Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1167: Under the miracle of the devil's continent

In the pouring rain, a huge black bat dropped silently from the air, watching the master and the man she was missing every day in the distance. Star glass is still the same as the original, a constant amethyst dress, small and pleasing appearance, people can not connect her with the "devil" when they first saw it.

Ye Tianxie is now in a state of complete concentration of mental power, focusing on everything that can no longer be perceived by the outside world. All ideas are condensed on the control of water elements. He is vulnerable in this state. If the demons below attack him, he has no possibility of avoiding. The condensation of water elements is also likely to be interrupted... just like the magician who is interrupted by the magic.

This point, the star glass is very clear. She is even more aware that the current Ye Tianxie is doing extremely large water element condensation, and its effect is even far beyond the most advanced curse of the lost mainland mainland legend. Because his goal is to specify the whole of the Devil's Land, such strength and such a large range of water elements are condensed, and the mental energy consumed is extremely large, and at the same time the risk is high. If he is interrupted midway, then his The spirit will also be greatly traumatized.

Four days passed, he came as he said that day, for a short and long four days, he really appeared in this land, and for her, so hard working hard...

"Devil Lord!"

The behavior of the star glass, the magic below each one is clearly seen in the eyes, they face each other in shock. This is the terrible human being who defeated their demon gods, and in front of this human being, their demon gods are doing such relatives to him. Is the legend that the demon **** has a close relationship with this human being is true?

The seven ghost kings have all come, they are standing behind the star glass, each face is complicated and inexplicable.

"Devil, this human..."

"Go all down." Star Glass did not remove the gaze watching Ye Tianxie, and gently raised his hand backwards. "Don't bother him, no one can bother."

"Yes." The seven ghost kings looked at each other. They could not question the command of the devil. Although they had a lot of doubts in their hearts, they could only carefully retreat.

"Let them all retreat, within ten miles, no one is allowed to approach." Star Glass said.

"The devil god, what about you?"

"I will be with him."


Under the order of the star glass, the demons below all retreated, and they didn't even dare to make too much noise. The heavy rain is still dripping and there are no signs of stopping. Among the distant magic cities, countless demons looked at Ye Tianxie and the direction of the star glass in different positions, watching their supreme emperor and the human being who defeated her. In the brain, there are various speculations about them. More, it is the infinite hope and eagerness that this continuous heavy rain brings to them...

This is the heavy rain that the Devil God has never had before. This kind of rain can't be counted for losing the mainland's roots, but for the mainland of the Devil, which has dried up for countless years, this is simply the hope of God. Their eyes are more locked in Ye Tianxie around the star glass - the human being, he can bring such heavy rain... It is worthy of defeating the devil's adult... No, this ability, is he? The legendary god! Is he coming to help the devil's mainland?

At this time, unconsciously, the heavy rain has spread to 300 kilometers away, and the clouds in the sky are getting darker and darker, indicating that there will be more storms behind. Everything is just the beginning.

A layer of purple translucent barrier wrapped the body of Ye Tianxie and Xing Li, and blocked all the rain. Star Glass let himself be closer to him, so he looked at his calm face silently.

Brother, you must be very hard now.

At the beginning, I also tried to use my power to bring heavy rain to the land. However, I have failed again and again. The water element of this continent is too thin, and I will forcefully interfere with the water element with my own strength. It will not have much effect. In the end, I have to give up.

And brother, you did it. I feel that this heavy rain will cover the entire continent of the devil. Enough to make the Devil's mainland reborn for a long time. Brother... you are really amazing.

This is the miracle that Boa said... What miracle did my brother bring to me?

I am really wrong. Although I have not been able to save this continent, I should listen to my brother’s words and believe that my brother’s talent is right, and I should not leave my brother arbitrarily, but also give my brother a lot of trouble. I also gave my brother such a serious injury... This kind of me, I should be hated by my brother, but my brother still came here for me, for me to ignore myself...


After today, I don't know what the Devil's God will look like. After the rain, the Devil's God will soon return to its original state. However, I already have no reason to refuse my brother. Now I want to hear my brother’s words. If he lets me leave this land and return to him, I will... I will not hesitate to promise...

Is it me, has it become selfish? Looking at my brother's current appearance, I am more eager to guard him than the guardian demon continent...



The whole day has passed. This rain, after twenty-four hours, really covered the entire Devil's Land, and it was already a heavy rain that was really enough to describe it as a "dumping."

