Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1227: Return to Tianyu III


After the rush of the slamming sound continued for a long time, the door finally opened, and the left-handed squad rushed in, followed by the unhurried Murong Qiu Shui. The left-handed army even breathed a few sighs and hurriedly shouted: "Fifi girl, second brother? Is it still in the game? Call him out, this time there is really a hundred thousand rush."

When Murong Qiu Shui came in, he found that Sufifi’s expression was somewhat unusual. When she heard the left-breaking army, her face was obviously more dim. He moved his eyebrows and asked: “Fifie sister, is there something wrong? ”

"He is evil... he left." Sophie Fei said with some sorrow, after she got the postcard left by Ye Tianxie, she was always in a state of unshakable. She knows that Ye Tianxie must be very dangerous and has great uncertainty. Otherwise, she will not choose to leave without saying goodbye. Leave it quietly, this is the first time Ye Tianxie has done such a thing.

"Walk?" Zuo Bianjun and Murong Qiushui hold their hands at the same time.

Sophie did not speak. He handed the postcard that he had been holding in his hand to the left-handed army, and then walked back to the living room with a sullen, unable to sit on the sofa. There are screams and screams in the ear, and only this little girl with no heart can play so happy at this time.

Put down the postcard, Zuo Bianjun and Murong Qiu Shui looked at each other and then silenced both.

"Left brother, Qiu Shui, what are you doing to find the evil?" Sophie asked.

"Oh, the big thing." Zuo Bianjun sighed, there is time, knowing the truth is really a terrible thing, he silently thought about what he would say, only seriously said: "Fifi sister, Do you believe that the earth that has been spreading during this time is about to usher in the rumors of the end?"

"It's all rumors, the ghosts believe." Sophie Philippine licked her head, and her heart was still confused because of Ye Tianxie's silent departure. She has accelerated several times more than usual and has not stopped.

"But if the rumor is true, our earth is really going to die..." Zuo Bianjun patted his head, no longer nonsense, and directly turned to the topic: "Fifi sister, I am very serious Tell me, the rumor is not a rumor, the earth, really want to be destroyed. The hardships of the world may come when it will come, we are now preparing to fly to the Lyle Star spacecraft, if it is about half a year later It can be done, and by the time, we should be able to escape. No matter where the second brother is now, if he can find him, immediately call him back and prepare together... This is really not a joke!"

Sophie Fei looked at them with her beautiful eyes, and she didn’t come back for a long time.



The fairy clouds are lingering, the air is secretive, and at first glance, there are countless flowers and flowers in the field of vision, and the beauty is unbeatable. It makes people feel as if they are in danger. This is a natural beauty that is almost impossible to see on the earth. Everything here, no matter the air, vegetation, or the earth, is too much pure by the earth.

"The strong and pure elemental atmosphere is much thicker than the Xiyao Star." Star Glass sniffed the taste here, and said with amazement.

"Well, it was also a lot of strength here than the ordinary area. It will bring the current Tianyu and the Luoluo people. Under this environment, the creatures will naturally have a strong foundation of strength, the speed of practice. And the culmination of the strength that can be achieved is much stronger than other places, and the life expectancy is much longer. However, they and your true gods carrying the most primitive power of chaos are still incomparable, and life cannot be compared. In the same breath, the strongest of them can only be called pseudo-god or demigod at most." Ye Tianxie looked forward and said. At that time, the dragon had a power of demigod. If the dragon spirit was detonated, even a true **** would have to drink a pot.

“Here is Tianyu?” The burial sky glanced around with no expression, and he had no interest in the scenery here. It is the hustle and bustle that was captured by beautiful scenery, such as wearing a butterfly and playing among various exotic flowers and plants.

"Yes, this is outside the Tiantianmen of Tianyu, and it was also the place where I died that year." Ye Tianxie said. A hundred years ago, the tough North Tianmen was destroyed under the horror of his dragon, and it could not be repaired. Later, the blockade between Tianyu and Luolu was formed, and the ruined Beitianmen was also under the power of the Boluo goddess. Was fixed. Standing in front of this northern Tianmen, the scene of the year was quickly presented in the brain, and Ye Tianxie’s hand was quietly gripped unconsciously.

