Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1079: Under anger

The solitary city, that is, the bottom of the burial god, Ye Tianxie already knew a seven seven eight eight. He will not let the other person better if he wants to make a plan for him. So the last time I saw Du Gucheng, he was born in the face of the southern hegemony, and his hands and wrists were stepped off, decisive and hot. The power of the solitary home is in the south, but his roots are not in the eye. There are really not many things in the world that can be put in his eyes. That time, it was a punishment for his previous calculations.

If the solitary city will endure and no longer violate him, he will not be able to take the city again. Because in addition to the last time to count the soul of the day, even if he has the heart, but at least the face has never violated him, but also repeated many times. He will not move in the domain of the gods, and he will not be tempted. What is the true identity of the city, and what kind of plots it has is not something that he cares too much. After all, it seems to have nothing to do with him. Most can't look good.

But unfortunately, in the least time, the funeral **** was heard by Ye Tianxie what he should not say.

Seven sins - anger.

The first seven sins of sin, during the period of anger, the wing of the sky was disturbed by the chickens and dogs that he stirred, and almost ruined the hands of evil people. On that day, the players in China all re-recognized the extreme power of evil days.

The anger that ignited Ye Tianxie was that there was a "Tianmo evil" in the wing of the sky. Under the expansion of the seven sins of sin, his anger almost brought disaster to the sun. At that time, the wing of the sky was badly wounded, and since then it has been behind the original World Alliance, which is still the same today. It can be seen that, how much trauma he caused to the wing of the sky.

And this time...

The ignited anger in Ye Tianxie’s heart was magnified by the sin of anger, and it reached an unparalleled level.

Within the novice village, the village chief was shocked by the amazing arrogance released by Ye Tianxie. He has lived for hundreds of years, and for the first time in his life, he has seen such an amazing temper. Looking at the whole body releasing the horror of Ye Tianxie, the village chief opened his mouth and could not speak. Not far from the room opened, the blacksmith and the blacksmith's wife also came out, and looked at the direction of Ye Tianxie with suspicion. Obviously it was also alarmed by this incredible suffocation.

"Send me to the lost continent, right away!!"

Ye Tianxie said that with the words of the export, there was a burning wave, and even his voice was filled with breathtaking fierceness. The extremely dangerous atmosphere caused the village chief to subconsciously retreat two steps, and said calmly: "Evil day, though... although I don't know what makes you so angry, please calm down first..."

"Send me back to the lost world!!"

The village chief did not finish the words, but he got the violent temper of Ye Tianxie, and the huge snoring, directly took the village chief’s body back. Such a suffocating temperament is such a close distance. The village chief who has been in peace for so many years has experienced the trepidation that has not appeared for many years. He dared not hesitate again. He opened the transmission with his trembling hands: "Evil day, you Go ahead... Anyway, first... calm down first,"

Ye Tianxie stepped into the battle and disappeared. He returned to the lost continent who had left for a few days.

The transmission array disappeared, and the fierce temper from Ye Tianxie finally disappeared. The head of the village had a lot of cold sweat on his forehead, and he fell down on the ground. He was shocked and whispered. "This young man is really... it’s terrible. It’s going to be so fierce. What is it? He is angry at this level."


The white light passed by, and Ye Tianxie appeared in Tianchen City. He didn't pay attention to anything around him, raised his finger, clicked on the empty fantasy ring, and his eyes were blank. Suddenly, he was once again sent to Tianchencheng Square, and he was not even able to find out that he had just appeared here.

In the hall of the Center of the Gods Alliance, the funeral **** and the gods were handed over, and they were about to go offline. Suddenly, a white light appeared in front of him, and a black figure with a nightmare appeared in front of him. The first thing he saw was the black mask that symbolized the identity of the evil.

"Evil... evil days!!" The funeral **** and the gods all suddenly stood up from the seat, and the face that was shocked suddenly changed. This is the core of the Divine Alliance. Unusual people do not allow the roots to enter here. The evil day, so suddenly appeared here, did not alarm anyone outside the domain of the gods. They can't believe their eyes for a moment.

"Evil day you... how did you come in... What are you doing?" The burial **** was trying to keep calm, but the voice still trembled. In this place where there should be no outsiders appearing from the sky, it is still the most terrible person to drop, whoever lives in this scene is difficult to maintain calm. The burial city is extremely deep, and evil days have always been his most taboo. The last time he had no mercy to step on him also left a deep shadow on him. When the evil sky suddenly appeared, and he was extremely shocked, the first thing that gave birth was fear.

"take... you... dog... life!!"

With a demonic and terrible yin, Ye Tianxie rushed to the funeral god. His speed even the ghost knife sages are willing to go down the wind, although the strength of the burial **** is definitely top notch among the players, even in the eyes of Ye Tianxie, even the reptiles are inferior, the shadows are swaying, and Ye Tianxie has appeared in the funeral god. In front of him, he grabbed his equipment collar and the other hand waved with destiny... But when he was about to touch the body of the burial **** at the moment of fate, he suddenly stopped. Because Ye Tianxie discovered that the funeral **** was destroyed, it is too merciful, too cheap for him! The endless anger in my heart can only be vented if the burial **** is not as good as death.

"Evil day, you...you..." was caught by the palm of the leaf sinister eagle, and he had no possibility of escape. So close to Ye Tianxie, the suffocation from him made his heart beat several times faster. Although it was in the game world, he clearly smelled the death, and the fear in his heart grew rapidly. He died. Big eyes, a hard voice in the mouth.

"Evil day! Stop, you have to do!! Never stop, I want to call people!"

"No... don't be a man!" Even so, the funeral still maintains enough calm. He is very clear that for Ye Tianxie, more people will only die if they come over. It is not only impossible to drive him away or kill him, but he will bring his anger more. The only thing he can do now is to calm his anger, there is no other way. Now, the root is not the time to conflict with him.

"Evil day... You used my hands before, I endured it, never asked you what I said. Now... Where did I get you? In this, is there any misunderstanding? Also, You...what did you use to appear here?"

The place where he was the core of the Divine Alliance was so stunned by the evil spirits, just thinking about him would shudder.

"Oh..." staring at the eyes of the burial god, Ye Tianxie’s smile is extremely gloomy. The way he came here was simple... The body of the burial **** was posted a long tracker a long time ago. Of course, it wasn't that he personally posted it, but through a woman named Li Lanyu. When the burial **** wanted her to get mixed with Ye Tianxie, he was given anti-use (forgot Li Lanyu's person, please refer to Chapter 362).

"Don't you want me to live in a nightmare? Oh, very good, I will let you know right away, what is real... nightmare!"

The eyes of the burial **** suddenly shrank, and the panic-stricken shadow of the face also revealed deep sorrow.

Did the words they just said were actually heard by him?

This terrible man... Why can he hear their conversation, why can it appear directly here? ! Is he a ghost? is God?

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