Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 207: Shadow star soul


Looking at the elated, the fart and the fart to the face of Murong Qiu Shui's sly evil, the face of the shadow star soul revealed a rather evil smile, did not shout at him, slowly followed behind.

"This sister, are you a person leveling? Do you want to be together?"

Don't look at Xiao Xiaoxie in front of the shadow star soul, a very unscrupulous little follow-up image, but in front of the beauty, but immediately turned into a head-high chest, smiling, gentle-tempered temperament male, can make people very easy He has a good impression, at least not feeling bad. If his age is a little bigger, the smile should have more lethality.

I talked with a woman. This kind of pediatrics that have been done countless times is naturally a handful of evil. It has already passed the time of blushing and nervous, but unfortunately, he obviously found the wrong object this time.

Of course, to win the favor of a beautiful woman, it is not enough to rely on appearance and a few words. After the Xiaoxie said, his body had been "brushed" and replaced with a battle preparation - the standard assassin suit, followed by... A pair of silver daggers were taken out by him and held in his hand.

Silverware... At this stage, a player who can have a silver instrument is exactly the equivalent of a Rolls Royce in the real world... or a long version. When this dagger comes out, anyone will know the extraordinaryness of this young man. The self-confidence of Xiao Xiaoxie is also entirely from this dagger. He believes that the silverware will definitely let the beautiful woman in front of her eyes shine.

Murong Qiu Shui's eyes began to shine, he aimed at the small evil eyes, the mouth corner of a hook, the moment of the charming smile that made Xiao Xiaoxie dizzy, almost fainted on the ground.

"Yeah! Little brother, you actually have silver weapons."

The soft and radiant body made the body of Xiao Xiaoxie half-hearted, and a "little brother" made his other half body cry, but fortunately he was also a "master" and immediately remained calm and said: "A hand Silver instrument, nothing... You see, see that person? Is that my follow-up, under my guidance, it’s not bad, it’s the name, it’s called “桀影星魂”, now it’s stubborn Strongly ranked ninth in the rankings."

From the hundreds of millions of players to the top, what is the concept of the top ten in the ranking? In the eyes of ordinary people, you can be said to be a big man in the ranks. Since the opening of the ranking list, the Shadow Star Spirit has never been in the top ten. His name has long been remembered by the Chinese players. The Xiaoxie is quite savvy, and the homeopathic spirit has been brought in... And just happened, the shadow star soul is very high-key to show his name, others will see that he is the shadow star soul when he looks at his head.

"Sister, do you want me to call him a leveling? Well, this kid can't do anything else, the attack power is good, the whole China can also be a top ten... For my sister, my name is Xiaoxie. I haven't asked your name yet?" Xiao Xiaoxie has already seen the name of "Qiu Shui Yi Ren" on Murong Qiuqiu's head, but if you can let the beauty say his name, it will be a very successful start.

"Autumn water Yiren." Murong Qiu Shui smiled more charming, the voice has become more soft, and the heartbeat speed of Xiaoxie began to increase exponentially.

"Wow! Sister, your name is so beautiful, it is as beautiful as yours... Sister, do you have a boyfriend? If I can have a girlfriend like a sister, I will be happy and dead." According to Murong Qiushui More and more embarrassing smiles, experienced little embarrassed horses themselves should be to enter or should retire... So, choose the pursuit of progress, speed up.

"Oh, do you want to soak me?" Murong Qiu Shui stroked the metal bow in his hand, licking the peach eye, and the sound was like a cotton wool.

"Oh..." Xiaoxie did not expect that Murong Qiu Shui actually came up with such a direct counter-question, apparently bowed, and then immediately brought up some embarrassed look and said: "Sister, do you believe in love at first sight?"

At this time, the footsteps of the very slow shadows of the star spirit finally came over, just heard that Xiaoxie came to such a sentence, almost hit the ground.

The smile on Murong Qiu Shui's face disappeared, and she suddenly changed from a charming beauty to a serious glamorous beauty. The change quickly made me feel awkward in the small evil spirits. Murong Qiu Shui was serious and said with a strong heart: "Little Basin Friends It’s a great and beautiful sport, but it’s not right to get a foundation in underage. Your task now is to study hard, go up every day, and strive to be the best flower in the future of the motherland. Do you know?”

It’s awkward in the blue sky... Xiao Xiao is directly stupid there.

The soft and soft voice disappeared, and the one that passed to the ear was a serious, square, full-bodied, very magnetic-man voice.

Murong Qiu Shui's voice is also yin and yang, when he is yin, he can still be a woman than a woman. When he is yang, he will fully reveal the rough voice of the man. It seems to be a strange ability that he naturally possesses with his looks and gender.

