Evil Awe-Inspiring

Vol 3 Chapter 10: 【that is it】

Not to mention the captive, everyone including Siro and a group of brothers around him couldn't help looking at the wood. The look in the wood looked a little more awe and chill. As for Mr. Fang Yazhou, he still covered his mouth and sprayed wildly in the corner.

Wood had put away the scalpel and looked at me with a wink. I immediately came to my senses, and quickly let my men drop the two captives hanging from them. Xiao Huang dragged them back to the container box. As for how to ask for confessions, don't worry.

"You ... aren't ordinary perverts." I stared at the wood with a stun.

Indeed, such a guy, although we used to hang around, drink, play together, pick up girls in a bar together in Nanjing, and I also know that this guy in wood is actually a dull type guy, don't look at him Sven, the fight was soft. But ... think about this guy doing medical checkups for the elderly in the community clinic, and sitting in the consultation room to look at Japanese manga when nothing happens ... Such a person can actually say "I want to dissect you" This outrageous remark came, and he stroked a living person with a scalpel ...

"Pretend." Wood shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not a pervert, but when I was studying in medical school, the grades in the anatomy class were indeed excellent. Remember that in the first anatomy class, the teacher took us to dissect a dead body. I am the only student of all students who does not vomit and sees the tail from beginning to end. "

He ripped off the leather-like gloves in his hand and threw them on the ground, and said lightly: "This was just a frightening thing for the guy, I think the average person. Even a tough guy, even if he is not afraid of death, he should still be afraid of being dissected. "

He was full of acrid blood, but the wood looked freely. I just took off my coat, and then pulled one of my men casually: "Where is water? I want to wash."

The man looked at the wood with awe, and hurriedly pointed in a direction.

Everyone now looks at this friend with my eyes. These brothers here are not afraid of killing and setting fire, especially those under the control of all these are fierce people who can fight and fight. But today they were all shocked by the wood.

I sat for a while, and soon, Xiao Huang pried out the information from the prisoner's mouth.

Both killers are Chinese. That's right. But both of them came from a subordinate branch of Hua Su Gang in the United States ... Simply put. It is an extreme organization that specializes in taking business and helping people, killing and kidnapping, extortion, and so on.

When I heard the name "Huaqing Gang", my heart sank first. because I know. The Huaqing Gang has a blood relationship with Hongmen. The first thing I thought of was ... Was Ye Huan looking for someone to deal with me?

The Huaqing Gang is a large Chinese gang organization in the United States, but the organization is relatively loose. Most of them have a "Huaqing" place name on top of them, and the branches below are as bullish. In general, the power is not small, but the organizations below each have their own hills. Separately. The two killers are a killer-like organization under the name of Hua Qing.

According to the captive's account, the main business of their organization is actually just abduction. The killing business also takes over, but after all, there are too few killings in this world. It is rare to have a few oil and water businesses in a year, and there are more cases of kidnapping. This time, someone paid a high price and asked them to deal with me.

These two people are also veterans. It has been ten days since I arrived in Vancouver. These days, I secretly collect my information, my background, including many details of me. For example, my age. Identity, my preferences, my temper.

The main thing is my daily access route. Everywhere I go, what route I take, and who I am with are basically clear to them ... and what depresses me is that with a lot of information, they have almost no effort to get it ...

Just because I am so well-known nowadays, usually there are many tabloid paparazzi who will stare at my back. Many of my information, they do n’t even have to check it in person, they can get a lot of newspapers.

According to their explanations, they originally planned two plans. The first was to find a route I used to walk, and then fired a dark gun to kill me. For example, near my company, kill me with a sniper rifle. But the plan failed. Because I am almost a shopkeeper now, I rarely go to the company, and my current whereabouts are too erratic.

After returning from Luoshanji, I have almost no plan for where to go every day. Most of the time, I say I pat my head to think of what to do, and go out immediately. I do n’t have any plans and rules to go in and out. They I really don't know the rules of my daily routine. Therefore, the plan of squatting to suffocate the gun was aborted.

Then I received news about my wedding. These people thought of it. At the wedding party, guests, staff, band, etc., etc., the staff is complicated, so I just want to mix in at this time.

Fortunately, where I live, the terrain is flat and there are no high-rise buildings around, so they cannot arrange snipers. As a result, I planned to do something on my wedding cake.

