Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1077: Disappearing thunder

"Three colors" thunder robbery? What is that!" The reaction of the lyrics of the pheasant made the fascinating empire of the fascinating violent movement, because even if the Mozu came to attack that day, he did not "expose" such an exaggerated look.

The lynx priests stared at the three "color" thunderclouds that were tumbling over the sky, and they did not respond to the words of the "fiction" lost emperor. He is doing his best to make sure that he is wrong, or that is not the legendary three "color" thunder, but only the shape. However, the clouds of the three colors in the sky are clearly the same as those in the records. He couldn't believe it at all, and he could see the legendary three-color thunders with his own eyes... and this robbery still appeared in the sky above the lost city. Search for the latest updates at dudu8du8]

"Impossible... how could this be..." He stared at the sky, whispering in despair.

"What the **** is going on! What are the three "color" thunders that you said?" "The fans" lost their brows and shouted.

The 幺 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 道 艰难 艰难 艰难 艰难 艰难 艰难 艰难 艰难 艰难 艰难 艰难 艰难 艰难 艰难 艰难 艰难 艰难 艰难 艰难 艰难 艰难 艰难 艰难 艰难 艰难 艰难 艰难 艰难 艰难 艰难 艰难 艰难 艰难 艰难It will be directly destroyed by the thunder. The murder of the sacred device is the purple "color" thunder, and ... a device of the sacred sacred will come out, it will also call the thunder, but not purple The color of the thunder, but the intensity of the purple "color" Thunder does not know how many times the black, white, purple three "color" Thunder!"

"The body of the lost" lost his body and shocked: "You mean... don't you, don't you..."

"There is a device of annihilation coming out, and... just in the city where I am lost!" The face of the priest is filled with a shock that cannot be suppressed. The sacrimon is coming out... What an incredible thing! Throughout the ages, there are so few artifacts of the fascination that have been lost in the mainland. The few things that have appeared before are also passed down from ancient times. The rumors are generated by the power of God, and only those who have the power of God. Eligible to own. The last five pieces of the sacred device known to man, four in the hands of the four gods of the Eudemons, with the formation of the detachment from the sky, the last one, in the hands of the goddess of glory. In addition to these, there is no legend of the device of annihilation. After the disappearance of the goddess of Xi Yao, it can be said that the loss of the lost world has no existence of the device of the Holy Ghost.

At the same time, the legendary saints were born of ancient gods and were born in an ancient era that was extremely far away. In the memory of human beings, I have never heard of the rumors that a new device of the Holy Ghost has come out. Human wisdom is endless. Some casting geniuses may be able to make a piece of their own life, even at the expense of their own lives. Heaven is absolutely even a mysterious instrument, but... there is no way to achieve a device of sacred destruction. The sacred device, the root cannot be the ability of human beings. Therefore, the human world, there is no way to have the device of the Holy Spirit.

However, in front of us... it is a mystery from the ancient legends, only the three colors that appeared in the device of the Holy Ghost! ! I saw with my own eyes that this is a robbery that could never have occurred in the human world. The heart of the pheasant is so upside down.

Why are there sacrificial devices coming out! ?

Is it... someone made a device of sacred destruction?

impossible! Absolutely impossible! ! In the history of mankind, there were several peerless geniuses who made the genius of the gods, and they all became legends of the fascination of the eternal world. But the instrument of sacred destruction... This is not the ability of mankind to do it!

"St....the ......the ......"... The face of the sorrowful emperor's majesty is also filled with deep shock. He shook his head suddenly: "This is impossible! Dao, do you see it wrong, I am "lost" lost city, how can there be a sacrament."

"It's not wrong! The three colors of the Thundercloud, the shape, and the breath, are exactly the same as in the record."

"The lost" is lost: "..."

"Whose people are... can let a device of the sacred destruction come out. "The fascination" lost the mainland, when did such a character appear, and it is still in the city where I am lost." The pheasant locks the brow Said. Such a person is absolutely the first to appear in human history. On the other hand, it is possible to let the device of the Holy Spirit come out. This "person" has roots beyond the realm of "people."

Suddenly, the priests of the priests were full of enthusiasm, and the face that was full of shocks quickly became a huge fear. He turned and shouted to the emperor of the fascinating emperor: "Emperor, fast... leave here soon !! Notify all the people in the palace to evacuate immediately! Fast, otherwise it will be too late!!"


"The device of the Holy Ghost is too powerful, and its power is enough to interfere with the balance of the world, so it will inevitably lead to the most terrible thunder of destruction... The three "color" thunders are the thunder of lightning that can be destroyed even by the destroyer! There is almost no end to the world! When the thunder robbery falls... This half of the "following" city will be turned into ashes!!"

"What!?" "The lost" is lost in the emperor.

