Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1249: The longest day of the earth

"Left brother, Qiu Shui, instant, ruthless, happy, Xiaojie... You can go quickly, otherwise, it is really too late. We wait until the evil spirits... Maybe we will be on another planet, there will be A day of gathering." Sophie whispered softly. None of them knows more about the terrible elemental robbery than she does. That is the destructive power that the true God can't resist. The area is full of dozens of times the earth's elements of the robbery, the earth in front of it without any trace of struggling strength, destroyed, can not be changed.

In the third month of Ye Tianxie’s departure, she regained all her memories and knew her own name...

Glass foam...

She is the biological sister of Xianer. When she saw the self-destructive dragon soul and died, she watched her sister's lyrics, then left Tianyu and begged for eighty years under the Brah, and finally started the blood with the daughter of Borne. After the reincarnation... After the reincarnation, she met him at the age of 19, and then stayed with him so persistently. She also finally understood what it was like to make her feel eager to get close to him... it was deeply attached to the depths of the soul, even though the reincarnation would not be worn away. She also knew where Ye Tianxie went and what to do.

For those who have died once, death is really not terrible. But she is with him across the cycle, she will never leave alone.

"You, don't you really go? Don't even be afraid... Don't you be afraid?" The left-handed army's lips twitched and repeated this sentence. I have heard it many times, and the voice is slow and slow.

"At least, I won't go. I will wait here for him and my sister to come back. I believe that he... will definitely come back safely with her sister and then take us away." Sophie smiled. She didn't know why she believed so firmly, but she was so simple to believe. Even the death did not separate them. She did not believe that their final gathering would be half a year ago.

"I will not go, I must wait for my brother to come back." Chen Xue is still so firm and shouting, so simply believe. She will never forget that her life was saved by her brother with her own blood. From her, her life, everything she belongs to him. If she can't wait for her, she will never leave alone.

The left-handed army’s hand is a little bit tight... This is not a game world that can resurrect after death. This is the earth. If they can’t wait for Ye Tianxie, they will not leave until tomorrow, then... they have only one result. It’s death... it’s death! ! Looking at these familiar friends in front of them, they are the closest people to his second brother. How could he really let them go and leave alone?

But the time left for him is really too little and too little.


The ringing phone was hanged by the left-wing army. Then, the mobile phone was thrown out by the left-handed army, and the squatting squatted on the ground and broke into several segments. He looked up and bit his teeth and said, "You don't leave, I don't leave!!"

"Left Big Brother, you..."

When the left-handed army looked up and interrupted Sufifi’s words, the words said: “I am not impulsive. Death is really terrible, but let me leave you alone to escape... I don’t want to be alive even if I am alive, even in the future. I met my second brother again, and I still have any face to face him. The husband has something to do, the earth is ruined, the countless people will die, how can I give up one's own friends, let me give up my friends, I feel It’s better to die together... What's more, hey, we don't necessarily die. You believe that the second brother will come back. What reason do I not believe? So many times, he didn't all come out at the last minute. Give us great surprises and unlimited hopes, this time, I believe the same will... I believe!!"

The left-handed army clenched his hands, his eyes became firm and hot... but there was no fear.

"You... really decided?" behind him, Murong Qiu said with a blank expression.

"Yes!" The left-handed army nodded hard. "I stayed, and waited for the second brother with them. I can't die together! I want to give up my friends, I can't do it."

"Oh..." Murong Qiu Shui laughed. He stroked his red lips and said in an understatement: "This is like a man, then you are staying. I have any reason to leave. You all believe in the second brother." Will come back, then I have any reason not to believe it."


The mobile phone was crushed by Murong Qiu Shui, and the ringing tone stopped. He turned his head and looked out. The image of his father and mother appeared in his heart, and then he slowly closed his eyes. In life, always make some of the craziest and most irrational decisions for your inner attachment and emotions, but no matter what the outcome, even if you regret and be right, you will never regret it.

