Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1125: Tianxinwu

"Oh... the nuclear of the strongest destiny of fate - the return of the power of heaven, the fate of the break is perfectly repaired."

"叮...blood feather, orange tooth, huangyuan, green wave, green soul, blue dragonfly, heaven heart, the nuclear of seven fates returns to the fate of the fate, the fate of the moment returns to the complete form, the whole attribute is improved, the full skill effect is improved , part of the skill effect changes, open the skills 'destiny choice', open the 'destiny seven kills' seventh kill 'destiny sanctions - Tianzhu'. St. ban 'destiny of the fortune' open; 'Holy ban: fate The crime of cutting the sky is 'opened'; 'forbidden skills: the fortune of sin is turned on.'

The tone of the ear fell, and the purple mans on the fate of the moment was completely dissipated at this moment. Ye Tianxie’s trembling hand held the fate of his body in his hand. The sound of the ear tells him that the power of the moment of fate has all recovered... Now the fate of his hands is no longer the incomplete fate, but the strongest weapon that makes the true God fear. At this time, it was the moment he was so eager to come...

However, there is not even a trace of joy in his heart. Because this ultimate instrument is exchanged for the existence of Star Treasure. He got the full fate of the moment, but he could no longer see the smile of Star Treasure. Occasional encounters, from her interest, to curiosity, to surprise, to pity... and then to the inability to suppress the incitement of the heart. Forcibly brought her back to her home. In fact, at the moment he came up with the idea of ​​bringing Boa back to his home, the shadow of Star Boer has already broken into the depths of his heart. Her kindness, her smile, can infect everything, can melt all the sins... Even when she embraces him to leave, she still smiles so brightly...

Boa, once, so many people thought that you were insatiable, loved money, and could be desperate for money... But only I always knew that your heart is purer than the most beautiful crystal in the world.

Boa, you just said, you will stay with me forever, and will never separate... Yes, you didn’t actually leave, but changed a way to stay with me in a more close way, and Will stay with me all the time. No matter whether day or night, it will not stay away...

So, let me be sad for you the last day, after today, I will let you see my smile every day, ok...

The moment of destiny is in front of you, and the seventh hollow that has been blank is filled with rich and warm purple light. The thick purple color forms a girlish form with the head raised and the sky visible. Moon watching girl... This is the core of the strongest destiny - the shape of the heart.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple... The nucleus of the seven fates releases different seven-color ray, their strength is in the same breath, and the lack of one, the power of fate will be greatly reduced. The fate of all the nuclear powers of the seven fates has lost in the breath of power, but it has become a majestic atmosphere. If you close your eyes, you can hardly feel it. Perhaps this is the ultimate in strength, returning to the original, sharp and restrained, or the fate of the complete form, its power and breath is not what ordinary people can detect.

The dragon's eyes are open, and the true attributes of the fate of the moment are presented in the trepidation of Ye Tianxie...

The moment of eternal destiny: Grade: Forbidden, the strongest device from the ancient Protoss of the Protoss, carrying the blood feather, orange teeth, Huang Yuan, Green Wave, Qing Soul, Blue Dragonfly, the power of the heart, has a swallow, Destroy the power of the heavens. Its roots are unknown, and it is currently exclusive to evil spirits, and it will last forever. It is not tradeable, it cannot be dropped, it cannot be stolen, and it cannot be discarded.

Attributes: Attack +50000, attack +200%, four base attributes +4000, normal attack will cause damage to all targets within the attack range at the same time, 5% probability of attack absorbs damage to its own life value, attack 5 % probability absorption damage is converted into its own magic value. The probability of 5% of the attack triggers double damage. The probability of 5% when attacking is added to the deadly poison of the dead party. When the attack is 15%, the probability is triggered to die. The 15% probability adds a "chaotic" state of more than 5 seconds, and a 100% probability of attack triggers a severe destruction.

Skills: The Gift of Destiny: The Lord of Eternal Destiny will receive the blessing of destiny, and enhance the fixed attributes of talent: Lucky +100, Perception +100, Charisma +100. (Forced addition, the effect cannot be turned off. Unless the eternal destiny is isolated, it will not disappear even if it is not equipped.)

The fate of fate: locking skills, when equipped with the fate of the moment, all abnormal state immunity, full capacity decline state immunity (from Lancome).

