Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1042: Killing

The eyeless eyes of the unknown water suddenly radiated two fascinating dawns. His head raised slightly. When it became the angle of the sky, the original dark gray eyes had already been stained with a little scarlet. color. At the same time, behind him, suddenly there was a huge shadow. The shadow becomes confused by illusion and becomes clear in the blur...

It was a huge wolf head. The wolf mouth was big, and the horrible wolf teeth were revealed. A pair of wolves released the red light of the monks, just like the color in the eyes of the unknown.

"Know, why did I choose to carry the power of the wolf?"

The nameless voice is calm and slow, slowly introduced into the ears of Ye Tianxie: "Wars are ferocious, but they treat their loved ones, they can be desperate, even if they face a powerful enemy, even if the body will be torn Split into pieces and never step back."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"And I am a wolf returning from hell!"

The nameless raised head finally put down, binocular, looking directly at Ye Tianxie, actually a pair of violent wolf-like blood, a very violent force is also like a gust of wind, impact on Ye Tianxie's body . This momentum no longer has the indifference and stability before, and the intensity has more than doubled!

Ye Tianxie’s brows are also changing, and this kind of power is even weaker than the Xi Yao goddess... Is this nameless real strength?

No wonder, he and Xiaoxi teamed up to defeat the star glass, although the star glass only has a small part of the power of the state of prosperity... But at that time, the star glass, but also the ability to compete with the dragon, or even kill it!

The blue shadow of the nameless side has shook, and the blue dragonfly has appeared on the nameless side. It has been silent, and its power is released at this time. One person, one wolf, and the horrible power field will make the sacred inflammation of Ye Tianxie violently uneasy, and the flames appear irregular. Trembling.

"Begin." Unnamed swords of rulings, with the explosion of unnamed power, the thunder of the ruling sword is also violent.

Now is the official beginning of this confrontation.

The nameless right hand raised, the sword's tip of the ruling pointed to the sky, and then suddenly cut down, a dark arc burst out from the ruling sword, shot at Ye Tianxie, Ye Tianxie body twisted, sideways avoided However, he apparently underestimated the horror of this arc. Although he avoided it, the energy aftermath repelled his body and let him step back a dozen steps. He almost fell to the ground. He just stood firm and again. It was an arc of light that shot him, and Ye Tianxie did not mess at all. He walked at his feet and walked around again, and then easily avoided it. Then he turned his body and rushed toward the nameless direction.

No name, no action, and the blue-eyed eyes around him suddenly released two blue light.

When he was stunned, Ye Tianxie’s eyes suddenly turned dark. His heavy vertigo came from his brain. His body was stagnating there. If he was fixed, he couldn’t move. His eyes looked ahead and his eyes were confused because he I have forgotten where I am now, what I want to do... even who I have forgotten...

This sudden blank of consciousness lasted only a few seconds, but in a matter of seconds, it was fatal.


This is the most violent blow that has been released by nameless until now. The sword of the ruling of the Thunderbolt has been slammed into the chest of Ye Tianxie in the confusion. The sword of the ruling is a fierce encounter with his body. The image of the wolf flashed past, accompanied by a wolf that swayed the soul.

boom! ! !

Ye Tianxie’s body crashed back and forth, passing through hundreds of meters in an instant, and the heavy squatting on the rear wall, a loud bang, this sturdy tower of destiny seems to have occurred slightly under this violent impact. Trembling.


Under the impact, the consciousness of Ye Tianxie's blank finally recovered, and he quickly got up, only to find that his life has fallen below half.

This means that the name of the attack is soaring, and now it is possible to kill him with two strikes.

"Big brother, be careful!! Blue 魄 can affect people's heart, it can make people lose consciousness, this loss can even be permanent, turn a person into an idiot, or hey, be careful!!"

The loud shouts in the Xi Yao badge, she knows what Ye Tianxie has just stagnated. With the power behind Tianxin, the special ability of Lancome is also more terrible than the nuclear of the first five fates. It controls the heart of the living, which is many times more terrible than the master who controls the body of the dead.

The sound of the embarrassing just fell, the blue dragonfly had already rushed to his front, the huge wolf flew in and rushed to him with a suffocating gas field. Ye Tianxie’s eyes condensed and just wanted to avoid Suddenly, he saw the blue light flashing through the blue eyes, and it was black again...


A gust of wind swept over, and Ye Tianxie’s stiff body had been thrown to the ground by the blue scorpion, and the sharp wolf claws were torn on him...


This time, Ye Tianxie was sober and fast. When the blue-eyed wolf claws were raised again, his confused eyes suddenly recovered, and the "Dragon Soul Broken Shadow" crossed the body of the Blue Dragonfly. After the blue dragonfly's lifeless wolf claws. The smashed blue scorpion screamed, and did not turn back. In its squeaking sound, the temperature of the tower top space of the entire destiny suddenly dropped, and numerous ice thorns with the body of Ye Tianxie appeared in the air. Then ruthlessly fell.

Water system intermediate curse - extremely ice meteor shower!

The life of Ye Tianxie has been almost emptied. As long as he is touched by this ice thorn, he will die. There is no way to evade this kind of attack covering the whole space. He had no time to regain his life, shouting, the blue dragon's ring flashed blue, and a blue barrier formed instantly around his body.

"Water screen!"

The ice falls in the sky, but when it touches the blue barrier, it is completely absorbed and disappeared. In the water screen, he used the "Blessing of the Light" to fill his life, and his brow was already screwed up. The two blanks of consciousness just made him feel awkward.

This is the special ability of Lancome! ?

"He has the ring of the dragon, not afraid of the water attack, stop."

After the nameless sound began, the extremely ice meteor shower stopped, and the blue dragon turned back and threw himself at Ye Tianxie. Among the wolves, blue light reappears. On the other side, without name, he also stabbed the sword of sanctions to Ye Tianxie.

This time, Ye Tianxie did not try to move the body, so he frowned and stood there, letting the nameless and blue scorpion attack close... Sure enough, the feeling of being separated was once again coming. He slammed his teeth.

He wants to defeat the nameless, even if he is standing there and letting him attack, it will take a long time. And no name to solve him, a few seconds is enough, he and the nameless contend, completely relying on powerful motivation, and if this mobility is lost, then, in the face of no name, his roots are vulnerable.

The blue dragonfly that can be separated from the human consciousness, let him directly lose control of the body. It became a lamb to be slaughtered even if it could resist and move.

This is the terrible blue dragonfly.

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