Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 152: Life sanctions


"Run!" At this time, Ye Tianxie could not notice the change of her eyes. She quickly pulled her up. When she got up, a purple shadow suddenly slammed into a low scream. .

"Second brother!!" The left-handed army that has stopped its footsteps shouted out. As soon as the six-winged purple-winged Tiens was ready to launch the lightning-thunder collision, they had already rushed to run here. The number of terrorist damages brought by the lion's impact on Ye Tianxie made him tremble with fear... But what made him even more shocked was that Ye Tianxie did not die, but his blood tank was almost blank.

His vitality actually exceeded 2,500... Losing himself before him, he boasted that he had a thousand vitality... When thinking of this, the left-wing army really wants to find a pit to bury himself.

However, at this time, Ye Tianxie could not withstand the second collision, and he had just been knocked down to the ground, and there was a Sufifi on his body. It was impossible to avoid it...

A big bang, when the six-winged purple lion stepped into the front of Ye Tianxie who just got up, the huge shadow holding the shield flew like a hill, and the shield of the hand slammed into the six-winged purple lining. Stepping on the lion...

The shield's signature technique... the "big shield collision" that knocked the enemy away.


The huge roar contains a more powerful momentum, and there is a obsession with no fear of death. Of course, he knew that he was accidentally touched by this seemingly inconspicuous little lion... But he still hit it.

boom! !

The bronze shield smashed into the body of the small six-winged purple lion, and made a dull slamming sound. The body of the small six-winged purple lion was struck, and the direction of the impact suddenly shifted. Ye Tianxie’s body rushed over, and then he couldn’t stop it, and he planted it on the ground.

The left-breaking army took a long sigh of relief and raised Ye Tianxie: "Come on!"

When the small six-winged purple-winged Tiens climbed from the ground, Ye Tianxie had escaped ten meters away at the fastest speed, but still did not break away from its hatred. It screamed with a raging lion, madly chasing it up.

Perhaps because of the young reason, it does not move at a fast speed. Instead of pulling closer to them, it is pulled farther and farther. The hatred of the small six-winged purple-winged Tiens is fifty meters. Ye Tianxie, as long as they escaped 50 meters, they can safely use the back to the city to escape.

The beast of the fairy spirit... Ye Tianxie can't help but think of the words that Tianchen City said when he commissioned him to destroy the golden sword and lion beast. He mentioned in a less certain tone that the owner of the chain chamber of the Tianchen North Street was killed by a beast of the fairy spirit that should not appear... and the beast of the fairy spirit that should not appear, But it really appeared in front of his eyes.

The powerful Ye Tianxie of the Fairy Beast is finally a real experience today... Both vitality and attacking ability are more than ten times more than the boss of the same level, and the attacking skills are even more terrifying than imagined.

The beast of the fairy spirit is something the player can't resist. This sentence is not exaggerated. It’s just a 15-level juvenile beast, and it’s already terrible. It is rumored that there are two or three hundred beasts of the Faerie in the mainland, and each one is unacceptable to ordinary people. There are only a few dozen beasts in the sky, and the beasts of the gods are rare, only about ten. The beasts of the Holy Ghost, standing at the peak of power, are beyond human touch.

The beast of the fairy spirit is still so terrible, so the beast of the heavenly beast and the beast of the gods are more imaginable.

The four men have been rushing into the woods, pulling the small six-winged purple lions to the celestial distance of nearly forty meters, the feeling of the unsettled feeling of extreme danger has finally begun to ease, and just in To escape the hatred of this terrible little fairy, Ye Tianxie suddenly stopped.

His cessation also caused the other three to stop at the same time. The left-handed army wiped the cold sweat and asked: "Second brother, what happened... We left here first, and the little lion behind it was terrible."

"I was thinking, why should I escape." Ye Tianxie's look was surprisingly calm. He turned and looked at the small six-winged purple-winged Tiens that was quickly chased... Yes, why should he escape? ? When did I become so timid, I was forced to escape by a little lion...

Run away, he hates this word and never wants to touch the word.

"But the second brother, it is a fairy, it is impossible to fight!!" Zuo Bianjun said anxiously. With his understanding of Ye Tianxie, he naturally knows how much arrogance he has. He simply does not allow himself to be a party to be chased and run away. But if he goes to resist, facing the beast of the fairy, there is no possibility of even a little victory.

"Second brother, first avoiding avoidance, temporary avoidance is not cowardice, but tactics. After a while, let's kill it again... With the strength of the second brother, I believe that it will not take long." Murong Qiushui also rarely showed a face. Serious state.

"Heavenly evil." Sophie screamed his name and looked at him silently.

