Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1068: Insatiable

In the state of sleep, if you are attacked, you will wake up immediately, but the theft is different. Star-picking gloves are a kind of pseudo-equipment, let alone a weapon. The stealing action and attack with it are completely different in nature, and will not awaken the target in a drowsy state. Ye Tianxie helped the star-picking gloves on the armrests, and went to the mysterious businessman who had no consciousness. When he first met him, he could not peep at the mysterious businessman with his strength at that time. Information, and now, his information is completely exposed in his eyes.

Flower ruthless: Level: 98, grade: Heaven, career: Ghosts, mysterious businessman, life: 69000000, the boss of the three mysterious businessmen, the origin is unknown, lifelong to lost in the mainland, to collect crystal coins for survival only The purpose is that the temperament is so cold and cold, and I don't want to communicate with others. It seems that I have a special mission. The pace of collecting crystal coins was stopped a month ago for unknown reasons.

Talent: Magic body.

Skills: ghosts, ghosts, ghost dances, ghosts, ghosts

The trick: ghosts and gods.

The information of the No. 1 mysterious businessman swayed in the mind of Ye Tianxie, and did not evoke any interest in him, because his current interests are all concentrated on the things he has, and he has no time to delay. He laughs and directly The right hand with the star-catching glove caught the mysterious businessman. He still has a lot of skills to greatly increase his attributes and luck, but those are no longer necessary. With his power gap with this mysterious businessman, he can almost guarantee 100% success for each theft.

"Oh... you succeeded in stealing 6 pieces of 'Fire Clouds' and one of the gods."

Sure enough, the first steal was a direct success, or two precious ores were stolen. Ye Tianxie laughed more arrogantly, and in contrast, the mysterious businessman spent his ruthlessness. When he was robbed by Ye Tianxie last time, he was **** by the tree vines of the praying tree. He couldn’t move, but still had consciousness, now he is directly slumbering, even himself. I am not being known for being searched.

"Oh... you succeeded in stealing ‘the medicine of the Holy Spirit’, ten ‘the water of the goblin’.”

"Oh... you managed to steal five bottles of 'mineral water', ten 'kiwifruit' and thirteen ‘dry peppers.'

"Oh... you managed to steal thirty blue crystal coins and twenty green crystal coins."



Every time Ye Tianxie wields his right hand, he will have a lot of things in his hand. With his current strength and amazing luck, stealing is not only successful every time, but also stealing one by one, but a bunch of steals. If the mysterious businessman is awake at this time, even if he is " Ruthless, it is estimated that the neurasthenia will also be weakened. A star-removing glove can complete a hundred steals. With this efficiency, one hundred times, it is enough to give this mysterious businessman a glimpse.

"Oh... you managed to steal the skill scroll - ghost dance."

"Oh... you succeeded in stealing the heavenly skill scrolls - ghosts and gods."

Skill Reel - Ghost Dance: After use, you will get the skill "Ghost Dance": Cruel pure attack technique, with your own hands or short blade, instantly launch seven times of instant attack on a single enemy close to each other. 120% of the attack, and a 90% probability triggers a crit, with a 100% probability of attaching a wound tear effect. Magic 90 is consumed when starting, and the skill cools down for 1 minute. An assassin class above level 60 can be used.

Skill Scrolls - Ghosts and Spirits: After use, you will get the skill of 'Ghosts and Ghosts': the ultimate killing technique of ruthless creation, the horrible killing that even the ghosts and gods can annihilate, throwing away the weapons in their hands, holding them with their hands The target throat is close to itself, detonating its own brutal blood, causing heavy damage to itself while giving the target fatal damage. The base damage is 4800%, the 40% probability is attached to death, the launch requires 50% of life, 50% magic, and the life limit is permanently reduced by 100, and can be used up to three times a day. An assassin class above 80, agile more than 1000, mobile speed of 60 or more can be used.

Two unexpected skill reels came to the hand, and the strength of Ye Tianxie could not help but marvel. If it is not the limit of use, he will not hesitate to use it, but at present it seems that Situ is more suitable to use them. Combined with his demon's claws, these two terrible attacking techniques will be greatly enlarged, and they will have an amazing effect on his hands.

After stealing it, the harvest was amazing, but I never got the thing he wanted most. Ye Tianxie took all the things he had at hand, and continued to rob him with a sneer, and spent something ruthless. One piece became his thing. The things in mysterious businessmen are extremely rare, but it is never easy to get these rare things. And he spent a lot of years to get things, used to change the rare things of crystal coins, was so quickly and soaked by Ye Tianxie so much in his hands. After a second of time passed, the effect of entering the dream of the light of the mysterious spirit lasted for more than 30 seconds. When the mysterious businessman was about to wake up, Ye Tianxie’s ear rang the tone he had been waiting for...

