Evil Child Black-Bellied Mother

Chapter 463: Her masterpiece

  Su Ying tried her best to sink her body to the bottom of the water, and she muttered in her heart that you can't see me, you can't see me.

  Her body was shaking with the cold, and she continued to swim forward cautiously.

  She moved cautiously and guarded, not daring to make a small sound.

  Because of lack of oxygen, her face flushed.

  She has made such a cruel decision and must not be discovered.

  Su Ying slid forward for a short while, and she started to become cold and tired.

  There is a small forest in front of it, and the location is secret. She watched that no one had noticed it yet. When she passed a big tree, she relaxed and floated up from the water, and quickly landed on the shore.

  The wet clothes were attached to her body, and her whole body was cold, and she couldn't help shivering when a cold wind blew.

  I don’t know if it was because of the cold that her stomach started to hurt.

  Su Ying subconsciously covered her belly: "Baby, you are a good child of your mother, you must be strong.

  Just as Su Ying took a breath, she heard rustling footsteps.

  Su Ying’s ears were pricked up, and Yu Guang could feel the dark shadow coming closer and closer to her.

  Damn it! Could it have been discovered.

  The dark shadow seemed to feel her breath: "Princess Huai, please come out."

  Su Ying sneered. If he is really sure that he is here, other people have already encircled and suppressed, and he still needs to shout.

  Su Ying paused, adjusting her breathing rate so that her whole person was almost turned into nothingness, and her heartbeat was extremely slow.

  The dark shadow is getting closer and closer to her.

  She narrowed her eyes slightly, and she was on guard.

  The black shadow was finally about to reach Su Ying, and Su Ying suddenly stood in front of him.

  The man in black was obviously taken aback when he saw Su Ying. He was just a swindle just now. Didn’t expect the princess to actually appear?

  He was about to yell subconsciously, saying that it was too late and then soon.

  Su Ying’s right palm condenses strength, and a palm slashes at the back of his neck!

  Su Ying's movements are fast and fierce.

  The man in black didn't even hum, so he fell to the ground.

  Su Ying looked condescendingly at the people on the ground, without thinking, she quickly took off his clothes.

Su Ying's fingers were stiff, she quickly stripped off his clothes, and then dragged him into the shaded grass to hide it. She whispered, "I'm so sorry, I know you are where your duty lies, but I'm really very sorry. It’s cold, just borrow your clothes first."

  After Su Ying put on her dry clothes, she felt a touch of warmth on her body.

  Su Ying is now dressed in men's clothing, wearing a black outfit, her face is covered with black cloth, and her hair is combed into his look.

  The light is very dark, and on the surface, she looks the same as the killer in Dark Pavilion.

  This way, it’s not difficult to get through.

  Not far away, there were a few people in black patrolling. They looked in this direction of Su Ying. At this moment, there seemed to be a tense atmosphere in the air.

  Su Ying quickly calmed down and walked like the previous person.

  When they saw Su Ying's dress, they didn't doubt her identity at all.

  Su Ying secretly rejoiced in her heart, but fortunately there was no sound just now.

  Su Ying can't arouse other people's big ideas, nor can she run away right away, she can only pretend to be like them, patrolling the shore.

  The two men in black in front of them had already got into the water and set up obstacles in the river. Su Yingxin sighed that she was fortunate to have landed ashore earlier, and was almost caught by them.

  Su Ying was still looking for a chance to escape, and a man in black approached behind him and put a hand on his shoulder: "What do you find here?"

  Su Ying tried her best to relax herself and shook her head.

  The person said casually: "This Princess Huai is really capable, and it can make us dispatch the entire dark pavilion."

  Su Ying was a little funny, she was in front of him now, and he didn't even notice.

  But how come this killer has so much nonsense when he is out of the mission! If he continues to talk, I'm afraid he will show off.

   "Why are you not talking?"

  Su Ying's breathing was stagnant, and her heart was about to jump to her throat. If she spoke, she would definitely reveal it.

  She held a dagger tightly in her hand.

   At this moment, a sharp voice came from behind, the third captain. His tone smelled fiercely: "Have you found Princess Huai? Why don't you go on patrol?"

  The man who was talking to Su Ying just now was a bit anxious, and left without saying a word.

  Su Ying let out a sigh of relief, and pretended to leave, pretending to be patrolling.

  The third captain left soon, he was going to the front to see the movement.

  Su Ying was about to take the opportunity to escape, when she heard another muttering voice behind her: "Why do I feel so wrong..."

  Su Ying's heart was stunned, and she soon felt the person who had left before, quietly following her behind her.

  Su Ying squeezed her hand secretly, as if she found nothing at all, she still walked forward unhurriedly.

  "Who are you?" The people behind suddenly put their hands on Su Ying's shoulders.

Su Ying sneered in her heart, she was ready, she turned around calmly, and the dagger in her hand stabbed towards him quietly, and before he could react, she slammed it on his head. .

  The man snorted and passed out.

  Su Ying's eyes quickly swept the surrounding area, and no one paid attention to it, and quickly kicked the person into the lake.

  "Punch..." There was a slight noise on the surface of the river, and people on the shore might not hear it really, but it might not be true for people under the water.

  Su Ying murmured, and quickly swept her eyes around. Seeing that no one was paying attention to her, she ran away secretly using the shadow of the tree.

   Before she ran far, she heard a happy voice coming from the river: "I found the princess, I found the princess..."

  A touch of cunning flashed in Su Ying's eyes, and she subconsciously stopped and hid her body behind a big tree.

   The people in black around    heard the movement there, and they all moved towards the river bank, Su Ying faintly heard Ye Feibai's voice.

  However, Su Ying didn't dare to stay anymore, so she didn't run at this time, but waited when.

  "Where is she?" Ye Feibai almost rummaged through Su Mansion, but she couldn't find Su Ying, and she became more and more certain that she had walked along the lotus pond.

  So, he left a small group of people holding hands in Su Mansion, and found the rest with them.

  He just heard the yelling from here, and a touch of madness flashed under the mask, and he hurried over in this direction.

   Only when Ye Feibai arrived, the third captain had already lowered his head, with some panic in his voice: "Master... the princess may have gone ashore and escaped!"

  Yefeibai glanced down at the person who was caught from the water. He was one of the third team members. He was lying wet on the ground, unconscious.

  This must be Su Ying’s masterpiece!

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