Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1242: Disaster demon

The white light is released from the gorgeous body, covering the body of every partner around you.夭夭 At present, the strongest Sanshen technique, “Spirit of the Light of the Spiritual Light”, “Light of the Roots”, and “The Roots of the Source” are all unreservedly blessed. There is a holy praying man, the strength of the four beasts is all raised to a class, there is a source of light, the strength has once again increased, there is a root barrier, within three minutes, there will be no power to hurt them.

"The fox of the mysterious spirit..." The sacred light made the creation king completely confirm the identity of the singer... In the later period of the war between the creation of the Protoss and the sacred gods, there was a well-known saying: If you can not destroy the mysterious Lingxue Fox, the wild gods can never be defeated. This is by no means an exaggeration, because there is a mysterious snow fox, and the ridiculousness under her ray is not only multiplying, but also almost equal to having an immortal body, unless their power is completely defeated, otherwise What a serious injury will heal quickly.

"Beckham!!" Ye Tianxie once again in the bottom of my heart, yelled.

Beckham: "..."

In the age of God, Beckham voluntarily signed a contract with the soul. Although after thousands of reincarnations, the spirit has not changed, and the soul of the deed is constant. Beckham is the only one of the four beasts that retains the memory of ancient times. Therefore, when she sees the blue spring in the hands of the funeral, she will lose control in her wrath. With the soul of the night, she can not feel his emotions and inner voice.

The last night of the year was the current Ye Tianxie... She is also among the four beasts, the only one knowing from the beginning.

In the shouts of Ye Tianxie, Beckham closed his eyes and infiltrated Ye Tianxie's emotions into his own heart, feeling his anger, resentment, and persistence and longing that would not change even if it was broken.

The anger of Ye Tianxie is her anger. The hatred of Ye Tianxie is her hatred. The attachment and longing of Ye Tianxie is her persistence and longing...

Let him anger, let him hate, stop his attachment and longing...

no matter who……

All will be torn with the most brutal force! ! ! !

The closed eyes of Beckham suddenly opened, and this moment, the dark space suddenly became calm, and the calmness was incomparably thorough, just like what invisible power suppressed all the things that can be turbulent, and completely frozen everything. Sealed the general. In the extreme silence, a horrible and completely indescribable breath suddenly spread, allowing everyone to start uncontrollable trepidation from the body to the heart.

"Beckham..." Ye Tianxie turned his head and looked at Beckham, feeling the terrible resentment that she suddenly released in her short silence.

"This...this is..." The **** of the creation king is also trembled. This is a breath of anger and resentment. The creation of the king of God is incomparably long in the world, but this life has never felt this way. Terrible anger. This resentment of anger and anger has oppressed his divine power, and all the space around him seems to be completely filled with this resentment and anger, and there is no other. And this breath is still expanding...

The eyes of the creation king of the king are fixed on the body of Beckham. The face of this lovely girl who was cute and innocent a few seconds ago presents a kind of awkwardness. The blue eyelids stared at him, the teeth bitten, the sharp cat claw gloves were fully open, the tip released a chilly light, the next moment, the blackness of the silk, suddenly from her body little by little overflow. With its white body, it shows a strong contrast, with more and more heavy, flooding the world, drowning all the resentment.

Black gas...

The terrible legend recorded in a creation **** suddenly appeared in the brain of the king of creation, and his appearance changed suddenly.

Don't let the nightmare beast anger, because when it is angry, it is the beginning of a nightmare. When the white nightmare's body rises and blacks up, it means that a god's life is coming to an end.

Is it... is it...

The dark mist slowly swayed from her body, slender white cat tail, two large and lovely white cat ears, thin snow silk covered with body, long snow white hair, big cat claw gloves Large cat claw shoes, as well as bare skin, white dazzling skin, all release amazing black gas. The blue eyes stared at him, and the turbulent anger of the waves swayed the heart of his creation king. Suddenly, the picture of his heart suddenly and coldly appeared in front of him... The black mist on Beckham stopped floating, and her blue eyes suddenly turned white in a flash of time - white without any impurities. . At the same time, a group of white light was released from Beckham's body, covering her entire body.

The eyes of the King of Creations suddenly widened. From birth until now, he never knew what it was fear. He even heard the sound of his soul beginning to tremble. He knows that he can no longer wait, his hands open quickly, and the invisible power spreads in the blink of an eye, covering his front, creating a small space blockade, and instantly blocking Ye Tianxie and others.

The root barrier of cockroaches can lock in vitality, but this kind of space-blocking root that does not cause damage cannot be resisted. At the moment when the space blockade was lowered, Ye Tianxie’s body was firmly blocked and could not be moved. With his remaining strength, he could not break free. His eyes turned and he saw that he, Kaka, and the ball were all blocked like himself. He was completely incapable of moving. Only Beckham, the space around her was filled with the power of her nightmare, and the space blockade could not be built.

