Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1223: Retreat

In the world of destiny, earthquakes are just as normal natural phenomena as Earth, but earthquakes that cover the entire world of destiny have never been. However, the good earth subsided after several vibrations, and did not bring any serious consequences, and people's hearts gradually settled down. It won't take too long, people will forget today's things. No one would have thought that the shock was just caused by God.

After returning from the Tower of Destiny, Ye Tianxie and Xing Li returned directly to the home of the lost city. Sophie Fei and Zuo Bianjun waited there, saw them coming back, and surrounded the anxiously.

"Heavenly evil, you finally came back. What happened before? Who is the man with the red hair? Hey? Dreaming of dreams and little dreams? Are they going home?" Sophie’s direct eagerness Questioning. When they saw Ye Tianxie coming back, they finally got a sigh of relief. After all, the feeling that the red-haired man had brought them before was really terrible.

Ye Tianxie smiled and said: "It's okay, the identity of the red-haired man will naturally be known in the future. As for dreams and dreams, they... are indeed going home."

"Second brother, the shock just now will not be caused by the battle between you and the man?" asked the left-handed army to go forward. This sounded a bit shocking, but witnessed the battle between Ye Tianxie and Star Glass. The situation, the battle at that level, it is not impossible to tremble the entire world of destiny.

"It should be... This matter doesn't need to care. The man was not a bad person before, and it won't appear for a while. I have something more important to tell you." Ye Tianxie said, The eyes slowly swept over everyone's face.

The expression of Ye Tianxie’s sudden and serious expression made them feel awkward in their hearts. The intuition that Ye Tianxie had to say must be extraordinary. Without waiting for them to ask, Ye Tianxie has already said: "Fifi, demon moon, broken army, autumn water, instant, ruthless, happy, Xiaojie, the next half year, most of my time will be in this fate world. I’ve spent it, but it’s rarely seen, and it may not happen for a long time. I don’t want to be with you for a long time... But there are things that I have to do, the time left for me, too Let me delay."

Sophie and others all stunned. Ye Tianxie’s words can only be understood by the stars, but all the truths, they can’t explain them to them. Even if they want to explain, it’s too difficult to explain them clearly. The truth that will completely subvert their cognition is enough to make them Long time in a state of paralysis.

"Heavenly evil, what are you going to do?" Sufifi suddenly got nervous. There was no sign before today. Now suddenly speaking such a statement, anyone will think that it must be something special that he has just encountered. It is impossible for her not to be nervous.

"Head of the team, what happened?" Situ, the expression of convergence, said with a curse. He rarely saw Ye Tianxie's "exposed" such a serious and discreet expression.

"I don't want to hide it because of what it is, but I can't explain it to you now. But it won't take too long, you will naturally understand. There are many things in the world that you look at yourself, or It’s much easier to remember than to listen to and explain to the people you trust the most.”

Ye Tianxie didn't want to explain, and they couldn't ask the results if they went on. And Ye Tianxie’s decision has never really changed anyone. When Zuo Bianjun and others were silent, they could clearly feel that the things that Ye Tianxie encountered must be extraordinary. Ye Tianxie glanced at them and said: "No matter what happens in the future, for example, something that your roots can't believe, or our identity has suddenly changed dramatically. The change seems to be out of reach... I hope that you don't forget... Feifei, Demon Moon, you are the ones who will accompany me forever, whether you live or die, never give up, break the army, Qiu Shui, Chang, ruthless, happy, Xiaojie, you are my life's friends. ”

Sophie Fei: "Heavenly evil..."

Dream Yu: "..."

Left Broken Army: "Second brother..."

Murong Qiu Shui: "Hey, the weather is good today."

Situ Shina: "Dear head, heartfelt words - meeting you is the most regrettable thing in my life."

Situ ruthless: "..."

The wind is far away: "Hey, how come suddenly said so lyrical, it seems to be born and died like... In short, whenever you are my big brother, or my loved ones, no matter what you do, I will do my best. stand by."

Ling Jie: "Heavenly Brother, I have always believed that meeting you is the luckiest thing in my life."

Ye Tianxie smiled. "This time, I just want to quietly improve my strength. At that time, Star Glass will accompany me, there is her, I don't need any worry about my safety. During this period, Tian The development of the soul depends on you. After everything is ready, at the latest, I will be in the world of destiny for a long time. Unless it is a matter of special importance, it is best not to call me to appear... Half a year, for me, it is really important to us."