"Oh... you managed to steal the special item 'Novice Village Transfer Volume'!"


Ye Tianxie’s face showed a satisfactory smile. This scroll is what he wants most in this mysterious businessman! When he was stealing, he didn't have the pressure to get it. Because of his current ability. As long as the body of this mysterious businessman is fixed, it has been stolen, and unless the scroll is no longer on him, there will always be a moment of stealing. Holding a paper roll that released pale light, Ye Tianxie thought of the distant seal land - No. 60001 Novice Village. At the beginning, Qingge Ghost King and he said that if one day he can find a way to go back again, then she will give him the core of the five guardian artifacts... Kirin!

Among the five guardian artifacts, the white tiger's ring is the strongest, and the unicorn heart's own ability is not prominent in the five artifacts, but... legend, if the unicorn heart and other four artifacts together gather together, then, It is a source that derives a mysterious power. It’s just this mysterious ability, no one knows. The source of this rumor also began when the five saints died, and it has been passed down to this day.

The novice village sent the volume to the hand, the mysterious businessman finally woke up from the drowsiness, still did not know what happened, he recovered after the recovery, lightning-like retreat, just about to go, suddenly saw the star chasing gloves in Ye Tianxie, short After the shock, he quickly looked at his rucksack and changed his face.

He spent almost a lifetime, using all sorts of methods to collect things, at this time almost no more! Even the transfer volume of the seal that was passed down from the old era has disappeared.


The mysterious businessman did not escape, and a word with deep shock and anger ooze from his mouth, and the stiff face was twisted. Anyone who encounters such a situation will not be able to maintain a calm stay. Ye Tianxie, in less than a minute, has lighted his thousands of years of hard work! The flower is ruthless and usually communicates with others. With his power, there are not many people who are qualified to violate him. He has lived to the present, and he has suffered such a great setback for the first time... Perhaps, it is a shame. If it wasn't for the white fire that burned on the other side, he was shuddering in his heart. He had already completely released his ability and went to fight with him.

"Hey, don't show such a scary expression, but I am not very good at not forgetting the lines of your body. As for the things you get on you, it seems to be of no use to you, it is a waste to put them on you. I will use it for you, so as not to be violent. Oh? Look at your eyes, is it not convinced? Hey, yes, I said, I came to rob, the rules of robbery know no? Who is stronger? Anyone can rob the other party. If you feel that you can beat me down, then you can take back everything I have now, try it?" Ye Tianxie looks at the mysterious businessman, playful Said.

Mysterious businessmen come to nowhere, no trace, mysterious, less contact with people, and there will be no conflicts with others. Flowers ruthlessly want to break their heads and can't think of when they offended such a comet. The other party robbed him of everything, but he still put on a natural gesture, as if these things belong to him, and now it is only reasonable and legal to take it back. The flower is ruthless and thorough, but the huge gap in strength makes him unable to say anything.

But if he leaves, he will never be reconciled.

"How? Nothing to say to me? Oh, then, I am very interested in a certain question. The answer to this question is that you are the clearest. If you answer it honestly, maybe I will take it from you. Something I got for you... Is this deal good? Then, tell me, your mysterious businessman has been working hard to collect crystal coins before, why is it?” Ye Tianxu asked. At the same time, my heart is very painful thinking... I want to do it, if the mysterious businessman really said it, I really seem to have something to go back, is it a kiwi, or a dried chili...

The mysterious businessman who has been looking cold and cold has slowly looked up. The stiff face suddenly reveals a mysterious smile. This smile makes Ye Tianxie look a little.

"The answer to this question, you will know soon. Including why we no longer need crystal coins, you will know immediately... And then, it is you, close to the moment of extinction! Maniac young man, then you I will understand how humble the power you are proud of!"

Ye Tianxie's brow wrinkled, his face smiled, and the mysterious businessman suddenly made such a few words, which made him difficult to understand.

"Now, what we need most is to be quiet and wait, not allowing any changes to occur, so you can be lucky to stay for a few more days. Ten days, no, five days later... what you got from me today, I will repay it to me several times, hehe!!"

The cold voice fell, and Ye Tianxie’s black awns flashed, and the ruthlessness of the flowers disappeared like a disillusioned light. Ye Tianxie pointed his nose and said to himself: "Oh, what about the mystery? It doesn't seem like it. After five days? Then I have to look at it, what do you take me from you? All things are taken back!"

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