Evil Break

Chapter 312: : Southern War Zone and Fel Hammer

Outside the town of Virtue, Hu Feng was leading a group of demonic researchers to inspect the open space.

Oh, the way to clean up the demons is to blow them up directly with bombs, and even the ruins and the rogues hiding in them are exploded into ashes, creating such a large area of ​​empty space.

A few days ago, Virtue Town also protested against Hell several times. Stanley squeezed his nose and lost some money.

This ca n’t be blamed on Virtue Town. It ’s mainly because Hell during the civil war with Hell Prince Asmodah, several SCUD missiles shot too far, and went directly to Virtue Town and caused several explosions. And casualties.

Have any of your demons responsible for launching missiles been trained! what? Will it shoot! New Hell Refuge and Virtue Town are not in the same direction at all, okay!

Stanley, the king of hell, is also very helpless. Although the SCUD missiles are cheap, the accurate head is really unsatisfactory.

From the beginning of the war to the present, except for the town of Virtue, Ping Bai had suffered a few rounds for no reason, and the end-game Demon Hunting Army in the same direction as the new **** refuge was for no reason.

The Demon Hunter is extremely angry at this. You group of **** who kill thousands of knives must play missiles if you are not good at playing. I killed you!

All in all, from the **** colony to the new **** refuge to the base of the eschatological demon hunter, that large area is now a mess, you beat me, you beat him, you have me, I have you, Proper South China's largest war zone.

As for the ruined rogues stationed in that area, they are now either killed or run away.

That ghost place can't stay anymore, let alone eat the corpse, even the mouse is gone, all of them are exploded into gray, and eat a wool!

The town of Virtue, who had blackmailed a certain amount of casualties in Hell, was quiet again, and continued to engage in its own development, and desperately made weapons.

"What's happened recently, aren't you bothering to run into the ruins every day?"

Looking at the box monster butcher and sadako passing by, Hu Feng waved his hand and said hello.

The Box Monster Butcher heard the word, the safe in his head turned to Hu Feng, raised the barbed hammer in his hand and struck a few times, and continued to walk away with his **** and violent daughter.

The father-daughter of the last days has the official protection of Virtue Town, and the days are quite moist. Kill some people today and kill a few flesh and blood monsters tomorrow. There is no decent commando team to encircle the father and daughter anyway.

Everyone knows that these two monsters are named by Ambassador Hu Da, and they do n’t attack humans with the identification card of Virtue Town, so they are safe.

As for the doomsday singer Ying Li, everyone is scared, she has been staying on the top floor area of ​​the decisive battle point building recently, or running back to the main world to follow Hu Mingjing everywhere, it seems that she has also reported to an adult class for class .

This was a female ghost who was a good student before her death. Now she is strong enough to pretend to be like a living person. In addition, she was still in high school before she died, so now she is in contact with the living society and decided to continue. Attend class.

Hu Feng does n’t have any opinion on this. He has nothing to kill his enemies in the near future. Now Yingli wants to continue to contact the world of the living, she naturally supports her, and is always bored at home or keeping with herself Owned state, that character will become more and more autistic.

The people in the last days of the ruins are supported by both hands and feet, and the invincible ghost girl is finally halted. The former kind of fearfulness, fearing that the corner encounters ghosts, finally need not worry.

"Boss, the Hammer of Evil has basically been completed, and the remaining small details can be followed up after being put into use," said a demon scientific researcher sliding the tablet in his hand.

"The specific configuration has fully met your requirements. The permanent quantum transmission device, the hall of the portal of evil energy, the warehouse that can store large war machines, and the living space enough to accommodate 10,000 people." Another demon engineer nodded. , Continue to introduce.

"As for weapons, there are four 380 caliber evil artillery, two thousand small caliber automatic turrets, and five thousand six hundred general aviation heavy machine guns."

"The power aspect is completely driven by nuclear energy, and is equipped with evil energy booster, which can achieve an instantaneous speed increase of more than twice."

Hu Feng nodded with satisfaction after listening to the talk of the demon researchers around him.

Although the desire of the evil warships is not necessary for the time being, this huge airship air base has fully met all its current needs.

Now his range of activities has expanded innumerable times in an instant, and Refuge No. 6, which was once out of reach, can now go at any time.

This is where my first stop is. The immersive virtual reality technology in Refuge No. 6 is a great thing.

That stuff says that science is virtual reality, and to say it directly, it is a brand new world, a beautiful world where you can modify and set parameters arbitrarily. If you have mastered the core technology, then you are the God there.

Oh, if you want to see boss Hu use this virtual reality technology to make epoch-making online games, you can die early.

First, this is too vulgar and too vulgar.

Secondly, the sum of their current industries is enough to make money. Why do you have to do that? Just to make a name? Just to let people say something like "Wow, Ambrella is so powerful, I'm so shocked"?

It's too superficial, isn't it? This kind of thing is not for entertainment. It can be turned into a beautiful paradise in the hands of decent people, and it can be turned into a dark **** in the hands of evil people.

As for which of the above is boss Hu, um. . . Of course, decent people! Good friend of Holy Light, good brother of Naru, good friend of justice.

Cough, all in all, Hu Feng has an idea for this immersive spiritual virtual reality technology. If he can really succeed, then his own strength can be soared to the sky like a big crab on the beach. gone.

Therefore, it is too wasteful to put such a good thing in Refuge No. 6, and it should be taken out and used properly by such a self-motivated good young man.

But then again, I don't know what kind of good things will be in refuges in other countries and regions.

Even if the Russian old Maozi is over, it is estimated that they must have a refuge dedicated to brewing and storage of spirits, and it must be an extremely important high-numbered refuge.

Whoever masters vodka will master Russia.

Ok. . . There is nothing wrong with this.

Thinking of this, Hu Feng remembered the news sent back by the Ruin Caravan some time ago, that was news of another shelter.

Humane Refuge No. 27, code-named "Perfect Fertility".

The refuge here is completely controlled by the central computer, and the door opening time is also controlled by the central computer. The most important thing is that the location of this refuge is also in a subway system, and there are 28 and 29 adjacent to it. Refuge No. 3, and there are interconnected rail tunnels between the three, but they are also closed by the central computer. It seems that they are only used regularly to transport some things.

As for the types of refuges 28 and 29 and the experimental plans, the caravan did not receive any news, but only knew that the experimental plans of the three refuges together formed a huge whole.

However, based on the so-called "perfect fertility" test plan on the 27th, UU reads the book wwwwu.uukanshu.com Hu Feng thinks with his buttocks, this must be another inhumane extreme test.

However, these humanistic refuges are not important. You can put them back first. After all, the most important thing now is the virtual reality technology in Refuge No. 6.

Anyway, people on the ground can't attack those refuges, especially the gate opening time like this is completely random, everything is controlled by the central computer refuge.

They do not have the mandatory door opening procedure in their hands.

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