Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 126: Assassination

The protagonist turned a very n13 career, after n13? Of course it is gone! ! 】

So, I want to say, the next few days... tens of thousands of words, may make everyone very dissatisfied, because the hand is a little pumping, the urban plot did not stop for a while, so write more... Then I found out that I wrote the city really tm Have talent, do you say that I want to write a 13-stream city? 】

In short, I hope that everyone will bear with me, and a certain fire will continue to make up for it every day. As soon as possible, the city will step back into the game. But if the classmates like it, it will be perfect! 】

Sophie Fei never dared to go out alone. Since her mother died ten years ago, the shadow of fear was planted in her heart. From then on, she dreamed that she could have a protection for her so that she could really People who are no longer afraid are with her. Because she has experienced too many sinister risks, she has not been so trusting to the bodyguards around her, worrying that she will not be so lucky one day. In the days of Ye Tianxie's family, because she has seen his perverted strength, although she is tired every day, she is actually a kind of relaxedness that she has never had before. This kind of relaxed feeling makes her obsessed and greedy... And he also said that as long as she does not leave the house, even if the atomic bomb comes, it will not hurt her.

She believes that her eyes see everything that night, so she believes what he said, and believes in her father... can make her savvy father be willing to bid 300 million, and withdraw all the bodyguards, she still has What can be doubted and worried.

Therefore, under the reminder that Ye Tianxie seems to be joking, she knows that someone must stare at herself in secret, and then there are scenes that she has experienced countless times before. But this time, she was not surprised by the slightest fear, but she was faintly excited... Looking forward to what will happen next. It is precisely because such a scene has brought her many times of fear, so she is eager to see that such a crisis can be easily crushed in front of her, so that she can really wipe out the heart that has suppressed her for many years. Fear of shadows.

Ye Tianxie does not say that he is going out. For his own safety, Sophie Fei has been obedient these days and has never been out. Every day, every corner of the place is cleaned, just like setting up his new home.

Stepping out of the door, she whispered, greedily breathing the free and fresh air outside in excitement, and did not put any dangers that might arise in her heart. Since you have chosen, believe it, if you are still afraid, isn’t you too sorry for yourself?

"Wow! I have lived in your house for a long time, I only know that the air outside is so good, I don't know how you lived before." Sophie closed her eyes and did not forget to attack Ye Tianxie. Then I turned back and said, "Go and drive the car. Miss is going to have enough to play today... Who will make you angry with Missy."

Ye Tianxie walked over to her side and licked her forehead: "I don't have a car."

"Well? You live in such a villa, you will have no money to buy a car?" Sophie Fei looked surprised.

"I won't open." Ye Tianxie is embarrassed to tell the truth.

"Can't drive?" Sophie frowned and wrinkled her nose and muttered: "Really, it's so big, it won't drive, you are very rare."

"Really not." Ye Tianxie stressed again.

"What do you do when you usually go out?"

"Never go out."

Sophie Fei: "..."

Suofeifei, who was completely speechless, took out a burgundy compact mobile phone and dialed a number. Just turned on, she shouted in the voice of Missy: "Seven uncle, immediately drive my car over.... Which one? Anyway Which one, hurry up! Just where I live now... It’s very kind, otherwise let my dad buckle your salary!”

"啪" closes the mobile phone, and Sophie Fei rushes to Ye Tianxie to lick a lip, and scorns: "There is no car to say earlier, you will not want to miss the lady and you go to the city."

"You didn't ask... you can do public transportation." Ye Tianxie was innocent and excused.

"No, I heard that being a bus will be eaten by people."

Ye Tianxie couldn't help but look at Sufifi's long legs with a gaze. He had to admit... If you really do a bus, the full-fledged animals will know that they will be slapped and they will go to eat tofu.

Tianyuan Community is the most luxurious residential area in Jinghua City. Those who are qualified to live here are the richest people in the rich. And such a super-rich family will not have any idlers, money, for them is just a number, will not be lacking in a lifetime, but it does not mean that they will stop making money, they are not enjoying the expansion of assets, It is the process of making money and suppressing competition among peers. Also, it is reputation and fame.

Therefore, the Tianyuan Community is quieter than the ordinary residential area. At first glance, in addition to the security guards patrolling the community, the base does not see the shadow of people walking.

In the time of Sufifi and Ye Tianxie and other cars, a well-dressed suit. The hurrying man came over and saw Sophie Fei and Ye Tianxie standing outside. He approached quickly and asked: "Hello, please ask Villa No. 19..."