The dry land has disappeared completely, and a stream of streams has begun to gather on the ground, and some of the magic city can have thin water. The land of the Devil's God is too dry, and the whole day's torrential rain has caused the surface to have thin water, but it also proves that the land of the Devil's Land has been thoroughly penetrated. This is a dream for the demons. Things. They kept shouting in the torrential rain, and they have been crying all day and night, still unwilling to stop in extreme excitement.

Ye Tianxie still maintains his original posture, without any change, the star glass has always been around him, not leaving for a moment. At this time, Ye Tianxie’s hope badge on the chest flashed a bit of white light, and all the attention was spotted on the star of Ye Tianxie. In the white light, a girl wearing a snow gauze dress appeared lightly. Holding a white jade bottle in his hand.

"You are" Star Glass surprised to see this girl, appearing from the badge of Ye Tianxie, this should be the girl around him.

"Hey, starry glass sister, hello, my name is 丫丫, is my big brother's favorite little 丫丫. Maybe we can play together often, so Star Glass sister should remember my name!" A lovely smile on the star glass.

"Hey? Are you a good friend of your brother?" Star Glass said softly, she had been with Ye Tianxie for more than a year, and she was familiar with the people around him, but she had never seen this girl.

"Oh, not a good friend, he is my big brother, I am his favorite cockroach, that's it. Right, my big brother asked me to sprinkle this thing on the whole continent after a day, now It’s probably a day’s time, can you start... Oh! Look at my amazing!!”

In the shouting of her voice, her body quickly transformed into white light, turning into a gesture of the goddess of the goddess of glory, and letting the starry glass around her be wrong. The goddess Xi Yao raised the pure bottle of Ye Tianxie and released all the water of prayer inside. The water of the prayer that was released did not spill to the ground, but was like being held by something. In front of the goddess Xi Yao, the goddess Xi Yao closed her eyes, and in her voice, her hands slowly opened on her chest...

Suddenly, the pledge of water has turned into a shining star in the sky, drifting far away into the distance...

Disperse the water of a small lake evenly into such a vast continent. The water of prayer for each piece of land can be said to be extremely incomparable, almost equal to no.

However, even if there is such a small amount - the horror of the life ability contained in the water of prayer, the original sacred water of Ye Tianxie, so that the sacred seed that needs extremely powerful vitality - pray May the seeds of the tree grow in the blink of an eye and grow to full maturity.

Under the power of the goddess Xi Yao, the water of prayer is evenly placed on this vast continent. It took a lot of effort to change back to the girl form. And the miracle of the devil's mainland is also staged at this moment...

This is a day that will never be forgotten by the Devils and will not be forgotten by the Devils...

On the ground that was continuously beaten by the rain, a green shoot of green grass burst out of the ground and quickly grew at a speed that was discernible to the naked eye. This magical scene does not appear by chance, but appears on the entire land of the demon god. The green is sparse at first, but as more and more young sprouts appear, they become more and more inadvertent. The ground began to garnish a faint green color. Gradually, the entire ground turned into a light green color, and from the light green, unconsciously changed green...

Looking at the fast-growing young grass, watching the flowers in the rain, and growing to a tall tree in less than half a day, the entire demon gods are completely boiling, they all doubt that they are in a dream Because, this is the scene that will appear in their dreams!

"Wow! Great, really useful!!" 丫丫 patted the little hand with excitement, looking at the plants below the ground that were spreading at an alarming speed, shouting again and again.

"Brother..." Star Glass bit his lip and looked at Ye Tianxie, whose face turned pale. A pair of beautiful eyes had already filled with tears.

This is the miracle brought by my brother. I will never forget it forever.

Two days later, the rain that lasted for two days finally stopped completely, and the clouds that had become thin on the sky slowly dispersed in the breeze. At this time, the land of the Devil's Land has been covered with a thick layer of stagnant water. In the water, there is a strong growth of a plant with extremely vigorous vitality... There are flowers, grasses, trees, and groups of people constantly chanting. The devil...

The moment of destiny disappeared in the hands of Ye Tianxie. He held up his arm for two days and put his face down. His face was pale and bloodless. His spiritual overdraft made his consciousness become blank. He could not even open his eyes. At the glance of the status quo of the devil's mainland, it has been unable to fall.

"Ah!" he exclaimed.

The body of the star glass descended, and the body of Ye Tianxie was somewhat cool, and he hugged him hard.

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