Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 174: King of mercenaries


The ear is one of the most sensitive parts of the human body, regardless of gender. The simple fruit does not know at all what an enduring action it is. Although the touch from the little girl is very slight, it is like a current that spreads through every corner of the body of Ye Tianxie, which makes his body start a slight shudder.

"Okay, it doesn't hurt anymore." Ye Tianxie said this sentence with some difficulty. A feeling told him that the action of the fruit had a certain probability that he could get out of control.

The fruit looked up, rubbed his eyes, and then smiled smugly: "Oh, really no pain? Oh la la la! Fruit is really the smartest, the most intelligent, the master really does not hurt... ...hey! If the owner is hurting in the future, your cutest and most well-behaved fruit will make you not hurt."

Ye Tianxie’s heart was touched by the sorrows... This time I never knew the cleverness of what happened to me, and finally began to know how to pamper the master.

"That...the master..." The fruit fluttered in the face of Ye Tianxie, and the eyes of the water were squinting at him, and in a very pitiful gesture, she reported her final purpose of such a cleverness: If you want to eat fruit pudding today, and the sugary lemon juice made by Fifi’s sister... If the fruit is so obedient, the owner will promise the fruit, right?”

"...I know, let Fifi go and do it after the meeting." Ye Tianxie hardened his scalp and promised that the feeling that had just been born was ruthless. He has no way to refuse, otherwise, in the next second, he will be overwhelmed by the tears and poor crying of the fruit.

"Wow! The owner is the best! The fruit is the favorite owner! Oh la la la..."

The fruit is as excited as a dance, and the whole body twists around the body, and the happy cheers. Like many little girls who have not grown up, her current biggest hobby is eating.

Ye Tianxie cast his gaze on the golden ash that has not been moving in the middle.

Twelve silver eucalyptus trees have all been opened, and members of the twelve corporal mercenary groups have all been defeated by him. But the fruit and fruit have tossed for a little while, but there has been no other sounds and movements, and there is no sound. He thought that the golden coffin would open after defeating the twelve members of the heavenly spirit, and walk out of a final enemy... and this person, the tenth* is the head of the Soul Mercenary Corps - that is called The king of the mercenary.

Is it that the mission has been completed, and the goal of the mission - the mercenary king's relics are within the golden coffin? And the coffin, you need to open it yourself.

With slight consideration, Ye Tianxie used the potion to slowly restore his life to full value, while the cooling time of the tornado of the tornado was cleared, and he slowly walked toward the golden coffin.

And when his toes were five steps away from the golden coffin, the golden coffin suddenly opened automatically, and Ye Tianxie's footsteps came to an abrupt end.

A golden body slowly stood up from the coffin, and at the same time, a pressure that caused Ye Tianxie to suffocate almost immediately.

The gray face can't hide the fortitude of his death, and he can't conceal the sharpness of the blade in his eyes. This is a whole body golden stomach, right hand gold sword, left hand gold shield, just like an emperor man!

Ren Yiqing: 20-level lord boss, life 19500, was the head of the corpse mercenary group before his death, and was called the hero of the mercenary king by later generations. Because of the past with hatred, at the age of 27, he changed his name to "Sentimental" and established the Souls of Mercy. In the Soul Mercenary, his strength is not the strongest, but it is the core soul that supports and leads the Souls of Mercy to the peak. His momentum, courage, leadership and his wisdom. Zhonggan Yidan let the members of the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary Corps swear to him and never give up. In the battle of the Demon One hundred years ago, he and all the companions of the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary were bravely killed. Now they are possessed by the magic of the Tower of Destiny, which has produced a certain sense of enlightenment. The dead body carries A small part of the will and ability before life.

Talent: The body of the undead: The body that has died, all deaths are all invalid.

Skills: sprint, dragon fangs, broken moon break, tornado break, wind and broken moon.

Hidden skills: the glory of the mercenary king: special skills, the starting conditions are unknown, the effect is unknown.

Weakness: Fear of all light and life skills.

The information of this golden armor appeared in the brain, making Ye Tianxie amazed. After the two 20th-level bosses, the boss must be the ultimate enemy. The strength of the above two enemies, this time even if you have to face the 30-level lord boss, he is not surprised.

However, this body-famous golden armor, the head of the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary Corps is actually only a 20-level lord boss... and only one.

What makes Ye Tianxie even more surprised is the hidden skill information from the eyes of the evil dragon... The conditions of the launch are unknown and the effect is unknown. This is the first time he has encountered this situation. With the eyes of evil dragons, you can't learn the details of this skill... As you can imagine, this must be an extremely powerful or extremely special skill.

At the same time, what Ye Tianxie had to care about was that the front of the body was clearly a 20-level boss, but why the invisible pressure from him was more than that brought by the previous two 20-level bosses. heavy. This is not just the pressure from the other side, but also telling Ye Tianxie that the horrible degree of the enemy in front of us must exceed... and it is far more than the union of the soul of the previous Word and the soul of immovable.

