Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1232: Creation king

At the moment when Baimang dissipated, the 160,000-day Tianjiang soldiers who had just arrived in less than a minute had completely disappeared. The traces of disappearance did not remain, as if the roots had not appeared, where they were. There is only one mega-meter that is nearly 10,000 meters wide and has no bottom. -_

None of the Tianyu soldiers in the south of Beitianmen survived. The glass days outside the Tiantianmen and the Tianyu soldiers survived the isolation of the North Tianmen, but all fell to the ground and were frightened. The Northern Tianmen, which has suffered such a force impact, has collapsed within a few hundred meters after the disappearance of white light.

"God anger" did not harm the three evils of Ye Tianxie. Instead, it ruined the tens of thousands of creatures and large tracts of land in Tianyu, and accelerated the destruction of Beitianmen.

"Oh, but it is." The funeral said coldly.

Bilu Huangquan returned to the hands of Star Glass in a flashing purple awn. Her shot, tens of thousands of lives were instantly annihilated, but her expression was indifferent, as if it was only a small amount. Things. Although she is gentle and amicable in front of Ye Tianxie, she is only limited to him. After all, she is the princess who has destroyed the Protoss. She has the most pure soul of destruction, and has no feeling for destroying the roots. Before 10,000 years ago, she lost many lives in the lost continent, and even she could not count. The annihilation of the soldiers of the hundreds of thousands of Tianyu will not cause any impact on her psychology.

"As soon as I ruined it, I don't want to wait for more than a second." No longer looking at the huge abyss created by the wrath of the wrath, Ye Tianxie regained his gaze and whispered. He has always been so eager to see the glass fairy again.

The moment of destiny was lifted high, and between the tremors, the surrounding earth elements gathered wildly. In a dozen seconds, one hit "the land of destiny" and the impact turned to the already crumbling North Tianmen.

The earth's turbulence, scattered rocks, and the entire Tiantianmen of the 300-meter range disappeared completely. With the power of the three of them, this tough wall that carries the power of the powerful powers of the tens of thousands of years will be completely destroyed in less than half an hour. After the door is extinguished, the pulse can be easily cut off, just as it is as simple as cutting a person's throat.

Under their increasingly violent attacks, the North Tianmen collapsed and collapsed faster and faster. The soldiers of the Tianyu who survived can only watch desperately, and the roots can't do anything.

The team’s footsteps are close again, apparently the second wave of reinforcements from Tianyu. Ye Tianxie glanced at him casually, slightly surprised, because this time, there are only a few 2,000 people on the scale. Immediately, his eyes suddenly became fierce, because he clearly saw the person at the forefront of the team...

Heavenly Emperor! !

Finally came... Ye Tianxie sneered, he stopped the attack, his hands clenched silently. He hates this person, hates it, and hates it.

But just... he is his own biological father! !

The sudden silence of Ye Tianxie caused the star glass and the funeral day to stop attacking. Star Glass came to Ye Tianxie and asked softly: "Brother, what happened?"

Ye Tianxie did not answer, his eyes staring at the team that was getting closer.

"Emperor... Emperor!" Li Tian also saw the arrival of the Emperor of Heaven, and his heart was shocked, and he feared that the power of Ye Tianxie and others would spread him. But seeing that they stopped the attack, he took a sigh of relief and quickly greeted the remaining Tianyu soldiers.

The bottomless abyss of up to 10,000 meters will allow the Tianyu soldiers to breathe in the air, and their legs will involuntarily tremble. On the edge of this huge abyss, the Emperor of Heaven stood silently for a little while, but did not show much reaction, but turned his gaze and slowly moved forward, and his steps seemed heavy and difficult.

When his gaze was enough to see the face of Ye Tianxie, he stopped his footsteps, his eyes only stayed for a short time on the funeral day and the starry glass, and then fell back to Ye Tianxie's face. For a long time, there was no opening.

Ye Tianxie's eyes glimpsed slightly, and the corner of his mouth sneered a sneer: "The Emperor of Heaven, I haven't seen it for a long time. I don't know this hundred years. Are you safe?"

The hazy eyes and eyes, the scornful voice and the demeanor reveal unmistaked his hatred and disdain for the Emperor. The Tiantian soldiers will change their looks. The dragon's hatred of the heavens is inevitable, and it must be the hatred of the bones. However, he and the Emperor are, after all,...

The Emperor still did not speak, but he looked at Ye Tianxie in a daze... As the Tiantian said, the present Emperor, and the majestic and stable Tiandi emperor known to Ye Tianxie, are completely different. Long, a hundred years, is just the extent that people like the Earth have grown up to five years old. But at that time, the celestial spirit of the Emperor looked like a little old man at this time. The original cold star’s eyes were deeply trapped, and even his hair and clothes presented a mess that had never been seen before. .

This year, he spent entirely in endless suffering.

