Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1019: Not the same on Boa

"...The interplanetary flight to Lyle Star will be officially launched the day after tomorrow. Let us look forward to this epoch-making moment in the countdown. Crossing the interstellar travel will not be a dream in the future. At the same time, let us share I look forward to the surprise that this interplanetary flight will bring us..."

Well, the day after tomorrow...

Boa's mother is still receiving the best care in the first military district hospital in China. It should also be today to go to Murray to prepare for the interplanetary flight. From the first news of the interplanetary flight to the countdown... time, it’s really fast.


The door that had been closed was opened, and the laughter of the girls came from the ear. Ye Tianxie turned his head and looked at it, suddenly his eyes were stagnation, and then he was dizzy.

Star Baoer was almost pushed out by Su Feifei and Chen Xin sisters. Her original dress has been replaced, and she is a beautiful and delicate princess like a porcelain doll. The hair that is no longer covered is scattered behind the back, giving off a smooth glow, which is almost transparent to the skin. The mouth of the powder nèn is as soft as a cherry blossom, so that Ye Tianxie has the impulse to live up to the moment, especially the pair of eyes, like the world's most beautiful crystal carved, crystal clear, clear and pure.

At this time, Bao's upper body was light yellow sè's tight-fitting squat, and the lower body was blue and white plaid skirt. The tight-fitting clothes were outlined as an exquisite embossed, infinitely beautiful curve. The small nèn waist is not a grip, and there is no small-scale ting-up suxiong before xiong. As her breathing rises and falls slightly, the whole person is like a beautiful and elegant white orchid, exudes a refined aura, with a kind of nèn You are beautiful.

In the game world, Star Boa is always dressed very casually, never deliberately dressing himself, the real world, she is more to dress herself as a boy. At this time, I put on the clothes of the girl, and let Ye Tianxie suddenly squint in front of her eyes. She looked straight at her and was not willing to move away.

Star Baoer seems to be very uncomfortable with his current dress. Standing there and tweaking his own clothes, he looked up and peeked at Ye Tianxie and found that he was watching her and fled quickly, but he ducked. Immediately looked up again, his eyebrows bent, shouted: "Boss, look good?"

"Good-looking!" Ye Tianxie nodded.

"Boa is very beautiful, and then dressing up a little, it is beautiful and not like a word. Look at a big sè wolf's eyes." Sophie Fei said like a smile.

Today is the first day that Star Treasure came to this home. It was only two hours before she stepped into this house. Her arrival also means that this family will have another member in the future... and it will stay for a long time.

Boa’s room was cleaned up, took her to a shower, put on new clothes, and started a new life. When she first entered this home, she did not encounter anything she was secretly worried about. Instead, she was welcomed as a little princess and loved. Looking at this new home, I feel everything that this new home brought to her... Silently, she began to fear, afraid that she would not want to leave.

In the afternoon, Ye Tianxie took Star Baoer to the first hospital to visit her mother. Xing Boer's mother...that is, her adoptive mother is in her early forties, Xu surname, a very friendly, very gentle aunt, but also has considerable courage, even if it was brought here by the left-wing army, there has been no market. However, of course, I have not doubted anything, because she knows that Starbucks is the most legitimate way in the world of destiny, earning a lot of money on her own ability, and knowing a lot of powerful friends, she can come here, for this reason, she sincerely I am very happy... For this trip to Lyle, her biggest feeling is good and good, she believes that her kindness has touched the sky, and she has such a daughter as Starbucks, and she has such hope. If her illness can really heal, then after she returns, she can help more children and the elderly who need help.

The mother and daughter met and talked to each other for a long time. From the time when Star Treasure peeked at Ye Tianxie’s eyes, Xu’s eyes did not know what it meant, his face was smiling, and his heart was silently happy. She knows that she can be here because of the help of Ye Tianxie. In normal times, she always listens to Star Baoer to mention him... A man who is so good to her, she has nothing to worry about.

"Boa, go buy your mother a little more clothes and come back. The climate of Lyle Star is different from ours here. The temperature is maintained at 20 degrees or more... Buying clothes, of course, this is your daughter. Going, the clothes that my daughter bought, the mother is the warmest when she wears it." When the mother and daughter are talking, Ye Tianxie walks over and says next to Xing Baoer.

Star Baoer is not an idiot, not immediately agreed, but the first glance, staring at his eyes and watching.

"Okay... Actually, I have some words to talk to the aunt alone... It’s a secret." Ye Tianxie smiled mysteriously.

Star Baoer mouth chun rises, unhappy said: "It’s weird! You have something to hide from me... Well, I’m going out, boss, what do you want to eat? I can stop by. Buy it back!"

Star Baoer ran out, Ye Tianxie sat on the side of the disease chuáng. Xu, who was sick on chuáng, said with a smile: "Do you want to ask me something about Boa?"

Ye Tianxie nodded.

"Boa is a strong child. She is a precious gift given to me by God. I hope she can be good and carefree for the rest of her life. Boa loves you very much. You don't know, she spends most of her time. In the game to make money, usually, the most talked about is you, see, she really likes you, you are also very good to her, now you personally go to pick her up, I am very attentive to her I am also relieved. You want to know what is going on with her, even if you ask me, I will tell you." Xu said gently.

"Auntie, I will tell you some things first. The children on the other side of the Suzhou-Hangzhou side have already explained the mayor there. He promised to take good care of them. So, this time, Lyle Star, you can go with peace of mind. Not only for the treatment of illness, but also for a trip, healthy return, is the best comfort for Boa." Ye Tianxie said.

"Thank you, if you do this, I can really go without any care." Xu smiled more and more. She certainly knows how great the ability is to make a mayor like this "commitment."

"About Boa... I want to know where you got her?" Ye Tianxie finally cut into the whole. Regarding Star Boa, he has a lot of questions. This time, with the star Baoer back, for her body is one of them, at the same time, he also has the heart to find out her body, to find the root cause of her strange disease that devours her life, and...what is her parents, why should we discard? she was.

These can only get clues from Xu's mouth. g@.

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