Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1158: compromise

"Heavenly evil brother, he, he... He is in the end, will he really be greatly stimulated, and there are some insanity?"

The fierce scene on the screen made Ling Jie look scared, his face turned white, and his teeth trembled unconsciously. This is not a ruinous city, but a cruel and slaughter. It is much more cruel than a city that destroys the center in a short time. The current situation has been extremely unfavorable to China, and his current approach does not exacerbate the anger of the 32 countries and make things worse.

"No, exactly the opposite." Zuo Bianjun stared at the screen and frowned and said: "The second brother has always been a very rational and intelligent person. I now finally understand why he had eliminated the previous six countries without any scruples. The city of the center... He did not think about the terrible consequences that might be caused, but from the very beginning, he had a way to make this consequence not happen. Not only that, but it would make the 32 countries humiliate The death of the dead into the stomach, can not attack and revenge. What he is doing now is the most crucial step."

"Oh... Dear brother, what you said is exactly the same as I thought." Murong Qiuhui said with a smile, he patted the face of Lingjie, who was confused, and smiled and said: "Xiaojiezi, you Think about it, what did the second brother do, the United States, and the players in the theater that will be retaliated by him?"

Ling Jie didn't even have to think about it. He narrowed his neck and said: "Of course, I will be afraid of nightmares."

On the screen, now I can't see the people who dare to take the initiative to attack the evil sky, but they are already dead. They can't bear the horror of evil, and can't bear the horrible **** picture of his men.

"Yes! They will be afraid, they will be afraid to die. The players of the United States are of course dreaming that the second brother will leave immediately, and those countries that have not yet been retaliated, of course, dream that the second brother should not appear with them. One or two people’s fears are nothing. When everyone is afraid, they will evolve into a wide range of panic. When the whole people are panicking, the whole people are eager to see the evil days leave or not to come, oh, Is it also done by the heads of state?"

Ling Jie bowed, suddenly his eyes lit up and said: "Mu Rong brother, you are saying that the second brother is forced to the United States, they promised him the non-point ... the amount is his conditions. ”

"Bingo, that's it. Well, honestly, when I heard the three conditions put forward by my second brother, I was wondering if he was crazy. Now it seems, oh, I am still too young to be a senior. My great second brother. His brilliance is already comparable to the sun in the sky in my eyes... Oh no, it is to eclipse the sun in the sky."

Ling Jie: ⊙_⊙b


They guessed that there was nothing wrong with it. When evil days were slaughtered in the United States and the United States, the terrible pictures reached every corner of the world. They all used their own eyes to witness what it was like in human purgatory. Especially those countries that have lost their invaders in the mainland and have not waited for revenge in evil days. Most of the players in these countries are sullen and white... They simply dare not think about the scene after the evil days have come to their theater.

Increasing panic spread in their hearts, and growing panic has turned into pressure for the growing heads of state. They began to feel more and more clearly the seriousness of letting evil days step into the battlefield of their country... The serious consequences of this will tell them deeply that no matter what method is used, no matter how much it costs, it will never be possible. Let evil days come.

I couldn’t help but think of the evil days and put forward the three conditions that would make them dignified. But when they think of the great panic of the current people, and think of the serious consequences, they tremble with the heart and start to ponder this word. Three conditions that they were absolutely impossible to agree to...


The ground in the central square of Murray has been stained with blood and is shocking. The panic voice filled the entire Wall City, completely immersed in fear, and no more arrogant Meili players fled like a flies, eager to escape the devil's sight. Although the crowd is dense, the efficiency of the escape is quite amazing. The square that was densely packed ten minutes ago is almost empty. This scene is funny and ironic... but the people they want to face are evil days, think of it. The fierceness that he made under his hand, but no one can laugh out.

Their escape does not mean the cessation of evil. Sweeping around the crowds who fled, he sneered, vacated, and the moment of destiny lifted, the violent earth elements began to condense quickly: "Since all ran, then it will be ruined..."

boom! ! ! !

In the shattering sounds of the earth, the entire square of Wall City was wrapped in the earth elements of disaster...

“Uh... the Waldorf City Center transfer hall was destroyed and all professional transfer supervisors were destroyed. All players were not allowed to change their jobs two, three or four times before the new transfer hall and transfer supervisors were created.”

Looking at the turn, Ye Tianxie looked at the business district not far from the north, and moved in the past with a smile.


"Hey... Waldorf Center props store was destroyed..."

"Uh... the Waldorf Central Warehouse was destroyed..."