"Oh, is it true that the Emperor of Heavenly Domains will not even talk about it? In those days, I was willing to protect the Tianyu and guard your Tiandi people to offer their own life. I did not expect that after a hundred years, it was in such a situation. Meet. Heavenly Emperor, you can remember the words that I said to you a hundred years ago before I died... I said, you better let me die, no longer die, otherwise, if I am still alive, I will let you regret it. Spend a lifetime!" The voice of Ye Tianxie became more and more low, and his eyes became more and more sullen: "So, today, are you making a special trip to die?"

Spending a lifetime in regret... The Emperor’s silent smirk, he has long been immersed in endless remorse, remorse and even thought about breaking his own.

"胤龙!" Li Tian finally couldn't hold his breath. He looked at the Emperor with a worried look and said: "It was indeed the fault of the emperor, but the Emperor also had his difficulties. Otherwise, he could not order it anymore. Kill your guardian dragon of this celestial domain. Perhaps, you don't want to listen to these reasons, thousands of mistakes are the fault of the emperor, but he is your biological father after all, the sacred inflammation attached to your body, all Tian Tian’s ministers have witnessed it. This is an ironclad fact. Why do you still have such hatred between father and son, why don’t you let the emperor make up for you in other ways.”

"Father? Father? Hahahaha!!" Ye Tianxie heard the world's best laughter, laughter, and sadness: "Oh, father, in Tianyu, My father is called Long Tian. He is a hero of heaven. He taught me to be a man, taught me to line up and control the military, and taught me how to grow my dragon power. Until now, I still remember every one he taught me. In a word. Just, when I was still young, he died in the war of guarding the heavens. My other father, Ye Qingying, is a businessman, a family who cares about himself and cares about himself. The ordinary father of the child, he never does bad things, has always been such a point, but in the end, but with my mother tragic death ..." Ye Tianxie looked up, staring at the Emperor: "It is dead In the hands of the person sent by this person!"

The body of the Emperor shook, and his eyes became more and more dim.

"It was this man who forced me to die in the past, forced Xianer to die, drove my mother Longce to be crazy, and let my sister Longxi alone and helpless, let Moer squatted for 28 years in Borneo, and finally died. Launching a **** reincarnation... Under the **** reincarnation of Moer’s life, I and Xianer are reborn on Earth. However, he still has not let us go. At the age of four, he killed my parents on earth. Kill my brother. If it wasn't my brother, I would have died. Later, I and Xianer were discovered. I got his killing. I was forced to explode the dragon soul. Xianer saved me but wanted Being blocked forever, let us be separated by heaven and earth... I have all the pains of all these two lives, all the sorrows are given by this person, you actually told me that he is my biological father!! Hahahaha, really heaven Big joke, the old general of the glass, you tell me, in this world, there will really be such a father who treats his own son!! Really have such a father!!"

Beside Ye Tianxie, the eyes of Star Glass gradually became colder, and their hands were pinched up a little. The purple eyes slowly filled the killing. A person who makes her favorite person so painful, even if he is really his father, she wants to tear his body.

"..." Ye Tianxie said every time, the face of Li Tian will be dimly lit, watching Ye Tianxie not have any warmth that should be revealed when facing his father, only the eyes of the bones, he Moved his lips, but he could no longer speak. Heavenly Emperor is his biological father. This is a fact, but this biological father has never done anything for him. Instead, he ruined him for a lifetime, and almost ruined his other world. He also indirectly killed and hurt the most concerned people around him. people. With the temperament of Xiaolong, he...how could he forgive this person, how could he admit that he is his father.

"You are coming, very good, then let you see with your own eyes, how did I cut off the lifeline of this Tianyu!! I think that time, your expression must be very exciting!!" Ye Tianxie's look began to appear Slightly distorted, he really wants to smash the corpse of the Emperor, but, this person is really his biological father, and he will never forget that his brother Ye Ya was leaving him when he left him. The last request issued...

All the hate was vented by him on the already-defunct Beitianmen. Ye Tianxie whispered, his body completely turned into gold, and he slammed into Beitianmen.

A loud sound, the ground cracked and the sky collapsed, and the entire Tiantianmen of the entire three-kilometer range collapsed completely. Ye Tianxie turned and sneered at the Emperor's provocation and contempt.

"You, want to cut off the four lifeblood of the Tianyu, right?" In the face of Ye Tianxie's cold eyes, the Emperor of Heaven slowly opened his mouth at this time, his voice hoarsely let Ye Tianxie slightly glimpse, this and his memory Zhongtian Emperor’s full-fledged voice is completely different.

"Yes!" Ye Tianxie laughed more and more. "I want to cut off all the lifeblood of your Tianyu. Only in this way can I bring back my fairy, and I can end the gap between heaven and earth because I have you." Your Tianyu is a life or death, a survival or a death, and it has nothing to do with me. This is your Tianyu... owe me!!"

"Fairy..." Emperor Tiandi whispered a low voice. He looked at Ye Tianxie with a daze, then slowly placed his hand on his chest. From there, he took off the one he had worn all the time. The chest is the symbol of the Emperor's soul, the symbol of each generation of the Emperor of Heaven, gently held in the palm of the hand. The Emperor of the Holy Spirit will only belong to every Heavenly Emperor, and no one knows what it does, except for the Emperor. At this time, the Emperor took it off and no one knew what he was going to do.

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