"You, you, you, you..." Xiaoxie took a step back and his body was hairy. He didn't say the following words for a long time. The huge gap directly beat the poor boy.

Murong Qiu Shui did not care about him again. He installed the star spirit of desperately stunned and laughed. He asked lazily: "Hey, today's weather is good. Counting it, we haven't seen it for some time. At that time, the young boy, It has also begun to become more and more masculine. It’s really a slap in the face. In fact, it seems that it’s not bad to do it occasionally.” After that, the corner of the eye is hooked, and the rippling autumn wave goes straight to the shadow star.

The shadow star spirit is tight all over the body, and he can't help but step back two steps. Even the cold sweat on the back comes out... After a few years, the lethality of this person has reached the level of "terror".

He did not trace the cold sweat on his forehead, and opened the subject at the fastest speed: "Mu Rong brother, three years are gone, you are still the same, haha, haha, hahahaha..."

The shadow star soul laughed a few times, and immediately felt that his laughter was too far-fetched and dry, and he was closed.

"The grown-up boy, three years ago, you have begun to make me interested. Some of you now, I am more interested. It is really surprising. Lingjia, there are two people who have stepped into the rank of the evil. List, can't do it well... You are as good as your unforgettable and hateful brother." Murong Qiuqi said slowly.

He said casually, very nutritious words, but inadvertently caused the excitement of the shadow star soul, he frowned, a three-point voice blurted out: "I am stronger than him!"

“Hey?” Murong Qiu Shui looked at him with interest.

"Look at it, I will be stronger than him... It will be far better than far away!!" It seems that something has been touched, and the shadow of the star spirit is condensed, and the sound is like iron. At the age of sixteen, there is a resolute and resoluteness that is inconsistent with the youth.

"What do you rely on to be better than him? Even on the current rankings, you are still under him." Murong Qiu Shui raised a brow and said that he suddenly found something fun.

"Oh... I want to prove to him that I can be stronger than him... Even if I don't join them in the so-called inexhaustible reincarnation, I will act alone...will be better than him!!"

After that, he suddenly realized that he had said that he had missed his mouth, and his face was still stiff, but he had already said nothing.

Do not destroy the reincarnation... Murong Qiu Shui remembered the name. Well, interesting name.

桀影星魂... His real name is Ling Jie, a sword Lingyun - the brother of Lingjia Lingyun.

"Two...two less, you, you, you...you know?" The little evil was stuttering, and the heart did not recover from the huge blow just now. It is now estimated that it has broken apart one after another. ... at first sight, rushing to go up and brainstorming, the beauty of the beautiful woman turned out to be a man...

There is something bigger than this in this world.

The shadow star spirit gloated to see the look of Xiaoxie’s look, and immediately adjusted his expression to normal state. He took a pity on his shoulder: “Xiaoxie, as your young master, I have already reminded me very seriously. You, don't blame me... Yes, he is a man who has been changed like an arrow. It is the one I often tell you... Well, Murong Qiu Shui of Jinghua Murong."

Murong Qiu Shui... 晏小邪 will recite this name that is quite familiar to me. After a short while, I remembered the name of the person who represented this name. The face changed is called a wonderful one - rumor, he is longer than a woman. Still woman, rumor, he is a murderer who will laugh while killing people. It is rumored that when he dismembered the body without hesitation in the face of countless people, the smile on his face was even more terrible than the devil. ...

I just ran to talk to this fascinating devil, and I was bragging about it in front of him... I thought of it, I was cold in the little evil heart, I was convulsed, and I was ashamed to dig a hole and put myself in the air. I have buried it.

"Mu Rong's brother has encountered many of the same things in these years, and will not blame you. However, Xiaoxie, you can listen to the instructions of the young master and act again in the future. Do you understand?" Said Xiao Xiaoxie’s shoulder.

Xiao Xiaoxie cried and said: "Yes...Yes... I must listen to the young masters in the future... That, Master Murong, just really..."

Murong Qiu Shui looked up at the sky: "Today's weather is against my mood, it's awful... Juvenile, go ahead and pursue your goals and roads. Oh, boy, let me tell you where your current goal is. Maybe, my wisdom that makes everyone sorrow will give you help and guidance."

The shadow star soul secretly whispered and said: "To say what I want to do now is, of course, to join the mysterious evil spirits to form the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary. The strong must have strong reasons, I am very angry with that evil day. Interested. Moreover, now everyone knows that joining the Soul Mercenary Corps means improving the strength, which will allow me to surpass Lingyun in the shortest time!!"

Murong Qiu Shui nodded his chin: "This, I can't help you, but the person behind you may be able to help you, I wish you good luck."

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