"Oh... Waldorf Center Weapons Store was destroyed..."

“Hey... The Wall City Center appraisal store was destroyed...”


One after another, the tone of the sound ruthlessly impacts the eardrums and heart of all Murray people. They can only tremble in the eyes of desperation, unable to feel the disaster from the center of the city...

"His President, now the business district of Wall City has been destroyed 7780, those who went to encircle the evil spirits are going to die, just cleaned up just before they came to the end... what to do Lord, you are talking!"

The President of the United States, Mabiao, is covered with clouds and does not say a word.

"His President, the President of the League of Nations has just sent an emergency, as long as the evil days can stop the current atrocities and do not retaliate against their rod countries, they are willing to agree to the three conditions he proposed, please ask the President to think twice... You see..."

boom! Mabao slammed on the table and bit his head and said, "This group of dignified sticks!"

"President, we still promise the conditions of evil, now whether the left or the right, most of them support the conditions of the promise of evil to let him leave. Although this will cause great trauma to the nationality and dignity of my country, However, now the whole country has been..."

"Stop!" Mabao waved impatiently, frowning: "I want to allow me to agree to the three conditions of humiliating the country, it is impossible!!"


"Nothing. Don't forget, Wall City, and the goddess of protection - the goddess of freedom! Before the East China mainland, the evil sky can destroy the sky, obviously the terrible props that can be used, his own ability, it must not be guarded. God gods contend!!"

After five minutes...

"His President, our goddess of freedom, the goddess of freedom, has appeared... and then killed by evil days."

Ma Baoao: "!!!!"

"His President, you can't delay any more. Now the central business district of Wall City has been completely destroyed. He is now heading in the residential and commercial areas of our citizens. If these areas are destroyed, the consequences will be How serious is it, the president should be more clear than I am. If Wall City is completely destroyed by evil days, at least 10 million people will go bankrupt, thousands will be unemployed, and the prospects of the world of destiny are already countless. Everyone has poured all their wealth into it. Not to mention other, the largest groups in China... such as Koch, Cargill, Sile, ibm, Microsoft... The least 30% of them have migrated to the world of destiny. And it is mainly concentrated in Wall City. If Wall City is destroyed, the economic blow to my country is fatal, the country will be in a long period of chaos, the economic turmoil is beyond control, and our economy is retrogressing. Five or even ten years are possible... Are these presidents willing to see?"

Mabao's forehead was on the forehead, accompanied by the constant cold sweat. His face is sometimes pale, sometimes blue...

“Report... The first residential area in North Waldorf has been destroyed by evil days, and 30,000 players have lost their homes.”

"Report... The council has been surrounded by panic-stricken people. All over the country are asking the President to personally come forward and let the evil day leave at all costs."

"Report... The Queen of the Anglo-Americans sent an emergency call and would like to agree to all the conditions of the evil world. I hope that the President will cooperate with him."

"Report... The President of Germany and Italy sent an emergency call and would like to agree to all the conditions of the evil world. I hope that the President will cooperate with him."

"Report... The President of the Great Powers sent an emergency call and would like to agree to all the conditions of the evil world. I hope that the President will cooperate with him."

“Report... The third residential area in North Waldorf has been destroyed by evil days. A total of 37,000 players have lost their homes.”

"Reporting, both Democrats and Republican representatives have asked to meet with the President and insist that if the President does not express his position, they will forcibly replace the President for the sake of national and national interests."




The tempered glass table that had been hit too many times had a tiny crack.

"Evil day, count...you...oh!!"

Mabao gasped, sullen and low. When things get to this point, it is not the root that he can control and manipulate. Even if he is not willing, he has to make the decision that he would rather die than make it.

Over the city of Wall, Ye Tianxie is still continuing the process of destruction. When another piece of residential area was destroyed in the elemental storm, he finally waited for the news he had been waiting for.

"Two brothers! Stop first!"

There was a very loud voice in the phone. Ye Tianxie put down the fate of the moment, a little smile on his lips, picked up the talker, and said slowly: "They promised?"

"Yes! Just now, including the President of the United States, Mabiao, a total of 24 heads of state called my father, as long as you can leave Waldorf immediately, and no longer continue to retaliate, they are willing to promise you The three conditions... At the same time, other countries, including the main city that has been destroyed by you, will also persuade them to apologize within three days... haha, hahahaha... the result is just like a dream Wonderful. Second brother, you are really... my wife is amazing!!"

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