On the wedding day, although I arranged a lot of men to maintain security, but this is a wedding, after all, it is not a military restricted area, and no one expected that someone would come to me on this day, and the people will inevitably relax. And my house is really not a place that is conducive to protection. A large mansion, a yard outside, and a circle of low walls around it. The area is not small. So there are dozens of men, and it is necessary to maintain order on the field. Keeping the entrance outside to prevent the media from mixing in. It is never possible to surround the entire house.

These two guys are also good at it. They found a dead spot and slipped in through the wall.

In fact, in addition to their hands and feet in the cake, they also had preparations, that is, they both changed into ordinary clothes and filled the guests with loitering around the scene ??

Really not small, there are underworld and white road. I don't even know everything, let alone my men? Both had guys on them, especially a miniature pistol with a plastic casing. Can only fire two particle bombs. The two originally thought that if they could meet me in the venue before the wedding, it would be better to just kill me with a cold gun.

As a result, it was deserving of my life. After Wood and Azer came, I almost pulled the two brothers into the bride's dressing room and couldn't chat, so they didn't catch the chance to kill me before the wedding. In the end, I could only use the last trick. I wanted to kill me with a bomb in the cake ...

That bomb is timed! I had calculated the time, which just made me explode when I cut the cake.

To be honest, at the wedding. In addition to the sixth sense in my heart, the biggest flaw that reminded me at the time was: pushing a cake is a yellow man! !! This is the biggest flaw! Because I know it very well, the pastry chef Siro brought me is a senior talent of the British royal family. Even if the pastry master did not come out to push the cake cart, his deputy should come forward. Whether it ’s that pastry chef or his assistant, they are all white! !!

But just because ... I saw Yan Di's unbelievable strength and was tired, so I just said a few words casually. Reduced speaking time!

This time they were unexpected! The result was no time to make up (they originally wanted to make up as white ... Actually, it was very simple, with a beard on their face, or a simple make-up mess. Maybe it can be passed) Unfortunately, something went wrong with time, Can only bite the bullet and push the cake car out! !!

Finally, I saw the flaw on the spot.

These two killers that I have caught are just taking money to kill my "professional talents", and naturally they have no grudges against me. As for who actually commissioned their organization to deal with me, I don't know. They are only hands-on front-line action personnel, and the client is unable to ask.

With so much information in hand, I can't ask any more. I thought about it. Commanded: "Useless words, put them directly into the sack and throw them into the sea."

Xiao Huang didn't say anything and turned around to prepare to go back to kill, but I shouted at him later: "Wait!"

I thought for a while and said, "Don't kill it for a while, and stay for another day. Maybe I have something to ask again."

Then I ran to the corner to pull up the faceless tusks: "Attorney Zhou, have you finished vomiting? Come back and discuss the matter after you vomit."

There were brothers who came back with periodontal decayed teeth and hot tea to gargle.

I asked my brothers to withdraw, leaving me and Silo's fangs in the warehouse, as well as the wood Azer.

"First of all, find out who paid for my life." I rubbed my temples and looked at the cavities on Monday. "Attorney Chow, you, our brains, are best to use, you think about it." "

He was sitting next to the wood, and the wood had changed his clothes, but he still had a **** smell. His face was a little pale, and he bit his teeth, "You have a lot of enemies. I don't think you died one or two. how could I know?"

I smiled bitterly: "Well, people who want me to die ... Indeed, there are quite a few people who think that I am dead. There are certainly enemies ..."

how to say? There are not a few people who offend me. The first is Vietnamese. The Vietnamese are in Vancouver. No, it should be said that after the riots in Vancouver I got out, the entire Canadian and Vietnamese gangsters have been treated as street mice and suppressed by various forces. Especially in Vancouver, Vietnamese gangsters have long been uprooted and there is nothing left. But I don't believe it is Vietnamese who paid for my life. First, Da Ruan and Xiao Ruan are all dead. Without the suffering master, who has nothing to worry about spending money to avenge the two dead people? Gangsters are known for their morale, but most of them are just slogans. Nothing good, who does it? If it were you, would you pay for the so-called righteousness to offend a powerful boss?

Moreover, even if the Vietnamese want to do me, they will not ask the Chinese to do it.

