Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1037: Mysterious star

"Hey, ask you a question, answer me seriously." Returning from the shackles, Ye Tianxie looked at him and said.

"Well! What's the problem?" With a crystal-like eye, he licked his head and said.

"The devil now... is the star glass. After you change back to the real body, is there any ability to defeat her?" When Ye Tianxie asked this question, his heart was complicated and difficult to name. Because he knows that the choice of Star Glass does not hesitate to leave, meaning that the Mozu is too important for her, let her be willing to leave him. At that time, she could lead the group of demons to let the lost continent fall into a chaos, and let the most powerful patron of the lost continent die, then this time...

One day, maybe a few years, maybe a few months...or maybe even a few days, he will face the starry glass with an enemy posture. After all, now he can't sit and watch the lost city be destroyed by the Mozu.

Ye Tianxie's problem made her squat a little. She extended her white fingers and clicked on her lips. She tried hard for a while and nodded hard. "Of course! Stars and sisters are powerful, but she I just got out of the sky for a short time, and then lost all my strength and memory. Although the memory of the demon makes her memory and strength recover, the power of the devil is so strong that in such a short time, the root cannot be restored too. Stars are going back to the peak of 10,000 years ago, at least for thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years. It’s not fun to leave the sky, oh, unless..."

Suddenly thought of something, the look of a stay, the voice also stopped there, and some looked at the front.

"Unless?" Ye Tian Xie brows gently.

"Oh... big brother, there is one thing, that is, the appearance of the star glass and the power she uses. Don't you feel weird?" He turned and looked at him.

"...of course weird." Ye Tianxie nodded slightly: "The demon of the Mozu is the dark power used. Although this power is terrible, it can erode the body of the practitioner, affect its mind, and make their appearance become Distorted, temperament is also distorted, showing more dark side. And star glass... She is the devil, the strongest of the devils, her appearance, but not with the 'magic'. There is no existence of any dark power."

The brain reflects the petite and delicate figure, the devil's body is ugly, the skin is as scary as the old bark burned under the influence of dark power, and some even the organs are severely deformed. The stronger the dark power, the more distance the influence will be. Thus, the more ugly and horrible the demon, the stronger it is. But Star Glass, as the strongest of the Mozu, is, in common sense, she should be the one most affected by the dark forces, and the fact... although she can't see her appearance, her skin is as perfect. The warm jade is generally soft and smooth, white and flawless, and Ye Tianxie picks up her every time, and the soft touch from the delicate waist makes him always unwilling to let go. Such a body, and how can there be a trace of connection with the devil?

Her power is a strange purple light, under the shackles, even the body of the Qinglong, even the repair of the demon sword is a burst of purple light. But this horrible power is definitely not a dark force, nor a force of any known element.

On the body of the star, there is no magic feature in the root.

Therefore, when I learned that Star Glass is a demon, the most in the heart of Ye Tianxie is deeply unbelievable. These days, while thinking about the star glass, these doubts have been entangled in my heart.

"Do you know what?" Of course, it would not be as simple as casually speaking. As a goddess of glory who has experienced the invasion of the Mozu 10,000 years ago, she should know something.

"How do you say... After a long, long time ago, my sister told me that the star glass is not the person of the devil's mainland. She just suddenly appeared on the mainland of the demon. Just, my sister did not know why she appeared in the devil's mainland, I don't know where she came from. And listening to her sister, she said that she didn't know her own. Later, Starglass sister used her power to make all the magical costumes on the mainland, and then she became all the magic. The leader was called the demon by the people of the Devil's mainland. Then she lost the continent with the magic invasion of the Devil's God. Before that, the Devil's mainland often invaded the lost continent, but they were all beaten back, not too big. Threat, but with Star Sister, that time, my sister, and the five guardian sacred beasts, the four magical gods... all because she died, it’s really terrible."

It seems that I thought of the tragic situation of the year, and my eyes waved gently.

Let the power of the group to surrender... One is the strength of the body, the other, it should be the purple glaze she has. After all, the stone that should not exist in this world can make the power of the group demon in front of her as nothing.

Although the herd invasion under her leadership still failed, she used one person to let the lost goddess of life and the strongest nine gods all die. This result will make the world scared. Star Glass will also become a myth that the Devil's God will never be forgotten. So even after ten thousand years, there has never been a demon who has forgotten the devil of the year. And they all know that the devil is not dead, but is sealed in the lost continent. Maybe one day, she will break out. At that time, the lost continent without the goddess of life and the guardian **** will no longer be able to block the Mozu. The footsteps, the Mozu, can finally welcome a new life.

