Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1143: Not very good news

All the demons, demons, warcraft, and ghost kings of the Mozu are gone, and the demon is also leaving.

A catastrophe that fell on the lost continent finally dissipated invisible.

When the huge gray shadow of the demon bat disappeared into the light array, and there was no more magic in the sight, in the lost city, there was finally a burst of earth-shattering screams. They feared, trembled, despaired, and even dared not to think about the possibility of repelling the demons, but such facts were placed before them. Even if the horrible demon gods come, their land homes, their central city is not occupied by the horrible demon, but the devils retreat, and will not be lost in the mainland for a whole millennium. They not only won, but also won the peace of the whole millennium!

The destruction of the southern part of the lost city is terrible, but compared to the consequences of being occupied by the Mozu, such loss can not completely erase the ecstasy and excitement in their hearts. The joy of rebirth after the robbery made them almost mad, with the loudest voice, unscrupulously screaming from the heart.

"I am dreaming... Dao, tell me, I am not dreaming... We...win, win!!"

The lost emperor has been excited and incoherent, and even the words are already old and tearful. The lineup of the magic soldiers and the appearance of the seven ghost kings have made him desperate, and the appearance of the demon **** makes him not see any hopeful light in the abyss of despair. He thought that the lost city could not be saved. The center city lost in the mainland would become the city of the Mozu, and human beings would live forever in the shadow of the devil, and he would also become a sinner of the ages, repenting, unwilling and jealous. After the middle half of life. The Mozu has such a powerful demon, and the human roots have no ability to resist. In the shadow of the demon, there will never be a time to turn over.

But in the end, the miracles appeared one after another, and the hope of the mans flashed again and again. The seven ghost kings were defeated, and the demon bat was defeated by the second. Even the demon **** was defeated under the gaze of everyone and the unbelievable...

Lost in the continent is safe and sound, the Mozu retreats, and you cannot enter the lost continent within a thousand years. This is the ending that he didn't even think about before.

And to reverse all this, it is a person who makes this ending...

A person who will be lost in the future will be remembered by all human beings in the mainland... even those who have been remembered for generations. His name will spread throughout the lost continent after today, and his prestige and his position in people's hearts will reach a height that no one can ever reach after today. He defeated the demon that the beast of the sacred beast and the **** of the Eudemons could not defeat, protected the lost continent, protected the destiny of mankind, and fought for at least a thousand years of peace for the lost people of the mainland!

"Evil day, what kind of person are you, even the devil can beat, are you really a simple 'person'? Perhaps, you are really a fate arrangement to save our lost angels of the mainland. ......" In the uncontrollable excitement, the lost continent looked up at Ye Tianxie in the distant sky, muttering to himself. He knows that although he is the highest emperor lost in the mainland, today, the prestige of evil days on this continent will be far above him. He will become the first mythical figure on this continent, and will even become the immortal legend of future generations. In people's minds, he will become the true God who is always looked up and worshipped forever.

"Evil day!!!!"

"Evil day!!!!"

"Evil day!!!!"

"Evil day!!!!"



Unsurprisingly, in the cheers and madness of the whole city, the voices of people gradually became neat and consistent... They shouted out the name of evil days. This will be a name that will be remembered by everyone in the future, a lost and greatest transcendence hero in mainland history. People will not forget who defeated the demon, who defeated the Mozu, who saved the lost city and human dignity, and who gave them at least a thousand years of peace. I witnessed the scene before, and Ye Tianxie is already a god-like existence in their hearts.

In such a high voice, Ye Tianxie is a strange calm. After Star Glass left for a long time, he turned his eyes back.

Although Star Glass has temporarily left, she will always belong to his star glass. Her eyes tell him that no matter what happens in the future, this will not change.

But Boa...


Recalling what happened today is like the unreality of a dream. Constant variables, constant miracles, every appearance of hope, it is like an illusory dream. In the end, under the numerous factors, the star glass is defeated... In addition to the dream, he does not know that there is a word that can describe these things happening today.

Star glass is a demon, he is not unexpected, but he is so familiar with the treasure, it will be heaven. Even now, Ye Tianxie still cannot accept such a fact. When the young soul and he said, he could never find the heart of heaven... Yes, unless the heart of the heart appears, he and the fruit together, even with infinite time, find every land lost in the mainland, each Corners are also impossible to find, because no one can think of it, Tianxin, will be the star treasure around him.

When Tianxin left the world of destiny, it was to be able to never be found and not to return to the moment of destiny. However, she still met Ye Tianxie, the master of the moment of destiny, or took the initiative to become the heart of heaven, and returned to the moment of destiny. This may be the arrangement of fate, her, and the fate that Ye Tianxie can't escape. Everything seems to have been destined.

Only he knows that it is not his own to let him defeat the starry glass and let the lost fate of the mainland be reversed. But Boa, because Boa, his power surged, because Boa, the power of the embarrassing evolution ... and thus, in the end, Kaka can launch the final stigma change, releasing the power to defeat the star glass.

Everything is because of Boa...