In an instant, he suddenly took a knife from the waist, but he slammed into Sufifi’s throat.

This is a professional killer. Before the shot, no matter how it is worn, expression, eyes, words and demeanor, people can't see a trace of flaws. At the same time, half of the words, others will pay attention to listening and will be subconsciously relaxed. Suddenly shot...


A dull sound, the killer who had just drawn a short knife was hit by a huge force. He made a sullen sigh, and the body flew out like a frustrated leaf. He flew out a distance of more than ten meters and rolled on the ground for a long time. After that, it stopped and there was no movement.

An ordinary person kicks another person's foot, but the effect is only to make the other person's pain, and block his movements. It’s not too much to see a person kicking a kick... And kicking a person so far away, I’m afraid it’s only seen in martial arts or science fiction movies.

Rao is Sophie Fei’s relationship with Ye Tianxie and is no longer afraid. When the killer suddenly stabbed the dagger, she was still horrified by the scary flower, and the killer stabbed the knife and was kicked by a kick. At the same time, she had just been scared of a cold sweat, and the man had already flown out.

The number of such things Sufifi has experienced is not as simple as once or twice. It has already had a certain tolerance. She patted the fierce and undulating chest, too lazy to look at the poor killer, looking up at Ye Tianxie, two bright beautiful eyes full of excited little stars: "Wow! Heavenly evil, you are amazing, all of a sudden Just hit people so far... Heaven evil? What happened to you?"

Ye Tianxie looked at his hand with a sly look, his face showing a dull look, as if he had seen something difficult or unbelievable.

I have just used less than two points of strength, so I just kicked a few meters away, why did I have such a big power... What happened? When does your own power surge to such an extent? But I have never noticed it.

Hearing the call of Sophie Fei, he glanced at the killer who didn't know how to live. He said: "They want to kill you? In your capacity, you should not have a life and death with anyone. What you have suffered Should it be a variety of kidnappings to coerce your father? Why are they killing you?"

In the cognition of Ye Tianxie, it is normal to frequently encounter kidnapping as Sufifi, because she has a super-rich father who will kidnap her for wealth and will also have competitors. She started to force Sulu to come to the van... But the killer’s shot just now clearly wants to directly ask Su Feifei’s life.

Why kill her? Killing her for some people's interests... Sophie Fei, she used to live in the environment that has been filled with this direct assassination?

Sufifi’s look revealed a deep sorrow and pain, but she was immediately covered up by her. She imagined laughing like she used to, but she thought she couldn’t laugh out when she came over these years. Said: "Do you think that... This kind of assassination I have experienced several times a month, I am used to it. My father is a heart-wrenching person. If he is not jealous, there will be no today. Many people are because of him. They are ruined, they have nothing, their wives are scattered... They have nothing to lose, they only have revenge, their revenge is concentrated on me, I want to die, let my dad suffer... and some of my so-called uncles Uncle, my dad only has one daughter. If he is not there, everything will only belong to me... and if I am dead, my father’s property will be attributed to those uncles and even mothers... or their descendants, so They have always been so hopeful that I will die. My father and I know clearly, but we can’t find evidence and flaws... You think, why do I feel so scared every day, why don’t you want to go to the skin? Live here... I still put everything down and hope to get your approval... I just want to get relaxed. If I can't regenerate this kind of shadow, I would rather have nothing. I would rather my father is just a normal worker. ”

Ye Tianxie was deeply touched and survived. She said that she was "surviving" rather than "life." Life is to live better. And survive... just to be alive.

The shadow of the soul and the scars of the soul were simultaneously opened in the complaint. Sophie’s voice was getting lower and lower. When she didn’t go too far, the eyes were already full. I was filled with water mist: “I don’t hate my father, but I hate it. I was born in such a family."

The experience of being small and large makes security more important to her than anything else. On that night, she saw Ye Tianxie use her body to block the bullets. When she blinked the four people who kidnapped her, she was eager to ignite in her heart... It was to stay with him and be protected by him. Longing. A desire that has not been experienced personally, and the roots will not understand.

These days in Ye Tianxie's family, although she has been tired, it is the most relaxed and comfortable time of her years. Moving from the first day to Ye Tianxie's home, she felt like she was in another world, a world that no longer had fear. Therefore, she is almost a kind of courtesy to him...

Ye Tianxie is also seen today with her own eyes, only to know how heavy she used to be in the shadows. g

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