Ye Tianxie slowly turned his gaze and finally landed on the ball. His eyes flashed and he bit his teeth slightly. He shouted in his heart: "The ball...the devil!!"

In the loud screams, the magical print on the right hand suddenly released the darkness of the limit to the limit.

As early as six months ago, the ball had the ability to change the devil, but Ye Tianxie never knew what the ball demon would become, because until now, he did not let the ball start the devil, because each time Thinking of the devil becoming three people, deep inside will give birth to an inexplicable sense of uneasiness, as if telling him that once the devil is launched, there is a possibility of irreparable and terrible consequences.

But now, what else can he care about?

At the moment when the magic prints blazed the black mans, the white body of the ball was instantly shrouded in black light, and the entire spherical body became completely dark. The black light lingers, as if the dull sorrow from **** is swaying in this dark space, infiltrating into everyone's heart. The body of the ball began a rapid transformation in this black mans and terrible squeak... The black body quickly expanded, the limbs and head stretched out from the body, rapidly forming, and the rear stretched out. It is like a dragon tail like a dark tail.

Five meters, ten meters, fifteen meters, twenty meters...

The body of the ball has grown to a height of more than 20 meters before it stops, and the body is completely formed at this moment. Ye Tianxie looked at this terrible giant creature, and his throat could not help but "snap".

This is a dark, dark, night-like behemoth with feet on the ground, with the legendary werewolf body and limbs. The whole body is covered with sharp black barbs, and each barb has released cold cold light, so that no soul can touch its body or even approach it. The long tail resembles a dragon tail, dragging straight to the ground, the head is stunned and terrifying, and a pair of dark eyes sparkle with terrible black awns. The huge mouth opened slightly, revealing the teeth of Senbai, above the teeth, a large number of mouths are flowing, slipping, as if to find something delicious prey, anxious to pounce on to bite to crush.

What it releases is a kind of evil to the extreme - the devil's breath!

Is this the devil of the ball?

A basketball-sized globular creature... but turned into a giant weird beast!


Ye Tianxie called out, but did not see any reaction from the ball. He glimpsed and quickly calmed down to explore his soul connection with the ball, and then suddenly discovered that the soul of the ball was extremely chaotic. status……

This state... is exactly the same as his burning of the affliction, the state of consciousness and timelessness.

For a moment, Ye Tiancai suddenly understood why it was extremely disturbing to think of the devil before changing the three words. Because once the ball is launched, it will be as conscious as it is to launch the plague. All actions are not controlled by oneself, and only the destruction of the heart can be done. The attack of the ball is a magical destruction of a large range. After turning into a demon, the magic will inevitably skyrocket. At that time, the ball will use all kinds of destruction magic in a crazy way, creating an unimaginable disaster, but it can't stop it. In the face of a powerful enemy, perhaps not yet able to take the enemy, he has been buried in the terrible attack of the ball.

"Disaster... Disaster Demon!!" The King of Creations took another breath.

The ball that turns into a demon **** releases a terrible sorrow, and there is no consciousness. It is not too much action to destroy in madness, but a small swaying limb, obviously struggling. Turning into a demon god, the power of the ball is soaring, but still can not immediately get rid of the powerful space blockade of the creation king. However, its huge body can already move slightly in this blockade, as long as it gives it enough time, it has a great chance of completely breaking free.

"A terrible demon **** changes." Ye Tianxie exclaimed in his heart. The devil's change of the ball is different from that of Beckham, which can be kept freely. After launching, it can only last for up to three minutes. However, the strength of the ball after the illusion is strong enough to the extent of the star-shaped glass, even if it is not, it is not far behind. This also means that after the ball devil is changed, some are the power of the gods! The state of the ball today is so powerful after the change of the devil, how terrible it is after the illusion of the ancient times, it is hard to imagine.

Feel the space turbulence in the struggle of the demon gods, listening to the terrible snoring of the ear. At this moment, the creation king finally remembered all the records about the beasts of the catastrophic, and his face changed greatly, and he released all his space power madly, and rushed to the position where the ball was. I did not hesitate to do my best to block it.

However, he was a little late for a short while.

Roar! ! ! ! ! ! !

At the time of his power surge, two incomparable rays of light flashed in the eyes of the demon gods, as if from the screams of the abyss, its body suddenly burst into the sky with a dazzling colored flame... ...

Ye Tianxie’s eyes suddenly widened.

Blue, red, green, purple, yellow, white, black...

That is……

The plague of inflammation! !

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