Evil Child Black-Bellied Mother

Chapter 376: Work hard

"Ye Feibai is a good man, Ye Feibai is a good man..."

Ye Feibai's eyes narrowed slightly: "It's so perfunctory... It seems that Ying'er wants this king to bully you heavily."

Su Ying hugged his neck with a little annoyance, leaning to his ear and begging for mercy softly: "Fei Bai, you lighten it, I hurt..."

In the end, Su Ying couldn't help Ye Feibai and said something he wanted to hear.


Su Ying stared at Ye Feibai bitterly: "Ye Feibai, you lie! You speak nothing."

Ye Feibai stroked Su Ying's cheeks: "Ying'er, I promised to be in front of the emperor's grandmother today. So this king must work harder from today!"

Su Ying suddenly wanted to cry: "You are obviously an excuse."

Miss Su Ying, you are the truth!

Ye Feibai now seeks for joy in the name of having a baby, and see where you are running now!

Su Ying didn't know when this love would end. She was very tired. She only knew that someone in her dazedness was holding her to take a bath and fed her some soup.

Su Ying got up the next day and felt that her legs were sore and sore that she couldn't even move her legs.

Seeing her walking a few steps, Lu Hen asked with some worry: "Wang Hao, what happened to your feet? Was it punished by the queen mother to kneel for too long yesterday?"

Su Ying's ears were slightly hot, and she didn't answer.

Fortunately, Luhen did not continue to ask.

Su Ying didn't have any energy in the day, and after lunch, she fell asleep in bed for a long time.

When she slept in a daze, she felt that her whole body was hot, and Su Ying in her dream subconsciously reacted, and Ye Feibai came to tease her again!

Su Ying half opened her eyes, and she saw that she didn't know where she was thrown, and her belly half faded to her waist.

Ye Feibai lay sideways beside her, her whole body looked energetic, Su Ying thought bitterly, why Ye Feibai still looks so energetic after asking for so much at night.

Su Ying found that it was too difficult for her to escape from Ye Feibai's mouth before.

Now he simply looks like he won't stop until he reaches his goal!

"Ying'er, why are you getting lazy? This king doesn't allow it!"

"Ying'er, do you seem to be a mother at all?"

"After the child is born, I must tell him that his mother is too lazy to prevent him from coming into this world."

Su Ying waved her hand impatiently: "Ye Feibai please, don't say it!"

So, Su Ying was dragged by Ye Feibai for a while.

Su Yingfan fell asleep for a while, and was awakened by Ye Feibai. He came over with a bowl of porridge: "Ying'er, eat some porridge first."

After a while, he took another bowl of dark concoction from the side, and he tried it to warm it with his hands: "It's a little bit colder, it's time to drink it now."

Su Ying only felt a strong smell of medicine rushing over her face: "What is this?"

"This is the medicine that the king specially asked Doctor Wang to prescribe, which will easily enable you to get pregnant as soon as possible."

Su Ying's eyes widened, and she shrank inside: "It's okay to drink any medicine, don't drink... don't drink."

Ye Feibai grabbed her ankle and pulled her out of the bed: "Ying'er Guai, this medicine uses the best medicinal materials. If you drink it obediently, you will soon have a child. "

In the end, Su Ying stayed awake and drank the medicine obediently, but her mouth was numb with bitterness.

Su Ying drank the medicine and watched it was dark outside. She moved her position inside: "Go to sleep."

"Can't sleep now." Ye Feibai put the medicine bowl aside and said.


Ye Feibai looked at her indifferently, his face was not red and his heart was not beating, and said, "Because after taking the medicine...it's easier to get pregnant."

Su Ying's face was blushing suddenly, she gritted her teeth and looked at Ye Feibai: "You are obviously ridiculing!"

"If you don't believe me, ask the doctor Wanger tomorrow." Ye Feibai moved to her body and began to pull at her body. His fingers kept wandering around her chest and back, stroking. , Very intimate: "Ying'er, if such a good medicine does not exert its effect, would it be a pity for you?"

Su Ying put her hand on Ye Feibai's hand, not allowing him to move. She pretended to look at Ye Feibai with a pitiful appearance: "Feibai...I don't want it today, okay, I'm so tired!"

Ye Feibai stared at Su Ying blankly for a while: "Seeing you look like this, this king can't help it even more."

Su Ying really wants to curse!

Su Ying was too sleepy afterwards, and fell asleep in a daze in the middle of the night.

It's just that His Royal Highness Huai didn't go to bed so early, he kept kissing Su Ying's lips: "Ying'er, do you want to, huh?"

His tail sounded high, with incomparable charm.

"Um..." Su Ying waved her hand impatiently, and said vaguely, "I'm so tired, ask mm to go."

Ye Feibai was stunned for a while, then laughed lowly, and he leaned close to her ear: "She agreed. She asked this king to be a guest."

Su Ying was half-asleep and a little bit awake, and twisted a hand on his back: "Ye Feibai, you big bad guy!"

Su Ying woke up the next day and saw that Doctor Wang was invited by Ye Feibai.

Ye Feibai glanced at Doctor Wang, "Take a look at the pulse for Yinger..."

"I'm not sick again..." Su Ying murmured, and then he immediately realized that he was checking whether she was pregnant at the imperial doctor! ! !

Are there any mistakes, where is it so fast!

From this day on, Ye Fei, day after day, gave Su Ying the soup medicine for Li's pregnancy. Every day, she was not happy, and let the doctor Wang give her peace of mind every day!

Su Ying suddenly felt so suffocated and depressed!

Leaving aside other things for the time being, Su Ying ran into her room when she thought that Ye Feibai would face down every day, and her heart grew furry.

After Ye Feibai went out on this day, she took the green mark and went to chant. She only stayed at night to check her accounts before returning.

When she came back, she saw Ye Feibai patiently waiting in the room.

When he saw her, his obsidian eyes fell on her tightly: "Ying'er, are you finally back? This king is waiting for a meal."

Su Ying gave a dry laugh, and had the urge to run away.

Ye Feibai seemed to see her intentions, stood up, and walked towards her quickly with her slender legs: "Ying'er, we haven't done our homework today."

Su Ying is very sad, can she spit blood to show him!

"Today... let me go."

"No, if our child comes today, didn't you miss it?" Ye Feibai refused, he kissed her on the cheek, his shadow is so delicious, how could he let it go? she was.

Su Ying cried silently in her heart, and her mind went back and forth, how could she escape the catastrophe?

Su Ying took a deep breath: "You must still have unfinished government affairs today. You go to the study first, and I will accompany you after taking a shower. Is this okay?" <!--

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