Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 111: Transferred - anti-bone dragon!

The surrounding space suddenly became dim and bright, and when the light just appeared, it would be swallowed up by the darkness. The darkness was just formed and it was immediately dispelled by the light. These two opposites are opposite each other. The elements that cannot coexist seem to compete for each other's rights and do their best to defend their existence and expel each other.

Ye Tianxie still keeps his eyes closed, his expression is as light as water, no joy or no sorrow, as if the root does not know what happened to him and his surroundings. The flashing flash of light flashed the old face of Long Mo Cliff. He didn’t make any more noise. He looked at the changes of Ye Tianxie and Dragon Stone with an extremely stiff and sluggish expression. The degree of instigation in the heart is the strongest in this life. This is like an incredible change, and it is more like an incredible miracle. After the initial horror, his slowly calming heart began to quickly derive a desire to see the results immediately... He thought Knowing, what kind of result will the dragon power with darkness and light power awaken after being awakened, and what kind of power will the final dragon force be? Is it a light dragon force, a dark dragon force, or a light and The ordinary dragon power that the darkness cancels each other after struggling with each other, or...

The fourth result, the theoretically impossible result, made his heart beat again.

The sudden and dark situation lasted for a few minutes, and apart from this, there was a dead, quiet and scary, even the fruit was far away, wide-eyed, and Zhang looked at the changes in the master... ... Of course, her expression is not the same as the surprise of Long Mo Cliff, but the surprise and excitement of seeing novel things... There is also a deep and deep hidden jump.

Finally, the scene in front of me has changed again, and this change has caused a pair of eyeballs in Longmo Cliff to almost burst into the eye.

The light and the darkness no longer alternate, the body of Ye Tianxie, and the stone of the Dragon God... There is a ray of light and darkness at the same time.

On the left side of Ye Tianxie's body, a strong sacred radiance releases the light that is hard to see, which is light without any impurities and without any other light. And the right half of his body, it is a black light like the endless abyss, the same darkness, but it is deeper than the darkness that Longmo Cliff is used to, deep as if it is covered by this darkness, it will fall into the boundless Endless dark abyss.

In the middle of the body of Ye Tianxie, and the middle of the stone of the Dragon God, the critical point of the darkness and light of the line is so clear and glaring.

Light and dark coexist with a carrier at the same time. The light does not dispel the darkness. The darkness does not engulf the light. This is extremely strange. The root cannot understand and explain it in a common sense. It can subvert the cognition of all people. Evil and the stone of the Dragon God connected to its power.

Ye Tianxie's eyes are still closed, but his brows do not know when it is slightly stunned, as if he is suffering from a feeling that makes him unbearable. The eyes of Long Moya are the biggest at this moment... As a powerful dragon with the power of God, how can it not feel, the left side of Ye Tianxie releases the dragon power with bright attributes, and On the right, the release of the dragon power with dark attributes.

Actually... actually appeared at the same time, at the same time!

Is everything messed up? Why are things that cannot happen in this root appear, and the natural truths and orders are all chaotic...

However, everything is still not over.

As if some kind of agreement was reached, or it was restrained by some incomparable singular power, darkness and light appeared on the body of Ye Tianxie, which could not occur, and then occupied the body half of Ye Tianxie. Their respective expansion, the holy white light and the dark black light become more and more intense in the expansion, and the scope of the spread is getting bigger and bigger... Gradually, there is a half around Ye Tianxie’s body. White, half of the black light ball, completely wraps the body of Ye Tianxie. The ball of light is getting bigger and bigger, and it has spread to the foot of Longmo Cliff, so he has to step back one step after another.

Behind him is a cliff with a high peak. The dragon cliff has been retreating to a place where there is no way to go. His eyes are always looking straight ahead. Without a moment of departure, he is afraid that if he blinks, he will miss it. This is an incredible detail in any scene.


The incomparably strange sound drowned the vision of Long Mo Cliff. The half was black, and the half white light suddenly exploded at this moment, and the explosion spread completely. The body was spread to the light and completely wrapped in the dragon's desert cliff. There was only one innocent light in front of him... He did not see it, and Ye Tianxie did not see it. Just the moment, the stone of the dragon **** was silently dissipated as atomized. At the same time, under the common shade of intense light and intense darkness, a small and white shadow leaps out from the center of the Dragon Stone...

The light and darkness of Ye Tianxie disappeared at the same time, and at this time, the apparently around his body turned out to be an incredible colorless light!

"Oh... your dragon soul power is initially awakened, and the power attribute is judged to be the power of the evil spirit between sacred and sin. The new power gives you a new career, please name your profession... due to The quality of power is the power of the evil dragon. The occupation name must contain the word 'evil dragon'."

