Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1105: Second defeated demon bat

After the birth of the Golden Dragon Soul, Ye Tianxie’s Dragon Soul Roar has truly deterred the power of the heavens and the earth. Under the roar of his dragon soul, a lost city can hear the tremor of the soul. The roar of the evil dragon's soul is accompanied by the forced shock effect that the dragon of the dragon of the ordinary dragon does not have, and the golden dragon soul is the final form of the soul of the evil dragon. The effect of the shock is ten times that of the original! In addition, the cooling time is only a short 60 seconds, Ye Tianxie as a player can also restore life with props, which undoubtedly makes the Dragon Soul roar again become the most powerful skill in his body. Even the "dead wreckage" of the Claw King is hard to see in the practicality.

Under the sacred inflammation, Ye Tianxie has more than 14 million lives. The explosion of 99% of life also caused these ghost kings to suffer nearly ten times the damage they lost in the nearly ten seconds of forced syncope...that is, more than 140 million damage!

Breaking the damage of billions... A level of damage that can only occur in myths and legends, a number that people can't believe even if they see it with their own eyes. Such a harm to the city people in the distance can not be seen naturally, but the ultimate strong people like the emperor, the purple sword god, the ice fire god, even though they are clear through the distance, as strong as they are, in the ghost king When the number of injuries on the body floated, they were shocked and stunned.

The ghost king's vitality is around three billion. Even if the strength is enough, killing a ghost king is also a very long process. And a hit of 100 million damage means killing a ghost king, only a few dozen attacks!

Dozens of attacks can kill a ghost king. In this case, who can believe it?

In the white inflammation of Ye Tianxie, there is a **** awn of the silk, and the life falls sharply. The strongest effect of the blood sacrifice of fate is triggered. The "black soul of destiny" bless, and the attack power of Ye Tianxie has soared... ... However, he did not bless the "unsatisfactory warfare", because this skill disappeared after he had the golden dragon soul, disappearing not only the ruthless warfare, but also the "exploration technique" shared by the whole profession. And the floating technique "Mist" that was originally learned. Disappearing skills all have one thing in common...all are non-professional skills, one is full-vocational, and the other two are learned through skill reels. Ye Tianxie does not understand why these skills will disappear after the appearance of the Golden Dragon Soul, and there is no time to delve into it... Perhaps, the golden dragon soul that he owns is too powerful, so he disdains with these weak from the "outside" Skills coexist.

With the red and white light, Ye Tianxie's body turned into an invisible stream of naked eyes, rushing to the seven ghost kings who fell on the ground, waving at the moment of fate, "life sanctions - blood brakes" at the speed of lightning Among the flashing red lights, the turns are cut in every ghost king that can't move...








When Ye Tianxie’s body finally stopped, the seven fate sanctions were cut by the seven ghost kings, and their vitality was forcibly deprived by one tenth, then no longer attacked, standing in the middle, cold-eyed they. At this time, the seven ghost kings woke up from the coma and looked at the vitality of their decline in just a few seconds. Their ugly faces all showed a terrified expression.

"This...monster!" The sorcerer's teeth are trembled. He can't believe that there is such a terrible lethality in the world, such a terrible person... such an attacking power should only be the devil of his demon. May have it. Why is this human being, he has such a terrible ability, is that his strength can not compete with their demon gods!

In the twinkling of an eye, nearly 500 million of the vitality was deprived, and all of them were fainted. The anger of the ghost kings who had the luck of a dozen seconds ago was all replaced by panic, and they were completely feared. The strength of this kind is that they can kill them in a short time... They can't believe that if they lost the mainland, there would be such a human being. His strength is even more terrible than the goddess of Xi Yao! I don’t know how many times! !

"You...you...who is it!!" The treacherous ghost king made a shuddering voice, which allowed them to have such fears. Ye Tianxie was the first one. Now facing Ye Tianxie, no one has dared to launch an attack without authorization. If it is not the devil, they will choose to flee immediately. This person is really terrible.

It has 90% dark resistance. Even without Ziyao, Ye Tianxie is still the nemesis of these devils. Defeating these ghost kings is a simple matter for him. In the face of the fear of the ghost king, Ye Tianxie did not speak, his eyes swept away, and then fell on the sorcerer's king who spoke. He lifted the moment of destiny and drifted to the position of the savage ghost king.

This arrogant weekdays will not put anyone in the eyes of the ghost king breathing suddenly stagnant, in fear, the body presented an involuntary retrogression. But when I think of the demon **** who is watching them, he slams his teeth and stops the body that is almost subconsciously receding. His hands are tight and the dark magic is desperately accumulated.