A pair of warm tender hands held his hand, and the star glazed on his body. He said softly: "Brother, don't think about what happened in the past. As long as my brother is willing, I will destroy everything here." ""

In the first half of the year with Star Glass, he told Star Glass everything, including the life of a dragon. Under the sound of the star glass, Ye Tianxie's body is slack, smiles lightly, shouts back to Bian and Beckham, and pulls the hand of the star glass: "Let's go."

As they move forward, the North Gate is getting farther and farther. Gradually, rows of fully armed guards appear in sight. Countless metal armor and weapons reflect the glare that people can't directly look at. Their field of vision is naturally not comparable to those of these celestial fields. After a long, unhurried move, they were finally discovered, and the quiet team had a slight commotion.

"Who, stop now!"

Singing loudly in the ears of Ye Tianxie and others, in their costumes, Tian Tian’s soldiers can judge that they are not the people of Tianyu at a glance, and the team in front of them has entered the state of alert for the first time. Ye Tianxie stopped his footsteps and looked at the front. His lips were slightly open. Every word was as heavy as the Hong Zhong, which was heavily slammed into everyone's ears: "Tell everyone in Tianyu... I am a dragon... …came back!!"


These two words reverberated in Beitianmen for a long time, and did not dissipate for a long time, and apart from the voice from Ye Tianxie, the entire Beitianmen was caught in a dead silence due to these two words.

Xiaolong, this is a name that no one in Tiantian does not know. No one will forget the name even if it is over a hundred years. He was brave in the past, no one can, his merits of the year, the heroic spirit of the year... and the tragic death of that year, no one will forget. A hundred years ago, under the stagnation of the world, he destroyed the North Tianmen with the dragon soul and ended his life. The fierce battle, the memory of the trepidation, he took away 300,000 days. The soldiers of the domain will be the life. Everyone thought that he was dead, his body and soul were destroyed... But after a hundred years, he was once again brought back to the Tianyu, but it was already a waste. It is rumored that he was reborn through **** reincarnation, but after he was born again, he still could not avoid the end of death... Then, in the ceremony of the son of the Emperor of Heaven to inherit the divine inflammation, he brought up a secret of heaven... It is the son of the Emperor.

It is a pity that the dragon at that time once again exploded the dragon soul, only one way to die. It is said that the Emperor of Heaven later took him to ask for the goddess of Brahlin to seek the hope of letting him live. As for how, no one knows, the most rumor is that Xiaolong died, this time completely died, and the Emperor’s depression is also Proving this.

But at the moment, a person who claims to be a dragon is standing in front of them.

The man who rushed to the forefront and screamed at Ye Tianxie had been completely stupid because he saw the face of Ye Tianxie... the face that no one in Tiantian knew.

General Xiaolong - Long Tian! !

"Hey... General Dragon!" The soldiers of the Tianyu who stood in front of them were stiff and licked their lips in excitement. They completely subconsciously shouted out the names of the entire Tianyu and Mo Luo. In the past 100 years, who will forget the title of General Dragon? At one time, this was the most sacred name in the minds of all the soldiers of the Tianyu. The personal dragons who could enter him would be recognized as the greatest glory of the soldiers of the Tianyu. In the heart of the soldiers of the Tianyu, he is the true existence of the god.

Even in this situation, it is so close to the general of the dragon, the soldier of the Tianyu still has a dream-like feeling, and even the words have been said to be incomplete.

The eyes swept over the arrogant Tian Tian soldiers who had already been excited. Ye Tianxie sneered up: "I didn't understand my words? Oh, forget it, let me tell the whole Tiantian."

Ye Tianxie suddenly stepped forward, his head raised, his body golden glittering, a golden dragon soul clearly appeared on the back of Ye Tianxie, seeing the starry star of this scene flashing, the fastest The speed raised his hand and slammed his ear, while the purple light flashed on his body, shielding the body with purple light and isolating hearing. Her actions made the funeral day slightly puzzled, but also this moment, a burst of humming sound that was enough to make the heavens and the earth collapse, the roaring sound with the power of the dragon and the soul made his true God stunned. Of course, it was almost stunned.

"I am coming back!!!!"

"I am coming back!!!!"

"I am coming back!!!!"

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