Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1054: Open, under the gate of destiny

Ye Tianxie's movements, a slight reminder of the owner of this voice, was surprised: "Blue 魄!?"

"It's me." It sounded in the mind of Ye Tianxie, and it was a blue-eyed voice.


"Now I have just integrated into the fate of the moment, the power has not yet fully integrated with it, so I still have a little free spirit, can barely communicate with you... If you are looking for the door to fate, stand here The position of the center, and then lift up the fate of the moment, pointing directly to the sky, when the moment of fate flashes, the door of fate begins, and when we suppress the tower of destiny, the gate of destiny always exists, with The departure of the fate of the moment, the gate of destiny also disappears. Only, even us, do not know what is in the door of destiny, because ... no one has ever opened it."

In the meditation of Ye Tianxie, the voice of Lan Lan slowly fades. When the last sentence was finished, the voice finally disappeared completely.

Ye Tianxie took back the empty magical beads and turned his body to the core of the top of this tower of destiny. The core location is well found, because the ground is a gray floor, and only a small area in the center is a pale white.

Ye Tianxie stood in the center of this pale area, took a deep breath, and then, as the blue dragon said, lifted the moment of destiny, the tip pointed vertically to the sky.


A strange wind suddenly sounded in the ears of Ye Tianxie, and at the same time, an equally weird light flashed through the eyes of Ye Tianxie. He looked up and found a shining white glow on the moment of fate.

Red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue... These lights have shined at the moment of destiny. And white, this is the light that has never appeared before the fate of the moment. The core of the seven fates, and no one has the power to shine white. Then what is this white light?

The answer is slowly unveiled under the watchful eye of Ye Tianxie. Layers of white light are reflected in the fate of the moment, gradually shining to more and more areas. Suddenly, in front of Ye Tianxie, in the air that was empty and empty, there was a faint horn that appeared gradually under the white light... It was said that it was reflected by white light, but it was better described by this white light. Out of the ordinary.

this is……

The water chestnut gradually expands, and the two edges are horizontally and vertically vertical. The eyes of Ye Tianxie move with the trajectory of their extension, and the heartbeat also speeds up. Sure enough, when the white light on the fate of the moment was strong to a certain extent, a two-meter-high, one-meter-wide door shape appeared in front of him.

"Yes!! is the door to fate!" At the moment when the "door" appeared, Ye Tianxie's ear came with a scream of common sorrow and fruit.

This door... is the door to fate?

It turned out to be the introduction of the fate of the moment... Is this the door that exists because of the fate of the moment?

If this is really the door to fate, then its key, will it be the moment of fate?

The light on the fate of the moment continues to be strong, strong to the point of glare, and the door appears more and more clear. The door at this time is not just a contour, but a clear enough. At this time, Ye Tianxie suddenly felt a sense of heart, and tried to recover the hands holding the moment of destiny.

With the detachment of his hands, the moment of destiny did not fall down, but it was so motionless suspended in the air, releasing the glare of glare. Under the light, it is the door of the mysterious light that has been completely formed.

Two meters high, one meter wide, standard rectangular shape. Ye Tianxie reached out and tried to reach out to this gleaming door... Unexpectedly, his hand was worn through and there was no obstruction, as if the door was just an illusory light. .

"This is in the end..." Ye Tianhui took back his hand and frowned at the light door. This must be the door to fate. Although the door to fate is found, how do you open it? He wouldn't be stupid enough to think that this is really just the door to the illusion of light.

Is that the mysterious key needed?

That key... what will it be?

"Master, look! There seems to be something on the top of this strange door."

In Ye Tianxie's frowning thoughts, the fruit suddenly shouted, and Ye Tianxie looked up, and then looked in the direction of her finger pointing. The gaze was at the top of the door, with a few dim light. Vacancies. Although not obvious, it does exist. At the moment, he moved his body and opened the wings of the abundance, letting his body float to the same height as the door, and gazing at the faint places of light...