"Disenchant old ghost, be careful!! Raksha old ghost is given a spike by him... is a spike!! Only one trick!!"

The voice of the Dark Ghost King passed to the ears of the Demon King, and also passed to the ears of all the Ghost Kings, making the fear of their expression more intense.

"I said, I don't want to waste time on you, call your demon out." Ye Tianxie stared at the ghost king in front of him, said coldly.

"You... just rely on you, and let our devils take shots!!" said the purple ghost king, biting his teeth. As soon as he spoke, he was stunned in front of him, and he was too shocked to react to it. A violent force has already been bombarded on him...

boom! ! ! !



The use of the first "ultimate dragon soul spurs" was imposed on the hard purple ghost king by Ye Tianxie. In a scream of screaming like hell, the fortune was pierced. In the body of the Purple Ghost King, when the power broke out, the body of the Purple Ghost King flew out with the blood stars of the sky, and the position of the chest was a blood hole with a basketball size.

"Purple ghosts!"

The other six ghost kings changed their face and rushed to the side of the purple ghost king. The purple ghost king fell to the ground, and the body rolled on the ground with great pain. On the ground, there was another piece of glaring blood. The ultimate dragon soul was stabbed. Not only has a strong lethality, but also a strong ability to destroy, under the effect of "unstable", bombarded on the body of the creature, destroying its body. In the painful roll of the Purple Ghost King, the big hole in his chest healed slowly, but the accompanying pain did not dissipate so quickly. The pain of the extreme attack of the Claw Emperor is far beyond the bottom line of the Ghost King. This blow is enough to let the Purple Ghost King completely lose the courage to face Ye Tianxie. His shadow is enough to remind him of the name of Ye Tianxie.

Not only him, his horror, the face of the ghost kings in the darkness is white.

"How... what to do, we can't beat him. Really, do you want the devil to shoot?" said the Dark Lord Ghost.

"A human being, even if you want to work with the devil, how can you be willing!!"

call! ! ! !

In the mourning of the Purple Ghost King, a violent wind suddenly blows up, bringing the coldness of people's hearts. In the cold wind, the light dimmed a bit, and in the southern sky, a huge shadow suddenly appeared. Seeing that shadow, the lost city was panicked and stunned.

That is a huge shadow of bats! Hundreds of meters of body, a pair of huge batwings cover a large sky between the beats. This bat, no one in the lost city does not know its name... A hundred years ago, it and the nine ghost kings attacked the lost city, causing a huge panic to the city. Its strength class is a true sacred level, more powerful than the Ghost King. At that time, the goddess Xi Yao also defeated it after a hard fight and sealed the tower of fate.

Now, it is coming to the lost city again!

"Devil bat!!" The lost emperor and other people in the distance exclaimed,

"This bat really appeared. It can be troublesome. It is more terrible than the ghost king. He can be dealt with alone." The pheasant said nervously.

Several ghost kings lifted the purple ghost king from the ground and felt the fluctuation of the dark power. They looked up and looked up into the sky, and their faces showed ecstasy. The demon must have seen their status quo, sent her mounts to the strength of the demon bats, and they have no reason to pick up this human.

Ye Tianxie raised his head and looked at the demon bat in the air. This is the second time he saw this huge bat, but unlike the first time, when he saw it, his heart was filled with shock and fear. This time, only plain, as if it is not a demon bat that is lost in the mainland, but a small bat that is ordinary.

The demon bats are approaching, and the huge wings cover the sky. The terrible eyes locked the body of Ye Tianxie, and the wings were in a singular voice. In a strange voice that made people feel uncomfortable, the huge body suddenly rushed down from the air with a greater force, hitting Ye Tianxie. Such a large body quickly blocked the escape path of Ye Tianxie.

One is the full attack on Ye Tianxie.

Ye Tianxie’s eyes squinted and squinted over the sky, and the body did not move. When the demon bat was about to rush down, his body was shining, and the image of Jinlong was behind his back. Longkou was facing the sky. Unleashed a swaying dragon scorpion... This scorpion dragon trembles like a dragon soul roaring, swaying the soul, but it contains the unparalleled majesty of the dragon. When this sound of dragons came out, all the people who heard the dragons could not help but tremble in their hearts. They couldn’t help but want to bow down in the sound of the dragons.

In the sound of the dragon screaming, the body of the demon bat slammed in the air, all the power disappeared without a trace, and the body without strength supported suddenly fell to the ground, in the "boom" In the sound of a collision, the heavy squatting on the ground.

The body is on the ground, the wings are weak on the ground, the huge body of the demon bat is shaking violently, and the small eyes staring at Ye Tianxie are full of deep fear.

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