The small six-winged purple-winged Tiens is getting closer and closer, and Ye Tianxie raises his left hand, and his eyes become a narrow line.

"Blessings of Light!!"

A group of sacred white light spread from his teeth on the left hand of Ye Tianxie to his body, and his life value was restored to full value. When he looked up, a voice that surprised Murong Qiu Shui was in the ear. It sounded.

"Oh... you have been kicked out by the player ‘evil days’!”

"Hey? Second brother..."

Murong Qiu Shui and Zuo Bianjun simultaneously issued amazing voice, and they heard Ye Tianxie shouting: "Autumn water, attack me!"

Murong Qiu Shui a sigh, shoulders shrugged: "Oh! Dear brother, I think my ears may have problems..."

"Use double shots to attack me! Fast!" Ye Tianxie stared at the approaching small six-winged purple-winged Tiens, and the sound suddenly increased.

"Ah! Hey!" Murong Qiushui no longer hesitated, quickly raised the bow, two consecutive shots to Ye Tianxie's body. Although this is an incredible request, although he is extremely reluctant to attack him with his own weapons, he knows that Ye Tianxie is not a joke at this time, he must have his intentions.



Two consecutive shots took away the life value of Ye Tianxie 256. This number surprised Murong Qiu Shui and Zuo Bianjun again. Murong Qiu Shui's attack ability, both of them are well aware, but in Ye Tianxie only there is such a "poor" damage figure... a strong defense!

If they know that Ye Tianxie has deliberately removed the shoulders and leggings in order to take more damage, I don’t know what to think.

"Good! Stop!" Ye Tianxie uttered his voice and quickly reunited Murong Qiu Shui back into the ranks. He stared at his own life value, and his eyes flashed through a sudden, almost crazy light.

For the pride that he can't afford, even if it is a fairy, he has to... crazy once!

The small six-winged purple-winged Tiens has already rushed ten meters away, and Ye Tianxie’s body rushed out quickly. Before the small six-winged purple-winged Tiens launched an attack, the body turned into a fast-moving virtual shadow, a “Dragon Shadow "Hey, it’s hitting it... it’s not indecent!

The six-winged purple-winged Tiens that was hit was knocked out by the violent impact force, and fell heavily on the ground. Ye Tianxie quickly swung on it, and a common pass fell on it.


The defense of the small six-winged purple-winged Tiens did not go to a very outrageous level, only offsetting nearly 400 damage. The attack of Ye Tianxie was enough to break its defense. Ye Tianxie’s mouth twitched slightly. Before the small six-winged Zilin stepped on the Tiens, the fate of the moment was lifted up and flattened out... At that moment, the top of the fate was inlaid on the top of the blood feathers. The red light suddenly shook.

At the moment of destiny, the small and medium-winged six-winged purple stalks the body of the lion, and the scarlet ray is also integrated into the body of the small six-winged purple lion from the place where the sword touches its body. The scarlet light is with its body. Suddenly blasted for the center...



Not far away, that did not go away, even if the left-handed army and Murong Qiushui did not retreat when they saw this blood-red number, they could not believe their eyes completely...

Breaking the damage!

That turned out to be a million damage!

The first kill of the fate of seven kills, the blood of the blood from the feathers - ignore everything, can not resist, forcibly deprive 10% of the life of life sanctions!

"It seems that the second brother is not a temporary slap.... He has hidden a lot of terrible things on his body." Murong Qiuhui nodded and agreed.

The small six-winged purple-winged Tiens, who was greatly traumatized, finally stood up in the roar. The thunder and lightning shrouded its body. After a brief magical power, a purple light thundered from the sky and hit Ye Tianxie. body.

"The soul of the evil dragon!"

Ye Tianxie did not avoid it. In his low voice, the colorless flame boiled on the surface of his body. The wall of the dragon soul that could block everything in the world appeared around his body. He no longer scruples and rushes straight. The small six-winged purple-winged Tiens, the dragon-cracked scorpion has no mercy, and has no rest to the body.


The attack of Ye Tianxie is like a squally shower, and the shock effect attached to the dragon's splitting makes the small six-winged purple-winged Tiens a little bit repelled, and its attack also falls on Ye Tianxie without stopping. The layer is transparent above the reticle, but whether it is a collision, its claws, or its lightning bombardment, it disappears without a trace when it hits the wall of the soul, not only does it not cause any damage to Ye Tianxie. The damage, even the additional state of attachment such as flying, paralysis, did not have any effect on him.

The wall of the Dragon Soul is not only an attack for Ye Tianxie. At this time, even if a mountain falls from the sky, as long as the wall of the Dragon Soul does not disappear, then it can directly support the mountain. It does not really touch the body of Ye Tianxie.

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