So ... the mercenary organization called Cobra? Cobra took over the work of the Vietnamese to deal with me, but I was killed by all the people who sent them to North America. It stands to reason that people must have wished for me to die. However, after losing the elite soldiers sent to North America, Cobra, which was originally an organization of only second-class mercenaries, was even less powerful. In the mercenary circle, self-protection is insufficient. Where can I find trouble for me? And the rule of this line is that, to spend money to help the employer to do things, if it can't be done, there is no reason to find someone to take revenge? When will one die? If the execution of a mission fails and revenge is killed, then mercenaries around the world don't do other things, just revenge every day has no time!

Well, it's not cobra, basically I don't have much intersection with this organization.

The worst offend recently, naturally the first group of terrorists! Comrades in the revolutionary society of Mr. Ramuch ... Well, these people presumably hate me. But those people have their own horror careers and are big people. There is no reason to deal with me, right? For example. The uncle has been arrested for so many years, and I haven't seen the family of al Qaeda's leading US officer.

Even if Lamuch's associates thought I was going to die, it should be a bunch of Middle Eastern beards who came to trouble me. Can not touch the Chinese.

So ... the Gambino family?

I laughed ... lend them a courage! The Gambino family is awesome, and I really can't afford it. But now that the Rothschild family is my patron, they dare to move me? I am now the money-making tool and money-making partner of the Rothschild family! Even if Lao Gaoqi hates me again, he won't be so impulsive. As for buying murderers, the Gambinos would not be stupid enough to think that the Rothschilds could not find them. Lao Gaoqi is a character. It won't be such a idiot who doesn't know how to go. He would not drag his family into danger just to breathe out.

The clover family? Does Mr. Yang Er want to recruit me as a niece? As a result, I did not marry Yang Wei, and made his old man nasty? Just want to kill me?

I immediately rejected this idea with a smile. What a terrific figure, Mr. Yang Er, how could such a fool do it? In addition to his own son's selfishness. This person is absolutely a waiter and waitress!

So ... Sorin?

I frowned. Thorin would never be hostile to me ... but that Allen wasn't sure!

It can be said that more than half of his current situation of falling out of favor is all my land! If it wasn't for my self-defense that puzzled Old Solin's determination to pass on to his own daughter, then Allen is still a beautiful successor! It turned out that because I inserted a bar in the middle, now Old Solin must have killed Allen. Although the cooperation between me and the old Sorin is only clear to us, there is no airtight wall in this world! !!

But it's not right to think about it. Allen is having trouble reporting himself now. Even if you do something, you will step up to seize the class and seize power! Rather than come to trouble me.

I sighed, and finally had to mention the name that made me least want to mention it again:

Ye Huan!

Ye Huan is Chinese. Ye Huan hopes that I die the most, because only when I die can he be safe! But ... Even if Ye Huan wants me to die, he will let his most trusted person do it, and he will never buy murder! Because of my relationship with him, the fewer people I know, the better!

So ... is it the domestic floodgate?

The people in Hongmen finally found my identity! Then find someone to do me?

I'm very famous now, not only the Five Lords of Vancouver, Canada, but also the leader of the Vancouver circle. At the same time, because of the encounters in Hollywood, I became redheaded! Often the front page of the news! I even put on the cover of Time Magazine ... This kind of popularity must have spread to China.

The problem is, I have ignored this problem.

Because no one in Hongmen except Ye Huan and I knew I was alive!

This is a very critical issue.

I killed the boss's biological son in Hongmen, and the one who hated me the most was the boss and his **** son. But even these two people, do they know me? do not know!

Most of them know my name, my background information in the country ... And even if the person who met me in person, that is, the guy I had become an eunuch, just fluttered that night after taking drugs. Circumstances with me, see my face.

Later, they cast down their nets to hunt me down, all relying on photos.

But it's been over two years now! More than two years have passed, and in their eyes, I am already a dead person! !!

Hundreds of young men who arrested me at that time. Naturally I have long forgotten me, maybe I have forgotten what I look like. It's easy to think about this reason: instead of you, you saw a picture of a stranger two years ago, and now two years have passed. Can you remember exactly what the stranger's picture looked like? Who will remember? cut-!

As for the kid I was beaten as eunuch, and his old man, it should be the person who impressed me most. The problem is, they all think I'm dead! They will no longer deliberately inquire about me and track me down. Even if I have heard it occasionally, the nickname of the person who is now acting in Canada in the Big Circle is nicknamed ‘Five Lords’.

The problem is ... I'm too hot recently! !!

My photos frequently appear in newspapers, magazines, and the media!

