Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1060: More intense "seven sins"

The box was carefully opened, and Ye Tianxie had not seen what was inside, and there was a peaceful sound in his ear.

It is the voice of Ye Ya.

"Small day, when you open this box, I should have settled in another world, don't worry. The departure has already left, and leaving me is not the relief I always hoped for, so, Don't be sentimental to me. What you should do most is to put more thoughts on those you need to care most about."

"Our brothers have finally recognized each other for so many years. I want to say to you in a thousand words. Why is it that there is too little time for me? If there is an afterlife, if there is a reincarnation, our brothers will talk all night and cheer the wine... Right. Xiaotian, you seem to have never learned to drink, my brother doesn't seem to be, haha..."

"Well, turn back to the topic. In this box, there is a way to wake up your sleeping magic. Xiaotian, remember how your enchanted waking up? You have the power of the claws, in your In the last world, no one in the whole Tianyu did not know. The **** reincarnation will not wipe out the blood of your claws, so you are also the power of the claws in this world. So, at that time I used the 'seven sins' as the guide. Inspire the power of your claws. Just, the concept of 'Magic Printing', I didn't know it before, and Fairy didn't know. When you were a dragon, you didn't show 'Magic Seal', so, the devil What kind of thing is printed, I can't know, I can only be sure that it must be related to your claw power, or it may be related to the mysterious 'ball' that you can summon. The appearance of the magic print is accidental. But after all, after the baptism of the seven sins, your claw power is indeed awakened. However, that is only a preliminary awakening."

"At that time, your strength was very weak, and your physical endurance was much worse than it is now. Therefore, the seven sins of baptism at that time were not strong, and the impact of your claw power was also scattered. Each original sin was divided into seven days. However, because there are still marks on your body, the effect of baptism is greatly reduced, and even the time is greatly shortened. Therefore, the first seven sins of sin, although successful, did not achieve the results I expected. As your strength grows, your claw power is also slowly increasing."

"Later, you blew the dragon soul, and the holy mark is sleeping at the same time."

"So, how to reawaken your claw power and wake up your magic seal, Xiaotian, should you already guess it? Yes, it is another baptism of seven sins... with the sins of seven original sins, forcibly impact And stimulate the magic seal, let it awaken under the impact of the original sin. After all, the magic seal is only awakening, not destruction. The root of the power of the magic seal is the seven original sins of the evil, the most terrible catastrophe in the power of the claws, the same It burns with the power of the seven original sins. After the magic seal awakens, it will repair your broken dark dragon soul just like the holy mark repairing the light dragon soul."

"The Bharat Goddess said that there is nothing wrong with it. The dragon soul bursts and the roots cannot be repaired... But the only exception is the holy mark on you, and the magic mark. These two magical unexplained marks, the dragon The truth is completely broken. At the same time, after the dragon soul is broken, it may be possible to become stronger."

"There is a black bead in the box, which contains the seven original sin powers I have searched for and condensed in the past year. Its nature is no different from the first time you accepted seven sins of baptism. But this time. The impact of this power is much stronger than the first time, and the time will be much shorter. Your body and strength are now different than before, and you can easily withstand this concentrated shock in a short period of time. Each original sin will last for seven days. This time, each original sin will last only one day. In addition, there are only seven days. In this short seven days, if you can succeed, your magic seal will awaken, maybe, will More powerful than ever."

"Pride, jealousy, anger, laziness, greed, gluttony, ... seven original sins will be presented to you in turn, each of which will last for a day, and will be thoroughly presented. I believe that it has passed a seven sins. Baptism, you should know what these mean. But don't worry, the baptism of the seven sins will not affect your sex, but will maximize your corresponding original sin. For example, during the arrogance, you will be arrogant, greedy, You will be greedy, you will not have a woman, but these will not affect your sexuality, nor will it affect your judgment and wisdom. In the first seven sins of baptism, you should already I know. So, you don’t need to worry about it this time. If you are unlucky in your original sin, you will still be someone you don’t like."

"What worries me the most is the holy mark on your body. The first seven sins of sin, its resentment with the magic seal offset a large part of the effect, this time, this rejection will still exist, inevitable. It should be the only regret and the only obstacle to the seven baptisms of sin. However, as with the first time, the stigma will offset a part, but it will not completely offset, and this kind of offset also has a positive effect, for example, it will give you more Reasonable and not easy to get out of control. In order to reduce the effect of this offset as much as possible, I hope that in these days of accepting seven sacred baptisms, you no longer need to use the holy inflammation, or even summon the Kaka, not to use the magic god. In other words, try not to use the power of any stigma as much as possible."