"Immediately evacuation is the only thing we can do. Even though we have the power of the whole city, it is impossible to stop these three "color" thunders." The pheasant said. Before he was only shocked by the appearance of the three "color" Thundercloud, he forgot the horrible disaster that caused the thunderstorm when it fell. The thunder of the gods and the descendants of the device can still resist, but the thunder of the device of the Holy Ghost, the root is not what humans can resist.

"Come on!! Immediately notify the whole city!!" The Emperor who realized that the problem was serious "sex" was loudly shouted.

boom! ! !

A dark cockroach flashed over the sky, bringing a thunderous thunder, and the direct shock of the ears almost instantly deaf. The thunderclouds that had been tumbling violently entered a more violent state, intertwined in the tumbling, and mixed together in a blink of an eye, and merged into a thundercloud of miscellaneous color.

The pheasant who was about to leave had a footstep, and his body was awkward, and then he was unable to rely on the wall. He looked straight into the thundercloud above the shrinking pupil. If the face was gray, the mouth made a dry and weak voice: "The emperor is already out of reach, and the moment when the three "colors" thunderclouds merge, is about to fall. It’s too late..."

The three "color" thunders are born to destroy the holy device that is about to be asked, but its power aftermath can easily destroy a city.

"The lost" lost the emperor quietly standing there, no choice to leave. His gaze left from the sky and slowly closed his eyes: "I have just survived the evil of the Mozu, and I have been robbed of thunder and lightning. "The lost city is destined to be destroyed in my hands."

"On the emperor, this is not your fault. This year, it is destined to be the "hard" lost to the mainland." The pheasant shook his head and said with a smile, then looked up at the sky. This disaster can no longer be avoided, but it can be a blessing to witness the legendary three-color thunder.

Five seconds...

Ten seconds...

Thirty seconds...

"What happened? You are not saying that the thunder will soon be lowered?" Minutes, the thunder of lightning has not yet fallen. The always-stricken "fiction" lost emperor can hardly resist the swearing. The words of the priests of the pheasant just let him flee directly. But what he said will soon be the next thunder! This is not a pit! This time is enough for him to go back to the study and get the transfer symbol far away.

"Thundercloud... It's a bit strange." The pheasant has been watching the thunderclouds in the sky. The shock and fear on his face have dissipated a lot. More, it is not doubtful and doubtful.

The mixed "color" thunderclouds violently rolled in the air, releasing a heavy pressure that enveloped the city. But the terrorist forces contained in Thundercloud have never been released. Gradually, the pheasant found that the way the Thundercloud rolled was completely different from the original. He vaguely felt that it was not the boiling before the power broke out, but more like a struggle... What it is struggling!

"What do you mean?" "The lost" lost the emperor and frowned.

"According to the records, the three "color" thunderclouds will immediately drop after the fusion, and the delay is up to a few seconds. It is impossible to drag it to the present. Emperor... Do you think that the thundercloud is like... Fear of what, obviously has saved enough of the power of destruction, but did not dare to fall." The cockroach priest stared at the sky, with a deep understanding and slowly said.

"Fear?" "The fascinating" lost the thunderclouds in the air, he did not practice the aisle, there is no psychic power of the priests, naturally can not understand the mood of the elements. He shook his head: "As you said, the three "color" thunders are in danger of dying, and how could there be something that it is afraid of. Will this be the root of the three "color" thunder? ""

Up to now, he still can't believe that there will be a device of sacred destruction in this "lost" city.

call! ! ! ! !

Just then, a gust of wind suddenly blew, bringing up the dust. The people who lost their dreams in the city lost their sleeves and covered their sleeves in front of their foreheads. Then they suddenly felt the dim light around them gradually brighten up.

Driven by the wind, the black clouds covered with the sky disappeared like a blistered blisters, and the unobstructed sunlight returned to the earth. Over the sky, the ray of thunder, which contains the horror energy, stopped to churn, and slowly became smaller under quiet. At the moment when all the black clouds disappeared, the miscellaneous "color" thunderclouds disappeared without a trace.

A storm has not yet reached its ravages, and it has quickly disappeared.

"The lost" lost the emperor and looked down at the squatting priest who looked at the "fan".

"It seems that there is only one possibility." The lynx priest pondered for a while and said: "That is the three "color" thunderbolt. There is indeed a device of annihilation in the middle of the lost city. It is a pity that it is in the final step of the full formation. Therefore, the three "color" thunders that were originally attracted will be withdrawn. Only this is possible."

"Maybe. But in any case, a big disaster, finally escaped." "The lost" lost his forehead, only to find that the forehead is already full of water droplets, the body has long been cold sweat Drenched. A false alarm, but also left him a deep fear. "If you are telling the truth, then who is it, almost made a sacrament... If there is such a person, then this person is really terrible. He almost made a piece. What has never been done in human history."


Ye Tianxie they know. When Star Baoer made the "Music World" of the gods, it did not attract the thunder. It’s just that you don’t know the rules of the world’s thunder, and they don’t realize how amazing it is.


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