Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1004: Nightmare purple light, devil rupture

Star Glass left, except for the pale and indifferent "goodbye" word, and no other things left.

Standing at the bed where Stars is always awake, Ye Tianxie faintly reveals her appearance like a small lazy cat in various poses or squatting, or lying there. Who is Star Glass? This question, he did not ask the nameless, and did not ask Xiaoxi, because as he said at the time, he would not care what Xiaoxi’s identity is, and he does not need to know, he only needs to know that she will be him in the future. Protect the caring person until she has the ability to protect herself.

Now, he is eager to know the true identity of the star, not that he cares about her identity, but wants to get her back. Losing her in life is as unbearable as a soul is vacant... Unconsciously, this girl has become an inseparable part of his life, and maybe everyone here will lose if she never sees her again. And not used to it.

Although he is comforting Star Treasure with ease, his inner loss is even better than her. Did not find any other traces left by the star glass, Ye Tianxie left the house and went to the palace of the lost city.

This time, he did not deliberately cover up, just in the usual attire, wherever he went, was eagerly watched by the road, when they came to the front of the palace, the guards of the gatekeepers were all excited. "Evil spirit hero, it is a great honor to be able to see you on your own eyes... We all know that you have killed the sage who can't defeat the Raksha Ghost King, broke the day of the magic, and saved the entire lost continent... ...not a person with a hero badge, it is a big hero in our lost city..."

"There is nothing to be told in the future. Even if we know it, our homeland and the mainland will be preserved because of you. This kind of kindness will never be forgotten."

When these people look at him, they are just like admiring the gods. Ye Tianxie presses his own nose, but it doesn't have much hardship. When he was a dragon, this kind of praise was endured. It is too much. He said: "I want to see the lost emperor, and trouble to inform."

"You don't need to report without notification... The emperor has explained it. If it is a hero of evil spirits, you can go directly to find him. In the future, the hero of the evil spirits can enter and leave at will, without any restrictions."

This can be said to be the highest form of Ye Tianxie's praise... Of course, it is also a means of wooing. What is the meaning of the lost emperor, how can he guess the full memory of the dragon? He didn't say much, nodded, and entered the palace under their eager gaze.

The lost emperor is in the royal study room. When he first stepped in, he had already laughed and walked out, apparently knowing his arrival. The pheasant priest also followed him and looked at him with a smile. The lost emperor smiled and said: "Come, evil day, I have been waiting for you for a long time... This lost city is going to be a disaster, and you have made great contributions. If it weren't for you, now the whole lost city may have fallen. Into the hand of the Mozu... You let me know how to thank you."

"A shot to kill the ghost king... Even the goddess of Xi Yao can not do it... Oh no, the poor road is definitely not disrespectful to the goddess of Xi Yao, it is too shocking to the poor road. Evil days, before the emperor It is saying that you are likely to be the biggest hope. The poor road has always been disapproving. Now, I know that the emperor is really eye-catching and has a foresight."

The pheasant priests raised their eyebrows and took the evil spirits to the heavens with the support of the goddess Xi Yao. Then they took the lost emperor and flattered. This old Taoist priest was also an old fox. Ye Tianxie licked his mouth and went straight to the theme and said: "The lost emperor, I have something to ask for help when I come here."

Hearing Ye Tianxie had something to ask him for help, the smile of the lost emperor was obviously bright, and said: "What? If you say it, as long as I can do it, I will help you to complete it."

"Let people, in the whole lost continent, help me to pay attention to a girl wearing amethyst clothes, if you find out where she appeared, trouble tell me." Ye Tianxie said, a slight sigh. He still told Starbucks that she would come back by herself, but here they asked them to help... The most worried about the glass, it was actually him. He believes that Star Glass has recovered some of its power, but it is only a small part... It is possible to surpass the power of the Holy Spirit. How can it all recover at once? He can’t help but worry about whether she will encounter any danger outside, especially Lost in the continent is now covered by the shadow of the devil.

"Girl wearing amethyst dress?" The lost emperor whispered and said, "Can you tell me exactly what kind of girl?"

"The girl in the amethyst dress, such a few people are enough, roots such words, if you see it, you can be sure at once." Indeed, with the wearing characteristics of the star glass, others will see her, will Naturally think of a few words of amethyst girl.

"Okay, I know, I will make people pay attention... can make you so hearty, should it be a very ordinary girl? Oh, are you here for this?" Lost Emperor laughs Hehe asked.

"There is one more thing." Ye Tianyin paused and continued: "The lost emperor, you are the highest emperor lost in the mainland. You should have heard of the 'gate of destiny'?"

"The Gate of Destiny?" The lost emperor was surprised and nodded. "Yes, of course I have heard that the existence of the gate of fate is not a secret in losing the continent. Most people know where it is... see You should also know that, yes, it is at the highest level of the Tower of Destiny. However, the door to fate is just a legend. To open it, you need a special key. No one knows what the key is, and no one knows. Where the door of destiny will be opened, or what will happen, is just a legend. In evil days, your three-turn trial mission is to open the door to destiny. I already know... Frankly, this makes me Shocked for a long time." The lost emperor said seriously.

"Yes, this can hardly be said to be a difficult mission. The emperor said that you will receive such a task. It is even more proof that you are the fate of the people, and only the talents of the destiny may be given such a Trial, but can you really open the door to fate, this depends on God's will." The pheasant said next to him.

"I understand... then, I will leave." Ye Tianxie rushed to them and turned around and walked away.

"Hey! Evil..."

The lyrics of the pheasant had just shouted at him. The lost emperor was raising his hand and blocking the words he was about to export. He shook his head and said, "You don’t need to deliberately say anything to him. From the time he could be unscrupulous in the big star city. Killing, it is obvious that he is a person who does not want to be bound by anything. If the Mozu reappears, he will naturally cope with it. If he does not want it, we will not be willing if it is coercive and tempting. But I believe that He will, just like this one."



The second day after the disappearance of Star Glass, the 75th floor of the Tower of Destiny.

Returning to the Tower of Destiny, Ye Tianxie is alone, no longer accompanied by Meng Yuyi and Sufifi. There are a lot of things to do around me... Star Treasure’s affairs are imminent. When I left, I promised to come back with Mu Xiaoyue. The two sisters of Chen Xinchen and the family’s grievances should also understand... After the change, I no longer want to have any regrets in anything.

However, the most urgent thing in my heart is naturally to find ways to improve my strength.

Standing in the Lost Tower, facing a large group of 85-level two-star elites rushing to him, Ye Tiangengen felt no pressure... his current rank is after killing the ghost king and completing the hidden mercenary king mission. Upgraded to level 89, miraculously jumped from the height of China's million to the world's first height, coupled with the new sacred inflammation, these small bosses, his roots do not need to be in the eye.


"Beckham, oh, Kaka, we are on!!" The sacred inflammation burned on the body, and Ye Tianxie summoned his own partner to call out the Shura demon sword and rushed to the monster group. The "Month of Disaster" was released.

On the ability to attack, the fate of the destiny is far less than the Shura demon sword, on the strength of skills, the skills of the dragon soul can not match the many magical skills of each with its own characteristics, so, in the face of small monsters, use the Shura demon sword than to use fate The moment is much stronger. Under the energy turmoil caused by the month of disaster, most of the wolves who had been surrounded by the eyes were killed in the blink of an eye. Ye Tianxie shifted his feet and his arms waved freely. Wherever he was, the ice was broken. Frequent bloom, killing a Werewolf coefficient. The condition of reaching the 76th floor from the 75th floor is to kill 3,000 werewolves. This is an extremely difficult task, but it seems that his current killing speed will not take long.

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