Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1024: a completely different truth

After leaving Star Treasure, Ye Tianxie had a heavy sense of body when he walked. Although his current constitution is far superior to the past, it is not impossible to consume so much blood at a time. He came to Stuart's rainy room, lay down on the bed, and slept in a while.

Star Baoer did not sleep as dark as Ye Tianxie wished, but raised his own little hand, clicked on the game equipment and entered the world of destiny.

"Pray for the dream sister, he is the same as what you said... just, I gave him his blood, it is true." I found the flower dream, Star Baoer pointed at her, said with a slightly trembling voice. . Not long before, Hua Yu Meng told her that Ye Tianxie might try to save her life with her own blood. Because of some wonderful connections, the things they communicated are far from being known by Ye Tianxie.

"His genus is a dragon. After the change of life, it tends to be more like a dragon. The blood of the dragon is a sacred object for human beings. It can extend the life and enhance the human body several times or even dozens of times, even if it is The most terrible terminal illness on the earth, with enough pure and abundant dragon blood, can also heal in a short time... The snow around him, there are some thin dragons on my body, I have seen her life, this last year. Interrupted, but suddenly reversed at the doomed breakpoint, it should be because it was injected into the blood of the dragon. He knows that you are terminally ill, and that you are so cherished, it will not be strange to save you with his blood." The dream is standing in front of the star Bao, and he speaks in a plain and silent voice.

"Boss, is he really a dragon?" Star Baoer looked up and asked the question she had asked many times.

"Half-and-a-half dragons... This is really unacceptable to ordinary people. Can you still feel unacceptable?" Flowers prayed and looked at her with a pale face. Then, faintly said: "We are all the same people ... do not belong to this world."

In fact, Xu did not know that Ye Tianxie did not know... Star Baoer knew that he was incompatible with the world at an early age. With her wisdom, she learned in a very short time that the world she lives in is a world of how to sail, and her body has a lot of things that contradict common sense. It is as smart as she is, of course, not These exposures, but assimilate themselves into the world of existence, and then silently wait for the arrival of their own destiny.

Until she met the flower dream, a glimpse, and directly told the secrets of her heart.

"Then why, his blood can't save me?" Star Boer asked her, the sparkling water in her eyes, she could have been neglected in the past, even smiling to meet her death, but now she is in fear With the coming of that day, she already had a lot of things that she couldn't give up. She was even more afraid of Ye Tianxie. They would be sad and guilty because of her.

"Because...you are not an ordinary person, the blood of his dragon can't interfere with your body and your life. On the contrary, your life is far superior to him, both in length and strength. His When dragon blood reaches your body, it will be immediately rejected and dispelled, and it will not have any effect. In other words... his dragon blood, there is no ability and qualification to save your life, nothing at all." This is a flower dream to her. The answer, this answer, Star Bao Er was very early, I have learned from the flower dream.

"So who am I? Or... what am I?" Star Baoer asked again with a trembling voice.

Hua dreams and shakes his head: "I don't know... you are the second person I can't see. The first one is myself."

So she said that they are the same people, although they exist in the common world, but they understand that they do not belong to the world, but why they exist, what secrets are hidden in them, or where they come from, they do not know.

Star Baoer lowered her head and looked at her toes for a long time before she looked up and asked softly. "Pray for my dream sister, how long can I live now... Can you tell me the truth?"

Hua dreams silent for a little while, saying: "Thirty-three days."

"Three ... ten ... three ... days ..." gently read this time to the exact time of the day, Star Treasure silently closed his eyes. Then turned around and walked away without saying a word.

"Boa, believe in miracles." Looking at her back, she said that she dreamed in a soft voice.

"I have always believed in miracles... I have always been, so I will not let myself die so easily, at least... at least give him a thing that will let him remember me forever." Looking back and smiling, the beautiful smile of the bloom makes the eyes of the flower dreams fascinated.

Star Baoer left, spent his dreams standing in the same place, looked up at the boundless sky, whispered in a low voice: "I...and us, the turning point of fate, finally have to start? Next, what happened next? It will be a pure disaster, or a disaster... Nirvana rebirth."