Ye Tianxie’s decision was very sudden for Sufifi, but for Ye Tianxie, it was something that had to be done. In just half a year, he must have the ability to face the true God. At the same time, there is a huge disaster that is not known to mankind. It is approaching the earth little by little. It is a disaster that will become a disaster of extinction and extinction if it cannot be dealt with -- Elemental robbery!



After the changes in the debates between the countries, the world of destiny quickly returned to calm, and the disputed countries will be reopened one month later. Ye Tianxie also began preparations before his retreat.

On the first day, I spent the whole day with Liu Yuyue and explained to her the things of Zhao Tianhua. Among the women who have been integrated into her life, he has always been with Liu Yanyue for the least time, so he also quietly groaned. After half a year, everything is unknown, and he can only make up for it in the past few days.

The next day, Ye Tianxie came to the family with Chen Xin and Chen Xue, and used cruel means to "force" the truth about the death of the "female" of the Qing Dynasty. Everything was like Chen Xinchen Xue. Guess, the Qing Dynasty Shengfu "women" really did not simply die in the so-called accident. Under the means of Ye Tianxie's lack of mercy, the current owner of the family, the father of Lingfeng, who was destroyed by the Red Leaf League, was directly abolished, and then was sent by the left-wing army together with Yan Lingfeng. Secretly taken away, all the family property of the family is also attributed to the name of Yu Chen. That night, they went to worship the parents of Chen Xinchen Xue. The two girls squatted on his shoulder and burst into tears. At the beginning of the collection of Chen Xinchen Snow, the biggest reason was the retribution to Yan Qingsheng, but under the same roof, their emotions were already compatible, Chen Xue could not do without him, Chen Xin’s heart, how could he Do not understand.

On the third day, there was a new member at home...

"My sisters are good, my name is 丫丫, it is the big brother's favorite 丫丫, my sisters please take care of them." 丫丫 wearing a new dress that Ye Tianxie replaced her, standing in front of Sufi Philippine It was another excitement and a nervous voice that said Ye Tian cult her words. Coming to this world also indicates that she will usher in a new life.

Five days later, the son of the sky went to the door and asked for the whereabouts of the flower dream. Ye Tianxie only answered the words “I don’t know”.

Seven days later, Ye Tianxie, together with Xingli and Guoguo, officially entered the state of “retreat”, and all minds were concentrated on the awakening of the soul.

A month later, the debates between the countries were reconvened. This time, only eight people participated in the Chinese team, and all of them belonged to the "Heavenly Spirit" as before. This is not like the representative team of China. It is like the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary Group challenged the world's strongest people through this stage. In the end, it was this eight-person team that was invincible all the way, once again defeated Russia, defeated Murray, who had occupied the hegemony for a long time, and won the championship of the team competition.

In the individual competition, the world's strongest player has been recognized. The winner of the previous national competition, "The Son of the Sea" Wilcotes, in the 32nd match, Murong Qiu Shui two strikes, after the sixteen The strong match and the quarter-finals have almost become the performances of the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary. The semi-finals and the finals are the battles between the members of the Soul. The battle for the champion was unfolded between Murong Qiu Shui and Meng Yuyi. In the end, Murong Qiu Shui couldn’t ruin the fascinating body of Meng Yuyi’s beautiful body and quickly lost.

This country's controversy, downright for the exhibition of the soul of the mercenary group, and this is still in the situation of the two strongest souls of the soul - evil days and dreams are not participating. In the future, no one in the world will know the name of "Soul of Heaven". The team led by this evil day has become the most horrible combination that no one can deny. Just as Ye Tianxie said to them at the beginning, it is not that the opponent is too weak, but that they have been one by one stronger than the player in the case that they do not know.

After the end of the debates in various countries, the world of destiny has been shaken for a long time because of the "natural soul", and then slowly restored to calm. The national borders of various countries were also opened after the debates in various countries. Some countries with various grievances began to play conflicts of big and small. However, no country’s theaters dared to invade the Chinese nation.

In the quiet, half a year passed by.


I quickly returned to the celestial domain, and when I returned, it was the end.

The name of the new book is not certain, and it has been entangled infinitely. The name of the protagonist of the new book is not sure (also tangled), children's shoes, what do you think is the name of the book, the name of the person (the hero), the name of the profession, the name of the team, the name of the equipment, the name of the skill, and all kinds of things you are eager to see. The plot to arrive.........All stay in the book review area. (ˉ『ˉ)

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