Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1210: Miracle, appear!

Updated: 2012-08-20

"Turning back to the night is the supreme **** of the world of God, and I am only a slightly less ordinary human being in the human world. I am inferior to his time and space. I and him, it is impossible to be the same person." Ye Tianxie said slowly. Are you late at night? This argument made him really impossible and did not dare to believe. The surface is calm, but his heart can't rise and rise more and more violently because of the funeral.

Is it that fate is playing a big joke with himself?

"Oh, you and the night can certainly not be the same person... But, you know how the night went to death? If he was destroyed by a powerful god, then he will be destroyed by his opponent, regardless of his life or spirit. Because if you do not destroy the soul, God is not really a death. In those days, the person who loved the night was cruelly killed by his biological father, but his grief was doomed to be uncle, so he was in the face of the gods. Killed himself, but he can never destroy his own soul. Although his life is exhausted, the soul will not die... The soul of the human being will be thoroughly washed after a reincarnation, and it will be completely different before. The soul of God can not be completely changed after the reincarnation. When the spirit is strong to a certain extent, even after thousands of reincarnations, the quality of the soul may still not be completely changed... Although the night is dead, but with him The strength of his strength, even after thousands of reincarnations, his soul is also likely to have not been thoroughly washed, still retaining the original traces of the silk. The moment of the gods can only be used by the night, otherwise, after he died, he has already fallen into Avaricious hands of the family of God of creation, how could remain intact in this world ...... you, most probably dating back nights now reincarnated body, or your body, soul has traced night !! "

The sound of the burial day was cold and dignified, and it was extremely convinced that it was firm and there was no trace of hesitation. The **** of the gods can only be used by one person at night. Those who lost the mainland do not know that the **** of the mainland does not know, Ye Tianxie does not know, the glass fairy does not know, Pross does not know, but in the original world of God, This is common knowledge that is well known to all. When the early night-time fee was painstakingly cast into a **** of nostalgia, it would be allowed to be used by others. The stone of seven forces is the core, and the main body of power is his own power. Unless others, no other creature can use the power of the **** of the wild.

Ye Tianxie is silent, seeing the look of the burial sky, the root is not like opening a river in the letter, let alone the same words, but he is Ye Tianxie, is Longtian... and the most powerful **** in ancient times Night, how could there be an intersection! ?

"It's no wonder that you are obviously a human being, but there is a vague smell of God. This breath is by no means a creation of the Protoss, nor will it be our destructive power. Then, it must be the power of the gods... It seems that This breath is not an illusion."

After the burial of the low thoughts, his eyes suddenly became cold, his right hand raised, and he held high. Suddenly, the light of the sun above the sky suddenly became dim, and in a flash, blue lightning was scattered. Numerous blue lightnings were intertwined into a thundering net of lightning, and a deafening cicada was heard in the next moment. All the thunder and lightning came together, turned into a blue Thunder Dragon, and fell into the hands of the burial sky, and in his hands became a long gun surrounded by blue thunder.

This is a huge crystal gun, thick as an arm, the length is more than the body of the burial day, the body is surrounded by the boiling power of light, a tyrannical destruction of the information from the gun body, let Ye Tianxie burst Suffocating, the brows also slammed.


Star glass gently whispered, her voice passed to Ye Tianxie's ear, let his eyes move, his eyes fell on the crystal gun that released the amazing atmosphere... Biyue Huangquan, the world of destiny One of the seven ultimate props, ranked second only to fate. At the same time, it is the ultimate instrument of the ancient **** world, second only to the gods of the wild, only used to destroy the Protoss. In the last battle of the year, the blue dragon of the shattered king of the gods was swept away by the last force of the beast of the nightmare, and fell to the star of Xi Yao in the center of the Southern Chaos. The power was also broken. Now, after so many years, Biyue Huangquan is now again. In the hands of the Protoss, and from the breath, its power has clearly recovered!

The funeral day lifted the smashing crystal gun, pointing to Ye Tianxie, and the cold and stiff voice in the mouth: "The power of the ridiculous moment is sanction, and the blue spring in my hand is the destruction of power. With you now The power, the root does not let me use the qualifications of Biyue Huangquan, but the moment of the gods in your hands. Let me see and see, you can play this legendary wilderness that transcends the blue dragon and the world's strongest device. How powerful!"

