb hidden in that cake, but it seemed that the power of the bomb was not great, presumably for the purpose of plotting against me. So when the explosion just happened, no one was hurt, but the shrapnel was scattered, and someone was slightly injured.

Now that the crowd is fleeing, my men are still trying to maintain order.

I pulled over one of the men around me, and then couldn't help telling me, so I took a gun from his arms!

Looking at the crowd, I was annoyed. I raised my gun against the sky and fired a few shots, and then yelled with my biggest voice: "Everyone is quiet !!! Anyone who disturbs will fire!" !!!!!! ''

As soon as I took the lead, I immediately learned something from my men. After a few of my men arranged to fire warning shots at the sky, the scene calmed down!

Some people are lying on the ground, some are stiff, others are squatting holding their heads, and some are preparing to flee to the exit.

My face was murderous. At this moment, my heart was furious, I just wanted to find the enemy's corpse! I held a gun in my hand and gritted my teeth and shouted, "Everyone is quiet! Don't run around! Brothers in the big circle listen, brothers outside the exit continue to guard the exit, no one is allowed in or out! Maintain order and bring people together! Please follow the instructions !! "

I was very angry at this moment. Just after I shouted, the men in the field restored order and started to gather the scattered crowds one by one. Suddenly, in the corner of my eyes, I saw a person lying on the ground on the left side. He pulled out a gun and quietly pointed at me ...

I sang suddenly, grabbed a chair next to me, and threw it away! I yelled at the man in a hurry, suddenly panicked, the gun did not aim, and then the chair flew over, hitting his head! He suddenly burst his head, his head tilted to one side.

I already rushed over, and took his wrist with one hand to remove his wrist joint! His gun landed on the ground, and I already held his neck to lift him all up! I had a murderous face and a embarrassed face, holding his neck high and holding him, this man immediately punished his face with red, struggling desperately, and kept stroking his legs, but where could he shake me for half a minute?

"Who made you guys come !!!! Say !!!" I was furious, my fingers kept pushing.

There was a gurgling noise in his throat, a pair of eyes were protruding, staring at me like a dead fish, and his legs were kicking away from the ground, but where can I say a word?

"Speak! Who sent you here !!! Speak! Speak!" I growled, with a stern expression: "Say !!!"

Finally, his skin was purple, and I was afraid that he would lose his breath at any time, but I was furious in heart, and I could n’t wait to pinch this guy. When my anger couldn't be suppressed, a powerful hand was pressed on my arm, light Lightly pressed me down. When my arm was soft, the man fell to the floor and coughed suddenly. I looked back, but it was a big brother.

"You hold his throat like this, what does he say?" He looked at me and said in a deep voice: "Don't kill him, stay alive."

Seeing that the guy under his feet had softened into a muddy mud, I gritted his teeth and kicked him again, and waved two men under his arm: "Bring me these two guys to the garage ... Send someone to watch carefully ! Stay alive! "

The scene was finally under control, and the guests were very obedient, especially in the face of my wolf-like brothers. Although these people are of extraordinary origin, many people also bring followers or bodyguards. But in this case, it is very wise to choose not to confront me, obediently obedient, and cooperate with us to maintain order.

I ran to Yan Di's side, and the wood had simply stopped the bleeding for her, and Qiao Qiao sat on the ground next to him and was beating the wood.

"My suitcase." Wood looked up at me and said, "I have my medical equipment in the suitcase I brought."

I hurriedly waved someone to fetch it, and Jojo glanced at the wood: "You still brought this thing?"

"I'm a doctor, but that guy who eats me, of course I carry it with me." Wood smiled.

I was relieved that since Wood was able to make a joke, then Yan Di was really fine.

"Go ahead and give it to us here, rest assured." Wood comforted me.

I glanced at the three big wolves ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and stood up and re-directed my hands.

The big brother and Lei Xiaohu took a group of brothers in the martial arts to inspect everywhere. I asked Siro to take someone to inspect every room in the house, every place in the yard.

Finally, the body of the baker was found in the kitchen. He was strangled with a rope, and the body was thrown into the cabinet.

"It's useless, let's zoom in and leave." The periodontium was also shameful, and this kind of thing happened at the wedding of the leader of the grand circle. His high-level circle also had no light on his face, but he was still wise Advise me: "These guests are not ordinary people. You cannot detain others. These people are not offensive, and I don't think the killer is mixed in the guests."

I calmed down a bit at this time, obeyed the periodontal rhetoric, and came out to apologize to all the guests. However, I still ask everyone to leave in an orderly manner. At the same time, I will let people check carefully at several exits. We will divide the guest list by hand, and carefully check the guest's name and number!


(Ask for monthly tickets again ... more and more updates, more and more backwards ... silent)

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