The line of sight is in line with it, and Ye Tianxie has clearly seen it, just at the top of the door, evenly lining five faint areas. These five faint areas are all different in shape and are close to square, but they are never irregular. Below the five dim areas, there is a larger dim area, which is in the center and presents a very standard narrow rectangle. It is about 30 centimeters long and 5 centimeters tall. Ye Tianxie’s eyes swept over and the brow suddenly moved.

Wait, these shapes...

Why is there a considerable familiarity?

It may be a coincidence that there is a sense of familiarity... All five have a sense of familiarity... Where have you seen these shapes?

Suspicion formed in the heart, he quickly converges his mind, concentrates all his thoughts and recalls where he has seen these shapes... His thoughts have not lasted for too long, five in the same category, but after getting it Things that have never been used by him have appeared in my mind...

He quickly got out of the backpack and took the five he couldn't find any use. He was almost ready to be forgotten by him.

In the hands of Ye Tianxie, there are five pieces of rock-like objects with different sizes and different shapes, namely: fragments of rock monuments, fragments of rock monuments, fragments of rock monuments, fragments of rock monuments, and rocks. The fragment of the monument 5.

Comparing them one by one with the faint illuminating area on the light door, Ye Tianxie is more and more scared, because their shape, from 1 to 5, and the left-to-right illuminating area above the shape are exactly the same!

This means... Is it the shard of pieces of the rock monument that he unintentionally got, the key to this door of destiny! ?

This idea was born, and Ye Tianxie couldn’t help but be excited. He calmed down, picked up the fragment 1 of the rock monument, adjusted its angle, and then tried to bring it closer to the first light dim point. When approaching, suddenly a strange suction came from the front, Ye Tianxie did not Resistant, let the suction absorb the fragments 1 of the rock monument... firmly adhered to the first dim area, perfectly covering the dim area of ​​the original light.


Actually it is like this!

With the attachment of the fragments of the first rock monument, the light above the light gate showed a slight turmoil. Ye Tianxie vaguely perceives that this light door is a little less illusory, and more real sense.

He continues to pick up the fragment 2 of the rock monument and bring it close to the second dim area, exactly the same as before, and when the fragments of the rock are close, they will be actively absorbed. Then, it is the third and fourth. Every piece of a piece of rock monument, the light of the door of fate will change once, the illusion will be a little less, the physical sense will be a little more.

When the fragments of the fifth rock monument are attached to the gates of destiny, the gate of destiny in front of us is no longer the illusory light gate, but becomes the door of an entity that releases white light. Ye Tianxie's hand is pressed on the door, just like touching the smooth and chilly ceramic. At the same time, the edge of the narrow rectangular hollow in the middle of the lower part also illuminates a faint light.

The fragments of the five rock monuments are side by side on the door of the destiny that has become the entity, releasing a faint white light. The door to this fate is only such a simple one. Ye Tianxie observed for a while, but still did not know where to open the door. The key to the gate of this destiny is the fragment of the rock monument. There is no doubt that the key has been inserted, then how to open it.

Ye Tianxie's gaze fell on the narrow hollow, and he thought a little, and he took a hand and called back the fate that floated in the sky and held it in his hand. Then slant it up, the tip is forward, and try to insert the fate of the moment into the narrow cavity...

Without any obstruction, the body of fate has slowly entered the hollow with the advancement of Ye Tianxie. The incomparable trajectory is that, with the demise of fate, it does not extend beyond the gate of destiny...but, as if it was swallowed up, it disappeared bit by bit.

When the moment of destiny was completely immersed in it, and only the dark handle was left, the fragments of the five rock monuments suddenly trembled, then floated down at the same time, gathered around the fate of the moment, and instantly combined to form a rule. Round slate.

"The fragments of memory have merged..."

"The memory of memory...Open..."

The dull voice slowly remembered in the mind of Ye Tianxie, and the closed door of destiny suddenly opened, and the world in front of Ye Tianxie suddenly became pale...

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