The eyes with a sharp gaze turned to Ye Tianxie, and when Ye Tianxie was ready to launch an attack, suddenly a strong wind was approaching in front of him... The mercenary king who launched the "sprint" skill was like a golden lightning, from the moment Five steps outside the sprint to Ye Tianxie...

The golden sword suddenly magnified in the pupil, and the body of Ye Tianxie had already reacted in an instant, and quickly withdrew, while the fate of the moment was heavy...

The golden sword tip is almost pasted with the clothes in front of Ye Tianxie, and the dragon cracks that come from Ye Tianxie are heavily smashed on the mercenary king... The one-handed sword is generally better than the hands. The sword is lighter, and it is a little shorter than the two-handed sword, so that its attack distance is inferior to the two-handed sword. The length of the golden sword in the hands of the mercenary king is how to get the fate of Ye Tianxie’s hand. The step of Ye Tianxie’s step back is ingenious, as if the mercenary king attacked and launched the attack. He made an extremely accurate measurement of his golden length and arm length. His step of leaping just happened to make the mercenary king's attack fall, but his attack was hit hard.


Although the mercenary king also holds the sword and the shield at the same time, both the vitality and the defensive power are far less than the immovable soul. Obviously, it is not the defensive line, and his one is more powerful than a powerful pure attack. More focused on the unprecedented attack.

The mercenary king looks the same, stepping forward, stepping up the sword with one hand, and a "breaking moon break" as the head squats, the golden sword squats above, the golden mans flashes above the blade, carrying a mountain cracking The heavy pressure, only by that huge pressure, Ye Tianxue knows that the power of this skill is absolutely not the same, his eyes stare at the direction of Jianfeng, that is the moment he concentrates, the golden sword front in him The gaze seems to be very slow, his body naturally shifts, let the sword stick to his side, and at the same time the moment of fate rises instantly...


The broken moon breaks directly on the ground, and the powerful destructive force brings up a small piece of land, and at the same time, Ye Tianxie’s dragon cracks in the middle of his chest, and the bursting force attached to him The Bing Wang was shocked and stopped three steps in a row to stop the body.

Ye Tianxie rolled over in the process of his retreat, and the dragon cracked again on his body that had just stopped, repelling his body again... one, two, three, four... The frontal strike, the oblique strike, the sniper, and the cross strike... The situation was suddenly restrained by Ye Tianxie, and his dragon cracks continued to fall on the mercenary king. The shocking force attached to his body gradually reversed his body. Again, there is no chance to launch an attack...


Every time I fired a dragon crack, I stepped forward in the footsteps. When the ninth dragon cracked and smashed on the mercenary king, the heavy blow finally shook the mercenary Wang Hao and shook it to the ground. Life has also fallen by more than half in this continuous attack.

Hey you are sick, want your life... Ye Tianxie quickly jumped to the front of the mercenary king, holding up the fate of the high. In a short period of time, this mercenary king will kill more than half of his life without injury, but this did not let him despise and relax his vigilance. He never believed in his own feelings. The pressure brought by this golden mercenary king was really real, and the source was also the only uncertainty - the glory of the mercenary king. And this hidden skill, which must have powerful and special effects, will generally be launched when his life falls below a certain ratio, or when he is angry and desperate.

Although he is very interested in the effect of this skill, he will not be arrogant to deliberately try its power and effect, and a truly intelligent person will choose to not give him the opportunity to display this skill as much as possible.

and so……

"The heart of the brave!"

The silvery light flashed through the brave guards, and the fate of Ye Tianxie also swayed at this moment...

"The tornado hurricane is seven cracks!!"

The violent wind brought by Longli is madly rolled up, driving the fate of the moment to draw seven dark circles, crazy cutting to the body of the mercenary Wang Gang to stand up...


Gorgeous tornado, gorgeous sniper and gorgeous damage figures, the body of the mercenary king who was emptied of life was far out of the tornado's repulsive force, and fell heavily on the ground, clenching the golden sword and the golden shield. The body has no more sound.

Was awake from the brief vertigo that was produced after the "Tenjue hurricane seven cracks". Ye Tianxie looked at the golden body of the mercenary king... The head of this celestial mercenary group, resounding the commission of future generations In the hands of the soldiers, he was easily settled by him for more than ten seconds. Among them, this powerful mercenary king only shot twice, and had no chance to display his true combat power... because Ye The evil spirit did not give him time and opportunity.

Thirteen coffins are all open, and the last enemy has fallen. This mission should also end here.

However, looking at the body of the mercenary king, Ye Tianxie's frowning brow has not been relieved. The mercenary king died under his sword, and the blood trough was already blank. But the pressure from him did not disappear.

Not only did it not disappear, but it was in a vague expansion... that was the feeling of danger imminent!

Just then, the change suddenly dropped. On the quiet body of the mercenary king, suddenly a soft golden light flashed, and while the golden light flashed, the dimly lit space around it suddenly became bright... because with this golden awn, this space At the same time, there are twelve silver lights shining.

Silver-white light from the bodies of all members of the Soul Mercenary.

Among the glittering gold and silver rays, the fallen mercenary king, and his twelve partners, all died from the death... slowly stood up.

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