Evil Break

Chapter 89: : Humans are in hell, demons are in the world

"Auntie didn't say anything? Let you stay at home for so many days." Hu Feng rubbed his forehead and said to Chen Xiaopin sitting opposite.

Chen Xiaopin shook his head, "No, I know you are in a hurry, but I can't think of your hurry as such."

Hu Feng smiled with a smile, a little tired in his expression, from the sudden situation where the angel suddenly fell to the sky collectively, to the death of Aletya, and then to sign an agreement with **** to help the angel find a foothold. A series of things did indeed involve himself Some are exhausted.

"Are you tired? It feels like you have been rich since you became a demon, but you are more tired than before." Chen Xiaoping was keenly aware of the abnormal look on Hu Feng's face.

"Yeah ... I used to deliver food for a whole day. When I got home, I felt that my legs were sore and I didn't want to move. Now it's mentally tense."

"Because the people and things you are in contact with are completely different from before, you have more responsibilities on your shoulders."

"Okay, don't say me anymore, what happened to you, have you resigned?" Hu Feng shrugged and looked at the woman in front of her.

"Quit, so now I'm unemployed. If you don't give me a job, I will wait for starvation." Chen Xiaoping gave Hu Feng a white glance.

Hu Feng laughed a few times and nodded.

"Okay, you will come to work tomorrow. Help me look at the financial issues. Whether it ’s a bar or a leisure club, you ’re staring at it, lest the demons embezzle things and you do n’t have to worry about it on the hotel side. It has always been a place reserved for ghosts, and they are responsible for all operations. "

"Okay, understand. Doesn't boss Hu need to interview and sign a contract? How can I feel squeezed." Chen Xiaoping smiled and laughed.

"After interviewing for so many years, I have tried to go to bed, haven't the interview been clear yet?"

"You gangster, you can't be serious!" Chen Xiaoping said with a red face, and then gave Hu Feng a fierce glance.

"Hey, please call me boss Hu in the future and give some respect."

"Just think about the beauty, well, I'm going to see the information you gave me, otherwise the finances will help you to mess up, and I will be fired again."

Watching Chen Xiaopin turn around and leave, Hu Feng sat for a while, and then returned to his private top floor.

It is absolutely reassuring to let her manage her finances, and the demons under her hands know that this is the girlfriend of their boss and give them a hundred guts.

This society's big dye tanks affect not only humans, but also the demons who are mixed with humans.

What kind of devil is holding a straw fork and is idle every day to kill people and set fire to destruction, it can only scare children or childish fools.

We devil also want to make money to eat and enjoy, who has the idle time to run out every day and wandering unemployed.

So I have to say that human assimilation ability is the first in the world. Maybe at the time of World War II, there was still something in the hearts of the first demons born. I am a villain. I want to destroy it, for the **** beliefs like the glory of hell.

With the passage of time, the demons are lurking in human society for a long time, and it is unclear who affected whom. In short, the demons are more and more like humans, and humans are more and more like demons, especially now this materialistic society of money .

Just like child abuse, the demons never ask themselves that some people in humans can actually do such a thing. They dehumanize those young compatriots who are only a few years old, and the demons are willing to give up.

It's fair to know that demons like torture and torture, but this is only for adults, and it is purposeful.

And those humans who are more like demons than demons, they are just venting their animal desires, without any purpose.

Sometimes Hu Feng is wondering if he should invest in a kindergarten, and then send a group of female demon to be a teacher. Although they have a bad attitude, they will at least not abuse their children aimlessly.

The devil is in the world, the human is in hell, this world is really interesting.

Looking at Aletia in the crystal, Hu Feng shook his head helplessly.

These days I have been trying to repair a little more of her spiritual core, but with little success.

Of course, there are still some effects. For example, some cores that are barely usable, although burnt out, are at least back online.

"This is the self-help message system of Holy Light Archangel Aletya. At present, the unit is in a special shutdown state due to damage to the spiritual core. Please leave a message after hearing the beep."

Ok. . . My efforts are still worth growing, at least now I'm back to life!

From a death state to a special shutdown state, it also preserves a series of things such as mental memory in the core, which is a leap in progress. Okay.

But what is this automatically activated message system. . . Are the narratives naughty when they make angels?

Aletya is dreaming, her spirit is wandering aimlessly in a very strange space.

This is Hu Feng's bar, but it is empty. The elevator that originally led to the upper floor was also blocked at the moment and could not be opened.

I looked at my own hands and sensed my own state. I could not feel anything. It seemed that I had become an ordinary person with no ability.

Are you dead? Why does my own spirit still exist?

A violent headache hit, the girl snorted, the scene in front of her produced twists and tears, or extremely slow frame dropping.

Supporting the wall and descending the stairs, I walked to the front door of the bar ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Pushed open the door vigorously, and the scene outside stopped her.

The world outside the door was twisted, or severely torn, like a canvas that was rubbed and torn by children at random, and the sounds of Zrazra continued.

Farther away, it was dark and nothing, nothing could be seen, nothing.

Aletya stayed for a long time, and then suddenly seemed to understand something.

This bar. . . It is his last safe house.

The intact memory here bears its own spirit. The storage location here should be a part of the core area that can still be used reluctantly and not completely burned.

If you go out yourself, it is equivalent to transferring from a core processor that can still be used to a completely damaged core processor. Perhaps your spirit will dissipate in the next moment.

In other words: the stored data is damaged due to hard disk damage and forced formatting.

It seems that Hu Feng tried to save himself.

Thinking of this, Aletya calmed her mood slightly.

She trusted Hu Feng, he would save himself.

Is this emotion a miss or a sense of dependence or a sense of security?

After successfully finding something for him to pass the time for, he returned to the deck on the second floor, and the girl angel sat down and began to daze and think.

Think slowly, there is still a lot of time anyway.

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