The arrival of Star Baoer adds more joy and agility to the atmosphere of Ye Family. On that day, Star Bao’s sudden coma touched everyone’s heart, and the next day, she stood in front of Ye Tianxie in perfect condition, and she could no longer find a sick posture, which made her care for her. Everyone is caught in a surprise. She told them that her body has completely recovered... and that there is a precedent for Chen Xue, everyone, including Ye Tianxie, also believes that she is completely good, and that she needs it, just as much as the original Chen Xue. rest for few days.

At this point, they gathered in front of the largest LCD screen in the living room, looking at the screen with amazement... This is the live broadcast of the official launch of the interplanetary flight to Lyle Star, on the screen, Under the gaze of the people all over the world, the rocket-shaped spaceship finally rises into the air. This is the moment that will last forever, carrying countless people yearning... There are also many people. hope.

"Mom, goodbye..." Starbucks looked at the spacecraft that was gradually drifting away from the picture, and waved his hand gently... She didn't know, this goodbye was seen again, or never again.

"Boa, rest assured, there will be someone on the spaceship to take care of Xu Ayi, to ensure that she safely arrived at Lyle Star. They have already arranged for the big brother." Sophie Philippe held the shoulder of Star Boer, in her Said in the ear.

"Yeah!" Star Baoer nodded hard, revealing a sweet smile.

"For about two or three years, she will be able to come back... Of course, it would not be impossible if Xu Ayi was too comfortable to come back there." Ye Tianxie said with a smile.

"Oh! It won't be, even if there is no better there, Xu Auntie will definitely reluctantly treasure, and those old people and children. Maybe, I will return to the spaceship returned by the first class." Sufifi said, then After smashing the water, he said, "The evil spirits, you have not told us how to cure the treasure? You must know that the curiosity of women is very strong."

"It's a secret!" Ye Tianxie hasn't made a sound yet, and Star Baoer has already answered Ye Tianxie. Ye Tianxie saw Star Baoer and pressed his own nose... ah? Does Boa know what? Obviously remember that she was in a coma at the time, should not know what I had eaten for her...

In the following days, Star Treasure was lively and day-to-day, and his face was rosy day by day. Every day, Xin laughs and hangs on his face. People just look at her smile and listen to her voice and feel better. She has a unique charm, which can't help but be attracted, and then loves her from the heart. It is also her charm, so that those who are lonely are respected as big sisters and are willing to listen to her words.

In the eyes of Ye Tianxie and others, Star Treasure's weird terminal illness has become a history that does not need to be mentioned. Looking at her look and spirit that is getting better every day, it seems that even rest and nourishment is useless. To this end, Ye Tianxie did not sneak in the secret of his own dragon blood.

In the Ye Tianxie family, the time that Star Baoer stayed in the world of destiny was greatly shortened. Every day, she had the personal supervision of Ye Tianxie. Her habits and habits were drawn to be consistent with their family. But as a result, as her mother left, she was more calm when she was unconcerned... Most of her spirit is still concentrated on the “desert and sorrow” that has never been completed. Usually, in addition to the time of playing, almost all of the time is to shut yourself in their own small courtyard, sometimes one is a day, no matter where you go to sleep. Her weird behavior has been there for a few months, and everyone knows that she must be doing something that is incredible, but no one knows what it is.

The goal of Ye Tianxie is also very simple... the tower of fate.

After the sacred inflammation, his life has been able to break through six million. This vitality gives him the confidence to step on the top of the tower. With the help of the infinitely blessed sacred inflammation, the speed at which he climbed the tower of destiny became incomparably fast. From less than one day, from the seventy-sixth floor to the seventy-seventh floor, then to seventy. Eight, seventy-nine ... gradually, approaching the gate of the 80th floor of the Tower of Destiny.

He now wants to know what the so-called fate gate above the top of the tower is.

At this point, the distance from Star Baoer was taken home by him, just a week later. This period of time has been very calm... The Mozu has no more action, and the players in other countries have not once again invaded the collective, but this calm is more like a precursor to the storm. The longer the calm, the stronger the explosion.

A small problem with a small part of the body was forced to disappear for a few days. Now it's time to resume normal updates. 】

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