I may be recognized when I walk down the street! So, about the possibility that my picture of "Chen", a popular American, appeared in some domestic media. It must be big!

Suppose, one day, the guy I was beaten as eunuch. Or his father, looking through a newspaper with my photo on it ... well, why is this person so familiar? Think again, no. Why is it so similar to the guy who beat me? Check again ...

This is very likely.

But there is also one! If they knew I wasn't dead, the first bad luck was definitely not me!

Ye Huan! !! !!

At first, Ye Huan played a corpse to deal with me! !! I found that I wasn't dead. The first person to bear anger was Ye Huan.

So identify if Hongmen's enemies come to seek revenge. It's very simple, just check if Ye Huan has been on the ground recently.

Siro knew my background, and my background didn't conceal him. But I don't know the periodontal period. I thought about it, and now there is no need to conceal it, so I said it on the spot.

"Attorney Zhou, you also know that I originally sneaked into Canada and then joined the big circle. I got into a lot of trouble in the country and came out of the country. Now I suspect it may be domestic The enemies came to the door. "

龅 periodontal looked at me. Doesn't seem to care too much: "Many in the big circle are illegally smuggled out of the country. But are your enemies very powerful?"

I thought about it: "I don't know how to say it, it's terrible, but it's nothing ... well, Hongmen, you know? When I was in the Mainland, I beat a boss's son in Hongmen into a eunuch. "

Without much reaction, the periodontal period was just raising eyebrows and then "Oh".

Indeed, if I changed to the former, the words Hongmen would definitely make me exist in the mountains!

But now ... just one word, hum!

In the face of the most powerful mafia family in the United States, I dare to slam it.

Hongmen is very powerful, but it depends on where it is. In the place of Chinese people, Hongmen has a long history. All the triads in Hong Kong are passed down from the branches of Hongmen. Basically, the entire Hongmen can represent the modern history of the underworld in China! But that's domestic!

In terms of absolute power, Hongmen is probably inferior to the Mafia.

Moreover, I have to

The sin is not the entire Hongmen, but just one of the bosses.

Organizations like Hongmen are actually similar to the Mafia. Seemingly huge, in fact, it is relatively loose. The Mafia has more than 20 families in the United States, and it is in the mountains, and Gambino is just one of the larger ones. The same is true of Hongmen.

If you deal with a little lunatic like me then, one boss made a speech, of course, other bosses will not refute the same face for this little thing, a river and lake chase down order, I don't want to confuse in China . I am a small person, killing me is just a trivial matter. Find a pit and sell it, and do something. It is not a big deal.

But who am I now? I am a big circle leader in Vancouver and control the smuggling trade on the west coast of Canada. It is a veritable party.

If the opponent is an incompetent punk, one of Hongmen's bosses made a speech. Naturally, all the bosses sold face to help. Anyway, the next killing order is not a waste. But if the opponent is a foreign underworld leader with strong power ... then it's different!

Under this circumstance, are the other old congresses in Hongmen willing to erect such a strong enemy? And the reason is just for the personal grudge of a boss?

In this year, who does nothing profitable!

If the entire Hongmen united and wanted to do me, I would naturally be an enemy. But if only the boss of a hill below Hongmen wants to deal with me ... Damn! Who's afraid of who!

I want to be famous now, to have money and money, and to have a background. Even if the Gambino family deal with me, they dare not kill me! At best, it's just trying to disrupt my business! That day Gao Qi just humiliated me and turned me back!


Just kidding, I'm so famous now, journalists, celebrities ... Is it for nothing? Who dares to kill me ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is to blame me! You kill a little person, you kill it and you bury it, no one knows. But try killing a celebrity! These are my amulets.

Therefore, the grievance I suffered when I fled thousands of miles and died a lifetime, now I can tell, from the view of the periodontal tooth, it is just a phrase "Oh, I know."

that is it.

After a few discussions, the final conclusion was: the biggest object of suspicion is still my old enemy in China.

However, if you want to determine this, the meaning of periodontal periodontal is to first check how recent Ye Huan has been.

After coming out of the warehouse, I immediately prepared to go to the hospital to see Yan Di. On the way, I suddenly received a call, and it was Her Royal Highness Princess who called!

"Chen Yang, do you have time? I want to talk to you."

I frown, this woman, my wedding is over, she hasn't left Vancouver yet?

(This chapter doesn't go through many plots, but needs to explain some issues, which can be considered as a transition.)

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