Therefore, instead of being forgotten, the demon **** has become the deepest and most eager hope among the demons.

Today, the devil has come out. Lost in the mainland to meet next, will inevitably be a group of magical dance.

However, the star glass that does not belong to the mainland of the devil, where does she come from? Which corner of the world of fate has spawned such a girl?

"Now, I still don't know where the star glass comes from?" The heart has thousands of thoughts flashing, and Ye Tianxie is unconscious.

"Well! I don't know at all, I don't know the world's sister. She said that Star Glass is the most terrible variable in the world. Her power is terrible. If she is fully restored, the big brother is absolutely ~~ Absolutely ~~ It is impossible to defeat her. She will become an obstacle that her older brother can never surpass. If her big brother touches her, it will be very dangerous. Moreover, her strength has reached the rule of destroying the rules established by the God of God. So, after knowing that the demon was out of the sky, the creation **** sister decided to kill her, and later... Hey, thought she was dead, I did not expect not only to die, but also to become Star Glass sister... Hey, I’ve always liked her so much, so cute... as cute as 丫丫.” The glare of the cockroach is frustrated and flashes like a star.

Ye Tianxie could not help but think of No. 60001 Novice Village, the ghost of the Qing Dynasty.

As for the origin of the star glass, as she existed on the mainland of the demon **** thousands of years ago, she should know something. If you have the opportunity to return to No. 60001 Novice Village, perhaps you can get some information from her.

The departure of Star Glass made him very eager to know everything about her. Because only her understanding of her origins, her situation and state of mind, can be used in the softest way, so that she can come back to her side without concern.

"Hey, what did you mean by 'unless'? Is it true that Star Glass has a way to restore all its strength in a short time?" He had not forgotten the short-term look. According to the description of the photo, if the star glass really restores all the strength, then lost in the mainland, there is nothing to stop her. The five sacred beasts are destroyed, and the four illusions are all dead. There is really no power to counter her.

"Oh, there is a way to let the demon **** recover to the power of the peak state at once, maybe it will be stronger." He twisted his waist and took out a lollipop and put it in his mouth. It is a little bit of water.

"what way?"

"Forgot." He answered very simply.

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"Hey, big brother doesn't have to worry. Star Sister's sister used to be so powerful, it can't be recovered all of a sudden. It seems that a long time ago, I heard a way to let the demon recover, but it must be a good hard. It’s hard and hard, it’s hard to achieve the kind, so you will forget it. Otherwise, you won’t forget it so much. So big brother doesn’t need to worry.” What the evil spirits are thinking, the double eyebrows are bent into thin crescents, and they don’t care. Obviously, I have confidence in what I said.

Indeed, let the five holy beasts, the power of the destruction of the four illusions, want to recover at once, the root is the Arabian Nights. Some time ago, although Star Glass cut off his Shura Demon Sword, she was always in a state of being suppressed by him when she played against her. At that time, the star glass, although the Shura demon sword was cut off, it would not be his opponent.

"Okay, okay, big brother don't think too much. Big brother has passed the test of shackles, now you can go to the 91st floor."

With a little hand, the fingertip pointed out that a smooth wall with a faint white light showed a slight volatility. Along with this, a two-meter-wide space door slowly emerged.

The space door leading to the next floor appeared, and Ye Tianxie regained his thoughts and walked to the space door. He asked casually: "Hey, what is the 91st floor?"

"The 91st floor... It seems that there is nothing." He bit his lollipop and swallowed his mouth while talking vaguely.

"Nothing?" Ye Tianxie looked at her in surprise.

"Yes. Not only the 91st floor. From the 91st floor, the 99th floor, all are empty. So, the big brother can go to the ninety-ninth floor at once." Said the little head.

From the 91st to the 99th floor... are all empty?

After amazement, Ye Tianxie immediately returned to the gods and said: "Is these layers, which are the layers that previously blocked the ghost king?"

"Oh! Big brother is so smart, that's it. At that time, the nine ghost kings and the demon bats came together. The first thing that comes to mind is to seal them into the tower of destiny. Because it is much easier to block them than to destroy them." Therefore, the most intelligent cockroaches moved the evil beasts from the 91st to the 100th floor to the next few layers in advance, and vacated to prepare to block these wicked ghost kings and big bats. Later, the ghost king died. There are only eight left in the Nine Ghosts. Therefore, the vacant tenth floor only uses nine layers, the ninety-second to ninety-nine layers are eight ghost kings, the first hundred layers are demon bats, and the ninety-first layer has been Empty there."

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