Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1134: Burning soul

The root barrier can last for three minutes, and these three minutes may be their last hope. Quickly diverting attention from the surprise brought by Beckham and 夭夭 夭夭 ,, Ye Tianxie looked at the opposite star glass, took a deep breath, whispered: "Hey, Beckham, let's go... ...Beckham, within three minutes, use your claws to tear the amethyst dress of the star glass!! Hey, protect the baker!!"

It is an impossible goal to tear the amethyst on the starry glass in three minutes. But Beckham's imaginary claws are not perfect, but they are said to be the claws of destruction that can tear everything. Maybe, you can really destroy the crystal clothes of the star glass... only a small crack is needed. it is good! It is impossible to defeat the star glass root. The three minutes inside the root barrier effect destroys the amethyst clothes. This is their only chance.

call! !

"The Light of Riot", "The Claw of Nightmare", "The Claw of Doom", "The Battle of Heaven", the four strengthening states are simultaneously blessed in the body, and the speed of the rising of the small shell into a beautiful white shadow, instantly sprinted to the star glass In front of her body, the smashing fist that was strengthened to its maximum power fell on the body of the glare like a storm in the waving of her cat claw gloves...


After the evolution to the sacred level, the crit rate attached to Beckham's "The Nightmare Claw" has increased to 70%, and with her own crit attribute, almost every attack will trigger a crit. Three times a second, smashing fists, eighteen attacks every second, the damage caused by the damage, the intensity of the damage is staggering. At the same time, with the rapid increase of the paradise of the heavens, its attack power is also rapidly increasing. In the past, each additional paradise warfare increased its attack power by 5%. After the evolution, the increase effect of the paradise warfare was raised to As much as 10%, if the battle is increased to 20, it will increase her attack power by 200%! !

I was also worried that Beckham’s violent attack caused the vitality to drop rapidly, and Ye Tianxie, who had never recovered, found that his fears were completely redundant. Under the intensive attack, Beckham's life has not fallen to the slightest... The effect of the root barrier is to lock vitality. Not only does the damage from the outside world affect life, but its own skills can't shake the locked life. In other words, under the effect of the root barrier, no matter what the factors, it will not be able to increase or decrease its vitality.

Beckham's attack made Star Glass slightly frown, and the attack of 18 seconds was even shocking. Because even if she is, it is impossible to make such an intensive attack.

A shout, the purple glare of the star glass flashed, and a lavender barrier was blocked in front of her, completely blocking the attack of Beckham, and then, the fate of Ye Tianzhi later came. Spurs out, an "Emperor Dragon Soul" slams above the purple barrier, "Death Erosion" triggers, the purple barrier instantly dissipates, and the fate of the stabbing in the chest of the star glass, the impact of her body After leaning back, the attack speed and moving speed of Beckham in the "storm light" state is terrible, and the storm-like attack once again falls on the star glass. The yellow damage numbers are like snow fluttering... 16 seconds of damage figures in a second, who can believe that this is actually caused by one person.

Beckham’s attack is terrible, and there is no such thing as a living thing that can be eaten. Even Ye Tianxie... Beckham’s a fist is enough to kill him, and Tianxin’s guardian can’t keep him. However, after all, the star glass is the star glass, with her body of God, such an attack can almost be said to be painless, her lethality can be ignored, and deterrence will not exist. In the face of the double attack of Ye Tianxie and Beckham, the starry glass looks calm, the right hand sticks out, and gently sweeps in front. Suddenly, two ruined purple light flew out of her hand, hitting Ye Tianxie and respectively. Beckham’s body kicked them a thousand meters away... She has noticed that there is any magical power to protect them, and no harm can pose a threat to them. Therefore, her attack is to strike them far away. Flying out, even close to me can't... until the mysterious ability to protect them disappears... She can cancel the effect of the Dragon Soul Wall, but the light white barrier that is currently on them can't. Such a strong protective barrier must have extremely strict use restrictions and will not last too long.

The shelled Beckham and Ye Tianxie quickly turned back, and their moving speed has broken through thousands. The distance of kilometers is just a blink of an eye for them. The starry glass looks at their closeness, a purple one hundred meters long. The lightsaber appeared in the hands. This ruined lightsaber was not long for her, but it was half a meter thick. When they were close to a hundred meters, the purple lightsaber waved and drawn a huge purple arc. With the fragmentation of the space, the purple light that suddenly came to make Ye Tianxie dodge, and once again, Biebei was swept away.

"Beckham, come to me!!"

