Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1009: The miracle of life!

The miracle of this new life in the hands of Stuart's rain has been refrigerated for a long time, and it is quite uncomfortable to watch it feel incomparably powerful but must resist the feeling of being unused. As the saying goes, the effect of the miracle of this life is completely linked to its own lucky value, the miracle of life... "miracle" is closely connected with "lucky". The miracle of life can be added after the new life is the basic health value of 300,000 increase... It is the basic life, not the simple addition of ignoring the bonus effect, just the effect of the growth of the black scorpion, you can enlarge this effect to 600000, not to mention other life increases.

To achieve the peak effect of 300,000, you need a full 200 lucky value.

Ye Tianxie took a look at his current lucky value - 54!

The black mans flashed in his hand, and the moment of destiny was held in his hands. Under the effect of the gift of destiny, the lucky value climbed to an astonishing height of 104. A lucky value of more than three digits is definitely a terrible number that is enough to shock the eye.

However, such lucky value is still far from enough. Distance 200, there is still a long way to go. It is so simple to let this magical thing exert its peak effect.

"Oh! Big brother's lucky value is more than 100!! Too great... I remember, when my sister didn't die, the lucky value was only 100 points. She said that her lucky value is the highest in the mainland. Who? Can't compare, big brother is actually more powerful than his sister." Look at the lucky value number on the leaf of Ye Tianxie's property panel, exclaimed.

"...just fine, most of them come from the moment of fate." Ye Tianxie said.

"More than 100 lucky values, you should be able to add more than 100,000 lives! It is much better, and the health of hundreds of thousands of people can make your big brother suddenly become super powerful." I said excitedly.

Ye Tianxie shook his head, the value of life of more than ten thousand, one who would feel the number of horror, but the addition of these hundreds of thousands, also means a waste of hundreds of thousands.

This kind of rare thing that is listed as one of the seven ultimate props in the world of destiny, there can be no second. To use it, either let it work best, or just don't use it, which is why Ye Tianxie has never used it.

Now, the lucky value of 104 is 200, I don't know when to wait for it... or whether it is possible to reach a height of more than 200 in this life.

"Look at me, be sure to let it play the biggest effect, and never waste it." Ye Tianxie said, unfolding his palm, watching the miracle of life that released green light, then raising his head, touching his hand Touched the red black earrings worn on the right ear... the ring of the bareheart!

"Hey? What do you want to do with your big brother?" asked a sly, curiously.

"Red fog!"

Touching the earrings with his hand, Ye Tianxie whispered,

In a short time, the red ring of the red bell flashed, and a group of red-black smoke quickly released from the earrings, spreading, and then attached to the surface of Ye Tianxie.

Red Fog: Releases a mysterious ray of dark red to cover itself, with 50% probability of no change, 30% probability to increase your luck, charm, and savvy by 50%, 15% probability by 75%, 5% probability Increase by 100%. After the trigger, the effect lasts for 30 minutes and the cooling time is one hour.

This is a special increase technique attached to the ring of the Red Dragon. However, after Ye Tianxie got the ring of the Chiyuan, the base has not been used. Now, this skill has become the biggest effect of his miracle of life. The only way. The 5% trigger rate will increase the three major attributes of luck, charm and savvy by 100%.

5% probability, one hour of cooling time, one time can not be two, three, four times ... always have success, but the most ideal effect, of course, is a success.

"Oh... your skill 'Red Fog' effect is triggered, and luck, savvy, and charm all increase by 100% for 30 minutes."

Ye Tianxie: (⊙o⊙)! !

Increase by 100%! ?

Successful! ?

Actually it was successful once! ?

How lucky is this special... In other words, is this trigger rate also affected by the lucky value? Under the lucky value of more than 100, the 5% has been enlarged many times?

It should be like this, the lucky value of over one hundred is indeed a bit too bad. In any case, the red fog was triggered by the highest effect, then, after raising the full 100%, your lucky value has already reached...

Lucky value - 208! !

“Wow!!!” looked at the digital changes on the leaf panel of Ye Tianxie, and both the fruit and the cockroaches shouted out in surprise.

"Two hundred and eighty, the master is amazing!"

"It’s really more than two hundred, it’s too powerful... In this case, if the owner uses the miracle of life, he can add 300,000 lives!!”

Under the fortune of more than two hundred, Ye Tianxie was filled with excitement, and then picked up the miracle of life and swallowed it directly into the mouth. Suddenly, a fresh and incomparable breath spread in the mouth, and then with him swallowing, carrying that The breath entered his body, and it instantly penetrated into every part of his body, making him a moment, like a spring breeze.

Suddenly, the pale green light appeared on the side of Ye Tianxie, and the surplus flashed. Ye Tianxie raised his hands and looked at the hands, the green light on his body, and the strange refreshing feeling that spread the whole body. He I feel that my body is lighter and the brain is more incomparable. The line of sight becomes clearer and the hearing becomes more intelligent. The whole body is as fresh as a magical force.

"Oh... you used a special item ‘the miracle of true life’ and the basic health increased by 300,000.”

The tip of the ear sounds. And the added value of life is clearly...

300,000! !

It is the greatest effect of the miracle of life!

In the heart of Ye Tianxie, there was a violent turmoil, and he quickly opened his eyes in the intoxication and looked at his current life. In the past, less than a minute ago, his life was about 40,000. At this time, the number following the life attribute is...


"Sacred inflammation!"

The burning white flame burned, and the number of life changed dramatically again, becoming 6399830!

More than six million vitality.

Looking at his current life value, Ye Tianxie grinned and added his sacred inflammation. His life value is similar to that of a beast of the same level. It is already a hundred times more than the average player. His vitality at this time can already resist the beast of the high heavens, and even the attack of the gods and mysterious beasts! As long as it is an opponent who can't kill and can be broken by him, he has a winning grasp!

A miracle of life, his life value has soared, and he has been reborn as a whole. His general attack power has been no less than a **** of mystery, but his vitality is still in the player. Level, the high-level fairy beast can easily kill him, which also greatly limits his ability to play. In the face of a powerful enemy, there is an overwhelming attack power, but never dare to attack, but always in a state of tight mental alert, only to find the shot when the opportunity is found. And with his current vitality...

He is confident that he can easily face the beast of heaven! ! You can face the sacred beast that is not too advanced without too much pressure! !

More than six million vitality, when you say it, you can scare the normal players. If you don't see it with your own eyes, no one will believe it if you are placed on evil days.

"Okay, let's go back to the tower of destiny. I must reach the top of the tower in the shortest time." With such vitality, Ye Tianxie undoubtedly increased his confidence in the tower top of the tower of destiny. He took out the empty magic beads and sent himself back to the 75th floor of the Tower of Destiny.

In the middle of the seventy-five-story, the portal that appeared before still exists. The new werewolf has also re-sweeped a large film. When Ye Tianxie appears, they immediately screamed and rushed up. Ye Tianxie ignored it. They stepped straight into the front of the portal and stepped in.

The white light flashed in front of the eyes, and the space began to undergo a small change. When the light dissipated, it was already the world of the 76th floor.

The darkness of the 76th floor of the Tower of Destiny is even more intense. At first glance, in the chaotic air, there is a gray figure. These figures are all a wide black robe, even the head is wrapped under the black robe, the feet floating in the air, just like the ghosts of a wandering, Ye Tianxie appears, the breath of the living Attract them, one by one, from all directions to him...

This picture, if accompanied by a ghost cry, is estimated to scare a normal person out of mental illness.

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