In the quiet, the ear sounds a pleasant system sound, and Ye Tianxie’s mouth twitches. Without too much thought, he slowly said: “Reverse bone dragon!”

Reverse bone... He has the opposite bones that seem to be born!

"Oh... professional ‘reverse bone dragon’ was named successfully!”

"Oh... you successfully transferred to the exclusive profession 'Anti-Bone Dragon', power +45, physique +45, agility +45, spirit +45, life +1150, magic +1150, in addition to 5 points after each upgrade Free attribute points, extra +3 for power attributes, +3 for physique attributes, +3 for agility attributes, +3 for mental attributes, +20 for each upgrade, +20 for magic, and 2 points for each power attribute. Each point attribute corresponds to 10 points of life and 1 point of defense. Each point of agility corresponds to a point hit and a point of avoidance. Each point of the spirit attribute corresponds to two points of magical attack power and 10 points of mana."

"Hey...you get the exclusive talent skills of 'Anti-bone evil dragon', 'The body of evil dragons', 'The claws of evil dragons', 'The eyes of evil dragons', 'The soul of evil dragons'. The exclusive prohibition of dragons Soul blast 'open.'

The body of the evil dragon: The dragon is the creature with the strongest physique and defense ability, and the evil dragon that combines the light dragon power and the dark dragon power will have a stronger body than the ordinary dragon. At the same time, it has strong immunity to light and dark forces. Bright resistance +70%, dark resistance +70%, water resistance +20%, fire resistance +20%, wind resistance +20%, lightning resistance +20%, soil resistance + 20%. The defense increases the 5x level, the defense increases (03x level)%, and can wear any professional equipment.

The claw of the evil dragon: the dragon is the creature with the strongest power, and the evil dragon that combines the light dragon power and the dark dragon power will have more powerful power than the ordinary dragon. The dragon claw is a terrible weapon, any ordinary The weapon is in the claws of the dragon, and it will become a powerful weapon of the gods. The attack increases by 5x, the attack increases (03x level)%, and the critical strike rate is +5%. Any weapon of any occupation can be used.

The Eye of the Evil Dragon: The singular dragon head created by the combination of the power of light and the power of darkness can see through the environment of absolute darkness and absolute light. It has a visible distance beyond the normal number of times, and can see through the strength not higher than itself. Level monsters, players, npc information and even shortcomings.

The spirit of the evil dragon: the singular ability of the evil dragon. After launching, it will burn the life of the evil dragon and build the strongest defense that is indestructible. It completely resists any attack from the enemy. After launching, it will reduce the life value by 10% per second, and the life will drop. It can be automatically released when it is 10% or less, and it can be interrupted at any time during the continuous period. It can not be used when the life is less than 10%, and can be used three times every day. It is launched by the power of evil dragons without any consumption.

When the reminder of the "Reverse Devil's Dragon" career transfer sounded, the powerful additional attributes that made anyone stunned made him somewhat afraid of his own ears... too strong, really too strong, strong infinitely beyond His expectations. It’s just four attributes, and it’s actually added a full 180 points! !

When the information of the four talent skills appears in the mind, no matter how tough his heart is, the brain has also appeared for a long time... How can he not think of this in a series of strange encounters and strange processes After the emergence of the profession has such a strong talent, he did not even think about it, "Destiny" world, even allowed such a career to appear ... regardless of defensive ability, attack ability, are extremely large beyond the ordinary players The upper limit, even if this profession has only these four talents, it is far stronger than the ordinary occupation. He even immediately thought that such professional ability completely ruined the game balance of the "Destiny" world without any suspense.

And finally, the skill called "Dragon Soul". Its skill introduction is only a short eight words, and these three words make Ye Tianxie's eyes and heart jump wildly:

Dragon Soul Explosion: Detonate the Dragon Soul and destroy everything.

Detonate the Dragon Soul, destroy everything... In addition to these eight words, there is no other information about this skill. There is no mention of the ability to deal with damage, no mention of the scope of the attack, no mention of the degree of consumption, and no effect on the skill of this skill... But the four words that are so clear are "destroying everything"... what degree of damage can be called Is it "destroying everything"?

Depressing the shock and excitement in his heart, Ye Tianxie opened his eyes and looked around. The intense light power and dark power have completely disappeared, and there is no slight light around them. Even the original dragon stone of the original illuminator has disappeared. However, in this space where there is no bright light, he finds that he can see all of this here, even the tiny gravel on the ground is clearly identifiable.

The purpose of the evil dragon... can see through the singular eyes of absolute darkness and absolute light! g

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