Blood Festival of Destiny: Active skill, with the sacrifice of blood as a sacrifice, to stimulate the violent energy. Attack power increased by 400% when launched. Can be activated at any time, cancel at any time, without any consumption and usage restrictions.

Devil's Devil: Active skill, the moment of destiny is the nemesis of magic, the power of any form of element will be completely blocked and swallowed in the face of the power of orange teeth. During the attack, you can freely release the magical power of the fat orange tooth, attach an irresistible magic seal to all the targets you attack, and remove any form of magic barrier. All enemy resistance of the enemy with magic seal is reduced to 0. %, and suffered a powerful magic seal of at least 30 seconds, can be launched at any time, cancel at any time, without any consumption and use restrictions.

The blazing soul of destiny: active skill, release the power of Huang Yuan, burn its own fighting soul, turn each attack into a hegemonic kill, and attach the "absolute crit" state after launching, and the crit damage is ordinary damage. 300%, can be launched at any time, cancel at any time, without any consumption and use restrictions.

The drug of fate: active technology, to stimulate the power of green waves, the terrible power of poisonous erosion will swallow all the physical defense capabilities of the target to invisible (including physical defense barriers, physical defenses), after launching all Physical attacks ignore defenses and have a high probability of destroying target armor when attacking. They can be launched at any time and can be cancelled at any time without any consumption and usage restrictions.

Spirit of Destiny: Passive triggering technique. At the time of death, the body will be covered by the blue awn of the green soul, and will continue to "live" for 20 seconds in the undead state. In the state of the undead, you can move freely and cannot restore your life. Trigger up to three times a day with a trigger interval of at least one hour. The enemy killed by you cannot be resurrected within ten days.

The fate of the fate: active skills, release the power of the blue scorpion to force the target of the soul of the soul, once triggered successfully, within a certain period of time, the target's heart will become a blue shackle, users can control their heart through the blue 魄. The probability of success and the length of the duration are related to the degree of toughness of the target, the firmer the target mentality, the lower the probability of success, and the shorter the duration of success. It can be used three times a day.

The choice of destiny: active skills, release the miraculous power of the heavenly heart, and transfer the five basic abilities - physical attack power, magic attack power, defense power, hit power, and avoidance, all of the other four to the fifth. The ability to get the most peak. It can be activated three times a day for 1 minute each time. It cannot be cancelled after it is launched.

Seven fate of destiny: the power of sanctions with eternal destiny has caused seven consecutive fate sanctions on the target. The effect of sanctions is irresistible and cannot be superimposed. At present, blood brakes, magic brakes, gods, poisonous, dead souls, Killing, Scorpio, consuming magic 20000, skill cooling time 1 hour.

The first kill: life sanctions - blood brakes, with the power of sanctions at the eternal destiny to launch life sanctions on a single target, ignoring the level, grade, ignoring any defense, forcibly depriving the target of 20% of the health and maximum health, And attach the damage equal to the normal attack, the effect can not be superimposed on a single target, can be used alone. There is no magic consumption when used alone, no cooling time. Unless the power of sanctions is taken back at the moment of fate, the maximum value of the deprived health will never be restored.

The second kill: magical sanctions - magic brakes, with the power of sanctions of eternal destiny to launch a magical sanction on a single target, ignoring the level, grade, ignoring any defense, forcibly depriving the target of 20% of the magic value of the magic limit, 20% magical attack power and 20% full magic resistance, plus 200% damage equivalent to normal attacks, the effect can not be superimposed on a single target, can be used alone. There is no magic consumption when used alone, and the cooling time is 1 minute. Unless the power of sanctions is taken back at the moment of destiny, the upper limit of magical power, magical attack power, and magic resistance that are deprived will never be restored.

The third kill: Scorpio sanction - God collapses, with the power of sanctions at the eternal destiny to launch a scorpio sanction against a single target, ignoring the level, grade, ignoring any defense, forcibly depriving the target of 20% of the attack ability, forcing additional 30 seconds The "sealing" state, and attaches 400% of the damage equivalent to the normal attack, the effect can not be superimposed on a single target, can be used alone. There is no magic consumption when used alone, and the cooling time is 5 minutes. Unless the power of sanctions is withdrawn at the moment of fate, the deprived attack power will never be restored.