"Tell a lot, believe that being smart like you, you should have fully understood. Then, after you have enough preparation, crush the ball in the box. After breaking, don't reject the force that flows into your body. From the second day on, the baptism of the seven sins will begin."

"In addition, the baptism of the seven sins is not over. After the end of the seven sins of baptism, please find a quiet place, because on the eighth day, the seal that blocks the power of the dark Dragon Ball in your body will be opened. Leave it to me. There is too little time, I have no more time to wait, so I can only unlock it in advance. The source of the two holy dragon powers can live with your body at that time. I don’t know, it will happen. What is good or bad, I am not sure, everything can only look at your efforts... I believe that everything will be found in the best direction... surely..."

"And, don't forget the other box that my brother gave you. After you have completed seven sins of sin, when you are alone with flowers, open the box with her. This is very important for your future, certainly not Can be forgotten."

"Finally... this thing has to tell you. Perhaps, you have already had a slight induction, but you have not thought about it in that terrible direction. The elemental robbery is about to come again, this is the fairy in a few years. It was already felt before, she was very sensitive to the atmosphere of the elemental robbery, and it was this kind of sensitivity that made her discover the star of Xi Yao in the same year. But this time, the place where the elemental robbery comes is not the star of Xi Yao, but... …Earth."

Ye Tianxie: "!!!!"

"The elemental robbery is very close, and maybe a few years, maybe a few months, it will fall from the sky. This coming elemental robbery is also one of the biggest reasons for this fate world. It is sensed that the elemental robbery is coming to the earth. Fairy, hope to let the humans on the earth escape the terrible disaster through this world of destiny. For this reason, she and ProLogis have been working hard. At that time, entering the world of destiny will not only be the soul of man. There is also the human body. This is the only way, because the human beings on earth cannot resist the power of elemental catastrophe, and destruction is the only ending. This destiny world will also be their inevitable destination. So, don’t forget to develop In the power of the world of destiny, at that time, I believe that you will become the real hegemon of the world.........but, the Earth people may never know, who is it, to save them from this disaster. That kind girl I should not be willing to be known by so many people. The one she cares about is only one of you."

"The elements will have a long-lasting omen before the robbery. Remember to remind your friends when appropriate. Fairy once said something to me... Some terrible words, she said, she sensed, the element robbery It’s not a mere natural disaster, but it’s possible... it’s a human being, maybe a certain kind of life... If it’s true, it’s really terrible and terrible.”

"What will happen in the future, unpredictable. The only thing my brother can do now is to bless you all the wishes in another world, and then, together with Fairy, safely finish this life..."



The sound in the brain completely disappeared. After a long time, Ye Tianxie opened his eyes. In the box in the hand, a fist-sized, black-colored ball lies in it. At first glance, the gray smoke in the beads seems to be floating. Ye Tianxie reached out and took the ball in his hand... This little ball depleted all the efforts and strength of Ye Ya.

After another seven sins, and the baptism of the more violent seven sins, this is the way that Ye Ya gave him the awakening of the magic. And this is the last hope that Ye Ya left with him all his own. He has no reason not to try. The first seven sacred baptism scenes are vividly in sight, and in order to gain more powerful power, how come again and again.

"Brother, rest assured. I will succeed... all the things we expect will succeed." Ye Tianxie held the ball and whispered. Then he did not hesitate to crush the dark ball... He didn't need any deliberate preparation. Now he just wants to finish him as fast as he can, and his brother's wish.

When the ball is broken, the invisible force drifts out of it and attaches to the body of Ye Tianxie. Ye Tianxie closes his eyes and bears no resistance. He silently feels a strange force infiltrating his body. , sneak into the depths of your own soul. In the brain, once again, the words that Ye Ya left for him were heard.

Seven sins...

Elemental robbery...

Elemental robbery, a disaster name that even talks about the color change in the Tianyu. Because this catastrophe can easily destroy a galaxy, no creature can resist it. In the memory of the gate of destiny, elemental robbery is a kind of catastrophe that exists in the outer space. It is born of the unbalanced elements there. Once it breaks out, even the protoss have no ability to resist at all, only waiting for destruction.

If...if there is someone really, or what the creature can manipulate the elemental robbery...

Terrible...no words, terrible...

Will the fairy feel it be true?

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