Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 18: you know too much!


In the wild, even a novice player will increase the sin value. If the active initiator of pk kills the other party, its own sin value is +1, and the other party does not increase the sin value when killing the opponent during the counterattack. The higher the sin value, the greater the death penalty. The sin value is automatically reduced, and it is automatically reduced every 5 hours in the wild. When the sin value exceeds 10 o'clock, it will be wanted by the guards of major cities. Once inside the city, it will be arrested and put into prison. In prison, the sin value will be reduced by 1 point per hour. At the same time, the value of sin can also be washed with money, but the money needed is not much more: 1000 gold coins erase a little sin.

Players below the age of 10 will not have the penalty of losing experience after the death, but will also drop equipment or even money. Ye Tianxie did not attack the shield guard in front of him, but the mistake of the footsteps. The side of the body rushed through the shield and the warrior, a jump, a sword swept toward the one that was throwing a magic bullet to him. Trainee magician, the length of the eternal destiny plus the length of the arm allows Ye Tianxie's ordinary attack to spread to a distance of two meters, the unprepared trainee magician just saw a shadow, it has felt a moment of tingling From the throat, a red number of "-196" floated on his head, instantly emptied his 90-point life, and slid his eyes to the ground.

Crit, it is a crit!

Spike! The pk of the novice village stage actually appeared spike! The remaining three people have taken a breath of cold air. If the player's strength is gradually opened in the later stage of the game, it is not unusual to have a spike between the players. However, in the novice village with the same starting point, there is a spike. Whoever sees it will not be able to believe his eyes first.

When they were shocked, Ye Tianxie’s attack followed, and a sword swept the trainee and trainee fighters at the same time. The two suddenly woke up like a dream, and also cast the only attack skill currently possessed to attack Ye Tianxie. body of. The nearly two hundred huge damage figures made them feel scared at this time, but the greedy desire in their hearts also increased in shock. This kind of attack intensity is already called "metamorphosis" in today's novice stage. There is no doubt that everything comes from the strange weapon that is absolutely extraordinary.

As if the attacking actions of the two men had been anticipated in advance, Ye Tianxie’s body slightly leaned back to a slightly small arc, and at the same time instantaneously recovered the fate of the moment, a two-handed sword and a one-handed sword almost at the same time. The thorn is in front of his chest, only a line from his chest, and the thrilling is like a sophisticated calculation. At the same time, a slender bow and arrow whizzed past the ear.

Exceeding the average number of times of reaction and perception, even if Ye Tianxie does not deliberately collapse, his body will spontaneously make an insensitive response to the attack, and the fate of Ye Tianxie Excavated again, two red figures floated on the heads of the two men. The life of the trainee was emptied, and the body turned into a white light and returned to the novice village. The red leaf iron wall was white, and he hurried back one step. His footsteps just moved, and Ye Tianxie had already deceived himself. A black shadow was magnified in the eye of the trainee, and then his ear rang. The tone of death.

The simple attack, the blink of an eye, and the two fell on the hands of Ye Tianxie. The trainee archer hiding behind the stone saw that he could only be alone for a few seconds. He stayed for a while. There, when he finally recovered and wanted to escape, Ye Tianxie’s figure was approaching him, and the giant weapon was kneeling down...


An incomparably exaggerated scream caused Ye Tianxie's attack to stop. The trainee archer had been scared and sat down on the ground. He said palely: "Rao me... Big brother spared me, I put All the equipment on your body is for you, don't kill me."

Such an exaggerated reaction made Ye Tianxie more interested, and said with a look: "You are afraid of death? I just saw that you shot very happy."

Under the tenth level, even if he dies, he will not be downgraded. Even if he is downgraded, he can only make up for it in half an hour with only three levels. He is not afraid of this level. However, this sad reminder of the Red Leaf League player in order to experience 100% of the real simulation when entering the game for the first time, it is very brainy to set the pain tolerance rate to 100%, Ye Tianxie’s hit will be for him. The real world has been smashed by the head. There is nothing different. He had regretted when he first entered the game, but fate did not have the opportunity to start from scratch...

Ye Tianxie was interested in observing his fearful expression, and the moment of his fate was slowly collected: "Well, I have always been a very compassionate person, although you have no words and no active attacks. I shouldn't kill it all the time... This is good, I ask you a question, if you can give me a satisfactory answer, I will let you go."

The trainee archer's face eased a few points and nodded in a hurry: "Thank you big brother...you ask, I know you must tell you."

"I am handsome?" Ye Tianxie gently stroked the fate of a moment with a finger, casually asked.

"Ah... handsome! Big brother, you are the most handsome person I have ever seen." The trainee archer nodded quickly, even if Ye Tianxie was a pig from the sky, he had to make his satisfaction with his conscience. The answer.


A black light fox was placed on the trainer's archer and brought a pig-like scream. Another spectacular crit number floats. After the scream, the body has turned into a white light, following his destined partners back to the novice village.

Ye Tianxie stood up and hid the vicissitudes of the gaze and looked at the lonely north. He sighed and said quietly: "You know too much."

Ye Tianxie walked to the body of the giant fierce wolf and picked up three bottles of recovered potions and scattered coins. When counting the number of these coins, Ye Tianxie couldn't help but be shocked... This Samsung boss actually broke out 50 copper plates, which is equivalent to Huaxia coins... It is a huge sum of five hairs!

Taking back the five-funded huge amount of backpacks, Ye Tianxie took out the three pieces of equipment that the giant fierce wore burst out and looked at the attributes:

Boots of fierce wolf: Class 5 steel, use requirements: melee occupation, boots made of giant fierce wolf skin, have certain flexibility, attributes: defense +5, moving speed +3.

Fierce Wolf Shoulder: Level 5 Steel, use requirements: melee occupation, shoulders made of giant fierce wolf skin, has a good defense ability, attributes: defense +10, power +2.

Fierce wolf knee pads: Class 5 steel, use requirements: melee occupation, knee pads made of giant fierce wolf skin, has a good defense ability, attributes: defense +8, physique +2.

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