"Oh, I heard you say this, how do I suddenly feel that it is not terrible to die? But then again, I and the number of times I have ruthlessly passed on the edge of death are countless. Maybe from very early At the beginning, we don’t know what is scared. Then, I will be stupid with your stupid people, waiting for the dear head here to give us hope and surprise again, from the sky, to dazzle him. The radiance of the light shines on me." Situ was walking to the middle of the left-wing army and Murong Qiu Shui, and said with a brow. With the current status of the Earth, staying is equal to waiting for tomorrow's death. Today, the spaceship is bound to set sail, because it will be too late to start tomorrow. Even if it can really wait for Ye Tianxie to come back, it will not change the fate... But there are so many women and men who are still at the expense of life. In the eyes of any normal person, this is an idiot to hopeless behavior. However, they still decided, still believe in no reason. He himself, why not?

Perhaps, this is the unparalleled charm of the person they are waiting for... or, invisible, they have been tightly connected by unstoppable shackles.

"I didn't plan to leave from the beginning. If I didn't meet him, I am just a walking dead with no feelings. So, before I waited for him, I wouldn't leave anyway." The wind said calmly. Then he patted Xiaojie's shoulder: "Xiaojie, we can be stubborn, only you can't, you are the youngest, less than 18 years old, with a huge family behind, so..."

"You don't leave, I will not leave!" After the wind has not finished, it has been interrupted by Ling Jie: "Become a member of the soul of the heavens, stand on the peak of the world in the debates of the countries, is my Ling The greatest glory of this life, these glory is that we get together, you are also friends that Lingjie will not give up in my life. Let you leave me alone to escape? I will not make such abandonment of friends. You are willing to wait for the evil spirit brother, why don't I wait. The poker face is quite right, the big evil brother will always give us hope and surprise, I believe... he will definitely come back, and then go with us!"


A slap in the palm of his hand patted Ling Jie's shoulder and straightened his sly teeth. Stubbs slammed Ling Jie's shoulder and said with a gratification. "Not bad, I didn't recognize you as a younger brother. , but... is the poker face also called by you, say it again! Call your brother, boy!"

"It hurts... I can't do it wrong..." Ling Jie quickly jumped open, rubbing his teeth on his shoulder.

Sophie Fei didn't talk, her mouth twitched slightly, looked up at the sky, and prayed silently in her heart... Heaven, there are us, so many of the most lovely friends are waiting for you to leave, you really will Don’t you come back?


at the same time……

The earthquake is still raging in countless corners. The volcanoes that have been silent for countless years are spraying magma in unscrupulously. The hot tropical areas are snowing all over the place. The glaciers in the north and south poles are under great pressure from where they came from. Being pushed into the deep ocean, the sound of the wind is more terrible than the devil's howling. The cloudless sky is flashing with lightning. The fire is inexplicable, the water is constantly changing the direction of the flow... People's common sense The four seasons have disappeared, and the cats and dogs don’t listen to the master’s orders anymore. The rats are no longer afraid of human beings. There are no directions running in the streets, and even so many mountain animals are setting foot in human habitation in fear. ... everything, everything is messed up.

When the sound of Mabao sounded in every corner of the world, everything was in complete confusion. The earth, also ushered in the most chaotic, longest day - because this may be the last day of the Earth's existence. On the last day, they are going to vent their hatred, do whatever they dare to do, or vent their anger. damage……

Above the distant sky, I don’t know when there were more than a dozen black figures, a few middle-aged, a few young people, and two young people who looked very light in their grades. They silently looked at the ground beneath the scabs. And the crowds who roar, laugh, scream, go crazy, and mad in panic... they are all silent.

"This is really... the sin of the greatness." Standing in the middle, the middle-aged man inlaid with blue-blue diamonds on the black robe made a long sigh. There is a deep sorrow in the voice.

"We are completely unintentional. I didn't expect that there are so many creatures in the outside world. Moreover, things that we are going to do unintentionally will be destroyed by ourselves." Another person shook his head and sighed helplessly.

"A group of inferior creatures will be destroyed when they are destroyed. Anyway, these creatures are only a hundred years old, and the chaotic space has already been everywhere." A young man with a blunt face said.

"That's the case...but don't forget the last few words left by the ancestors. Our sins are not too light, come back again, but suddenly they are carrying such sins... that's the whole integer billion Life!" The middle-aged man looked up and said with a sigh.

Everyone else was silent.

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