The fourth kill: guarding the sanctions - poisoning, with the power of sanctions at the eternal destiny to launch a guardian sanction against a single target, ignoring the rank, grade, ignoring any defense, with a strong poison with irresistible corrosion The target's defensive power is swallowed to 0, and the damage equal to 800% of the normal attack is added. The effect is not superimposed on a single target and can be used alone. There is no magic consumption when used alone, and the cooling time is 10 minutes. Unless the power of sanctions is taken back at the moment of fate, the target of being sanctioned will be permanently zero regardless of wearing any equipment and performing any guardianship.

The fifth kill: life and death sanctions - the soul of death: with the power of the green soul of the blue destiny, the force of sanctions against a single target to launch life and death sanctions, ignoring the level, grade, ignoring any defense, ignoring death resistance, 15% probability of additional force And cause 1600% damage equal to normal attacks. That is, the dead effect is not repeatable for a single target within 24 hours. Can be used alone, no magic consumption when used alone, cooling time 20 minutes.

The sixth kill: yin and yang sanctions - killing, with the power of the blue defensive nuclear scorpion to launch yin and yang sanctions on a single target, ignoring the level, grade, ignoring any defense, causing 3200% damage to the target. And force a 5 second "off" state. In the "disengaged" state, the target will lose all the ability to perceive, listen, smell, taste, touch, etc., and can not control its own body. It can be used alone. There is no magic consumption when used alone, and the cooling time is 30 minutes.

The seventh kill: Heavenly Sanctions--Scorpio, with the power of the purple destiny, the power of the heavenly sanction to launch a destiny for a single target, ignoring the level, the grade, ignoring any defense, and causing 9999% of the basic damage to the target. At the same time, the damage will be triggered at the same time. The red color: If the target health is higher than 50%, the life is forced to fall to 50%. If it is lower than 50%, it will force 10% of the life. Orange: The magic value of the target drops to zero and cannot be recovered within one minute. Yellow: The target's attack power drops to zero and cannot be recovered within one minute. Green: The target will be subjected to any damage within the next minute. Double, cyan: Target immediately dies, blue: Target level drops to 0, Purple: "Destiny Seven Kill" cooldown is cleared. Can be used alone, no magic consumption when used alone, cooling time of 60 minutes.

God's Prohibition: The Abandonment of Destiny: Casting an irresistible “ridiculous enchantment” with the power of sanctions at the forefront of fate, and forcing the source of all the souls in the enchantment. Effect: All creatures in the range (no enemy) will force the magic and sealing skills, and the effect is irresistible. It is not immune. Unless it leaves the absurd enchantment or the absurd enchantment disappears, it cannot be cancelled. The ridiculous enchantment covers the attack power of Destiny/10. The enchantment consumes 300 magic per second for the duration of the enchantment. It lasts for up to three minutes and can be interrupted at any time. The skill cools down for three hours.

Holy Prohibition: The Destiny of Destiny: The Destiny of the Destiny can manipulate the power of any element between heaven and earth for its own use, and can be turned into: the fate of the water, the fate of the fire, the destiny of the wind, the destiny of the destiny, the fate The land is cut, the fate of the fate, and the darkness of the destiny. The integration of the seven forces is the fortune of fate. Elemental destruction technology, attack ability is determined by the strength of the elements of the condensed elements, the scope of attack and the way of use can be customized.

Holy Prohibition: The Crime of Destiny: The Destruction of Destiny, the punishment from the moment of fate, the power of the seven nuclear powers, the devastating attack on everything in the surrounding space, the basic attack power is equal to the level x attack, the attack range is The idea specifies that the maximum attack range is equal to the level x100, and the attack has a severe destruction effect. Magic 9000 is consumed and can be used once a day.

Forbidden Skills: Destiny Shacks: The punishment of taboos from the moment of destiny comes from the ultimate destruction of heaven. When the power of destiny unleashes all forces, all the world will be slaughtered into the most humble dust in despair. Completely destroying the area around 30,000 kilometers, the effect is indifferent to the enemy, uncontrollable, once launched, can not be terminated. After the use of fate will fall into the sleep of unknown time. Cooling time is 300 years.

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