Every second in the root-source barrier state is precious, so you can be slowly exhausted. Ye Tianxie took over Beckham in one hand, descended from the air, stepped on the ground, and sang a low drink. The basaltic singer Huang Guang flashed, and the "moving soul" was blessed. Under the power of the immovable soul, as long as he is on the ground, he will not be defeated by any force.

With a speed of more than 4,000, the distance of nearly a kilometer is only a few seconds. When it is close, the destruction of the lightsaber is swept from the front again, sweeping his body. The body in his journey was a slight meal, but there was no retreat. The starry glass in the air was slightly stunned, and this short gap, Ye Tianxie had already rushed to the front of the star glass with Xiaobei...

"Beckham, on!!"

Beckham jumped high from Kaka's body, and the twenty heavenly battles on his body quickly dissipated. A "Paradise of Heaven" kicked away toward the star glass... As long as the paradise of heaven is inevitable, it will inevitably In the state of being unable to resist, it is subject to long-term continuous pursuit... Perhaps, it is the star glass that can't be free under the unbearable effect created by Beckham's paradise.

boom! ! ! !

This incredible blow did not hit the star, but kicked on the purple barrier in front of her, perhaps sensing the strange power contained in the Beckham attack, completely ignoring the star of Beckham attack. The glass did not choose to bear it lightly, but resisted by the force of shattering. The huge anti-shock force bounced Beckham to the bottom and the body slammed to the ground. Ye Tianxie brows a lock and quickly moves forward to catch the falling bm...

boom! ! !

The attack of Beckham is so heavy that the power that is bounced back is naturally extremely strong. The Ye Tianxie who catches the body of Beckham is almost all over the body. If it is not the power of the unmoving soul, he must be Knocking down from Kaka.

"Beckham, is it okay?"

The sound just fell, a purple light descended from the sky, sweeping his body...

"Oh... your skill effect 'The Unmoved Soul' disappears."

After the eartips sounded, he was greeted by the destroying lightsaber of Starglass. A sword swept, and Ye Tianxie and Beckham were swept away.

Has been swept away for nearly three kilometers, Ye Tianxie clung to Beckham to stop the body. He knew very well that this is still the star of the glass deliberately left behind, with her strength, even if they want to fly them to the distant South Sea is not too difficult. She is too powerful, even if he has a golden dragon soul, with a complete destiny, with the guardian power that Boer gave him, still can't take her. It is about to be in the state of the roots of the barrier that will not die, even if their strengths are all soaring... In the face of her strength, it is still so weak. Although she can't hurt them now, she can easily let them not even close. This is the power of God. This is the gap of the "level" - the gap between man and God is too big and irreparable. Just like... the strongest of the ants, no matter how hard they work, how strong they are, it is impossible to defeat the weakest of human beings.

"If this continues, the effect of the root barrier will soon disappear..." Ye Tianxie did not continue to rush before, he stared at the purple body in sight, looking for all possibilities. The illusion of Beckham and Skull is free, because both the human body and the body of the beast are their own bodies, which can change at any time. The devil of the ball can only last for a short time... The reason why he did not let the ball launch the devil is not because of time constraints, but because of the magical skill of the ball, which makes him inexplicably have an extremely strong Uneasy feelings, faint consciousness tells him that if the ball is magical, a huge disaster will come, and even then, he will be unable to control. This made him think of the state of his own catastrophic inflammation, and also made him feel vague. If the ball is launched, the devil will change into a demon who is out of control... After all, the demon that can change, It is the evil spirit from the abyss of sin.

Kaka's ultimate stigma can only be launched three times in a lifetime, and naturally it cannot be used casually. And... the person who turned into the ultimate streak...

The Son of the Wild God - Back to the Night!

A name that made him completely suffocate at that moment.

A name that is powerful enough to look down on the gods of the gods...

If Kaka can really become him and still have all the power of his year, then...

Star glass is strong, but after all, young, strong but the goddess of Brah. Although the goddess of Bhara is strong, it is never possible to be stronger than the son of the **** of the past. The power of the night, no doubt far better than the star, but ... three times in life, each short thirty seconds, there is too much uncertainty. Even with the power of the night, in just 30 seconds, how could it defeat the star glass? After all, if Proos's guess is not wrong, Star Glass belongs to the royal family that destroyed the Protoss, and is in the same position as the Wilderness.

Therefore, unless it is at the last irreparable point, this ultimate fantasy cannot be easily used.

Now, how can we get detached from the power of the star glass? Star glass can be destroyed by a long distance. He and Beckham can't. Amen's strongest attack is a close attack. If you can't even close, you can have a strong attack ability.

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