Only, she, forever disappeared, and left him forever. Once the nucleus of the detached fate returns, it will return to the body because the power is reset, and there is no wisdom. Even the heavens cannot resist. Otherwise, why did Tianxin take such a big risk in the past, consuming so many miraculous forces to stay away from the world of destiny, so that he will never be found and return to the fate of the future.


Calling the name of Star Treasure, the cold heartbreaking feeling, let him suffocate. The ruin of the gods of the body was sent to the warmth of the bursts, just as Boa squatted on him and hugged him lazily. Ye Tianxie closes his eyes, gently sticks his fate to his body, exhausts all his own, and tries to perceive the existence of Star Treasure. The shouts from all directions were all isolated from his ears. In his world, only the depths of his heart, the resounding sad voice...

Boa... I know that you have not left me, but have been with me, watching me, more intimate than before...

I am so comforting myself...

However, I don’t think of your face anymore, I can’t hear your voice anymore. I almost want to use death to end this nightmare that has lost you.

You are the heart of heaven, but the heart of heaven is not my treasure.

What I want is Boa, not Tianxin!

If I know this result early, I would rather never get all the power of the moment of fate. I would rather lose the continent to be turned upside down, and never want you to become a heavenly heart.

However, to say this, it is really too late and too late...

I only hate why I usually spend less time with you. I hate why I have to leave in those days. When I come back, I hear what you think of me. When I saw you, it was the last time I saw you... ... I already, the root can't forgive myself.


Lost the star glass, guarded the lost continent, the ear is countless cheers for him ... He did not have the slightest joy, when the fact that he could not see Boa came out in his heart, his heart only had deep pain. Xianer was imprisoned for him, but at least, she still exists in this world. He will spare no effort to bring her back. He has always believed that he can bring her back. But Boa... is eternal. And it is forever in front of his eyes... The feeling of powerlessness and despair may be the shadow that he can't forget for a lifetime. Boa will also be the pain and love of his life.

"Heavenly evil!!"

"Second brother!!"

"Hey!! Head!"

The familiar shouting sounded in his ear. He opened his eyes and saw Sophie Fei, Zuo Bianjun, and Murong Qiu Shui. They had already come under him. They looked at him with eager and excited eyes and waved to him. Shouting. Although they saw the appearance of Star Baoer before, they did not know that her disappeared. Otherwise, they would be like Ye Tianxie, and there would be no excitement.

The fingers gently stroked over the heavens, and Ye Tianxie sighed and sighed, converging his expression, descending from the air and falling beside them.

"Hey, our dear head, lost in the mainland, the hero of the whole country, hey, can you sign the name first? Please believe me, your signature will be sold today after the shock of the gods The high price." Situ, the eyebrows danced.

"Heavenly evil, too powerful, you actually did it, too good!" Sophie rushed to grab his neck, excited and jumped. Looking at the battle between Ye Tianxie and Xing Li, her heart has been so nervously hovering, worrying again and again, tightening again and again, and finally, he continues his unbeaten myth. Sophie is really more excited and proud than anyone else.

"Hahaha, I said, how can there be something that the second brother can't do, but Xiaoxingli is actually a demon... Hey. This really makes us almost scared my eyes. Now think about it, still think It’s too hard to believe.” The left-handed army was surprised and said awkwardly.

"But no matter what, it is still the evil spirit of the big brother. I always know that the evil brother is the most amazing and most amazing person in the world." Ling Jie looked at Ye Tianxie with his face, excited hands Moving.

"Cough..." In the shouts of excitement, Murong Qiu Shui's fake cough sounded out of time. He stepped forward and twisted his waist. He squeezed the broad body of the left-handed army to the side. Then he raised his head and looked up at the sky for 45 degrees. He said: "Dear brother, they have spared no effort. I don't think I need to waste too much language, because any gorgeous praise can't explain the dazzling brilliance of my second brother. Unfortunately, the next step may be a bad news."

"Not very good news?" Ye Tianxie looked at Murong Qiu Shui, slightly frowning.

The smile of Zuo Bianjun and others also converges. God said, "Well, during the time when the Mozu attacked the city and lost the trouble of the mainland, those who did not change their minds began to take this opportunity to attack our Chinese region. Now, the area closest to the national border has gathered a large number of invaders, and some have even started to launch attacks... including Tianchen City and Tianri City, which are close to the ocean, have been under attack. Moreover, this time scale The last time was much bigger and more orderly... Obviously, it was already colluded with the alliance in advance, and this time it was prepared, and it was intended to hit us once."

"The lost city is in great difficulty. This is indeed their best time. If they let go of this opportunity, I will feel strange. Second brother, you are the head of our soul, what should we do, all by You arrange." The left-handed army is awe-inspiring.

Ye Tianxie’s eyes were slightly stunned, his face slowly darkened, and his heart grew a violent scent.

If it is normal, this thing can not afford to be too much interest.

but now……

The dream victory did not bring him the slightest joy. Boa’s disappearing and afflicting his heart, now he needs not praise, but quiet... more need for Austria, it is venting!!

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