The body of the burial day ignited a little war, and his war was obviously not directed at Ye Tianxie, but against the moment of fate. He has heard too many legends about the gods of the wild, and at this time he has seen it with his own eyes. He would like to see what is powerful about the device that transcends the blue dragon.

"as you wish!"

On the body of Ye Tianxie, the white sacred inflammation burned up, and suddenly the strength of the surge of power caused the funeral day to frown slightly. He whispered: "No wonder so dare to be so arrogant, it seems that there is a little doorway... but if You think that such power can be arrogant in front of me... ignorant and ridiculous!!"

"Give me, turn it into ashes!!"

In the low-pitched voice, the burial sky finally attacked first, and in the hands of the blue springs, the emptiness of the leaves in the direction of Ye Tianxie, suddenly, the energy of the whole world seems to be completely mobilized, turned into endless, countless The power of destruction has hit the direction of Ye Tianxie.

Unspeakable terrible shocks came from Ye Tianxie. The waters around the thousands of miles were falling by a few tens of feet in a moment when the power appeared. The original waves were all crushed. There are countless seawaters, and the sea creatures have turned into the tiniest powders under this force... This is a blow from the blue and yellow springs, the horror of destructive power, and the roots have reached the point where humans can't imagine. This kind of destructive ability, many times, can completely destroy the entire world of destiny.

A terrible feeling that the body has been pierced stimulates the nerves of Ye Tianxie. Facing such an attack, instead of retreating, he holds the fate of the moment and greets him. In fact, the attack of the other party is more Powerful, he is more happy, there is a ridiculous silence, half the probability of any attack is immune, let the other side do nothing. There is a heavenly guardian, and a strong attack can not kill him. He can only let his life drop to 1. At the same time, the attacker will be forced to rebound due to "the wrath of the gods." The stronger the attack, the more harmful the rebound damage.

In the sound of the terrible power storm that almost tears the leaves of the ear, the road is enough to put the entire Xi Yaoxing star through the heart of the attack.

"Oh...the arrogance of the gods is triggered, and the damage you receive is immune."

The terrible attack of terror is that even a hair of Ye Tianxie is not hurt. The destructive force from Biyue Huangquan flies through the body of Ye Tianxie, and I don’t know where it will fall... maybe it will fly to fate. Outside the world, dissipating in the chaotic space, if it falls on the land of the world of destiny, there is no doubt that it will lead to a terrible disaster.

Ye Tianxie not only did not get hurt, but he was not even repelled half a step. He knew that he had a brief sneak peek at the power of this burial, and this short moment, he ushered in the counterattack of Ye Tianxie...

"Dragon Soul Roar!!"

Roar! ! !

A dragon smashed, and the sponges that whipped up the shudders were numerous waves. When he first fought with Star Glass, Xing Li knew that his dragon soul was roaring, so he would isolate himself from the outside world when he started, and also isolated the effect of Dragon Soul Roaring... This made the Dragon Soul roar to the Star Glass. Ineffective, it also shows that even if it is as strong as a star, it is also the power of the dragon soul roaring. In the funeral day, he naturally does not know its power like the star glass, and will not have any precautions. When the dragon screams, his brain will be smashed by the heavy hammer and become a moment. Completely blank...

Even if it is a true God, even if it is as strong as a burial day, there is no resistance under the shock of the soul of the Dragon Soul. The unconscious body of the funeral sky fell from the sky, falling freely to the infinite sea below, and has been falling into the sea.

With a light breath, Ye Tianxie did not catch up, but shouted: "Hey, Beckham, Kaka, the ball, come out!!"

Under his call, all his pet partners appeared on his side at the same time. At the moment of the appearance, Kaka turned into a feathering ice lining, picking up all the flying cockroaches, beckhams and balls. Looking at the four pet partners gathered in one, Ye Tianxie took out the small bottle given by the star glass at a very fast speed, opened the bottle cap, and sprinkled the liquid containing the last strength of Tianmei Sakura to them. ......


Looking at the misty stars that fell to them, Ye Tianxie silently recited in his heart.

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